red dead redemption xbox 360 коды чит
Чит-коды Red Dead Redemption 2
В Red Dead Redemption 2 ввод чит кодов осуществляется довольно необычно. Всего известно 37 чит-кодов. На этой странице собрана информация о том, как пользоваться кодами в игре и разблокировать их.
Чит-коды состоят из фраз, которые нужно вводить один раз в меню игры, некоторые фразы нужно будет искать. Как только вы введете код в Red Dead Redemption 2 будет заблокировано сохранение игры, а также, получение достижений и трофеев
Как разблокировать коды?
Для использования читов вам необходимо отыскать специальные фразы, спрятанные по всему миру RDR 2. Основная часть находится в разных газетах, по ходу прохождения скупайте все газеты в игре. Некоторые фразы находятся только в определённых номерах, так же коды находятся на других предметах в игре, например, на стенах зданий, надписи на шкафах, на досках развалин и на льду. Так что внимательно рассматривайте надписи на различных предметах и поверхностях.
Как использовать чит-коды:
Для активации найденного чит-кода зайдите в меню паузы и нажмите треугольник (на PS 4) или Y (Xbox), введите найденную фразу и чит появится в списке (регистр букв не имеет значение, главное ввести без ошибок и со всеми запятыми). Что бы коды был всегда в этом меню, не забудьте сохраниться. Для ввода некоторых чит-кодов требуется предмет на котором написана нужная фраза.
Введя код в меню, вы сможете включать или выключать его. Рекомендуем вам создать новое сохранение с чит-кодами во избежание повреждения основного прохождения.
Список кодов:
YOU FLOURISH BEFORE YOU DIE – восстанавливает здоровье, выносливость и “Мёртвый глаз” на максимум
YOU SEEK MORE THAN THE WORLD OFFERS – восстанавливает и укрепляет здоровье, выносливость и “Мёртвый глаз”
Требуется газета New Hanover Gazette No. 36, можно купить её после завершения миссии The King’s Son (6 глава).
SEEK ALL THE BOUNTY OF THIS PLACE – увеличить уровень здоровья, выносливости и Меткий глаз
THE LUCKY BE STRONG EVERMORE – бесконечная выносливость
Требуется газета Blackwater Ledger No. 68, можно купить её после завершения миссии Dear Uncle Tacitus (5 глава).
VIRTUE UNEARNED IS NOT VIRTUE – максимальный уровень чести
Требуется газета Blackwater Ledger No. 67, можно купить её после завершения миссии Urban Pleasures (4 глава).
BALANCE. ALL IS BALANCE – средний уровень чести
YOU REVEL IN YOUR DISGRACE, I SEE – минимальный уровень чести
GUIDE ME BETTER – «Меткий глаз» 1 уровня
MAKE ME BETTER – «Меткий глаз» 2 уровня
I SHALL BE BETTER – «Меткий глаз» 3 уровня
I STILL SEEK MORE – «Меткий глаз» 4 уровня
I SEEK AND I FIND – «Меткий глаз» 5 уровня
BE GREEDY ONLY FOR FORESIGHT – бесконечный Меткий глаз
A FOOL ON COMMAND – алкогольное опьянение
EAT OF KNOWLEDGE – все рецепты становятся доступны
VANITY. ALL IS VANITY – вся одежда доступна в гардеробе
YOU WANT PUNISHMENT – увеличить уровень розыска
YOU WANT FREEDOM – уменьшить уровень розыска
MY KINGDOM IS A HORSE – увеличить уровень доверия лошади
YOU WANT EVERYONE TO GO AWAY – убирает уровень розыска и награду за голову во всём мире
BETTER THAN MY DOG – лошадь придёт с любого расстояния
YOU LONG FOR SIGHT AND SEE NOTHING – открывает всю карту сразу
Требуется газета Blackwater Ledger No. 66 или New Hanover Gazette No. 31, продаётся только после миссии Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern (3 глава).
SHARE – открыта все улучшения лагеря, увеличиваются до максимума все запасы
Требуется газета New Hanover Gazette No. 27, можно купить её во время прохождения 1 главы.
RUN! RUN! RUN! – скаковая лошадь
YOU WANT MORE THAN YOU HAVE – превосходная лошадь
YOU WANT SOMETHING NEW – случайная лошадь
WOULD YOU BE HAPPIER AS A CLOWN? – цирковая повозка
Требуется газета Blackwater Ledger No. 73, можно купить её во время завершения эпилога (2 часть).
Red Dead Redemption: Коды
Читы вводить в меню «cheats»
Для раскрытия всех точек на карте
Убирает награду за вашу голову.
Спавнит лошадь рядом с вами.
Лошадь не устаёт.
Стать никем(видимо нейтрализует карму)
Включить фильтр «Сепия»(тот что появляется при использовании «Dead Eye»)
Только сохранятся нельзя
Безпонтовые читы =) не, не то что я читы не люблю. они просто работают безпонтово =) включил бессмертие чтобы побегать и по ржать закидывая всех и вся динамитом, а то гаму прошел и скучно иногда становится просто так гонять по миру =) ну вот. вроде как бессмертен но умираю, бесконечный дохлый глаз бесконечен но надо постоянно включать =) На ПС3 не робит =) ща введу себе вечно пьяного и повозку =) буду делать Древне техаское ДТП =)(
ass-ass-in-83 Не, бесмертие работает но как то через раз, то оно остаёться, то оно само выключаеться кароче странная хрень
Первый xD Жаль R* не сделали читов на костюмы.
Когда чит ввёл он остаётся в меню ЧИТЫ как в ГТА4?
почему когда я выбераю ЧИТ на костюм игра не сохраняется
Игра вышла на ПК или только на консолях?
Только на консолях.
Я иногда балуюсь с читами, например перестрелку устраиваю, а потом загружаю сохранение.
Мне понравился чит “OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON”,он делает из Джона Джека.
Become A Nobody Enter: HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Decrease The Bounty Enter: THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Diplomatic Immunity To remove your wanted level, enter: I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Spawn A Horse Enter: BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Enable Sepia Filter Enter: THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Jack Attack Change John into Jack, enter: OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Lewis And Clark To unlock all areas, enter: YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Infinite Horse Stamina Enter: MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Unlock Suit Enter: DON’T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Invincibility Enter: HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Infinite Dead Eye Enter: I DON’T UNDERSTAND IMNFINITY Submitted by: JeffnStuff Added: 20 May 2010 Report this code as: A Hint or Unlockable | Broken Unlimited Ammo Enter: ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE
как чит отменить,я терь сохранятся не могу.
Чит-коды Red Dead Redemption / Чит-коды
Устали проходить сюжетную кампанию и хотите вдоволь порезвиться на просторах Дикого Запада? На данной странице мы собрали все известные чит-коды Red Dead Redemption для всех платформ: PS3, PS4/Xbox One.
Обратите внимание: активация чит-кодов происходит в меню игры (вкладка «Options»/«Cheats»). Вводить текст можно как маленькими, так и большими буквами, но обязательно нужно учитывать пунктуацию при вводе кода.
В 2014 году официально перестал действовать известный в прошлом сервис GameSpy, что привело к отключению ряда возможностей в Rockstar Social Club, в числе которых и специальные чит-коды за прохождения заданий и т.п.
В течении месяца после закрытия GameSpy Rockstar Games выпустили бесплатный патч, который разблокировал данные чит-коды для всех игроков, без надобности проходить испытания и привязывать свой аккаунт к RSC. Для их активации просто перейдите во вкладку «Options»/«Cheats» в игре и включите нужный вам код.
Мы не призываем вас портить ваше игровое впечатление от игры, поэтому советуем воздержаться от использования чит-кодов во время миссий Red Dead Redemption, чтобы вам же было интереснее. Зато после прохождения сюжетной кампании вы можете устроить настоящий хаос на просторах Дикого Запада, используя представленные ниже коды.
Коды для Red Dead Redemption. Коды для Red Dead Redemption Red dead redemption коды на xbox 360
Время на чтение: 11 минут
* Коды хитростей для PlayStation 3 (PS3) и X-Box 360.
Когда Вы покупаете газету, всегда проверяйте «подвал» первой полосы (в нижней правой части первой страницы газеты) на наличие кодов. Кроме того, коды могут встречаться и на других полосах газеты.
Введите следующие коды, чтобы активировать соответствующие чит-опции. Сообщение подтвердит правильность ввода кода.
Обратите внимание! Активирование кодов хитростей приводит к отключению возможности сохранения игры и не позволит открывать трофеи и достижения.
Get the latest Red Dead Redemption cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360).!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Red Dead Redemption.
Early Access To Mexico
How To Keep Bandit»s Off You When You»re Taking A Bounty To Jail
When the bandit»s are chasing you»re tale, you hogtie one of them and drag him until he dies. If he dies before you get to Jail: hogtie one of the bandits in the next group that chases you and drag again.
How To Beat Bonnie In Racing.
You can beat Bonnie by going hunting before you do the mission. Then once you are done hunting, go to the store and sell all of your stuff. Then go to the doc and buy horse pills. Then you will beat bonnie in no time. WARNING: The side effect is that your horse will have a thing as small as a mouse.
Easy Way To Get A Headshot
First you have to go to the barn and kill a farmer then climb up the two ladders then walk to the farthest corner and pull out a rifle and when the police climb up the ladder a shoot them right in the head.
Treasure Hunting
(All treasure is covered in a pile of rocks) The first treasure is in cholla springs, by the hanging rock. Explore the north side of the rock. Its located near the base of the largest rock. 2nd one is at by Del Lobo rock. If you follow the path to it, you come upon a campsite, go over the gap like on the map. Go slowly down the cliffs (not all the way). Its on the steep on. The 3rd one is at tumbleweed»s mansion up on the hill. On the outside there is a cellar (west side), go down there. First go straight ahead. When facing wall, turn right. Up on the wall is a animal skull mounted above the treasure. The next one is at Rio del toro, Go to the trees of skulls. Head toward the river. It is at the second stone wall on the river side. (after this you can ride stagecoaches for free!) Next one is at crooked toes rock in mexico. Climb it on the left side of where the little cave that has the treasure. The next is at Ojo Del Diablo that has the huge rock arch (south of Chuparosa). If you look at it on the north side, it should be on a ledge on the left side. Next is at Roca de madera, you should find big rock structures. There»s a path that goes up and over the rocks. Look on your left on the ledges and follow. It should be all the at the end of it. The other one is East of beechers hope (your house). There should be a unique looking tree along side of the road, it has stone edges around it. The treasure is around the tree. The last one is north of Manzanita post follow the path north of tall trees. Then there is a path that has a winding curves to it, follow it. (Nekoti Rock) When you reach it head north until you find a small cave. Go inside. The treasure is inside. Now you satchel is increased. Your gold are worth a lot at stores too!
Kill Seth
If you have undead nightmare, you can actually kill Seth. When you first meet him with Moses, walk away from the house and shoot the hanging lantern. Seth will start running around on fire and Moses will creep towards you. Finally, give Seth some payback.
Gun Set 2
Unlimited Ammo
Infinite Dead Eye
Makes You Run Really Fast
Go to the cheats menu and put in IT COMES ALL WITH THE LORD HIMSELF.
Lewis And Clark
To unlock all areas, enter: YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES
Gun Set 1
Super Famous
Unlimited Horse Stamina
Jack Attack
This changes John into Jack (John»s son)
Good Reputation
All Cheat Codes (Video)
Diplomatic Immunity
To remove your wanted level, enter: I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM
Spawn A Horse
Army And Bureau Uniforms
Unlock Treasure Hunter Outfit
Become Permanently Drunk
Decrease The Bounty
Shap Dressed Man
Unlock the suit by entering: DON’T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY
Spawn A Coach
Become A Nobody
Turn On Sepia Filter
Full Cheat List
In the cheat section of the options enter THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU!
Become Permanely Drunk
Funny Glitch
When you get in to black water (or if you use the cheat) the red building across the train station climb up on it turn to your right, and jump from the red building to the next, if done correctly then you should see John trip on to that building.
Secret Achievements
Achievement List
Чит-коды для Red Dead Redemption позволяют игроку получить доступ сразу ко всем ресурсам и возможностям. После активации кодов для Red Dead Redemption вы лишаетесь:
Как вводить и использовать чит-коды в Red Dead Redemption
Для добавления новых читов, перейдите в меню опций игры и выберите опцию “Коды “. Затем нажмите “треугольник” (PS3) или “Y” (Xbox 360) и введите чит/код фразу (указанные ниже).
Некоторые читы и могут быть найдены в нижнем углу газет в игре или они написаны на стенах уверен. Другие коды становятся доступными после успешного связывания Xbox Live или PSN аккаунтов в Rockstar Social Club.
Примечание: Коды не чувствительны к регистру, писать их можно как с маленькими буквами, так и с большими. Знаки препинания в кодах важны. Кроме того, некоторые читы могут работать только на PS3.
Red dead redemption xbox 360 коды чит
Go to the options menu, and select the «Cheats» option. Then, press Y, and enter one of the following cheat code phrases to activate the corresponding cheat option. Note: Enabling a code will permanently prevent the game from being saved and achievements from being earned.
Enter «YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES» as a code phrase to unlock all areas.
Enter «HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK» as a code phrase.
Enter «I DON’T UNDERSTAND IMNFINITY» as a code phrase.
Enter «ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE» as a code phrase.
Enter «IT’S MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT» as a code phrase to unlock some weapons.
Enter «I’M AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS» as a code phrase to get the buffalo rifle, sawed-off shotgun, semi-auto pistol, Schofield revolver, Winchester repeater, and fire bottle x3.
Enter «THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE» as a code phrase.
Enter «I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM» as a code phrase. You will now have no bounty/wanted level.
Enter «IT AINT PRIDE. IT’S HONOR» as a code phrase to have a good reputation.
Enter «I AM ONE OF THEM FAMOUS FELLAS» as a code phrase to become famous.
Enter «NOW WHO PUT THAT THERE?» as a code phrase to spawn a coach.
Enter «BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER» as a code phrase to spawn a horse.
Infinite Horse Stamina
Enter «MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES» as a code phrase.
Enter «YOU THINK YOU TOUGH, MISTER?» as a code phrase to unlock the Treasure Hunter Outfit.
Enter «I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM» as a code phrase to unlock the Bureau Uniform, U.S. Army Uniform, and U.S. Marshal Uniform.
Enter «DON’T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY» as a code phrase to unlock the Gentlemen’s Suit.
Enter «OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON» as a code phrase to change John into Jack, John’s son.
Enter «HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD» as a code phrase to become a nobody.
Enter «I’M DRUNK AS A SKUNK AND TWICE AS SMELLY» as a code phrase to become drunk.
Enter «THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS» as a code phrase to enable the Sepia filter.
Create an account at the Rockstar Games Social Club, and link it to your Xbox Live account to unlock the following cheats:
Name | Result |
Bad Guy | Grant yourself the lowest honor |
Change Weather | Cycle through the weather |
Dead-Eye Level 1 | Reset your Dead Eye to Level 1 |
Dead-Eye Level 2 | Reset your Dead Eye to Level 2 |
Donkey Rider | Spawns a donkey to ride |
Increase Bounty | Immediately raise your bounty |
So-So Guy | Give yourself a neutral honor |
Additionally, the following cheats can be unlocked by completing Social Club Challenges after you have created an account:
Name | Result | Challenge |
Beastmaster | Tame wild animals | Legendary Marksman |
Clear Bounty | Clear any bounty accumulated | Twin Rocks |
Dead-Eye Level 3 | Reset Dead Eye to Level 3 | Fort Mercer |
Every Shot Counts | One hit kill for everyone | Solomon’s Folly (PlayStation 3 exclusive) |
Gun Set 3 | Dynamite, Double-action Revolver, Rolling Block Rifle, Henry Repeater, Pump-action Shotgun, and High Power Pistol | Gaptooth Breach |
Gun Set 4 | Mauser Pistol, LeMat Revolver, Throwing Knifes, Bolt Action Rifle, Evans Repeater, Carcano Rifle, and Semi-auto Shotgun | Tumbleweed |
Guns Blazing | Your shots have a chance to set enemies on fire | Pike’s Basin |
Punch Out | Knock enemies out with one punch | Blackwater |
Right To Bear Arms | All civilians armed with a weapon | Tesoro Azul |
Rise Up | All civilians have weapons and often attack | Nosalida |
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon:
- Lasso: Obtained during the «Wild Horses, Tamped Passions» mission.
- Dynamite: Obtained during the «Father Abraham» mission. It will then be for sale at various stores. Fire Bottle: Obtained during the «The Demon Drink» mission. It will then be for sale at various stores. Throwing Knife: Obtained during the «The Great Mexican Train Robbery». It will then be for sale at various stores.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:
- Dead Eye refills faster: Reach Sharpshooter Rank 10. Double consumables capacity: Reach Treasure Hunter Rank 10. Double Survivalist map duration: Reach Survivalist Rank 5. Free stagecoaches: Reach Treasure Hunter Rank 5. Get tonic when harvesting herbs: Reach Survivalist Rank 10. Increased Dead Eye Level 1: Reach Master Hunter Rank 10. Increased Dead Eye Level 2: Reach Sharpshooter Rank 5. Increased Dead Eye Level 3: Reach Rank 10 in all Ambient challenges.
Reach the indicated rank in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding weapon and/or mount. Note: The Legendary mounts require you to reach level 50, and then keep playing in Legendary mode back at level 1 and reach level 50 again the indicated number of times.
- Weapon: Cattleman Revolver, Knife Mount: El Señor
- Weapon: Repeater Carbine
- Weapon: Throwing Knife
- Mount: Lusitano Nag
- Weapon: Volcanic Pistol
- Weapon: Winchester Repeater Mount: Turkmen
- Weapon: Schofield Revolver
- Weapon: Pump Action Shotgun Mount: Cleveland Bay (Legendary 1 to 4 only)
- Weapon: Springfield Rifle
- Weapon: Dynamite Mount: Hungarian Half-Bred (Legendary 2 to 4 only)
- Weapon: Double Action Revolver
- Weapon: Sawed-off Shotgun
- Weapon: Rolling Block Rifle
- Weapon: Fire Bottle Mount: Cleveland Bay Mount: Hungarian Half-Bred (Legendary 1 only) Mount: American Standard-Bred (Legendary 2 to 4 only)
- Weapon: Semi Automatic Pistol
- Weapon: Semi Auto Shotgun Mount: Bonzo (bull) (Legendary 3 and 4 only)
- Weapon: Carcano Rifle
- Weapon: Henry Repeater
- Mount: Hungarian Half-Bred Mount: American Standard-Bred (Legendary 1 only) Mount: Bonzo (bull) (Legendary 2 only) Mount: Buffalo (Legendary 3 and 4 only)
- Weapon: High Power Pistol
- Weapon: Double Barrel Shotgun Mount: Albino Buffalo (Legendary 4 only)
- Weapon: Bolt Action Rifle Mount: American Standard Bred Mount: Bonzo (bull) (Legendary 1 only) Mount: Buffalo (Legendary 2 only) Mount: Albino Buffalo (Legendary 3 only)
- Mount: Super Bull (Legendary 4 only)
- Weapon: Evans Repeater
- Weapon: LeMat Revolver
- Weapon: Mauser Pistol
- Weapon: Buffalo Rifle Mount: Bonzo (bull) Mount: Buffalo (Legendary 1 only) Mount: Albino Buffalo (Legendary 2 only) Mount: Super Bull (Legendary 3 only) Mount: Zebra Donkey (Legendary 4 only)
Successfully complete the indicated task(s) to unlock the corresponding outfit:
Outfit | Prerequisite | Requirement(s) | Bonus |
Bandito Outfit | Defeat a Bandito gang member | Scrap 1: In a chest inside a tent on a plateau in Sidewinder Gulch, south of the crossroads Scrap 2: Successfully complete a Nightwatch job in Chuparosa Scrap 3: Defeat all in players in a round of Liar’s Dice in Casa Madrugada Scrap 4: Claim a Bandito bounty alive Scrap 5: Defend the residents of Mexico from Bandito attacks Scrap 6: Purchase at the general store in Chuparosa | Banditos and outlaws in Mexico consider you a friend unless you take aggressive action |
Bollard Twins Outfit | Defeat a Bollard Twins gang member | Scrap 1: Inside the Thieves’ Landing warehouse where you rescue Shaky during the «On Shaky’s Ground» mission Scrap 2: Successfully complete a Nightwatch job at MacFarlane’s ranch Scrap 3: Win at Horseshoes at MacFarlane’s ranch Scrap 4: Claim a Bollard Twins Gang bounty alive Scrap 5: Defend residents of Hennigen’s Stead from the Bollard Twin’s gang Scrap 6: Purchase from the tailor in Thieves’ Landing | Bollard Twins gang members consider you a friend unless you take aggressive action |
Bureau Uniform | Get a 100% completion in the game | None | Immunity from law enforcement. No eyewitnesses or local enforcement; bounty does not increase. Posses, Bounty Hunters, Marshals, and Mexican Army will not pursue you. |
Cowboy Outfit | Start Red Dead Redemption | None | None |
Deadly Assassin (pre-order only) | Pre-order from a participating store | Scrap 1: In a chest in Coots Chapel Scrap 2: Clear out Twin Rocks Hideout Scrap 3: Capture or kill Moe van Barr (New Austin Bounty target) Scrap 4: Win a duel in Amarillo Scrap 5: Successfully complete the «American Appetites» Stranger mission | Dead Eye regenerates twice as fast |
Duster Coat | Reach the «Peacemaker» Honor Rank | None | None |
Elegant Suit | Purchase from the tailor in Thieves’ Landing | None | Ability to cheat at poker |
Gentleman’s Attire | None | Link your gamertag with the Rockstar Social Club | Allows you to enter high-stakes poker games in Blackwater |
Legend Of The West | None | Reach Rank 10 in all Ambient Challenges: Treasure Hunter, Survivalist, Master Hunter, and Sharpshooter | Increased Dead Eye ability |
Mexican Poncho | Purchase any safehouse in Mexico | Found inside your Mexican safehouse | None |
Rancher’s Clothing | None | Successfully complete «The Outlaw’s Return» mission | None |
Reyes’ Rebels Outfit | Successfully complete «An Appointed Time» mission | Scrap 1: In a chest inside the graveyard in Sepulcro, near an outer wall, close to where you had the option to execute De Santa Scrap 2: Successfully complete the «Poppycock» Stranger’s task Scrap 3: Successfully complete a Horsebreaking job in Chuparosa Scrap 4: Successfully complete the «Love is the Opiate» Stranger’s task Scrap 5: Win at Five Finger Fillet in Torquemada Scrap 6: Purchase the general store in Escalera | The Mexican authorities will treat you kindly. Mexican Law Posses and the Mexican Army will not pursue you. |
Treasure Hunter Outfit | Defeat a Treasure Hunter gang member | Scrap 1: In the chest in the abandoned house in Silent Stead, Southwest of Rathskeller Fork Scrap 2: Successfully complete «California» Stranger’s task Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive Scrap 5: Successfully complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout Scrap 6: Purchase from the tailor in Thieves’ Landing | Treasure Hunters consider you a friend unless you take aggressive action |
Undead Hunter/Army Of The Undead Outfit | «Undead Nightmare» DLC | Scrap 1: Successfully complete the «Birth Of The Conservation Movement» Survivor mission Scrap 2: Successfully complete the «Filth And Light Entertainment» Survivor mission Scrap 3: Successfully complete the «Missing Souls» Survivor mission Scrap 4: Return one missing person to El Presidio Scrap 5: Find and break the mythical unicorn (the chupacabra must first be killed before the unicorn will appear) | Comes with a holy relic that refills ammunition and consumable items, but can only be used once a day |
U.S. Army Uniform | Successfully complete «An Appointed Time» mission | Scrap 1: In Aurora Basin, inside a cabin on the small lake Scrap 2: Win at Arm Wrestling in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp Scrap 3: Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker in Blackwater Scrap 4: Successfully complete the «Lights, Camera, Action» Stranger’s task Scrap 5: Successfully complete a Nightwatch job in Blackwater Scrap 6: Purchase from the tailor in Blackwater | You will look like U.S. Army enlisted men, but your disguise will be unconvincing. |
U.S. Marshal Uniform | Successfully complete «The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed» mission | Successfully complete all U.S. Gang Hideouts in a single 24-hour period of game time | You will be considered part of the law enforcement in the U.S. U.S. Posses and Marshals will not pursue you. |
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding hidden treasure. Collect all nine treasures to complete the Treasure Hunter challenge. Note: You should get your first treasure map from a random encounter, in which you save a Stranger from a group of bandits attacking his wagon. The subsequent maps for the Treasure Hunter challenge are located inside each successive treasure chest.
Hidden Treasure 1: Rhodes’ Gold
Rhodes’ Gold is located at Hanging Rock, north of Armadillo in Cholla Springs. The chest can be found at the base of the largest boulder, under a pile of rocks in a narrow area, which can be reached by exploring the north side of Hanging Rock and following the narrow path such exploration reveals.
Hidden Treasure 2: Jackson’s Gold
Jackson’s Gold is located just east of Rio Bravo near the Rio Del Lobo, at a location called «Del Lobo Rock». Find the gap in the rocks at the top of the cliff indicated on the treasure map, and save your game (in case you fall down to the riverbed). Move through the gap, and go to the right. Then, switch back to the left, and hug the cliff face until you can drop down into the shadow of the bulbous outcropping. Look at the map for a depiction of this route. The treasure can be found on a small ledge.
Hidden Treasure 3: Calhoun’s Gold
Calhoun’s Gold is located in the basement of the old mansion in Tumbleweed. Enter it using the back cellar entrance on the west side, and walk straight until you reach the basement wall. The treasure can be found below a mounted bull skull on the wall.
Hidden Treasure 4: Tubman’s Gold
Travel towards the San Luis River, starting from the Tree Of Skulls. The area is just north of Chuparosa. Proceed until you reach the second stone wall. Tubman’s Gold treasure is on the river side of it.
Hidden Treasure 5: Brown’s Gold
Brown’s Gold is located on top of the rock spires in Crooked Toes, in Punta Orgullo just east of Escalera. Proceed past the small cave with the chest, and climb to the top of the spire, using a jump, hang, climb maneuver.
Hidden Treasure 6: Douglass’ Gold
Douglass’ Gold is located at the Ojo Del Diablo, South of Chuparosa. The treasure is on the west side of the arch.
Hidden Treasure 7: Garrison’s Gold
Garrison’s Gold is located northeast of Agave Viejo, northeast of Roca de Madera. The stool-shaped rock in the first two treasure map illustrations is just off the main road leading northwest from Casa Madrugada, just above the armadillo on the main map. From the stool-shaped rock, look southwest, and you should see a path that begins just above some rock spires. Follow it to its end to find the treasure.
Hidden Treasure 8: Pickett’s Gold
Pickett’s Gold is located east of the ranch at Beecher’s Hope, near a large tree split by a lightning strike. The treasure is buried in a gap in the stone fence north of the tree.
Hidden Treasure 9: Stonewall’s Gold
North of Manzanita Post is a small, snow-covered horse path. Follow it until you reach a plateau, then explore the north side of the plateau until you find a cave. Stonewall’s Gold treasure is inside the cave.
Master Hunter rare animal locations
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding rare animal:
Khan the Jaguar: Located in the Ojo Del hills area south of Chuparosa, south of the road. Use bait if you have difficulty finding him, and kill him with a gun.
Lobo the Wolf: Located near the Eastern edge of the Aurora Basin lake, northwest of Tall Trees. Use bait if you have difficulty finding him, and kill him with a gun.
Gordo the Boar: Located in the Stillwater Creek area, north of the road, south of the River, and Southwest of Thieves’ Landing. Use bait if you have difficulty finding him, and kill him with a gun.
Brumas the Bear: Located in the Nekoti Rock area. He lives in a cave at the top of a mountain, northeast of the Aurora Basin lake. Kill him and take his pelt to complete the Master Hunter Level 10 challenge.
Additionally, the following animals can be found in the indicated location(s):
- Bears: Can be found in Tall Trees. Bighorn and Elk: Can be found in Tall Trees. Cougar: Can be found around Rio Bravo, Fort Mercer, northern Cholla Springs, northern Gaptooth Ridge, and the southern and western Great Plains. Foxes and Raccoons: Can be found in Tall Trees (at night). Skunks: Can be found in Rio Bravo and Diez Coronos (at night).
Survivalist flower locations
Search the indicated locations to find all ten Survivalist flowers to complete the Survivalist challenge:
Search the indicated locations to find all 19 Stranger quests. Note: You must first complete the prerequisite(s) before a Stranger’s quest will become available.
- Name: American Lobbyist Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «An Appointed Time» mission. Location: Blackwater (gazebo)
- Name: Remember My Family Prerequisite: Successfully complete «The Last Enemy Shall Be Destroyed» mission. Location: Blackwater (train station)
- Name: The Wronged Woman Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «An Appointed Time» mission. Location: Blackwater (church)
- Name: The Prohibitionist Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «An Appointed Time» mission and Stranger Task 3. Location: Blackwater (near the shops)
- Name: Aztec Gold Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Must A Savior Die?» mission. Location: Sidewinder Gulch
- Name: Poppycock Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Civilization, At Any Price» mission. Location: Chuparosa
- Name: Love Is The Opiate Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Empty Promises» mission and Stranger Task 6. Location: El Matadero
- Name: Eva In Peril Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Lucky In Love» mission. Location: Casa Madrugada
- Name: Deadalus And Son Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «We Shall Be Together In Paradise» mission. Location: Agave Viejo
- Name: I Know You Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «A Tempest Looms» mission. Location: Mescalero
- Name: Lights, Camera, Action Prerequisite: Successfully complete «The Sport Of Kings And Liars» mission. Location: Armadillo (movie house)
- Name: Who Are You To Judge Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Liars, Cheats, And Other Proud Americans» mission. Location: Rathskeller Fork
- Name: Water And Honesty Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Political Realities In Armadillo» mission. Location: The path between Armadillo and MacFarlane’s Ranch
- Name: Jenny’s Faith Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «This Is Armadillo USA» mission. Location: Ridgewood Farm
- Name: Flowers For A Lady Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «New Friends, Old Problems» mission. Location: The path from MacFarlane’s Ranch to Thieves Landing
- Name: Let No Man Put Asunder Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Obstacles In Our Path» mission. Location: Coot’s Chapel
- Name: California Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Women And Cattle» mission. Location: Gaptooth Ridge
- Name: Funny Man Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Exhuming And Other Fine Hobbies» mission. Location: Benedict Point
- Name: American Appetites Prerequisite: Successfully complete the «Political Realities In Armadillo» mission. Location: Armadillo (Sheriff’s Office)
Search the indicated locations to find the corresponding bounties:
Name | Gang | Poster location | Target location | Difficulty |
Cody Witlow | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Minor |
Dale Chesson | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Minor |
Link Huston | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Moderate |
Rufus Higbee | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Moderate |
Cooper Reed | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Low |
Perry Rose | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Low |
Moe Van Barr | Walton’s Gang | Armadillo | New Austin | Low |
Moses Lowson | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Moderate |
Isaiah Greeley | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Moderate |
Americus Roe | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Very High |
Hestor Frith | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Very High |
Grant Avery | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | High |
Chalie Hinkle | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | High |
Zebedee Nash | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Very High |
Melvin Spinney | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Very High |
Ralph Stricker | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | High |
Kent Gallaway | None (Northern) | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Very High |
Honovi | Dutch’s Gang | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Moderate |
Dakota | Dutch’s Gang | Blackwater, Manzanita Post | West Elizabeth | Moderate |
Geraldo Elisaldez | None (Mexico) | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Low |
Jorge Reynoso | None (Mexico) | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Moderate |
Rigoberto Artiz | None (Mexico) | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | High |
Raul Ontiveros | None (Mexico) | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | High |
Selestino Herrada | None (Mexico) | Escalera., Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Moderate |
Julian Coronado | None (Mexico) | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Moderate |
Sergio Abelda | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Neuvo Paraiso | Low |
Mateo Clisante | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Low |
Cristo Bustamante | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | High |
Ramiro de la Torre | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | High |
Cesar Higueras | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Moderate |
Benito Penagarza | Mexican Bandito | Escalera, Chuparosa, El Presidio | Nuevo Paraiso | Moderate |
Charlie Mash | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Minor |
Julius Grimes | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Low |
Slink Bradshaw | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Low |
Harry Dobbing | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Minor |
Irvin Pennick | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Low |
Maurice Sweet | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Minor |
Roscoe Duffy | Bollard Twins | MacFarlane’s Ranch | New Austin | Minor |
Quinn Malloy | None | New Austin | New Austin | Low |
Sid Winkler | None | New Austin | New Austin | High |
Harlan Forbes | Treasure Hunters | Rathskeller Fork | New Austin | Minor |
Wade Bassett | Treasure Hunters | Rathskeller Fork | New Austin | Moderate |
Stanley Mund | Treasure Hunters | Rathskeller Fork | New Austin | Moderate |
Lester Dugan | Treasure Hunters | Rathskeller Fork | New Austin | Minor Reward |
Clark Hatfield | Treasure Hunters | Rathskeller Fork | New Austin | Low |
100% completion requirements
Successfully complete the following tasks to get a 100% game completion:
- 1. Successfully complete all 57 story missions (57%). 2. Collect all five rare weapons (2.5%); Carcano Sniper Rifle, Evans Repeater, LeMat Revolver, Mauser Pistol, Semi-Auto Shotgun. 3. Collect all nine outfits (4.5%). 4. Work all five jobs (2.5%). 5. Buy all 13 houses (2%); rentable beds do not count. 6. Defeat all eight gang hideouts (3.5%); Nosalida, Fort Mercer, Gaptooth Breach, Pike’s Basin, Tumbleweed, Twin Rocks, Tesoro Azul. 7. Get «Legendary» status (Rank 10) in all four challenges (8%); Hunting, Sharpshooter, Survivalist, Treasure by completing them all. 8. Collect/capture/kill all 20 bounties (2%). 9. Help 18 of the 19 Strangers (9%). Note: The «I Know You» Stranger task is not required. 10. Play and win all six mini-games (3%); Blackjack, Poker, Liars Dice, Arm Wrestling, Horse Shoes, 5 Finger Fillet. 11. Discover all 94 map locations (6%) by purchasing the maps from general stores and/or finding all the locations yourself.
100% completion requirements («Undead Nightmare» DLC)
Successfully complete the following tasks in the «Undead Nightmare» bonus downloadable content to get a 100% game completion:
- 1. Successfully complete all Story missions (15%); the stats page state that four are required but only three of them count. 2. Successfully complete all Survivor side quests (20%); Ten total. 3. Cleanse all Graveyards (10%); Blackwater, Coot’s Chapel, Odd Fellow’s Rest, Tumbleweed, and Sepulcro. 4. Save all territories (19%); Casa Madrugada, El Presidio, Escalera, and Fort Mercer do not count towards 100%. 5. Find all 16 missing people (16%); ten in New Austin and six in Nuevo Paraiso. 6. Successfully complete all Undead Challenges (16%). 7. Get the Undead Hunter/Army Of The Undead outfit (4%).
There are a total of five jobs that can be completed throughout the game. The following are the jobs and their locations. Note: You cannot do Horse Breaking jobs until you have completed the «Wild Horses, Tamed Passions» mission. You cannot do Night Watch jobs until you have completed the «New Friends, Old Problems» mission.
- Blackwater Night Watch (located at the half moon icon near the bar in Blackwater) Chuparosa Horse Breaking (located at Chuparosa in Mexico) Chuparosa Night Watch (located at Chuparosa in Mexico) MacFarlane’s Ranch Night Watch (located at MacFarlane’s Ranch in New Austin) Ridgewood Horse Breaking (located at Ridgewood Farm in New Austin)
The following houses in the listed locations must be owned to get a 100% game completion:
Give the nuns money whenever possible. Reaching maximum honor and fame may help. A nun will eventually approach you and tell you she and the other sisters have been gathering items to help your righteous cause. She will give you a cross that makes enemies less likely to hit you with bullets. Note: You must remain honorable for this to remain in effect.
Free item building («Undead Nightmare» DLC)
Get a 100% completion in the «Undead Nightmare» bonus downloadable content to build Blunderbuss ammo, Boom Bait, Phosphorus Coating, and Undead Bait without using ingredients.
Play in online Free Roam mode. Find a gang hideout, and kill all the enemies, as well as the reinforcements that appear. Loot the bodies to get money and ammunition, then leave the hideout. After a short amount of time, the enemies will respawn, allowing you to repeat the process as many times as desired.
Easy money and honor
Accept a bounty mission. Go set up camp somewhere, and save your game. Capture or kill the bounty target, and return to the sheriff to get your money and +100 honor. Then, go run into some water and die. When you respawn in one of your houses, the bounty mission will still be active, and you will also keep the money and honor you just received for completing the mission. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Easy fame and honor
Go to Thieves’ Landing, and buy the Elegant Suit. Then, go in the saloon (or any other place with cheap poker), and play poker ($25). Get caught cheating by pulling the arrow to one side. You will then have to duel with someone. Wait for the «draw» sign to flash, then aim at their right hand/arm to shoot the gun out of their hand for extra fame and honor. Note: When you do this, the bullet may ricochet and hit someone else. If this happens, they will start shooting at you. To make this easier, buy the house in town to save the game and stop others from coming after you. Repeat this as many times as desired.
When you are low on ammunition, enter Dead Eye mode. Your ammunition will be refilled without needing to reload.
When you are herding, stand far back and just ride very slowly. The herd should follow the person in front of the herd.
Easy horse breaking
While breaking a horse, press Left Analog-stick Left, Left Analog-stick Right repeatedly instead of following the in-game instructions. Although the horse will buck around, it will eventually be broken.
Kill an animal, then walk over it slowly, and press RB to come to a stop over the dead animal. Next, press Y to get off, then press Y again to skin the animal, then press Y one last time to get back on your horse. This is very helpful when you are being attacked by packs of wolves or when hunting grizzlies or cougars.
Change the «Audio» settings in the «Options» menu to force the game to save. Alternately, obtain two different horse deeds. When you want to quick save your game, simply switch horses by using the other deed, and your progress will be automatically saved.
Extra horse stamina
While riding a horse, hold A to maintain a slightly slower speed until stamina regenerates. This is helpful when attempting to acquire the U.S. Marshal uniform.
Getting a new horse
Once you get the lasso, find any herd of wild horses, then lasso and break one. Once the new horse is broken in, return to a hitching post, and hitch the horse. Then, return to your bunk, and save the game. The horse will now be yours and come to you when you whistle for it.
Determining horse breeds
If you go to the general store, you can purchase horses by buying a deed for them. Instead of buying the deed, check the info, and it will give you a description of the horse’s appearance. You can compare this information with horses you break to help determine the horse breed.
Another good way to determine a horse’s breed and quality is to break and ride them just a few seconds. You should be able to instantly tell the difference between a 1-star, 2-star, and 3-star horse. The stamina will deplete much quicker the lower the quality, and the horse itself will not run as fast. Physically you can also tell a difference. If you can see any ribs or bones, the horse is low quality, while thicker more muscular horses are the 3-star ones. You can get the 3-star Pearl from the «Bonnie» mission very early in the game. The Hungarian Half-bred is found in Mexico and is an off-white color. The Standardbred Pinto is all black and can be found in Mexico. Other horse breeds that can be found throughout the game are American Standardbred, Ardennais, Cleaveland Bay, Dutch Warmblood, Friesian, Highland Chestnut, Kentucky Saddler, Lusitano, Painted Quarter Horse, Painted Standardbred, Quarter Horse, Tersk, Tobiano Pinto, Turkmen, War Horse, and Welsh Mountain.
There are a total of 94 locations in the game. 45 are in New Austin, 32 are in Mexico, and 17 are in West Elizabeth. The quickest and easiest way to find these locations are through the maps you can purchase at various general stores. These will unlock all areas in a specific part of the game.
Alternate close-quarter kills
Take out a target’s legs using a throwing weapon, such as the throwing knives or tomahawk, or even a pistol. Then, get close to them, aim at the target, and press RT as normal to perform a kill. If done correctly, Marston should perform a special kill for the position of them being on their knees. Note: This works with the pistol, rifle (not explosive), shotgun, throwing knife, and tomahawk. Additionally, this only works with people who have a gun, and they will fire back if given the chance to.
With a throwing weapon (fire bottle, dynamite, or knife) in hand, enter Dead Eye mode, and try to imagine the normal targeting reticule on the screen. The target will not appear, but it works the same. If you rapidly tap RB, it will be easier. When you release the object (automatic after locking on), the projectile will home in on the target. This is really helpful when people are speeding away on horses/carts. The projectile will keep flying until it hits the target. Try this with a stick of dynamite on birds; the effect is hilarious.
Reaching West Elizabeth early
Locate a cliff near the waterfall north of MacFarlane’s ranch; it will say «Tall Trees» once you get to the edge. Get arrested at this spot, and you will be transported to Blackwater. To get back to New Austin, quick save the game, and then kill yourself. Note: If you buy the Manzanita Post property, you will have to use your horse to jump the unfinished bridge north of Thieves’ Landing to return.
Kill every person and animal in a town to have it marked as a «ghost town». Check the population sign at the town’s border to view your progress. The town will remain empty for the remainder of the game. Note: It is recommended you wear the Bureau Uniform while doing this.
West Dickens urinates
Start a mission with West Dickens that requires driving or shotgunning his carriage. When you are a few hundred yards away from the mission’s starting point, press Y to jump free. Remain idle, and do not get back on the carriage. Eventually West Dickens will jump off the carriage and start urinating.
The Shawshank Redemption reference
To the east of Beecher’s Hope is a broken tree beside the road with a small weathered stone wall under it. This is also the location of the treasure buried for Level 9 of the Treasure Hunter challenge. This location is basically identical to the location Morgan Freeman’s character goes to collect his treasure in The Shawshank Redemption.
There Will Be Blood reference
The town of Plainview is a reference to the main character Daniel Plainview, played by Daniel Day Lewis, in the movie There Will Be Blood. Take note of all the oil rigs.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:
- Gentleman’s Attire: Successfully complete the Rockstar Games Social Club «Skin It To Win It» challenge. Lady’s Finest: Successfully complete the Rockstar Games Social Club «Skin It To Win It» challenge. Posse t-shirt: Unlocked when the multiplayer community reaches an unspecified amount of money in the «Strike It Rich!» challenge. Red Dead Redemption logo t-shirt (red): Open a chest northwest of Riley’s Charge in a burnt down building. Rockstar logo t-shirt (yellow): Open a chest upstairs in the attic at the Marston Farm house at Beecher’s Hope. Sombrero: Shoot the hat off an enemy in Expert Aim mode.
Red Dead Redemption t-shirt (Avatar Award) location
Easy «Chupathingy» achievement («Undead Nightmare» DLC)
The chupacabra is found in different locations, such as south of Perdido, south of Sepulcro, and Casa Madrugada. Undead Hunter Challenge 5 requires you to kill the chupacabra (it will be marked on your map); thus, you must reach Undead Hunter Level 5 before you can kill it.
Easy «Dastardly» achievement
Wait until a girl tries to steal your horse, or during the random encounter where there are bandits behind a stage wagon. Kill the bandits, and hogtie the girl. Find a train on your map, and put her on the tracks in front of it to get the «Dastardly» achievement.
Easy «Fan Service» achievement («Undead Nightmare» DLC)
The unicorn can be found north of Diez Coronas and west of Torquemada (there are three horses painted there on the map). If it does not appear, fast travel to Cochinay, then fast travel back to Torquemada, and it should spawn. If it still does not spawn, successfully complete all challenges, and then try again. Note: The chupacabra must first be killed before the unicorn will appear.
Easy «Manifest Destiny» achievement
Go to the northeast area of the game (Great Plains) once you reach it later in the game. There will be only one pack of buffalos at any given time. Kill all the buffalo in the pack to get the «Manifest Destiny» achievement.
Easy «Most Wanted» achievement
Easy «Six Years In The Making» achievement («Undead Nightmare» DLC)
Sasquatches can be found in Tall Trees, and their areas will be marked by starting the «The Birth Of The Conservation Movement» Stranger mission to the south of Tall Trees.
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Additionally, there are 12 secret achievements:
- That Government Boy (10 points): Complete «Exodus in America». Land of Opportunity (30 points): Complete «The Assault on Fort Mercer». Sons of Mexico (40 points): Complete «The Gates of El Presidio». No More Fancy Words (20 points): Complete «An Appointed Time». A Savage Soul (10 points): Complete «At Home with Dutch». The Benefits of Civilization (90 points): Complete «And the Truth Will Set You Free». Into the Sunset (100 points): Complete «The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed». Nurture or Nature? (50 points): Complete «Remember My Family». Dastardly (5 points): Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train. Spurred to Victory (10 points): Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post. Heading South on a White Bronco (5 points): Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player. Manifest Destiny (5 points): Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.
The following achievements require the «Outlaws To The End» bonus downloadable content:
- Well done (5 points): Complete a Co-Op mission. Have posse, will travel (15 points): Complete all Co-Op missions. 2 guys, 1 Coop (10 points): Complete a Co-Op mission with just 2 people. Stake a claim (5 points): Gold medal any Co-Op mission. Struck gold (10 points): Gold medal all Co-Ops missions. Friends indeed (5 points): Complete a Co-Op mission without anyone dying. You rule! (15 points): Complete all Advanced Co-Op missions. The mother lode (20 points): Gold medal all Advanced Co-Op missions. Dodge this (10 points): Achieve a kill chain of 10 or more in any Advanced Co-Op mission. Bulletproof (5 points): Complete a Co-Op mission without dying.
The following achievements require the «Legends And Killers» bonus downloadable content:
- Call it a Comeback! (10 points): Come back from a 2-0 deficit and win a Hold Your Own game. Who needs Deadeye? (10 points): Kill 3 or more players in a standoff or showdown. Stick and Move (10 points): Get 3 kills with knives or throwing knives in a single competitive match. Double bagger (10 points): Double capture 3 times in a single Gold Rush map. Headhunter (10 points): Kill 5 players via headshot in a single Shootout or Gang Shootout. Legendary (10 points): Reach level 50 and pass into Legend. Hail Mary (10 points): Get a kill greater than 35 yards with a Tomahawk. Axe Master (10 points): Complete all Tomahawk challenges in Single Player. Original Gunslinger (10 points): Get 25 Deadeye kills with Red. Reeeeal Good (10 points): Get 25 Dynamite kills with Pig Josh.
The following achievements require the «Liars And Cheats» bonus downloadable content:
- Master Exploder (10 points): Complete the Explosive Rifle Single Player Challenge. Pa-Pa-Pa-Poker Ace (10 points): In a full Multiplayer Poker game, beat the table when blinds are at maximum. The Big Bluff (5 points): In a Multiplayer Poker game, win a hand by forcing someone with a better hand to fold. In A Van Down By The River (5 points): In a Multiplayer Poker game, win a hand on the last card when you were losing prior. Compulsive Liar (10 points): In a full Multiplayer Liar’s Dice game, win without losing a single die. Good Call (5 points): In a single Multiplayer Liar’s Dice game, successfully make a spot-on call. One Die to Rule Them All (5 points): In a Multiplayer Liar’s Dice game, win with only one die left. Triple Crown (10 points): Get first place in all races in any Grand Prix. Peacewalker (5 points): Finish a single race without getting shot or killed, and without shooting a bullet. From Glue to Mon Dieu! (5 points): During a Grand Prix, finish a race in first after placing last in the previous race. We Must Protect This House! (10 points): While on defense, do not allow the attacking team to capture any of their objectives. Avatar of Death (5 points): Successfully complete either round of a Stronghold map without dying. Legion of Boom (5 points): Get a triple kill while on the attacking team in Stronghold. Over 9001 (5 points): Attain over 9,001 points in a single Free Roam session. Put the Posse on a Pedestal (5 points): Attain over 50,000 posse points in a single Free Roam session.
The following achievements require the «Undead Nightmare» bonus downloadable content:
- Spinning Plates (25 points): Have every territory saved at the same time during the Undead Nightmare. Zed’s Dead, Baby (40 points): Attain 100% Game Completion statistic in Undead Nightmare. Mad Marston: The Trail Warrior (10 points): Attain Rank 5 in all Undead Nightmare Challenges. Smoke that Skinwagon (10 points): Make it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun Gametype in Multiplayer. Kingpin (10 points): Fight off 8 unique players during your time on top during Land Grab in Multiplayer Free Roam.
Additionally, there are seven secret achievements with the «Undead Nightmare» bonus downloadable content:
- Six Years In The Making (10 points): Find and kill a sasquatch. The Downward Spiral (10 points): Complete ‘Curious Tales from Blackwater, USA’ Survivor mission. Judge A Man By The. (30 points): Complete ‘Cure For Most of What Ails You’ and ‘Get Back in that Hole, Partner’ Survivor missions. All’s Right With the World (25 points): Complete ‘On a Pale Horse’. The Superior Dance (10 points): Complete ‘Mother Superior Blues’ Survivor mission. Fan Service (10 points): Find and break a unicorn. Chupathingy (10 points): Find and kill a chupacabra.