the legend of heroes trails in the sky читы
The legend of heroes trails in the sky читы
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
but i have limited time to grind for boss fight.
There isn’t a single fight in this entire game that you should have to grind for.
If you want, play on easy and hold turbo and dialogue skip. Although, you probably won’t enjoy this game if that’s how you’re going to approach it.
Okay, this is going to sound condescending, but none of what we said has changed. Any of the fights you could be alluding to are not difficult. Unless you’re on nightmare, grinding is irrelevant and you’re just playing poorly.
Use flicker on Joshua to delay the enemies. Give Schera enough wind quartz to use aerial. GG.
Give us more details on what you’re doing, and we’ll provide more advice.
The Game has retry offset(its on by the default but you migh check it in the options just in case)
That means you can retry the battle right away and that particular fight will be easier. This works until you can pretty much button mash yourself trough the fight
FearLess Cheat Engine
Community Cheat Tables of Cheat Engine
Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky FC
Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky FC
Post by DrummerIX » Sat May 06, 2017 12:35 am
My other Trails in the Sky tables:
I know I’m late to the game on this old game, but I recently created a table for the 3rd game in the series that works on both GOG and Steam. I thought I would try porting the codes to the older games. Here is my contribution for the first chapter. In theory, this table should survive any updates on the game as I tried coding it using AOB scans.
Options are similar to my 3rd edition table:
God Mode
One Hit Kill
Infinite Battle EP
Infinite Battle CP
Max CP On Hit/Attack
Infinite Sepith (When Creating Quartz)
Infinite Item Usage
Experience Multiplier
Add Bonus BP When Completing a Quest
Pointers for Mira and Sepith for now
EDIT1 added:
Pointers for Bracer Points, Selected Character’s Experience, Stats, Equipped Items, Crafts, S-Crafts, Orbments, and Highlighted Item editor(mouseover the item to update the pointer)
EDIT2 added:
Enemy Damage Multiplier
I may add a few more things as I get around to it. Enjoy if you’re still playing this older game.
I had time to port the pointers from my 3rd edition table over to this FC table. With them, you can edit Bracer Points and a selected character’s experience, equipped items, crafts, s-crafts, orbments and also edit the inventory of the highlighted item.
This brings it up to par with my 3rd edition table and is mostly feature complete. I hope I coded it well enough to not require many updates as the game updates, but maybe they won’t do too many updates on this game since it is a few years old already. Enjoy.
I found an issue with the Orbment code not recognizing equipped orbs. I fixed this and also added in an Enemy Damage Multiplier if you want to use that instead of One Hit Kill. It’s under the Damage Modifier script.
Found an issue with Inventor Editor only working for first 13 slots. I changed the setup slightly. You still need to mouseover an item once and then you choose the slot to edit manually in Cheat Engine. The pointers should update from there. You use the Item view ALL items to count the slots starting with 1.
Credit to Shinkansen for having an Item ID list for this first game in the series. I modified my table with some Item ID’s in dropdown list boxes for editing your character’s equipped items and also for editing Inventory. It doubled the size of the table, but makes for easy cheating on items.
I added an option for Infinite Out of Battle EP if anyone needs that.
EDIT6: Added table for Directx 9 version of game. Removed other EDITS and left EDIT5 for Directx 8 version of game.
EDIT7: Update to the Directx 9 version of the game due to breaking of the Enable script on latest update to game.
EDIT 8: A fix to make the table work again. It was one of my earlier tables, so it requires CE 6.7 to use the pointer section for Inventory I know of.
EDIT 8.5: I fixed the Add Bonus BP When Completing a Quest option that broke because of an update.
EDIT 9.0: I’m playing through some of these old games again. The Directx 9 version seems to crash often for me and I heard the Directx 8 version is more stable. So in that regard, I’ve updated the Directx 8 version of the table with recent additions.
EDIT 9.5: In my efforts to only play through the game once, I came up with a Shop Override option to buy any item. This helps with the Get All Weapons and Get All Armor achievements. I only have it for the Directx 8 version, but it might work on the Directx 9 version also.
EDIT 10.0:
I’m not sure why they still update this game, but here is the fix for Directx 9 version of the game for the update around December 15, 2019.
FearLess Cheat Engine
Community Cheat Tables of Cheat Engine
Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky SC
Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky SC
Post by DrummerIX » Sun May 07, 2017 12:50 am
My other Trails in the Sky tables:
I have a contribution for Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky SC. I know some tables probably exist, but I made a table for the 3rd game and thought porting my code to these other games would be beneficial. It will most likely work for both GOG and Steam versions of the game and hopefully won’t break on updates that much. It has similar options to my 3rd edition table, but I’m still working on porting over some pointers.
Damage Modifier (God Mode,One Hit Kill,HeroDamageMultiplier,EnemyDamageMultiplier,HeroCannotDie)
Infinite Battle EP
Infinite Battle CP
Max CP On Hit/Attack
Infinite Sepith (When Creating Quartz)
Infinite Item Usage
Experience Multiplier
Shop Override
Inventory Editor
Pointers for Mira, Bracer Points, Sepith, Selected Character’s Experience,Equipped Items and Stats
I may finish porting over additional pointers when I get the chance. Try it out if you’re still playing this game in the series.
Added Inventory Editor by request. You just choose the slot you want to edit and you can change quantity and item id. I don’t have list of items though.
Added option for the Directx 9 version of the game.
I came back to this game after finally playing through the first chapter. I have a little more knowledge since first doing this table. I came up with an Item List for use in the Inventory Editor. I also added a Shop Override and changed the Damage Modifier to be more like my other Damage Modifier’s from other games. This is for the Directx 8 version of the game as I believe it’s more stable right now.
EDIT 3.1:
I have a pointer to Bracer Points in this update.
They updated this game awhile back and I never had time to get back to this. Not sure why they are updating these old games, but I’ve updated the Directx 8 version to work with latest Steam version of the Directx 8 executable.
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, The [Обзор игры]
Порой поразительно, как может преобразиться история, если в главных ролях будут не сверх солдаты, избранники господни и прочие персонажи как-будто выпущенные с фабрики спасителей мира. Бесспорно, те же игры серии Final Fantasy или, если брать западные RPG, например Dragon Age, обладают прекрасными историями, но зачастую в них не так интересно играть, потому что сюжет быстро превращается в эпик со спасением мира, а последующие 60-80 часов просто наращивают личные драмы, которые порой не самые интересные, на самом-то деле.
Разумеется это не делает их плохими играми, но такие маленькие вещи, могли бы сделать игру куда приятнее. И тем приятнее, что сегодняшний наш гость не забывает, что героями не обязаны быть исключительно крутые ребята с крутым нравом, грустным взглядом и мрачной историей за плечами. Героями могут быть обычные люди, которые только познают мир на собственном опыте и взрослеют на наших глазах. Но, наше вступление несколько затянулось. И так, позвольте представить вам The Legend of Heroes:Trails In The Sky.
Добро пожаловать в Либерл
Наша история начинается в небольшом городке Ролент, что находится в Либерле, мирной стране, которая лежит на юге континента Земурии. Где маленькая девочка Эстель Брайт ждет отца с работы. Вскоре отец появляется, с подарком. И подарком оказывается мальчишка примерно того же возраста. Парень знатно покалечен, но не смертельно. Как только он приходит в себя, он несколько срывается на Кассиуса Брайта, отца Эстель, но быстро получает на орехи от нее самой. После относительно спокойного знакомства, выясняется что парня зовут Джошуа, и в свете некоторых обстоятельств, теперь он стал членом семейства Брайт. Спустя несколько лет, Эстель и Джошуа сильно сдружились и теперь собираются пойти по стопам отца, вступив в местное отделение «брейсеров».
В мире Legend of Heroes есть несколько ключевых организаций: армия, Брейсеры/Bracers, Септианская церковь и Йэгеры/Jaeger Corps (не путать с егерями которые на 13 кордоне пьют водку и устраивают с финами охоту на кабанов). Функции армии в целом понятны: охрана границ, разрешение крупных внутренних конфликтов и др. А вот остальных стоит рассмотреть чуть подробнее.
Септианская церковь — религиозная организация поклоняющаяся богине Эйдиос/Aidios, которая тысячелетия назад, принесла людям 7 даров. Однако после «Великого бедствия» произошедшего 12 веков назад, все 7 даров были утеряны, а древняя раса Септ-Террионов/Sept-Terrions сгинула при самом «Великом бедствии». Задача церкви: поиск и сохранение древних реликвий, оставшихся после древней расы. Также в задачи церкви входит распространение учений о богине. Прямых действий церковь не совершает и предпочитает мирное разрешение проблем.
Так же, конкретно в под-серии Trails In The Sky есть Королевские стражи, которые подчиняются напрямую королеве Либерла и выполняют несколько другие обязанности нежели обычная армия. Но в целом, это тоже государственная военная организация.
Это были основные организации местного мира. Разумеется этот список далеко не полон, но дабы избежать лишних спойлеров, остальное оставим на самостоятельное изучение. Пройдя несколько несложных учебных заданий, наши герои становятся новичками брейсерами. Сразу же после посвящения, дом мэра ограбили, с чем нашим героям предстоит разобраться. После небольшого расследования и разборок с грабителями, наши герои получают грамоты от местного отделения, которые нужны чтобы стать полноправным членом гильдии. Так же они узнают что Кассиус уехал в соседнюю страну, так как там случилось нечто жуткое и требующее немедленного расследования. И поскольку отец вернется не раньше чем через пару месяцев, Эстель и Джошуа решают пуститься в путешествие по всей стране, дабы помогать людям из других городов и стать полноправными членами гильдии. Так и начинается приключение двух молодых людей, которым предстоит пройти немало испытаний.
Сюжет проносит нас буквально по всей стране, по каждому городу и деревеньке. И если многие JRPG чуть ли не на втором часу ставят нас перед фактом «у нас тут конец света, надо бы его остановить», Trails In The Sky не ставит перед собой такой цели сразу же. Разумеется не обошлось без скандалов, интриг, подпольных заговоров и прочего, но главными в центре истории всегда остаются персонажи и их отношение к происходящему. Персонажи хоть и относятся к происходящему в основном серьезно, но не брезгуют шутить и издеваться друг над другом. Диалоги не сводятся к пафосу и безысходности в стиле Final Fantasy, и не скатываются в театр абсурда в стиле Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Персонажи общаются так, как общались бы нормальные люди, а не спасители мира.
Дочь легендарного брейсера Кассиуса Брайта. Активная девушка, которая всегда крайне любопытна, бесстрашна и добра. Однако вместе с тем она довольно импульсивна и вспыльчива из-за чего нередко попадает в передряги. И тем не менее, люди часто к ней тянутся, из-за ее доброго характера и свободного общения.
Спокойный и рассудительный парень, который в любой ситуации сохраняет самообладание и не теряет контроль. В общем полная противоположность Эстель. Так же хорошо умеет общаться с представителями высших слоев общества. И хотя он всегда вежлив и спокоен, он нередко использует возможность подшутить или поиздеваться над Эстель. Но если кто-то начинает ей угрожать или Эстель грози опасность, сразу же теряет контроль и впадает в ярость.
Ученица Кассиуса и наставник Эстель и Джошуа. Раньше была в бродячем цирке, но после распада труппы, решила стать брейсером. Строгий, но все же хороший учитель. Однако главный ее недостаток в том, что она любит выпить. При этом может перепить любого мужчину и даже не покраснеть, из-за чего пить с ней соглашается только коллега в администрации отделения Ролента, которая не пьянеет кажется вообще.
Вечно угрюмый и задиристый брейсер, которого герои встречают в своих путешествиях. Не смотря на несколько злобный характер, всегда помогает другим и выполняет работу как следует. Входил в банду Воронов, шпану одного из городов, пока Кассиус не дал ему по шее и не заставил задуматься заняться чем-то полезным.
Очень добрая девушка которая учится в частной школе «Святой Астрайи» и попутно помогает в сиротском приюте. По манере речи и внешним признакам, видно что она из высших слоев общества, но кто она конкретно не говорит. Очень добрый и отзывчивый человек, но в критических ситуациях умеет показать характер
Маленький гений и по совместительству главный источник умиления всей игры. Стеснительная, но ответственная, внучка гениального профессора Рассела, которая помогает со всеми его экспериментами и помогает на главной фабрике Либерла. При людях ведет себя очень скромно, но стоит ей показать какую-нибудь технику, особенно экспериментальную, и начинает говорить без умолку.
Житель республики Кальвард, и по совместительству брейсер высшего ранга. Пропорциями напоминает скорее медведя, чем человека. Мастер рукопашного боя стиля Тайто. Очень общительный, доброжелательный и так же любитель выпить.
Поэт, бард, охотник за любовью. Житель Империи Эребонии, пришел в Либерл, как он сам говорит «В поисках настоящей любви», но в итоге увязывается за нашими героями. Абсолютно несерьезный, несет полный бред и питает странный интерес к Джошуа. На самом деле он питает интерес ко всему «прекрасному», из-за чего порой вводит всех в состояние ступора. Главный источник юмора и абсурда всей игры. За работу
Разумеется не обошлось и без магии. Однако в этом мире магия не совсем обычная. Здесь люди используют, так называемые «орбовые устройства». В данное устройство помещается «кварц» определенной стихии, который устройство использует как источник энергии и позволяет применять те или иные заклинания. Каждый кварц помимо определенной стихии, имеет собственную ценность. Чем больше кварцев определенной стихии стоит в устройстве, тем большего уровня заклинания той же стихии можно использовать. Количество слотов в устройстве ограничено, так что выбирать какой поставить, нужно внимательно, дабы не сделать персонажа несбалансированным.
Упомянутые выше крафты, это по сути просто личные приемы персонажа, на которые уходит отдельная шкала, которая набирается за нанесение и получение урона. Порой их использование может сильно облегчить жизнь. Однако самое лучшее что есть в крафтах, это так называемый S-Craft. По сути, это сверхмощная атака, которая наносит урон одной цели, в определенном радиусе или по всему полю.
Но вспомним что у нас тут не только бои есть, но и побочные квесты. Основная часть побочных заданий выдается на доске объявлений в гильдии. Часть из них банальная «у нас тут монстр на дороге завелся, убейте его», но попадаются и более интересные. Также квесты могут выдавать и сторонние NPC, если с ними заговорить в правильный момент времени. В основе именно эти сторонние задания самые интересные. Поскольку с монстров деньги не выпадают, сторонние задания являются основным источником дохода в игре. Однако за выполненные задания даются не только деньги.
Поскольку наши герои все еще новички, им предстоит еще доказать свою полезность гильдии. Поэтому за каждое выполненное задание им выдаются очки. По достижению определенного количества очков, мы переходим на новый ранг и в подарок получаем какую-нибудь безделушку или снаряжение. И поскольку награды довольно ценные, стоит выполнить максимально возможное количество заданий.
«Что видим? Что слышим?»
И вот тут мы подбираемся к самой слабой составляющей игры: внешний вид. Не сказать что игра уродлива, ибо в оригинале она вышла на PSP в 2004 году. Там в силу технических ограничений и малого бюджета, не Square Enix все-таки, игра выглядела плюс-минус хорошо, но на сегодняшний день, на ПК, при высоком разрешении, игра выглядит… неказисто. Опять же можно сделать поправку на время и платформу, но тем не менее, можно было бы подтянуть немного больше, чем просто разрешение. Но там где не справляется графика, справляется дизайн. Некоторые локации конечно пустоваты, но города и внутренние интерьеры проработаны вполне отлично.
The legend of heroes trails in the sky читы
Most guides have unnecessary information.
This doesn’t.
It just tells you what to do, in what order, to 100% the game.
Most guides have unnecessary information.
This doesn’t.
One note: Achievements for cumulative sepith require you to have that much in your possession at once. You’ll need 3000 of each at the same time for the second achievement.
Start the game.
Follow plot and go to
Plot should get you to the General Goods shop and your first recipe.
-Maple Cookie
Go to house next to Abend Bar, talk to Rhett upstairs in the library.
-Carnelia Ch. 1
Try to leave town.
!Child Rescue!
Leave NW to:
*Malga Trail*
-Reviving Balm on the right
—Get in the habit of checking empty chests.
Second area, path branches, go left.
Path Branches again, go right for
-Tear Balm
Now take the left at the second branch to
*Esmeldas Tower*
Run simultaneously with Joshua! +1 BP
Return to *Bright Family House* for plot
#Prologue# Begins
Speak to Aina in Bracer Guild, then check the board for side quests.
!Find the Shiny Rock!
Talk to boy behind General Goods.
Examine Sewer grate in front of General Goods.
Rerun Sewers (entrance behind church.)
End of dungeon, but don’t cross the bridge.
Talk to boy for
-Drill Meatball x5
Report quest for 2BP.
The other two quests are in the same direction.
Exit W to *Milch Road*
Screen 1 has a monster chest hidden under a tree by the pond, N.
Advise level 7, upgraded gear. (Even with that I burned both Revival Balms and barely won.)
Screen 2
Go directly south for
-Tear Balm
At the north in the center
-Tear Balm
Hidden in a tree SW
-Tear Balm
Screen 3
!Milch Road Monster!
It’s just off the road towards the exit.
Will explode, so whoever took damage should move away before killing it.
^Shiny Pom are also on this screen.^
Now head to:
*Perzel Farm*
!Perzel Farm Monsters!
Sneak up behind the monster for +2 BP.
The next day, new quests.
The first two are both out Milch Road again.
!Orbment Replacement!
-Talk to quest giver in orbment shop.
-Follow his instructions.
-Input correct code for +1 BP.
!Soldier Training!
At the end of the road. Win the fight for +2 BP.
Back to town.
!Mushroom Hunt!
-Quest giver in airport.
-NW exit to Malga Trail.
-Right at fork (the way you didn’t take the first time.)
-Right at second fork.
-Chest with White Bracelet.
-Examine grass.
-Speak to client again.
!Medical Necessities!
One item is a common drop from bugs.
The other item is in *Mistwald Forest*
S exit from town, south until branch to East.
*Mistwald Forest*
Screen 1
Branch to E for
-Chest: Tear Balm x1
-Flowers: Bear Claw
You can turn the quest in now, but there’s a chest further in that are locked if a later quest is active. (Some guides seem to think you can’t get it after, some think you can. I got it first just in case.)
Screen 2
Head right to a third screen
-Chest: Hide Jumpsuit
It’s in here somewhere, hidden from some camera angles. Battles may be a bit rough at this stage.
Back to town, talk to priest, quest complete.
!Mayor Klaus’ Request!
-Talk to Mayor
-Go to Mine
-Hit switch, ride cart, inspect elevator, ride cart, hit switch, ride cart, talk to miner to get the elevator key, ride cart, hit switch, ride cart, ride elevator
-Go south across bridge, take middle fork
-You should be crazy overleveled for these fights. Hit all other paths and get out.
-Talk to Mayor
New side quests available.
!Lost Kitten!
Just run around town a bit.
!Elize Highway Monster!
On the bridge on the second screen.
I did not find it difficult but exploring Mistwald seems to have overleveled me.
Report and time for plot.
!The Liberl News!
-Go to Hotel, Abend Bar, and Orbal Shop, then head out of town to:
*Esmeldas Tower*
Floor 3:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Floor 4:
-Chest: Tear Balm
-Chest: Knitted Shoes
Floor 5:
-Chest: Tin Staff
-Chest: Potluck in a Shell
Note: You need to go back to 4F to get to the other chest on 5F.
Stairs up from Floor 5 lead to the roof and the end of the quest.
Finishing it immediately starts the next.
!Mayoral Theft!
-Search safe, veranda, attic. Talk to NPCs in both 2nd floor rooms. Try to leave.
-Answer correctly for +5
—3 or 4
-Go to hotel, airport, and mistwald, where the hide jumpsuit was.
Plot until chapter 1.
#Chapter 1#
Achievement Progress:
Shiny Pom: 1
Recipe: 9
Weapons: 6
Armor: 3
Quartz: 15
Chests: 15
Bracer Points: 53
After plot go back to guild, check quest board.
!Letter Carrier!
Talk to priest.
-Liberl News 2 is on sale.
-Abend Bar has added Milk Crepe.
!East Bose Monster!
Exterminate now or come back after accepting the quest in Bose.
Remember to hit the church and deliver the letter.
Then go to the guild for plot and to pick up quests.
Food for recipies are in the market (looks like a hot dog stand) and the bar.
New weapons (5), armor (1) and quartz (2) available.
!Ingredient Seeker!
In the restaurant next to the guild, in the kitchen, give 5x Tender Poultry.
(If you don’t have enough, advance the story a bit and farm them on the road to Haken Gate.
!Ravennue Monster!
W exit.
-Chest: Revival Bead
N at first branch to Ravennue.
Talk to Elder, then exit N.
Screen 1
Chests down three of the four branches.
-Tear Balm
-Deathblow 2
-Beast Steak (food)
Screen 2
There’s a chest in here somewhere but you’ll get attacked by the boss first. I got it later.
Head back to town.
-Mayor’s House, Church, Market, plot.
Exit town E, turn N to:
*Eisen Road*
Follow to
*Haken Gate*
-Talk to guard at barracks, then to blonde man in bar.
. Then go back in the bar and talk to the man at the table for Carnelia 3 BEFORE talking to the general.
Talk to the general.
Go back to town.
Visit Bracer Guild and Mayor.
Pick up more side quests at the guild.
!West Bose Monster!
Middle of Screen 3.
Shining Poms are nearby, I think?
!Bear Claw Survey!
Talk to medicine seller by E entrance to market.
Head E to *Nebel Valley*.
Go E, then W when road divides.
-Talk to man for Abaddon Pot, then sleep on his bed.
Backtrack to divide and go N.
-Bear Claw is along the way.
When it divides again NE to
-Chest: Strega-R
!Nebel Valley Monster!
Back track to entrance and go W this time.
Beyond him is
-Chest: Katar
Back in Bose, talk to Nial in Cafe.
Check board again for two more quests.
!Escort Request!
Talk to man in hotel, then leave town with him.
Last segment of West Bose Road has Shiny Pom.
During the escort, pick «Charge through the front,» for extra BP.
*Krone Pass*
-Chest: Tear Balm
-Chest: Pearl Earring
—This is a Monster Chest with four Wisdom.
Reach Krone Pass Checkpoint and then go back to town.
!New Ansel Path Monster!
Exit Bose to the South.
Nothing on the path.
On screen 2, go take the left path, the monster blocks the way.
!Hidden Quest: Amberl Tower Mystery!
2F: Wooden Bridge to dome, SE exit to:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Return to dome, take E bridge and stairs.
3F: Head S through dome and up stairs.
4F: Follow path to
-Chest: Fried Eyes and Eggs
Go back down to 3F, take W path just below entrance to 4F.
4F: Follow path to
-Chest: Reviving Balm
5F: Plot. On N side:
-Monster Chest: Chain Mail. Robber Trapper x 3
On S Side:
-Monster Chest: Emerald Talisman. Robber Trapper x 1
Exit W, take N wooden bridge, stairs.
4F: Follow bridge
-Chest: Tear Balm
Time to follow the main plot.
Go to Ravennue Village. (The restaurant is open, with two new dishes.) Talk to elder and kid on pier.
Exit town N, go W. Three paths leading W, take the middle one for
-Chest: Tear Balm
Then go to the mine, inspect the door, go back to the village for the key, enter the mine, go left, fight the boss, inspect the area, pick ‘hideout in a weird place’ for +3 BP, and plot.
After the plot, report the plot quest, grab a new quest you can’t do yet, and go to the orbal factory second floor. Then go out the front and into a house across the street, the south door.
Exit for plot, then go back inside for plot.
Now, go to the market, and buy Liberl News 3, and talk to man next to the stand for Carnelia 4.
Go to *Valleria Shore*.
Man in kitchen has new food.
Talk to fisherman on pier west.
Talk to receptionist and rent a room.
Examine pier.
Talk to receptionist.
Examine pier and fish ten times for an achievement. (West, lure, wait till tired for salmon.)
Talk to Joshua where the fisherman was.
Ask if you can read the book.
Talk to Schera/Olivier.
Go to pier where fisherman was.
Go to balcony up the outside stairs.
Exit the area N.
*Sky Bandits Hideout.*
This place is pretty linear. Check the rooms off the sides for chests. Some might seem like the wrong way, but they’ll dead end in a chest if you keep going.
-Chest: Scorpion
-Chest: EP Charge
-Chest: Jeweled Ring
Check the gated door for a fight.
Downstairs, more rooms.
-Chest: Strega-R
Room with three doors, check the N Room. There’s a spot you can inspect for a Black Notebook. Check the W Room for:
-Chest: Bear Assault
And go east to another gated door and fight.
Keep going from there, and there’s a shortcut you can open to Nebel Valley.
Go past the gated door for:
-Chest: Reviving Balm
Then enter the gated door for a boss fight.
Backtrack all the way through the dungeon for plot.
Go to Haken Gate, enter the building, and talk to guards.
!Hidden Quest: Black Notebook!
Achievement Progress:
25 recipies
32 requests
26 orbment slots (I had all Estelle and Joshua open by now)
15 weapons
5 armors
4 Carnelia
4 Liberl news
23 Quartz (two were enemy drops)
36 Chests
119 Bracer Points
Head to *Krone Pass*.
Talk to man in green in first room, plot, then talk to guard at the N exit and leave.
There are two chests in the next area, both hidden from view.
-Chest: EP Charge
-Chest: EP Charge
*Manoira Byroad*
-Monster Chest: Lily Necklace
On screen 2, go right to the lighthouse and talk to the old man.
!Hidden Quest: Lighthouse Monsters!
Beat up four batches of Red Hammerheads.
Go back to the fork and head into
*Manoria Village*
Go to the inn. Two new recipies. Talk to the cook and buy the box lunch. Exit for plot, head to windmill for plot, head back towards inn for plot, and talk to women at the cart before leaving.
*Gull Seaside Way*
Two chests on the beach, one in the water.
-Chest: Tear Balm
-Chest: Tear Balm
Head to the orphanage for plot, then go to screen 2.
Screen 2
Next to the inlet entrance:
-Chest: Teara Balm
In the inlet, rescue Jimmy (important: before entering Ruan)
-Monster Chest: Ruby Talisman
At the end of the beach:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Screen 3
Below entrance:
-Monster Chest: Battle Suit
Shining Pom appear in the center of this beach.
Other end of beach:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Follow the cliff in the shallows at the water’s edge for a Skull Dagger and Torn Map.
Back on the paved road there’s a boss fight, then a promontory with
-Chest: Tear Balm
Visit guild, then shop. New Quartz, gear, and recipies.
Visit light house, cross drawbridge, over bridges to the warehouse, over bridge and talk to man with red bandanna, go back to drawbridge.
Visit guild, then hotel, then penthouse, then talk to receptionist again for Fresh Juice before going to the basement.
New quests on the board. (These quests don’t expire until you reach Jenis Royal Academy, so I’d suggest following the plot a bit first.) Talk to Jean for plot, and report quests.
New quests available. All quests must be done before going to the Jenis Royal Academy.
*Aurian Causeway*
Screen 1
-Chest: Deathblow 2
Back to the causeway, take the path to Sapphirl Tower.
*Sapphirl Tower*
-Chest: Tear Balm
!Aurian Causeway Monster!
Fight Helmet Crab x5.
These drop Zero Shot X, which you need for a different quest.
1F: Go to 2F.
2F: S to center, SW to 3F.
3F: Path to 4F.
4F: N to center, SE to 5F.
5F: Path to:
-Monster Chest: Battle Suit.
Backtrack to 4F.
4F: Go to center, S exit, bridge to W, stairs to 5F.
5F: Go N, take bridge to W for:
-Monster Chest: Army Boots.
Enter center, W exit for:
-Monster Chest: Flameberge.
Backtrack to 2F. (Or the hotel.)
2F: Center, SE exit to 3F.
3F: Wooden bridge to next platform, stairs to 4F.
4F: Wooden bridge to next platform, stairs to 5F.
5F: Path to:
-Monster Chest: Scent Quartz.
Back to 4F.
4F: Enter center for:
-Chest: Hot Fried Chicken
-Chest: EP Charge
Exit center and head W across bridge and up stairs to 5F.
5F: Path to:
-Chest: EP Charge
Back to 4F.
4F: W bridge to stairs to 3F.
3F: Stairs to 2F.
2F: Path:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Back to 4F.
4F: E to platform with the path to the center. Take these stairs to 3F.
3F: Wooden bridge to E, down stairs to 2F.
2F: Path to:
-Chest: Tear Balm
Back to 3F.
3F: Enter center for:
-Chest: Range 1
Back to 4F.
4F: Go east all the way and then down stairs to 1F exit.
(No hidden quests this time.)
Back to Ruan.
!Find the Prototype!
After beating the monster at the tower, go to the weapon store 2F and talk to the man.
!Secret of the Old Map!
Go to church and talk to Jimmy. If you rescued him earlier +2 BP. Give him the Torn Map.
!Candelarbrum Theft!
Go the Mayor’s Residence and talk to Steward.
Check Lighthouse in Ruan.
Check the roulette table on the 2F of Cafe by Orbment Factory.
Check the orange forklift in Ruan Landing Port, across the bridge and hidden under the overhang.
Check the crane in the south block.
Talk to Harg.
!Maintenance Delivery!
Talk to Tobias in the Orbment Factory.
Enter Cafe nearby and talk to bartender.
Go to Manoria Village and buy a Salted Anchovy at the item shop.
Go to top floor of the Varenne Lighthouse. (The extra items get you extra accessories.)
!Escort Job!
At the N exit of Manoria Village, talk to Amelia.
Then go N to Krone Trail.
Follow trail until fight against Eggers x3, then escort him back to the village.
Return to Ruan and report. Exit Ruan N and take the branch to Vista Forest RD to:
*Jenis Royal Academy*
Enter school, turn right, enter Dean’s Office. Exit door right of that and cross to Clubhouse.
Buy Jenis Lunch.
Head upstairs to Student Council Room. After plot DO NOT go in Dean’s Office yet. (Doing so will put Jill in the party, making battles difficult; if you talk to Joshua after the hidden quests can’t be done.)
!Hidden Quest: Decorate The Campus!
Talk to Janitor in front of school.
Check the right wall of the Auditorium, the front wall of the Boy’s Dormitory, and the back of the covered walkway betweeen the school and the clubhouse.
!Hidden Quest: Research Materials Hunt!
Talk to Logic in the Material Archives room on the 2F of Clubhouse.
Find books in the Boy’s Locker Room (next to start), the room on the right on 1F of Boy’s Dormitory, and the Faculty Office (next to the Dean’s Office.)
!Hidden Quest: Clear Out the Old School Building!
Follow the Back Road to the Old Schoolhouse.
Fight four packs of spiders, two in the main room, one each in the halls to the left.
The hall on the right leads through a few doors to a path outside for:
-Chest: EP Charge
The hall on the second floor left has a room with:
-Chest: Reviving Balm
Once all spiders are dead, it’ll tell you. Leave.
Now go to Dean’s Office. Then talk to Joshua.
Stock up on food from the stands, they each have something new.
Then talk to Professor Alba at the cafeteria counter.
Go downstairs, then to old schoolhouse roof.
After the play, you can go back for a free Vegetable Sandwich.
Go to Gull Seaside Way. Do NOT go to Manoria Village; instead go to Ruan and talk to the girl sitting on the bridge for Carnelia 5.
Then go to Manoria Village.
Along the way, there’s a monster.
!Gull Seaside Monster 2!
Go to the room on the second floor of the inn, then go to Varenne Lighthouse.
Four boss fights, then head towards Ruan.
Before you go to the Mayor’s, go to the item shop and buy Liberl News 5.
Then go to the Mayor’s Residence for a boss fight and the end of chapter 2.
When you have control again, go report Gull Seaside Monster 2.
#Chapter 3#
Achievement Progress
Recipies: 38
Requests 48
Slots: 33
Weapons: 23
Armor: 7
Quarts: 38
Chests: 61 (I’m told. I had 59).
BP: 198
Go back to Jenis Royal Academy (before going to Air-Letten Checkpoint.)
Go to the Clubhouse, Material Archives room for Carnelia 6.
Buy Liberl News 6 in the Item Shop in Ruan.
Go to Air-Letten Checkpoint. Talk to the chef to buy Briny Delight. Pass through to:
*Kaldia Tunnel*
Screen 1
Every branch has a chest in it.
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Curia Balm
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Deathblow 2
Screen 2:
Limestone Cave is higher level, but if you head towards it there’s a branch with:
-Chest: Teara Balm
The branch has two chests.
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Celestial Balm
Move forward, plot, backtrack, boss fight, head to Zeiss.
In the factory, go left.
New Orbments available (save some sepith for slots.)
New Recipies and weapons and armor.
Go to guild. Take letter to factory.
Open Tita’s slots.
Check board for quests.
!Temp Librarian!
Talk to lady in Archives in Factory 2F.
Go to 3F Design RM and examine stool.
Go to 4F Lab and examine table, then plants in the green house.
Go to 4F Clinic and examine table between beds.
Read all three books. The one from the Lab gives you a recipe.
Return to the lady in Archives.
Go to Professor Russells house for plot.
Talk to Kilika at the guild, then workshop on factory 3F, then operations on 5F, read the entries under Related Topics.
Then go to B1 and talk to girl by conveyor for Gasoline, then go to the Zeiss Landing Port for the combustion engine.
Go back to workshop on 3F.
Lots of quests expire if you go in the inn at Elmo Village.
!Smoker’s Revolt!
Buy Fresh Milk.
Go to Clinic on 4F. Talk to doctor, then give milk to the cat.
Go to 5F Operations and talk to Travis.
Go to 1F Lobby, left, and talk to Hugo.
Go to 2F Office, talk to Murdock, check door, check desk nearby for key, open door, examine the table.
!Potent Ingredient!
Get the Acerbic Tomator from inside the 4F lab’s greenhouse.
Go to the Cafe, and show ingredients to the cook, who gives you a Tomato Sandwich.
!Product Testing!
Go to 4F Lab, talk to Terry, put the shoes on Estelle.
Visit Air-Letten Checkpoint, Leiston Fortress, Sanktheim Gate, and Wolf Fort.
(Don’t go to Elmo Village, even though he tells you to.)
Visit all four instead of three for +2 BP.
!Haulage Vehicle Search!
Exit Zeiss S.
*Tratt Plain RD*
Under a tree at the intersection:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Towards Wolf Fort, at the first bend:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Turn E at intersection.
Screen 2
Right in the center:
-Monster Chest: Black Bangle
Shining Poms appear nearby, towards the lake.
The unmarked fourth exit leads to:
-Monster Chest: Sapphire Talisman
!Tratt Plain Monster!
One the paved road just above the vehicle.
Go to the SE until you see vehicle. Talk to them to complete the search.
!Hidden Quest: Messenger of Love!
Head SE to Wolf Fort.
Next screen, south of W exit:
-Monster Chest: Long Barrel
S of Wolf Fort Entrance, in a tree:
-Chest: Teara Balm
In Wolf Fort, talk to Brahm at gate.
Go back to Zeiss.
Buy Wolly Knit-Hat give it to Faye in Factory B1 for +4 BP.
!Ritter Road Monster!
Exit E of Zeiss, move to next area.
Boss is S of the intersection.
Just N of that:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
You need to hit up both branches for the shoe quest.
*Sanktheim Gate*
Talk to the chief and buy Pot O’Meat.
*Soldat Army Road*
Screen 1
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Revival Balm
-Chest: EP Charge EX
All just off the road.
Screen 2
-Chest: Curia Balm
Screen 3
*Leiston Fortress*
Nothing here.
Go back to Zeiss, 4F Lab, and turn in the shoe quest.
Report everything.
You should be at 238 BP and hit 2nd class.
Now you can head for Elmo Village.
Exit Zeiss S.
Take the S exit toward Elmo Village.
Screen 2
Due S of entrance:
-Chest: Teara Balm
SE corner:
-Monster Chest: Hit 3
W side, on the narrow side of the lake just above the village entrance:
-Chest: Teara Balm
*Elmo Village*
There’s a new food item in the store.
Enter Inn, go to pump station, go to inn, leave village, go to W in the middle for a boss fight.
Go back to town, to the pump station, and back to the inn.
Four more dishes are available now.
Go out the lower right door towards the baths. You can go down in the garden, work your way around the pond, and inspect the lantern for a book.
!Hidden Quest: Temp Librarian Plus!
Take this back to the 2F Archives when you get a chance.
Talk to the owner and after some plot leave town and go back to Zeiss.
Report in at the guild and go up the escalator for plot.
Talk to the man on the right side of the entrance for a gift.
Enter factory, check elevator, then take the stairs.
You get an extra BP for each smoke you shut down.
B1F, E warehouse, near conveyor
1F, left, near bench
2F, near elevator
3, in design room
4, in lab
Check the workship on 3F, go to 5F, go to 1F and exit.
After plot, go to 1F and open Agate’s slots, then visit the guild. Also buy Agate’s weapon in the shop.
The librarian is out of the archives so you can’t turn in that book for a bit.
However, before going to Carnelia Tower, go to Wolf Fort and talk to Bruno by the truck your repaired for Carnelia 7.
*Carnelia Tower*
Approach for a fight.
Pick «affiliated with the men in black» for +3 BP.
1F: Two chests each by the door in and stairs up.
-Chest: EP Charge
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Ep Charge
-Chest: Black Coat
2F: In the center:
-Monster Chest: Mind 3
Go W to stairs.
3F: S platform has:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
Backtrack to 2F.
2F: Take E bridge to stairs.
3F: S platform:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Back to 2F.
2F: S to stairs.
3F: N to stairs.
4F: S to two chests.
-Chest: Hellfire Eggs.
-Chest: Teara Balm.
Back to center, exit W to stairs.
5F: Go S to:
-Monster Chest: Demi-Handers
N to platform with stone bridge that goes S, follow to center.
W exit, go N:
-Chest: Celestial Balm.
Go the opposite way:
-Monster Chest: Attack 3
Go back to center, go E and S for:
-Chest: Tear All Balm
Then N for:
-Monster Chest: Octavian Stave.
Back to center, exit S and take the wood bridge W to:
-Monster Chest: Cavalier Killer
Go to roof for a boss fight, then back to Zeiss.
Go to the church, the guild, and the factory basement, into the tunnel to the Limestone Cave.
*Limestone Cave*
Screen 1
At the first intersection go right to a new area.
Screen 2
Left for:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Back and right (so the way you didn’t come in)
Then right at the next intersection for:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Back and right (the way you didn’t take) and left for:
-Monster Chest: EP 3
Backtrack to screen 1.
Screen 1
At intersection go right (the way you didn’t take)
And go left for:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
Go back and go left to:
Screen 3
Go right for:
-Monster Chest: G-Impact
Back and right to:
Screen 4
Go left for:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Back and left and then left again for:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Then back and left and right for the goal.
Exit, back to Zeiss, church, clinic.
!Hidden Quest: Temp Librarian Plus!
Now you can finally turn in the book in Archives.
Buy Liberl News 7.
Visit Guild.
Exit Ziess E.
!Ritter Road Monster 2!
Go to Leiston Fortress.
First choice doesn’t matter, but for the second pick «The Royal Guardsmen are being set up?» for +4 BP.
Now you can finally leave town.
!Hidden Quest: Temp Librarian Plus 2!
Exit S of Zeiss, go E, and take the middle exit to the dead end. Inspect central pillar.
Return the book to the librarian.
!Hidden Quest: Temp Librarian Plus 3!
Exit E of Zeiss and follow the road to Sanktheim Gate. Go to the third floor and inspect the barrel.
Return the book to hte librarian.
Report to the guild.
You should be at 63 requests and 260 BP.
Go to the professor’s house, through the door,
Go to the professor’s house, through the door, upstairs, right corner.
Go back to the guild.
Go to the landing port, lower platform. Talk to Murdock.
Choose Liftoff.
Talk to everyone, then go to the deck, then talk to Gustav.
*Leiston Fortress*
Choose to go to Research Wing.
Go across the bridge, then NW and through the gate.
Go N to a window, and a fight.
Then inside the building for plot.
If you are seen in this next part you lose BP.
Follow the wall E and go in the door.
Go left down the hall and stairs.
Try to leave, then follow the voice.
End of chapter.
#Final Chapter#
Recipe: 50
Quests: 65
Slots: 46
Weapons: 34
Armor: 10
Quartz: 49
Chests: 102
BP: 290
Now go to Stankheim Gate.
Talk to man behind desk for plot.
Go to
Go shopping. Food, quartz, armor, Liberl News 8. There’s a second ice cream shop in the East Block that’s easy to miss.
Enter guild.
Choose «That letter would just get crumpled up?» for +1 BP.
Go to the castle, then to the arena, buy tickets, go upstairs, then downstairs to the locker room.
Go to the Cafe.
Then go to the Calvard Embassy.
Leave Grancel.
S at first intersection, E at second to:
*Erbe Scenic Route*
E to first branch.
N to pillar, NW of that:
-Monster Chest: Shield 3
Backtrack and go S. Just below the intersection is:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Shining Pom are around here, too.
At the second intersection, go S to another pillar
-Monster Chest: Defense 3
Backtrack and go E to next screen.
Screen 2
Follow the main path all the way through; the dead end branch leads to plot, so come back for it.
Screen 3.
At the first bend:
-Chest: Teara Balm
At the end of the dead end with the pillar:
-Chest: Deathblow 2
After plot, go upstairs to the room at the N.
In the morning, fix orbments, buy equipment.
Talk to ticket girl at the arena, then the guy in front.
Go right to the waiting room, and talk to everyone.
Win the match, then go to the guild, then to the hotel.
*Grancel West Sewer*
Follow the path as it loops around. (The 1st intersection is a dead end.)
When you see a metal bridge, follow it into the next room, down the stairs for:
-Chest: Chomping Spare Rib
(When you eat this you should have all recipies.)
Back to where you crossed the bridge.
The next room has two exits, take the one without torches. Follow both paths for a chest each.
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Teara Balm
Now take the door with the torches.
Go right first, and check the second room.
-Chest: Teara Balm
Now go left to the next area, and follow the path to an intersection. Go left for:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Then go right for:
!Sewer Monster West!
Backtrack to the sewer entrance and report to the guild.
Then go to the arena. Win the round.
Go to Liberl News Service in the West Block. Pick Colonel Richard for +2 BP.
Go to the guild, then the hotel.
Then leave the hotel.
Another stealth sequence; don’t be caught at all for +5 BP.
First hug the walls N, then E to East Block.
Hug N wall to Landing Port.
No soldiers here. Go down stairs, turn right, down more stairs, onto airship, and talk to man for Carnelia 10.
Leave Landing Port, and swing around past the arena front and into the south block.
Cross the street to the West Block.
Go down the stairs, across the coffee shop front, and up the stairs to the cathedral for plot.
In the morning, leave the hotel, and go to the stairs S of Edel Department Store.
Talk to the man here, and wait for the girl to go by.
Talk to both, and wait for her to come by again.
Talk to both, and follow her around the building until she stops to think.
Talk to her again, and wait for her to walk by him.
Talk to him for Carnelia Finale.
*Grancel East Sewer*
Down the stairs, across the bridge.
Go left around the back. First door:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Second door:
-Monster Chest: Gladiator Headband
Keep going right. This path loops back to the start, but there’s a door to another area along the way.
Follow this path until it branches. Go right (N) and take the second bridge, down some stairs, around, up some stairs.
-Monster Chest: Hawkeye
Backtrack to the bridge you skipped and cross it.
Follow to a branch. Follow the road left (W). Follow path. Take a bridge to the side for:
-Monster Chest: Cestus
Go back across the bridge and follow the path to:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Backtrack to the branch and take the S path.
Take the second door for
!Sewer Monster (East)!
Then flip the switch to connect the two sewers. The first door will lead there.
Exit sewers, report the completed quest, and sleep at the hotel.
Talk to the man in front of the arena for plot.
Go upstairs and talk to Kurt, Dorothy, and Professor Alba.
Go downstairs and into the main lobby for plot.
Then go back to the waiting room for the fight.
After the fight, head for the castle.
Talk to both mayors in rooms nearby, then right to the opposite wing, talk to the third mayor, and up the stairs to the garden.
Try to go to the keep for plot.
Head back to your room for plot.
Exit to the landing for plot.
Head downstairs to the maid room for plot.
Leave the keep.
Leave the maid room and go upstairs.
The next day, leave the guild and go buy Liberl News 9.
Then go to the cafe in the west block and save.
Talk to the owner. Trade Carnelia for Joshua or Estelle’s ultimate weapon.
Reload the previous save and get the other one. (Estelle’s is better for getting all achievement on one playthrough.)
Now collected the four braces at the weapon shop, south block cafe, east block department store, and hotel.
Then go to the cathedral and talk to Archbishop on 2F, SE stairs.
Then go the Liberl News Service 2F.
Choose «Someone had just called him» and «An arranged marriage for Princess Klaudia» for +4 BP.
Finally, talk to Elnan in the guild twice.
*Erbe Royal Villa
Going in and out of rooms will make more enemies.
Try the door at the top, then go to the top left room, then the room to the right of the door, then in the door.
Back in town, do any shopping, then enter the sewers.
Make your way to the spot marked on the map and enter:
*Grancel North Sewer*
You have a map, so take the branch south for:
-Chest: Tear All Balm
-Monster Chest: Reflector
Then the north branch and skip the bridge for a moment to get:
-Chest: Tear All Balm
At the top of the map, skip the door with torches, hit the far door, down the stairs, and follow the path to:
-Monster Chest: Cloak.
There’s an achievement (and +3BP) for beating a tough boss coming up. If you decide you need different equipment, this will be what you come back to.
Also remove anything you’ll need from this party, as the other one will be fighting.
At the door at the top, select standby, and the party will change.
Equip this party however you want for the hard boss fight, save on a second slot, then board the ship.
Back to Joshua, go up the south stairs for a fight.
Back to Estelle for a fight.
Two more fights on the way to the keep.
In the keep, a fight; don’t kill Duke Dunan for +2 BP.
Next is the fight you need to win for the achievement and +3BP.
After the fight there are two achievements without a save point.
You’ll be selecting a party; pick both male or both female and save.
Then reload the save before the tough boss, let him win, click through to this point and pick the other gender. Takes about ten minutes.
Now reload your real save, with the boss defeated, and start the final dungeon.
The shop here sells the last quartz for the achievement.
There are good maps on Gamefaqs which make this easier.
1st floor:
From the entrance, turn right into the main complex.
At the first branch, turn right.
Go straight at the branch for:
-Chest: Celestial Balm
Take the left at the branch for:
-Monster Chest: Magesta (Olivier weapon)
Back to that first branch and go left. In the passage as you go forward is:
-Chest: Teara Balm
The next room has a door, but go past it for:
-Chest: Celestial Balm
In the next hall, go straight for:
-Monster Chest: Daedalus Arm (Zane weapon)
Then back one room and take the side door. This passage leads to the elevator down, but explore the other side doors first. The door on the right leads to:
-Monster Chest: Royal Guard
The door on the bottom leads to a hall. Clockwise:
-Chest: Tear All Balm
-Monster Chest: Ninetails (Schera weapon)
-Chest: EP Charge EX
-Chest: Teara Balm
Now take the elevator down.
2nd Floor:
At the first branch, go left. Two two rooms at the end of this hall both have:
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Teara Balm
Back to the first branch, and take the other exit until you reach a second branch.
Take the door on the right for:
-Monster Chest: Atlus Gear
Then the door on the left (straight ahead from the monster chest room) for a room with three doors. Clockwise:
-Monster Chest: Valkyrie Dress (the achievement should pop.)
-Monster Chest: Hauteclere (Kloe weapon)
-Monster Chest: Sylphen Boots
Now back to the second intersection and take the remaning door (on your left now) to another intesection. Go right and take an elevator up to 1st floor for:
-Monster Chest: Berserker (Agate weapon)
Then take the elevator back down, back to the intersection. There’s a side room to the right:
-Chest: Tear All Balm
Then follow the main passage around to the down elevator. In the elevator room:
-Chest: Teara Balm
Take the elevator down.
3rd Floor:
Exit the elevator room and take the door to the side for another elevator ride to:
-Monster Chest: Thor’s Hammer (Tita weapon)
Backtrack and move forward for a boss fight and a new base camp.
From the camp, head deeper in. First room has a side door leading to:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
Follow the main passage, ignoring the next two side doors for a dead end with:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
Take the first side door you skipped (the second leads to the same place) and go straight through the door at the end for:
-Chest: EP Charge EX
Back in the previous hall, take the first right and the second door in that room for:
-Monster Chest: Sylphen Boots
Then take the first side door until you reach a branch. Go left for two doors:
-Chest: Teara Balm
-Chest: Teara Balm
Then follow that hall all the way to the end and through a door for:
-Monster Chest: Atlus Gear
Backtrack to the side door in the last passage, leading to the elevator down.
Boss fights.
There’s an achievement for beating the final boss, all forms, without using S-Craft. This does not include the first boss fight in this sequence.
Buy the last issue of Liberl News.
Go to the castle bar, talk to Olivier twice, then go check the board for the last side quest.
!The Embassy Mission!
Go talk to Olivier again.
Finally go to the resting area N of the department store and rest.
After plot, find Joshua on the roof.
New game plus might help you finish any remaining achievements.