техноганс мод на майнкрафт
Various structures generate throughout the world, unless they are disabled in the config.
Aircraft Carriers [ ]
These generate only in the ocean. When you approach them, an attack helicopter will take off and start attacking you. These are heavily fortified and you should only get near them if you have good gear. They have loot that includes higher level assault rifles and other guns.
Alien Bug Nests [ ]
These are structures that generate only in deserts and savannas. They spawn Alien Bugs and can generate ore clusters covered in slime nearby.
Train Stations, Houses, and Factories [ ]
A Gas Station structure.
These are small structures that typically only have 1 mob spawner and spawn low level enemies, but also have low level loot. They seem to be the most common. Can have obsidian-ingot tier loot. Very useful at the start.
Castles [ ]
Castles have randomized layouts with different rooms, hallways, and levels. They spawn a large number of bandits and other mobs. Have a decent loot of material bars, weapons and ammo of lower tier (Thompson SMG, etc.). Hard to raid at the beginning and require at least iron armor to be completed normally. Can be used as a starter base.
Military Bases [ ]
Like Castles, these have a randomized layouts, with tents, bunkers, storage containers, watchtowers, and supply crates. Sometimes they can generate a helipad that spawns an Attack Helicopter
Ore Clusters [ ]
A Shiny Gem Cluster that generated in a Mine structure
Ore clusters are an important resource since they are the only place that you can put an Ore Drill later on. Whenever you find one of these it’s a good idea to drop a waypoint or save its coordinates.
They can generate in three ways: 1) Inside mines protected by zombie miners. 2) At the center of a small, fortified compound out in the open protected by soldiers. 3) In spikes of stone with alien bugs protecting it.
Oil only generates in deserts. These structures contain Oil Cluster blocks, which you can place an Ore Drill on to create Crude Oil, which other mods can be used to process into Refined Fuel.
Unimplemented [ ]
Additionally, there are structures referenced in the mod’s code that are currently not implemented.
TechGuns Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2 – Tech Mod That Adds Guns, Armors & +
This should explain a lot about the contents that it brings into the game for players to explore. The month of January 2018 was the last time its file got released to the world of Minecraft which is a sign that it is regularly updated. This mod ensures the addition of items that are survival based such as armors, guns and lots of others.
TechGuns Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2 is a survival based tech mod that adds guns, armors, and many more things. Player demands forced the appearance of tools or applications that optimize the original conditions in terms of their appearance, characters, and accessories of the landscapes, which is known as Mod.
Among the best known is TechGuns Mod 1.16. This basically uses the concept of a technical modification and combines it with explosives, this means that you can manufacture different bombs, exploit ten new minerals and use new machines to create advanced materials.
With TechGuns Mod all the main pumps use a GUI-controlled explosion system which requires you to fill the bombs with explosive materials, firing mechanisms and even radioactive parts. All explosives are ready for survival, everything is possible.
When playing in survival mode or in extreme mode you receive the attack of creatures that arise at night or in dungeons. Each weapon produces different damages, besides most of them can be used as tools to collect objects.
Knowing how to defend and attack is a priority to stay in the game. The weapons in the original game are limited, but with TechGuns Mod, this changes.
TechGuns Mod features
Among the mod that is installed most frequently is TechGuns mod. Includes a series of weapons and armor to protect you.
In addition to the armor protection it offers, it also allows you to create new hostile creatures to add more difficulty. Another option that this application gives is to make several types of machines and blocks, as well as a defense mechanism, if you are playing with a group of friends in a war between two sides, you can defend the base by watching through the towers of surveillance that are programmed to hurt only enemies and let friends pass.
Among its other relevant features, you can also find the following that we will show you below:
How to install TechGuns mod
Steps you should follow to install TechGuns mod for different versions of Minecraft.
TechGuns Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 Download Links:
Before you download. Please read!
Clientside/In-Game Options [ ]
The following can be changed while playing in the in-game config:
Damage Factors [ ]
The following can be changed to change the damage multiplier NPCs and players face.
Disable Items [ ]
The following items can be disabled if provided already by another mod (all are true by default):
Fluid Recipes [ ]
Recipes that require fluids from both the techguns mod and/or another mod. More fluids can be added in the techguns.cfg file
Fuel Tanks [ ]
Fluids needed to fill a Fuel Tank in a Chemical Laboratory. The default is lava if no fuels listed are provided and is removed by default if any of the fuels listed are provided (this can be changed in the General section).
Oil Fluids [ ]
Fluids considered as oil.
Worldspawn Oil Fluids [ ]
Fluids considered as oil in naturally generated blocks
General [ ]
General in-game options that affect gameplay in survival.
Spawning [ ]
Techguns’ Mob spawning features and rules.
Biome Blacklist [ ]
Biomes listed will not spawn any of the mobs from Techguns. It must be written with the ID for the Minecraft/mod biome (ex. minecraft:mushroom_island) in order to work.
Mob Worldspawn Distance [ ]
Maximum amount of blocks from worldspawn Techguns’ mobs spawn in naturally generated structures with a certain danger level.
Spawn Weight [ ]
Spawn Weight for all Techguns’ mobs (Changing any of the values to 0 will prevent spawning of that mob).
Ore Drills [ ]
Mining Levels [ ]
World Generation [ ]
Configuration for world generation.
Structures [ ]
Spawning rules for certain structures.
Ore Generation [ ]
Determines which ores are and are not generated. All ores listed are generated by default (manually remove if provided by another mod).
Techguns Mod Overview
Techguns Mod 1.14.4/1.13.2/1.12.2/1.11.2 – Guns, Armors and a lot more.
Unfortunately, there is no showcase available for this mod!
If you think the video of this mod is wrong / irrelevant or other reason, please report it by click on a follow button:
This is a simple tutorial that will helps you to install Techguns Mod for Minecraft 1.13, 1.12.2 and others version successfully!
Techguns Mod Download
A release is the distribution of the final version of a mod.
The mod developers release beta versions of release in order to garner useful feedback before releasing the final version of a mod.
The alpha release is a mod release that is still in the early testing phase.
The Techguns Mod download links from below are available for Minecraft’s most popular versions so far, for others version (likes as 1.12.1 / 1.11.1 / 1.10.1 / 1.9.2 / 1.8.8 / 1.8.4 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 / 1.6.2 / 1.5.2 / 1.4.7 ) please visit the official website above!
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Technomancy [1.7.10]
Наука и магия, что может пойти не так?
Техномантия, насколько вы можете догадаться из названия, основана на сочетании волшебства и технологии в (надеюсь) забавном способе. Много блоков будет добавлено на базе силовой системы РФ и будет использоваться для выполнения сложных магических махинаций. Мод поддерживает Blood Magic, Botania и Thaumcraft с динамоманами, чтобы вы могли использовать свою базу уникальными странными способами.
Essentia Dynamo: Приведено в действие любым типом эссенции. Каждый тип дает различную топливную ценность в зависимости от «категории» (первичные имеют одинаковую топливную ценность, человеческие аспекты имеют одинаковые значения, растения одинаковы и т. Д.). Essentia можно закачивать в любую сторону и вытягивать из банки любого типа независимо от маркировки. Узел Динамо: вытягивает ауру из узла (не нарушая ее). Ничто, кроме ярких узлов, не сможет угнаться за скоростью ауры. Хиппи Динамо: использует ботанику для запуска мощного динамо. Кровавое динамо: накачайте кровь этому ребенку и дайте ему произвести множество рядов, сражайтесь с поводами!
Экологический трансмутер: купив поставку очень большого количества энергии, трансмутер будет терраформировать максимальную площадь в 300 блоков в биомах Tainted Land, Magical Forest или Eerie. Shift-Right-Click для переключения выходного биома. Quantum Jar: хранит 640 эссенций. Он высосет любую сущность из ближайших кувшинов, если в ней есть какая-то сущность. Node Fabricator: Создает узлы ауры, используя огромное количество энергии, Aurum и загрязнения. Упорядоченная лампа: уменьшает нестабильность инфузионных алтарей, перекачивая весь поток в другое место. Кувшин Эндер: Как сундук Эндер, но с необходимостью. Катушка Essentia: передает Essentia без проводов. Eldritch Consumer: требуется огромное количество энергии, чтобы поглотить окружающие блоки и превратить их в сущность. Катушка предметов: передает предметы по беспроводной связи. Таблица расширенной деконструкции: удобные точки исследования. Blood Fabricator: производит кровь из энергии. Mana Fabricator: вырабатывает ману из энергии. Процессоры: комбинируя различные и магии, вы можете умножить металл, полученный из ваших руд. Имейте в виду, что хотя эта система очень эффективна, она чрезвычайно дорогая с точки зрения энергии.
Кристаллы и Катализатор: они способны образовывать более или менее сложные ритуалы книги в игре идут вразрез с механикой ритуальной системы.
Соединитель катушек: Пары катушек. Ручка: инструменты Scribing, которые работают намного дольше. Заряженный жезл: жезл с небольшим объемом хранения, который заряжается через конденсаторы.