скрипт для майнкрафт ahk

Minecraft Scripts!

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So I started playing Minecraft and starting to love it but I’d like to build a script that adds some functionality to the game since I notice you spent most of your play time holding down the left mouse button.
The issues I run into when implementing simple key spam scripts is that I’m constantly swapping to the wiki and other sites for info on building redstone circuits and other structures as well as item ID’s.
I plan on pasting scripts found on the forums as well as my own here on this post to keep them all together since I see that a few people have already posted here looking for answers. 😉

Also I’ve been using a few mods most prominent amond them is a mod that adds guns to the game (SDK’s Guns, Grappling Hooks, and Utilities Mod)).

A few hotkeys I’m working on are:

Sniper Rifle(SR): Quickscope and fire. Since firing in while scoped gives 0 miss rate but the scoping process takes a few seconds to focus.

Rapid fire weapons (All): I noticed that all the guns have a simple backlash program and I think with trial and error I can build a script that can determine if I’m holding the key down or single firing to wip the cursor back on my target.

Weapon swapping: I want to be able to swap weapons on the fly. What I mean by this is firing once with a SR and then swap to another weapon and continue firing while keeping the cursor on my target in the blink of an eye. Not sure if it’s possible to reload weapons while they are not equiped but if I can fire the SF, press reload key, swap weapons, fire untill SR is ready, press reload key, swap back to SR, fire, and Loop. Would be totally awesome.



AutoHotkey, downloadable from AutoHotkey.com, is a program for executing scripted macro functions in Windows to issue a command with the press of a single hotkey, or combination of hotkeys.

AutoHotkey’s main use as it relates to the MinecraftOnline Server and its Players is to enable one button execution of commands that would otherwise require a player to stop what they are doing and manually type out the command.



In practice, a Moderator, Admin, or donator with the ability to use the /descend command could assign a hotkey to execute the /descend command instantaneously, saving the time they would otherwise have spent accessing the chat and typing the command to execute it manually.

For example, the macro q::Send t /home will send you to your /sethome location with the press of the button «q».

NOTE: this is a Windows program and will not work on Mac OS X nor any version of Linux.


Below is a sample script that can be edited by an end user to fit their button preferences, enabling them to assign keys to the commands available on the MinecraftOnline Server.

Template AutoHotkey script for basic MineraftOnline Server commands:

The sample script can be downloaded here: AutoHotkey.ahk

This script contains a SetKeyDelay to prevent the command being entered too quickly, ensuring the Minecraft Client registers the chat button being pressed. On faster or slower machines, this can be lowered and raised accordingly to fit the player’s needs.

Window selection

It’s possible to restrict autohotkey to only activate in specific windows. The below example demonstrates use of autohotkey restricted to windows having the title «Minecraft». The line starting with a semicolon is a comment. The ^e means ctrl+e.


Since the release of Minecraft 1.8, previous scripts often fail due to the delay in opening the chat window. As a result, a delay variable needs to be introduced in most cases. Below is an example script demonstrating this in action:


You may have noticed that many lines that are repeated for each command. To make defining new commands less tedious, you can use functions to do the repetitive work for you. A function that sends a text to the chat looks like this:

Now the list of commands from the previous section can be defined in a much more concise way:



Powerful. Easy to learn.

The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.

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Key Binds

Define hotkeys for the mouse and keyboard, remap keys or buttons and autocorrect-like replacements. Creating simple hotkeys has never been easier; you can do it in just a few lines or less!

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What is AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.

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Is it good for me?

AutoHotkey has easy to learn built-in commands for beginners. Experienced developers will love this full-fledged scripting language for fast prototyping and small projects.

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Why AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey gives you the freedom to automate any desktop task. It’s small, fast and runs out-of-the-box. Best of all, it’s free, open-source (GNU GPLv2), and beginner-friendly. Why not give it a try?

A peek at the syntax.

AutoHotkey provides a simple, flexible syntax allowing you to focus more on the task at hand rather than every single little technicality. It supports not only the popular imperative-procedural paradigm, but also object-oriented and command-based programming.

Here are a few simple examples:


Тема: Скрипты Macro/Keybind mod

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Скрипты Macro/Keybind mod

Скрипты для Macro/Keybind mod
сразу скажу, скрипты писал не Я, я лишь нашел их. Проверял только на ТМСК

log(«RapidSneak OFF»);
log(«RapidSneak ON»);

3. Приветствие определенного игрока, когда тот заходит на сервер
Тута нам надо будет открыть меню с помощью SHIFT + 0
Сверху слева жмякаем на желтый треугольник
скрипт для майнкрафт ahk. картинка скрипт для майнкрафт ahk. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk фото. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk видео. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку скрипт для майнкрафт ahk.
Выбираем onPlayerJoined
скрипт для майнкрафт ahk. картинка скрипт для майнкрафт ahk. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk фото. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk видео. скрипт для майнкрафт ahk смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку скрипт для майнкрафт ahk.

5. Автозажим правой кнопкой мыши
Биндить на кнопочку, как 1 скрипт

6. Автоспринт (проверял только на ТМСК)
Биндить на кнопочку, как 1 скрипт

7. Автоклик / авто копание
тоесть, если курсор на блоке, то он его ломает, если курсор в воздухе, то бьёт
Биндить на кнопочку, как 1 скрипт

$$ log(«Automine Disabled»);
log(«Automine Enabled»);

Для индивидумов: Я не делаю гайд как писать скрипты, я лишь НАШЁЛ готовые, и показал что нужно, чтобы это работало.

Если у вас есть что-то рабочее, делитесь, не стесняйтесь!

Если что-то найду, дополню


AutoHotkey Script Showcase

This showcase lists some scripts created by different authors which show what AutoHotkey might be capable of. For more ready-to-run scripts and functions, see Scripts and Functions Forum.

Table of Contents

Screen Magnifier

This screen magnifier has the several advantages over the one included with the operating system, including: Customizable refresh interval and zoom level (including shrink/de-magnify); antialiasing to provide nicer output; and it is open-source (as a result, there are several variations to choose from, or you can tweak the script yourself).


LiveWindows allows you to monitor the progress of downloads, file-copying, and other dialogs by displaying a small replica of each dialog and its progress bar (dialogs are automatically detected, even if they’re behind other windows). The preview window stays always-on-top but uses very little screen space (it can also be resized by dragging its edges). You can also monitor any window by dragging a selection rectangle around the area of interest (with control-shift-drag), then press Win + W to display that section in the preview window with real-time updates.

Mouse Gestures

This script watches how you move the mouse whenever the right mouse button is being held down. If it sees you «draw» a recognized shape or symbol, it will launch a program or perform another custom action of your choice (just like hotkeys). See the included README file for how to define gestures.

Context Sensitive Help in Any Editor

This script makes Ctrl + 2 (or another hotkey of your choice) show the help file page for the selected AutoHotkey command or keyword. If nothing is selected, the command name will be extracted from the beginning of the current line.

Easy Window Dragging

Requirement: Windows XP/2k/NT or later

Normally, a window can only be dragged by clicking on its title bar. This script extends that so that any point inside a window can be dragged. To activate this mode, hold down CapsLock or the middle mouse button while clicking, then drag the window to a new position.

Easy Window Dragging (KDE style)

Requirement: Windows XP/2k/NT or later

This script makes it much easier to move or resize a window: 1) Hold down Alt and LEFT-click anywhere inside a window to drag it to a new location; 2) Hold down Alt and RIGHT-click-drag anywhere inside a window to easily resize it; 3) Press Alt twice, but before releasing it the second time, left-click to minimize the window under the mouse cursor, right-click to maximize it, or middle-click to close it.

Easy Access to Favorite Folders

When you click the middle mouse button while certain types of windows are active, this script displays a menu of your favorite folders. Upon selecting a favorite, the script will instantly switch to that folder within the active window. The following window types are supported: 1) Standard file-open or file-save dialogs; 2) Explorer windows; 3) Console (command prompt) windows. The menu can also be optionally shown for unsupported window types, in which case the chosen favorite will be opened as a new Explorer window.


Requirement: Windows XP/2k/NT or later

Using a Joystick as a Mouse

This script converts a joystick into a three-button mouse. It allows each button to drag just like a mouse button and it uses virtually no CPU time. Also, it will move the cursor faster depending on how far you push the joystick from center. You can personalize various settings at the top of the script.

Joystick Test Script

This script helps determine the button numbers and other attributes of your joystick. It might also reveal if your joystick is in need of calibration; that is, whether the range of motion of each of its axes is from 0 to 100 percent as it should be. If calibration is needed, use the operating system’s control panel or the software that came with your joystick.

On-Screen ANSI Keyboard (OSAK)

Authors: Jon, Lehnemann, anonymous1184, KeronCyst

Requirement: AutoHotkey v1.1 or later

This script creates a mock keyboard at the bottom of your screen that shows the keys you are pressing in real time. I made it to help me to learn to touch-type (to get used to not looking at the keyboard). The size of the on-screen keyboard can be customized at the top of the script. Also, you can double-click the tray icon to show or hide the keyboard.

Minimize Window to Tray Menu

This script assigns a hotkey of your choice to hide any window so that it becomes an entry at the bottom of the script’s tray menu. Hidden windows can then be unhidden individually or all at once by selecting the corresponding item on the menu. If the script exits for any reason, all the windows that it hid will be unhidden automatically.

Changing MsgBox’s Button Names

This is a working example script that uses a timer to change the names of the buttons in a message box. Although the button names are changed, the IfMsgBox command still requires that the buttons be referred to by their original names.

Numpad 000 Key

This example script makes the special 000 that appears on certain keypads into an equals key. You can change the action by replacing the Send, = line with line(s) of your choice.

Using Keyboard Numpad as a Mouse

This script makes mousing with your keyboard almost as easy as using a real mouse (maybe even easier for some tasks). It supports up to five mouse buttons and the turning of the mouse wheel. It also features customizable movement speed, acceleration, and «axis inversion».

Seek (Search the Start Menu)

Navigating the Start Menu can be a hassle, especially if you have installed many programs over time. ‘Seek’ lets you specify a case-insensitive key word/phrase that it will use to filter only the matching programs and directories from the Start Menu, so that you can easily open your target program from a handful of matched entries. This eliminates the drudgery of searching and traversing the Start Menu.

ToolTip Mouse Menu

Requirement: Windows XP/2k/NT or later

This script displays a popup menu in response to briefly holding down the middle mouse button. Select a menu item by left-clicking it. Cancel the menu by left-clicking outside of it. A recent improvement is that the contents of the menu can change depending on which type of window is active (Notepad and Word are used as examples here).

Volume On-Screen-Display (OSD)

This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the master and/or wave volume. Both volumes are displayed as different color bar graphs.

Window Shading

This script reduces a window to its title bar and then back to its original size by pressing a single hotkey. Any number of windows can be reduced in this fashion (the script remembers each). If the script exits for any reason, all «rolled up» windows will be automatically restored to their original heights.

WinLIRC Client

This script receives notifications from WinLIRC whenever you press a button on your remote control. It can be used to automate Winamp, Windows Media Player, etc. It’s easy to configure. For example, if WinLIRC recognizes a button named «VolUp» on your remote control, create a label named VolUp and beneath it use the command SoundSet +5 to increase the soundcard’s volume by 5%.

HTML Entities Encoding

1 Hour Software

This is a large collection of useful scripts, professionally presented with short descriptions and screenshots.

Toralf’s Scripts

This collection includes useful scripts such as:

Sean’s Scripts

Network Download/Upload Meter: Displays the network download/upload KB in a small, always-on-top progress bar. See archived forum thread.

StdoutToVar: Redirects the output of a command or application into one of the script’s variables. See archived forum thread.

Capture a Screen Rectangle: A callable function that captures a portion of the screen and saves it as a file (BMP/JPG/PNG/GIF/TIF). It can also capture transparent windows and the mouse cursor. See archived forum thread.

Color Zoomer/Picker: Magnifies the area near the cursor, allowing a single pixel to be selected and its color identified. See archived forum thread.

Archived Scripts and Functions Forum

An archive of an older forum containing many more scripts, but some scripts might not run as-is on AutoHotkey v1.1.


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