сколько волн в рейде майнкрафт
Сколько волн в рейде майнкрафт
Не так давно, с появлением Minecraft 1.14 в Minecraft были добавлены рейды разбойников на деревню (Pillager Raid). Многие задаются вопросами: как вызвать рейд на деревню, что нужно для рейда, какие мобы участвуют в рейде, как отразить атаку и как подготовить деревню к рейду. На все эти вопросы вы найдете ответ в этой статье. Также дам несколько советов по защите деревни и ее подготовке к рейду, так как самому довелось отражать рейд разбойников.
Как вызвать рейд?
Чтобы вызвать рейд, необходимо получить эффект «Плохой знак». Получить этот эффект можно:
(все главари имеют знамя за спиной в виде баннера)
После получения эффекта, нужно зайти в деревню и спустя время, в ней будет начат рейд. Начало рейда показывает заполняющаяся шкала вверху экрана, с надписью «Рейд».
Аванпост разбойников выглядит следующим образом:
Спавн рейдов:
Отряды будут появляться вблизи деревни Minecraft, в которой был начат рейд. Рейдеры могут заходить с различных сторон деревни. Определить с какой стороны достаточно просто: при появлении отряда звучит своеобразный звук рога, который подсказывает местоположение отряда. Также, после начала рейда появляется шкала, отражающая количество сил противника и время до начала следующей волны.
Спаунятся далеко от деревни и стараются не участвовать в битве, а только «подкидывать» зелья слабости и замедления в игрока. Также может помогать своему отряду. Постепенно пытается сблизиться с игроком, но не на очень близкое расстояние. Если остается одна, а всех остальных участников нападения убили, то она выпивает зелье скорости и пытается убежать из деревни. Следует убивать в приоритетном порядке из лука, так как они довольно сильные мобы.
Довольно опасны для жителей, находящихся за пределами дома, однако обычно таких довольно мало (поскольку с началом рейда все начинают судорожно разбегаться по домам и стараются оттуда не выходить). Для игрока моб представляет большую опасность, за счет того, что пытается использовать дальнюю атаку с помощью челюстей.
Рейды состоят из нескольких волн (максимум 10), которые определяются силой эффекта «Плохой знак» (чем больше проблем вы создадите разбойникам, тем больше этот уровень). С каждой волной количество противников увеличивается, добавляются новые мобы, участвующие в рейде. Каждая волна идет строго после другой (через небольшой промежуток времени), что дает время подготовится игроку к сражению. Также во время спауна рейда, появляется шкала, показывающая количество оставшихся налетчиков.
Тактика боя:
Услышав звуковой сигнал (звук рога), нужно понять, с какой стороны он звучал, чтобы быстро перейти на позицию.
Используйте лук или арбалет для обстрела врагов издалека, когда они еще на подходе и не могут атаковать игрока и жителей. Лук или арбалет очень эффективен в этом случае. Также, запаситесь большим количеством стрел (берите все, что у вас есть).
Сразу отстреливайте подходящих поборников, так как они опасны для жителей и быстро расходятся по углам деревни, открывая двери домов.
Обратите внимание на ведьму, так как она всегда старается быть незамеченной и может медленно убивать вас.
Против разбойников может помочь щит, которым вы можете прикрываться.
К концу боя, враги в основном находятся в разных углах деревни. В это время можно перейти к зачистке при помощи меча.
Подготовка деревни:
Заблокируйте входы в дома жителей, поставив блоки перед дверьми. Жители не смогут выйти за пределы своего жилища во время боя, а враги не смогут к ним попасть, тем самым ваши жители будут в безопасности.
Постройте несколько железных големов. Они серьезно повысят шансы на отражение волны.
Постройте обзорный пункт в виде башни на крыше какого-либо здания или в виде отдельно стоящего здания. Он не должен быть очень высоким. Вы должны продумать то, чтобы максимально быстро на него забираться и спускаться. Также он должен давать вам обзор на всю деревню и большинство входов в дома. Забравшись на него во время боя, вы сможете защитить фланг, обстреляв врагов из лука. Также вы можете контролировать входы в дома, чтобы защитить жителей.
Чтобы обезопасить деревню, постройте по ее периметру забор высотой в 2 блока, чтобы атакующие не смогли пройти через данное заграждение.
Если ваша деревня находится на холме, вы сможете по ее периметру вылить воду так, чтобы вода стекала по всему периметру деревни. Все враги очень сильно замедляются, пытаясь преодолеть вашу преграду. В это время для вас не закрыт обзор для обстрела таких врагов и вы сможете обстреливать их из лука с какого-либо обзорного пункта.
Также вы можете соорудить небольшую реку вокруг вашей деревни, шириной 3 и более блока.
Minecraft Wiki
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A raid is an in-game event in which waves of various mobs, mainly illagers, spawn and attack a village. It is triggered when a player with the Bad Omen status effect enters a village.
Spawning [ ]
A player with the Bad Omen status effect triggers a raid upon entering a chunk with at least one villager and a claimed bed, or one of the 8 chunks surrounding it in a square. In Java Edition, a villager with a claimed bell or job site block can also trigger a raid, even if no claimed beds are present.
Bad Omen is obtained when a player kills an illager captain, which can be found at pillager outposts, woodland mansions, in patrols or during raids, as long as they are killed outside the raid range. If a player kills multiple captains in Java Edition, the Bad Omen accumulates up to Bad Omen V, causing members of the raiding party to have an increased chance of having enchanted weapons. Killing a patrol captain gives 1–5 Bad Omen levels, while killing an outpost captain always gives 1 level. In Bedrock Edition, the Bad Omen effect does not stack by killing multiple captains.
Raids can be triggered in the Overworld and the End, but in Java Edition, raids cannot be triggered in the Nether. [1]
Behavior [ ]
Starting [ ]
In Java Edition, when a player with Bad Omen effect enters a 3×3×3 subchunk region around a village center, the effect disappears and the raid starts. A bossbar labeled «Raid» appears and begins charging. The bossbar is visible to players up to 96 blocks away (spherical) from the raid center. The bar is red and represents the total remaining health of the raid mobs. The number of mobs still alive displays when there are fewer than three. A horn sounds at the start of each wave, from the direction of the wave spawn and 13 blocks away from the player. A villager rings the bell while the bossbar charges. Each subsequent wave is larger, with more mobs, including pillagers, witches, evokers, ravagers, and vindicators.
In Bedrock Edition, when a player with Bad Omen enters a 64x23x64 region around a village center (technically 1.12 blocks below the center), the effect disappears and the raid starts. A bossbar labeled «Raid» appears and begins charging. The bossbar is visible in a 128×88×128 region around the village center (technically 1.12 blocks below the center). The bar is purple, and represents the number of remaining mobs. While a wither is already present in the village and a raid starts, the bar is red and black. It is not clear whether or not this is intentional. The number of mobs still alive displays when there are fewer than three. A horn sounds at the start of each wave, and plays again at intervals until the wave has been defeated, or the player has lost. The horn plays from the direction of one of the illagers, which can help you locate it. The bell rings while the bossbar charges. Each subsequent wave is larger, with more mobs, including pillagers, witches, evokers, ravagers, and vindicators.
Joining [ ]
In Java Edition, illagers and witches not spawned as part of the raid (e.g. from a patrol) may join the raid and be counted by the bossbar, provided they are within 96 blocks of the village center. Illusioners can also join the raid. Raid captains may also join and can trigger a new raid when killed far enough from the village.
In Bedrock Edition, illagers cannot join raids. If a new raid is triggered after all beds are destroyed and then replaced, previously remaining illagers are not counted in the new raid bossbar.
Illager [ ]
Illagers have exclusive behavior during raids.
In Java Edition, vindicators in a raid take the initiative to open and close doors to search for villagers. They can sometimes break a wooden door in Normal [ verify ] or Hard difficulty if they cannot open the door normally. Evokers and illusioners gain 3X [ verify ] movement speed without any effect.
In Bedrock Edition, a vindicator spawned in a raid gains the ability to break doors in Normal difficulty, but does not actively seek doors. They try to break the door only when passing by.
Captains [ ]
When a wave captain is killed. other illagers in the raid try to pick up the banner dropped by the previous leader; the illager that retrieves the banner becomes the new wave captain. [ Java Edition only ]
A player does not receive the Bad Omen effect when killing the patrol captain within a village. The captain is always a vindicator upon spawning, if possible.
Raid wave spawning [ ]
The raid spawns several waves of raider mobs. If a raid wave begins while an illager is somehow already present inside the village, the wave does not spawn at all and entirely fills up with however many existing illagers are there; When these illagers are defeated, the raid resumes as normal. In Java Edition, to find a valid spawn target location at the beginning of each raid wave, there are 3 spawn attempt phases with 20 attempts per phase. For each attempt, a random location is chosen a certain radius away from the raid center (64 blocks in the first phase, 32 in the second, and 0 in the third) at a random horizontal angle, with fractional results rounded down. Additionally, a random 0–4 is added to X and Z coordinates. In Bedrock Edition, the exact spawning mechanics are unknown, but the raid can spawn in the 128x32x128 region around the village center. In effect, the three spawn attempt areas are two rings and a 5×5 square. The target height is always on top of the topmost non-air block. For spawn location to be valid, the block underneath must have a solid opaque top face or be snow.
Valid spawn blocks include full blocks, upside-down slabs/stairs, soul sand, and packed/blue ice, but not glass, leaves, light-emitting blocks, trapdoors, regular ice, bottom slabs, or carpet. In Bedrock Edition the raid can spawn on any block except leaves and scaffolding. Any light level is fine and player proximity does not matter. The location must be in an entity-ticking chunk. If the game is unable to find a spawn location, the raid ends. Once a valid location is found, the horn sounds and all raider mobs for that wave spawn there at once. They then spread out and move toward the village. Once all raiders are killed, there is a 15-second cooldown before the next wave. However, if the last raider happens to move outside a spherical radius of 112 blocks from raid center, or the entire wave spawns outside that radius (which can happen with large differences in Y-level), then the next wave spawns immediately. Raiders that are part of a raid do not despawn naturally and do not contribute to the mob cap, but resume despawning once the raid is over or they leave it.
Raid wave composition [ ]
Java Edition [ ]
The number of waves depends on difficulty: There are 3 waves in Easy difficulty, 5 in Normal, and 7 in Hard. In Hard, there is a chance of 1 additional pillager and/or vindicator spawning. If the player’s Bad Omen level is II or higher, one additional wave spawns (e.g. 4 in Easy, 6 in Normal, and 8 in Hard) with the same strength as the final wave. Raiders have an increased chance of spawning with enchanted items with higher bad omen levels, a 10% chance starting at Bad Omen II and up to a 75% chance at Bad Omen V.
When triggered with Bad Omen I, illager weapons are unenchanted. Bad Omen levels II through V each increases the possibility of low-level enchantments. There is a 1/4 chance of spawning an additional pillager and a 1/4 chance of spawning an additional vindicator each wave.
There is a 1/2 chance of spawning an additional pillager per wave, 1/2 chance of spawning an additional vindicator on each wave, and a 1/2 chance of spawning an additional witch during waves 3 and 5. If there is an extra wave, the ravager in that wave is not ridden by a pillager, and there is a 50% chance of spawning a second ravager during that wave only.
There are two attempts to spawn an additional pillager with a 1/2 success rate, two attempts to spawn an additional vindicator with a 1/2 success rate, and a 1/2 to spawn an additional witch starting on wave 3, excluding wave 4. If there is an extra wave, there is a 1/2 chance of spawning another ravager ridden by a vindicator during that wave only.
Bedrock Edition [ ]
In Bedrock Edition, the number of waves depends on difficulty, regardless of Bad Omen level without any additional waves. There are three waves in Easy difficulty, five in normal, and seven in hard. They spawn with enchanted weapons at level 5 on easy and at levels 5-19 in other difficulties. There are no attempts to spawn additional mobs in any difficulty.
Mobs | Wave 1 | Wave 2 | Wave 3 | Wave 4 | Wave 5 | Wave 6 | Wave 7 |
Pillager | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | ||
Vindicator | 2 | 4 | 2 | 6 | |||
Ravager | 1 | 1 | |||||
Witch | 3 | 1 | |||||
Evoker | 1 | 1 | 2 | ||||
Ravager + Pillager | 1 | 1 | |||||
Ravager + Evoker | 1 | ||||||
Ravager + Vindicator | N/A | ||||||
Total mobs | 4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 11 |
Overall total | 13 (Easy); 26 (Normal); 45 (Hard) |
All mobs in a raid drop their own regular loot.
The raid captain drops
In Java Edition [ ]
In Bedrock Edition [ ]
In addition to regular loot, pillagers and vindicators can drop:
Additionally, depending on difficulty, they have a 65% chance of dropping on easy and normal, while 80% chance of dropping on hard:
In Java Edition, villagers give the player extra loot (gifts) after the raid, while in Bedrock Edition, the illagers drop extra loot when killed.
Bad Omen [ ]
In Java Edition, besides triggering a raid, the Bad Omen status effect’s level of the triggering player also affects the raid mechanism. When the Bad Omen level is higher than one, an additional wave spawns with the same strength as the final wave. With a higher level of Bad Omen to a raid, the illagers in the raid have a higher chance of being equipped with enchanted weapons. When the raid ends in a victory, the players receive Hero of the Village effect at the same level as the Bad Omen level of the raid. Players can also drink milk to remove any level of the Bad Omen effect. In Bedrock Edition, Bad Omen does not affect the enchanted weapons.
Ending [ ]
Sound | Subtitles | Source | Description | Resource location | Translation key | Volume | Pitch | Attenuation distance |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Pillager_celebrate1.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Pillager_celebrate2.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Pillager_celebrate3.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Pillager_celebrate4.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Pillager_horn_celebrate.ogg | Pillager cheers | ? | ? | entity.pillager.celebrate | subtitles.entity.pillager.celebrate | 1.0 | ? | 16 |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vindicator_celebrate1.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vindicator_celebrate2.ogg | Vindicator cheers | ? | ? | entity.vindicator.celebrate | subtitles.entity.vindicator.celebrate | 1.0 | ? | 16 |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Ravager_celebrate1.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Ravager_celebrate2.ogg | Ravager cheers | ? | ? | entity.ravager.celebrate | subtitles.entity.ravager.celebrate | 1.0 | ? | 16 |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Evoker_celebrate.ogg | Evoker cheers | ? | ? | entity.evoker.celebrate | subtitles.entity.evoker.celebrate | 1.0 | ? | 16 |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Witch_celebrate.ogg | Witch cheers | ? | ? | entity.witch.celebrate | subtitles.entity.witch.celebrate | 1.0 | ? | 16 |
Raids cannot end naturally if at least one baby villager remains, because illagers are passive to baby villagers, except for the “Johnny” vindicator. [ Bedrock Edition only ]
In some cases a raid ends after a set amount of time, if all left over raiders cannot move.
Villagers [ ]
In Java Edition during a raid, villagers emit «sweat particles». At least one villager rushes to the village meeting point and rings the bell to alert other villagers to get inside their houses during the warmup of an upcoming raid wave.
After successfully defending a village from a raid, the villagers emerge from their houses and celebrate, by setting off firework rockets and cheering, although villagers do not have a celebrate sound unlike the illagers.
Gifts [ ]
Villagers give players gifts after the raid in Java Edition. Villagers throw items at the player that are related to their profession. After throwing a gift a villager has a cooldown between 30 seconds and 5 minutes and 30 seconds before they can throw another gift at the player. That means the more villagers the player has, the more gifts they receive.
Witches [ ]
In Java Edition, witches participating in a raid often help other illagers by splashing a Potion of Regeneration or Healing. Witches do not attack villagers and do not throw harmful potions at them. [2]
In Bedrock Edition, witches participating in a raid do not heal other illagers, but still attack the player and iron golems. Witches are passive toward villagers, but their harmful splash potions might hit a villager by accident.
Mobs not counted [ ]
Vexes summoned by evokers do not count as part of the raid. Killing them has no effect on the raiding bar, and the raid can end in victory even if there are vexes remaining.
Expiring [ ]
If a raid goes on for 48,000ticks (40 minutes in real time) the raiding bar disappears and a message appears saying «raid expired», although expired the still living illagers stay until killed.
Sounds [ ]
Sound | Subtitles | Source | Description | Resource location | Translation key | Volume | Pitch | Attenuation distance |
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Event_raidhorn1.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Event_raidhorn2.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Event_raidhorn3.ogg https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Event_raidhorn4.ogg | Ominous horn blares | Friendly Creatures | ? | event.raid.horn | subtitles.event.raid.horn | 0.01 | ? | 16 |
NBT structure [ ]
Achievements [ ]
Icon | Achievement | In-game description | Actual requirements (if different) | Gamerscore earned | Trophy type (PS4) | |
PS4 | Other platforms | |||||
Feeling Ill | Defeat an Evoker | — | 30G | Silver | ||
Kill the Beast! | Defeat a Ravager. | — | 30G | Silver | ||
We’re being attacked! | Trigger a Pillager Raid. | Walk in a village with the Bad Omen effect applied. | 20G | Bronze | ||
Sound the Alarm! | Ring the bell with a hostile enemy in the village. | — | 20G | Bronze | ||
I’ve got a bad feeling about this | Kill a Pillager Captain. | — | 20G | Bronze |
Advancements [ ]
Icon | Advancement | In-game description | Parent | Actual requirements (if different) | Resource location |
Voluntary Exile | Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from villages for the time being. | Adventure | Kill an entity in the #raiders entity tag wearing an ominous banner. Note: This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless if one or more of its child advancements have been completed. | adventure/voluntary_exile | |
Hero of the Village | Successfully defend a village from a raid | Voluntary Exile | Be in a certain radius from the village center when a raid ends in victory. Note: This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless if one or more of its child advancements have been completed. | adventure/hero_of_the_village |
History [ ]
Issues [ ]
Issues relating to «Raid» are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
Trivia [ ]
Gallery [ ]
A villager sweating in a large house at a village.
A ravager raiding a village and attacking an iron golem.
A group of pillagers raiding a village.
A pillager celebrating their raid victory in Java Edition.
A pillager celebrating their raid victory in Bedrock Edition.
A vindicator celebrating their raid victory.
An evoker celebrating their raid victory.
A witch celebrating their raid victory.
An illusioner celebrating their raid victory.
Pillager riding ravager attacking a villager.
Illagers killing an iron golem.
A Pillager and Iron Golem fight, but because of the height difference, the Iron Golem can not fight back.
Pillager leader chasing villager.
Pillagers holding a crossbow, shown at MINECON Earth 2018.