скины майнкрафт френ боу
Fran Bow is a very curious 10-year old girl (who later turns 11) with bobbed brown hair and blue eyes. She usually wears a yellow dress with a small blue/green bow tie and brown boots with black-and-white striped stockings
Fran is an inquisitive young girl, who likes to examine her surroundings, scrutinize materials and combine them. She also thinks very vividly. To her social environment, she is a nice, polite (but sometimes persistent and annoying) little girl. She’s also quite smart, yet gullible at some points; sometimes clearly sensing danger, whereas other times lets her curiosity get the better of her. Fran loves animals above all things and particularly Mr. Midnight. She is quite anxious and jumpy, but also courageous. She longs for her home, and to be with Mr. Midnight and her Aunt Grace.
If the things were real, then Fran was never psychotic, to begin with; her family’s tragedy only happened because of Remor’s decision to toy with her, which led her to be possessed by him. However, if they were, in fact, NOT real and only hallucinations, then it’s likely just a result of her brain being tampered with through overdoses of Duotine by Dr. Oswald, affecting her mentality. In that case, Remor could be seen as an avatar of Fran’s own psychosis, her shadow, materialized by people experimenting on her.
At the beginning of the game, we see Fran Bow living a happy life with her mother and father as any ordinary little girl. They give her a black cat which she then names Mr. Midnight and shortly after this her Aunt Grace arrives for dinner. Later in the week her aunt babysits her and Fran describes the experience as fun and shows a liking to her Aunt Grace. After a few days, she is disturbed by an ominous figure in the window of her room when playing with Mr. Midnight. Shortly after this she hears a scream from her parents’ room and goes to investigate.
Upon entering her parent’s room she comes face to face with a gruesome scene; her parents have been killed and dismembered, their bodies are strewn about the bedroom. Terrified, Fran flees into the forest with Mr. Midnight and faints. Though her cat seems to want to stay and comfort her, two figures approach and he reluctantly flees. Fran is then picked up by a hooded figure. After this Dr. Deern wakes Fran up, revealing this to all be a recollection of said events. Fran and Dr. Deern then talk for a bit, Fran demands to be released and Dr. Deern adamantly refuses.
Fran receives her mother’s old purse with a note from Aunt Grace inside. A nurse is then called in to give Fran a new medicine called Duotine; Fran is not allowed to leave the room until she takes it. Upon doing so she states that she is not feeling well and has a vision of blood, gore, and her parent’s heads raining into the room, she quickly passes out. While unconscious she dreams of Mr. Midnight, who encourages her to come find him, saying the pills will help her do so. He says he is waiting for her in the forest and tells her he loves her. With these final words we fade into the First Chapter.
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привет всем. на связи глав. админ и это будет большепост о ситуации в паблике и в целом о фендоме, а так же будем решать, что делать с пабликом.
сейчас очень сложно пилить контент, тк все шутки кажутся старыми и заезженными баянами. что бы мы не постили, я остаюсь недовольна. и отчасти это потому, что не выходит никакой новый контент, на котором можно было сделать что-то.
в общем, стоит признать, фендом умер как минимум в ру компьюнити. или умер, но не целиком, так как я все еще видела пару работающих пабликов.
у меня есть предложения. либо я продаю паблик и с ним делают все, что душе пожелают новые админы. этот вариант мне неприятен, тк я не фанат продажи пабликов, а к тому же, этот мне родной. желая этот выбор, вы показываете, что вы ЦЕЛИКОМ потеряли интерес к фендому и вас вообще не интересуют паблики по фб и лм.
либо паблик живет редкими мемами (ооочень редкими) до момента анонса Френ Боу 2 (который должен выйти в 2021 или 2022 годах) или любой другой игры от киллмондей, которая хоть немного будет популярна.