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Mystical World, Full Book
•>Fulfilled with wonders, the world of Minecraft indeed is; some of the most unique, interesting, and fascinating are under the categorization of “Mods”. Today’s blog is a Re-do of “Mystical World” mod! Why a Re-do? The newest game version has granted the opportunity to the developers, to increase content. Mainly here I’m making, by the many changes 1.16+ Mystical World has from the 1.12.2 version. Here’s a link to the past blog of Mystical World;
•>Game Versions Release Date Downloads Dependencies Advised Addons Links Categories Mountain Flower Hidden in Stone Required Pickaxe: Any
-Rare, shiny, and even more precious than diamonds from time to time. They do not spawn on Cluster, unlike the 1.17 version of Amethyst; here comes on Ores, generating around layers 0-24!
>Required Pickaxe: Any
-Oxidation doesn’t occur, yet the block has a radiant orange texture. This mineral could be seen from layer 32-76!
>Required Pickaxe: Any
-Poisonous metal, but only in real life; unless another Mod makes so otherwise. Found around layer 8-32.
>Required Pickaxe: Any
-Running around the name of Mercury too, fast metal and flowing. Encounter on layers 0-16.
>Required Pickaxe: Any
-Part of my name, but it’s not me. Dangerous to many Undead creatures both in-game and real life’s folklore. Generates around layers 0-24!
>Required Pickaxe: Any
It-Not easily oxidized and resists corrosion because it is protected by an oxide film, found around layers 24-64.
>Required Pickaxe: Any
>Tools & Weapons Statistics Sword:
-Harvest Level: Similar to Iron Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Diamond Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Stone Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Iron Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Diamond Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Diamond Pick
-Harvest Level: Similar to Iron Pick
>Equipment Statistics Armor: +20
Knockback Resistance: +80%
Attack Damage Boost: +16%
>Brewing Neutral Endermini:
•Description: Could be told as another variant of a Minecraft Fox, but their texture, model, and behavior are different.
•Biome: Forest, Cold, and Coniferous
•Breed: Uncooked Chicken
•Description: A cat with a more wild character if is harm, they are truly made out of lava. When touching water or any other cold fluid, their texture and body material change to Obsidian. Likewise, a trip into Lava will revert them!
•Breed: Blaze Powder
•Description: These adorable root vegetables like to wander the forests and sometimes dance! The drops depend on the color of the Sprout!
-Red :red_circle: :arrow_right: Beetroot
-Purple 🟣 :arrow_right: Aubergine
-Green 🟢 :arrow_right: Melon Slice
-Yellow 🟡 :arrow_right: Potato
•Biome: Jungle, River, Plains, Forest and Beach
-Only Purple Sprouts are in-charged of reproduction, use Aubergine with two of them to breed a new Sprout. The color is random!
•Description: A Nether variant of the Overworld Sprout. These little vegetable creatures learned how to survived in the Nether, so do players!
•Breed: Cooked Aubergine
•Description: A little blue companion, which was possible to ride your shoulder back in 1.12.2! Temporarily removed on 1.15.2, who knows if comes back.
•Biome: Swamp, Jungle, Forest & Plains
•Taming: Melon Seeds
•Description: Tiny creatures that regularly drop slime balls while hopping around.
•Biome: Swamp, Jungle, Beach & River
•Breed: Brown Mushroom
•Description: Coming with at least three/3 variants; Antlers, None, and Rudolph’s nose. Are quite peaceful around the world.
•Biome: Forest, Cold, Coniferous & Plain
•Description: They are already added in Minecraft vanilla, why are they here talked, you may say? Squids now have a new drop, so is another way to collect Black Dye!
-When used an empty on a Squid, is “Milked” and created an “Ink Bottle”.
•Biome: Default Biomes
•Description: Scary if you are in the middle of the night. Peaceful creatures indeed, kinda useless but full fill the theme of adding things that fly.
•Biome: Spooky, Coniferous, Forest & Snowy
-With 9 Young Pearls, players can create a single Ender Pearl!
-A single Pelt in a Crafting Table is made Leather
-The Beetle’s Carapace when is placed on a Crafting Table, 2 Blue Dye is made.
-Ink Bottle when placed in a Crafting Table, makes 3 Black Dye!
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2.5 Icon | 3 Total
>Saturation: 0.5 Icon | 1 Total
-Another type of equipment can be crafted with the new resources just talked about!
•Left Side/Antler Hat:
-2 Any String, 3 Any Color Wool, and 2 Antlers
•Right Side/Beetle Mask:
-4 Carapace, 2 Any Wood Plank, and Stick
>Statistics Cooked Salads Crafted Cuisine Left Side/Option Left Side:
-4 Cooked Squid, 4 Diamonds, and Emerald
>Right Side/Option Right Side:
-4 Cooked Squid, 4 Amethyst, and Emerald
-2 Baked Potatoes, Vinegar, and Any Cooked Sea Food.
-Any Knife, and Carrot
-Dandelion Cordial has a special effect on the player. Resets the player’s insomnia, making so phantoms don’t come.
-Here’s the list of all Foodstuff’s Statistics:
>Hunger Drumsticks: 5 Icons | 10 Total
>Saturation: 8 Icons | 16 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 0.5 Icons | 1 Total
>Saturation: 7.5 Icons | 15 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 3.5 Icons | 7 Total
>Saturation: 5.5 Icons | 11 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2 Icons | 4 Total
>Saturation: 3.5 Icons | 7 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 0.5 Icons | 1 Total
>Saturation: 0.5 Icons | 1 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2 Icons | 4 Total
>Saturation: 2.5 Icons | 5 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2 Icons | 4 Total
>Saturation: 1.5 Icons | 2 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2.5 Icons | 5 Total
>Saturation: 4 Icons | 8 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 1.5 Icons | 3 Total
>Saturation: 2.5 Icons | 5 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 10 Icons | 20 Total
>Saturation: 20 Icons | 40 Total
>Hunger Drumsticks: 2.5 Icons | 5 Total
>Saturation: 2 Icons | 4 Total
-There at least 3 structures in this mod, also a Natural Structure. Each makes the new world, a more vivid example and image of the past or lore that the game could have.
>•Charred Tree• •Barrows• •Huts• •Ruined Huts• Duration of Effect: 10 Seconds
>Duration of Effect: 25 Seconds
-All blocks added by the “Mystical World” mod, grants the possibility to craft; Stairs, Slabs, and Walls. These include Minerals and Mushrooms (Stem, Red and Brown Spores, and Inside Spores).
-2 Any Stone Variant, and 2 Any Coal Variant
-2 Obsidian, and 2 Any Stone Variant
-8 Dirt and Water Bucket
-4 Any Color Terracotta
-This book is a light-guiding book added by the Mod. Teaches slightly and has missing points of what and why I did this blog.
-Book and Aubergine
•Did you missed the Original?•
Mystical World
Mystical World adds a ton of new creatures to Minecraft. It makes the world a bit more immersive and most of them can be tamed offering a greater variety of companionship and protection in the game. Foxes are typically aggressive to chickens and rabbits so keep watch of any you have at your bases. But they can be tamed and help you similarly to wolves.
You may also encounter deer and stags in forests. They drop venison and leather but otherwise are an adorable feature to wooded areas.
Sprouts are cute little plant-looking creatures that offer a variety of drops like potatoes and melons!
And silkworms are a new way to obtain string. When you break leaves you may get silkworm eggs that can be hatched and then over time they will form a silk cocoon that can be converted to silk thread.
You can also get ink from squid by right-clicking them with an empty bottle. This ink can be used as a substitute for black dye so you won’t need to kill any squids with this method.
The Nether also gets a new creature in the form of lava cats. You can tame them like ocelots and they have two forms: lava and obsidian. When they get wet they turn into their obsidian form and while they may be slower, their attacks are harder so it could play well in sticky situations.
And there are a couple of new structures with this mod like huts. They can offer some quick protection and even a good starter house but be wary of the basement as danger might lurk below.
This mod also requires additional API found here.
MythicalWorld сервер Майнкрафт
Сервера на любой вкус: Classic, Industrial, HiTech, TechMagic, DraconicTechMagic, Magic, SkyTech, Galaxy 1.12.2, Divine RPG!
Голосование за сервер
Описание сервера
«MythicalWorld» – комплекс серверов с модами, объединяющий в себе самые крутые и популярные сборки! Проект существует с 2013 года, проверен временем и тысячами игроков. Совсем недавно был вайп, так что сейчас самое время, чтобы начать играть! Мы ждём тебя, присоединяйся!
Наши сервера:
Classic 1.15.2 – классический сервер без излишеств, отлично подойдёт для любителей «ванильного» Майнкрафта.
Industrial – технический сервер на основе модификации IndustrialCraft 2 Classic. Предлагаем вам окунуться в тот самый хардкорный мир! Твёрдая материя, взрывающиеся механизмы, необходимость установки трансформаторов – всё это ждёт вас на данном сервере! Вперёд, к новым приключениям!
HiTech – сервер для любителей техники и механизмов. Сочетает в себе такие глобальные моды, как Industrial Craft 2 Experimental, BuildCraft, Applied Energestics 2 и Forestry, открывая перед игроком множество целей, задач и препятствий на его пути.
Magic – сервер для прирождённых волшебников. Здесь вы сможете познать азы магии, открыть новые миры и воплотить в явь свои мечты. Магия осуществит все ваши желания!
TechMagic – сервер, на котором технологии идут бок-о-бок с магией. Любимые моды объединились для того, чтобы вы могли стать не только потрясающим магом, но и замечательным инженером.
SkyTech – сервер, созданный по принципам SkyFactory, отлично подойдет для любителей сложных схем и хардкорного выживания. Основанный на модификации SkyBlock, он сочетает в себе множество технических модов, таких как Thermal Expansion, EnderIO, Applied Energestics 2 и Draconic Evolution. Столкнитесь с нехваткой ресурсов и энергии, развивайте свой остров проходя квесты и открывая тайны и пасхалки, оставленные администрацией сервера. Всё это уже ждёт Вас на сервере SkyTech!
Galaxy 1.12.2 – сервер Minecraft, на котором вы можете изучать космос и путешествовать на другие планеты! В основе сервера лежат такие модификации как Galacticraft и GalaxySpace, а также много технических модов, среди которых Industrial Craft 2, Applied Energistics 2, Thermal Expansion, EnderIO, Immersive Engineering, Big Reactors и другие. Стройте ракеты, исследуйте новые планеты и звёзды, создавайте орбитальные станции, путешествуйте по галактикам! Вперёд, навстречу новым горизонтам!