самый старый сервер майнкрафт айпи
7 Oldest Minecraft Servers
On the surface, Minecraft appears as a simple game where the main objective is to mine resources and craft objects, hence the name. While this may be the very basic element of the game, mining and crafting regular objects just scratches the surface of the game – the things that people can create in Minecraft are only limited by their imaginations.
In early 2017, Minecraft announced that it had sold over 122 million copies since it was released in 2009, with 55 million players logging on every month. The game’s enduring popularity is driven by the limitless nature of its simple game mechanics. Because players can create anything, there is always something to do in the game.
A few months after the game was released, the first multiplayer mode was released and the popular survival multiplayer mode went live a year later in 2010. Since then, hundreds of Minecraft servers have been created for players to create communities, share their creations, and develop unique game modes. Some of the most popular servers today originated almost immediately after survival multiplayer was launched.
7. Hypixel
Year Established: April 2013
Country of Origin: United States
Founder(s): Minecraft username: Hypixel and Rezzus
Total Number of Unique Players: over 7,000,000
photo source: Hypixel
Along with Mineplex, Hypixel is one of the most popular Minecraft servers ever created. In 2015, the 7,000,000 th unique player logged on to the Hypixel server. The player, HubBubTheNerdy, was celebrated as the 7,000,000 th player and a small celebration to mark the milestone was held by the players in the game with HubBubTheNerdy at the time.
Hypixel has stayed popular for so long because of how massive it’s world is and its unique minigames. Each of the minigames has its own coins, quests, and lobby. The server has shooters, normal survival, team survival, and hardcore survival, arcade games, hide and seek, arena brawl, and many more.
6. Mineplex
Year Established: January 24th, 2013
Country of Origin: United States
Founder(s): Minecraft username: Sterling_ and Spu_
Total Number of Unique Players: Unknown, possibly millions; over 525,000 users are registered on the Mineplex forums
photo source: Mineplex
Even though Mineplex isn’t as old as most of the other servers on this list, it is currently the largest and most popular Minecraft server in the world. Mineplex is so massive that there are thousands of players logged on to the server at all hours throughout the day and night. The server is even listed as an official Minecraft partner on its website.
To keep things running smoothly, Mineplex sells its own custom in-game cosmetics to help pay for server costs, world development, plugin development, and giveaways. Mineplex’s main feature is its “minigames”, which are special customized maps with different challenges. Minigame categories include: Classics, Arcade, Survival, Champions, Clans, and Holiday.
5. Crazy Fools UK
Year Established: 2010
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Founder(s): Minecraft username: BRooNiE
Total Number of Unique Players: over 5,156 (last count from 2014)
photo source: crazy-fools.co.uk
Although Crazy Fools UK might not be a well-known server, it is one of the oldest from the United Kingdom. The server’s official website even says that its the oldest from the UK, but MinecraftOnline, which is based in England, is a a few months older.
Crazy Fools UK is a traditional survival mode server that says it is a “friendly and safe place to play without any of the hassles of idiotic admins or griefers.” As a little custom touch to the regular game, Crazy Fools UK has its own custom coded “WaterWorld”, which features a vast ocean full of islands and pirate ships. While the server is public, Crazy Fools UK says that anyone wanting to join the server has to pass a simple intelligence test.
4. 2b2t (2builders2tools)
Year Established: December 2010
Country of Origin: United States
Founder(s): Minecraft usernames: Georgebush420 and Hausemaster
Total Number of Unique Players: over 175,000
photo source: Imgur via user ArchQuantam
2builders2tools, which is usually just called 2b2t, is the oldest and most famous “anarchy server” in Minecraft history. It is typically considered the second oldest Minecraft server (even though there are a few older servers) overall after MinecraftOnline. The server has been run since December 2010 and has never been reset.
2b2t is best-known for how chaotic it is. Although the server is still reportedly owned by the original founders, no one actually runs or moderators the server. There are absolutely no rules on 2b2t and anything goes. This has led to many “wars” between different factions of players over the years. The server is so popular that there is a 1,000 player-long queue just to get in.
3. Minr.org
Year Established: October 22, 2010
Country of Origin: United States
Founder(s): Unknown
Total Number of Unique Players: Unknown
photo source: Minr.org
Like all of the servers on this list, Minr.org believes it is the oldest still running Minecraft server. Minr.org is one of the oldest servers that features mazes, challenges, and parkour maps. All of the servers challenges are created by members who have completed the hardest maps on the Minr.org.
Although the server is open to anyone, full membership, which includes building rights, into the Minr.org community must be earned by escaping the hardcore maze/parkour system. There are currently over 250 playable challenges on Minr.org. The server also hosts limited time, server-wide special events such as Ninja Warrior and The Amazing Race, which are both based on the TV shows with the same names.
2. MinecraftOnline
Year Established: August 4, 2010
Country of Origin: England
Founder(s): Minecraft usernames: SlowRiot with the help of RuneChan
Total Number of Unique Players: 125,379
photo source: MinecraftOnline Wiki
While there is a lot of debate over which existing Minecraft server is the oldest, most people believe that MinecraftOnline is officially the oldest Minecraft server. The main world of MinecraftOnline, Freedonia was created on the same day Minecraft survival multiplayer was opened to the public. Freedonia has never been restored or regenerated since it first went live in 2010, making it the longest continuously running world in the game.
Since Freedonia has been running for so long and has always been open to the public, it is filled with numerous towns, cities, and sites. To preserve all the hard work of its users over the years, the admins of MinecraftOnline permanently ban anyone who tries to mess with any of the constructions in Freedonia.
1. Nerd.nu
Year Established: June 10, 2009
Country of Origin: United States
Founder(s): Unknown; current head admins – Minecraft usernames: cujobear, Silversunset, torteela, and Zomise
Total Number of Unique Players: Unknown; official wiki has 35,958 registered users
photo source: Nerd.nu
2B2T сервер Майнкрафт
Старейший анархический сервер 2builders2tools – все ужасы хаоса, читов и гриферства в огромном мире! Без вайпов с 2010 года.
Голосование за сервер
Описание сервера
2builders2tools (2b2t) – это старейший анархический сервер Майнкрафт, который существует с 2010 года. На сервере царит полный хаос, беспорядок и разруха. Здесь нет ни админов, ни правил, ни античита. Это самый старый гриферский сервер в истории Майнкрафт.
При этом, представьте себе, за многие годы существования на сервере ни разу не было вайпа. Карта сервера уже превысила в объёме 10 терабайт – это 10 000 гигабайт! Количество зарегистрированных игроков измеряется в сотнях тысяч, а онлайн доходит до 3000 человек, поэтому 2b2t хостится на мощнейшем железе, чтобы выдерживать такие сумасшедшие нагрузки.
Чтобы попасть в этот мир хоаса придётся выждать большую очередь – иногда приходится сутками ждать свой слот. Для ускорения входа на сервер можно купить место в более быстрой приоритетной очереди. Если у вас нет терпения, то приготовьтесь раскошелиться.
На сервере 2b2t огромное количество скрытых баз. Зачастую их охраняют большие кланы игроков, вооружённые лучшими читами. Кланы игроков собираются и распадаются, а массовые рейды гриферов достигают невероятных масштабов. Здесь тоннами взрывают TNT и годами ведутся ожесточённые войны.
Если хотите поиграть в жёстких условиях анархии и тотального хаоса, этот сервер Майнкрафт сможет предложить вам лучшую атмосферу. Но помните, что продержаться долго здесь могут только самые опытные игроки. Для долгой игры вам лучше всего собрать большой клан, потому что в одиночку выжить на 2b2t практически нереально.
Ты готов? Мир разрухи, читов и ужаса ждёт тебя! Это настоящий ад в мире Майнкрафт 🙂
Топ 5 самых старых серверов в майнкрафт BE!
Всем привет, сегодня я решил сделать для вас пост про
Топ 5 самых старых серверов в Майнкрафт BE!
Этот сервер, посвящен различным мини-играм, таких как ПвП, Паркур, и т.п, этот сервер не самый лучший, но для 5-го места, вполне не плохо, из плюсов сервера можно выделить то, что на нём очень мало лагов, учитывая нестабильность версии на которой он создан, также у каждой мини-игры, есть свой отдельный мир!
Один из основных плюсов этого сервера, заключается в гигантских количествах мини-игр, тут тебе и СкайВарс и Голодные игры, Прятки, Командный СкайВарс, и QuakeCraft, это я ещё поверхностно прошёлся по всему, что есть на сервере, в добавок к этому он ещё и не имеет никаких проблем с лагами, к сожалению чтобы сыграть в мини-игры, придется вводить другой порт, отдельные миры для игр не предусмотрены.
Это отличный сервер с двумя мини-играми, а именно: ТнТРан и БлокХант, имеет замечательную оптимизацию, не менее шикарный спавн в стиле sci-fi,
Lifeboat Survival Games
Это сервер, посвящен Голодным играм, в этом режиме надо выиграть, устранив всех противников и при этом остаться в живых, попутно собирая ресурсы, с сундуков и конечно же с игроков, к тому же это самый красивый сервер, в этом топе, также он имеет великолепную оптимизацию и большой онлайн, что не даст вам заскучать в лобби!