самые лучшие герои в битве замков

Castle Clash Best Heroes Tier List (Updated) – October 2021

by Tim updated October 19, 2021, 10:08 pm

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Castle Clash has a ton of heroes and deciding which ones you should focus on can be incredibly hard because you don’t know which ones really help you in the long run, right? Also, upgrading a hero in Castle Clash is expensive and takes time and you don’t want to waste that on a hero that’s simply not worth it!

We created a tier list of best heroes looking at how they perform in the important game modes (plus some other things, but more on that later) to give you a list that will help you choose the heroes you will focus on in Castle Clash.

October Update! I updated several rankings. Overall the hero tiers didn’t change that much (except a few ones I highlighted you significant changes with ⬆ and ⬇ so you can spot changes easier). I also added some new heroes (some are still missing, I know, but hadn#t that much time and need more testing).

Tier List Explanation

Before you take a look at the list, please read some general instructions how we created this list and how you should take the information when you use it for your choice.

Hero Tiers

The heroes have tiers in from S (Superior, the strongest) over A (still very strong) over B, C to D (not useful for this game mode at all).

For every game mode you will find a tier ranking that will show you how well a maxed hero will perform here. There’s also a total tier that takes all the game modes into equation.

Game Modes in Castle Clash

Not all game modes are similar important in Castle Clash when it comes to rewards. For that reason, we also prioritized the game modes that will give you better rewards to have more influence on the total score.

Missing Heroes

Not every single hero in Castle Clash is here in the list. With the addition of so many new heroes there are a lot of heroes that have no more use-case right now. So, instead of having dozens of additional heroes in the list all ranked lowest tier, I don’t have them here. If you’re looking for a hero that’s not on the list be sure that there’s no use or need to invest in that hero, he’s not close to become anywhere to useful anytime soon.


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Арсенал героя

Наносит урон в размере Х% от Атаки текущей вражеской цели. Также уменьшает сопротивление крит. удару у вражеских Героев рядом на Х% в течение Х секунд (КД: Хс). Этот Герой обладает иммунитетом к Оглушению и Обезоруживанию, уменьшает получаемый урон на Х% и быстро восстанавливает Энергию. В течение Х секунд после нанесения критического урона получает на Х% больше Атаки и скорости Атаки, а весь ее урон игнорирует эффекты превращения урона в лечение. (КД: Хс).

Двуручный крюк, сделанный Ракшасой собственноручно. Он выкован из самых твердых материалов.

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Звездный Боксер

Арсенал героя

Наносит урон в размере Х% Атаки Х случайным вражеским Героям и Героям вокруг него (игнорирует лимиты на получение урона у целей). Также значительно понижает их Точность на Х секунд. Эти цели теряют Х% от их максимального здоровья, когда выполняют базовую атаку, в течение Х секунд (КД: Хс). Этот Герой уменьшает получаемый урон на Х% и обладает иммунитетом к Молчанию и Оглушению. Когда Герой уклоняется, он наносит урон в размере Х% от Атаки Х вражеским юнитам рядом и восстанавливает здоровье в размере Х% от нанесенного урона (КД: Хс).

Кристалл синего цвета с выгравированной звездной траекторией. Его таинственная мощь резонирует с дыханием космоса.

Герой уменьшает получаемый урон на Х% и обладает иммунитетом к Молчанию и Оглушению.

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Арсенал героя

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Особенная кровь, которая содержит коктейль из смертельных и регенерирующих свойств. Получена после того, как хозяин был заражен паразитами.


Best Castle Clash Heroes Updated Tier List (November 2021)

The article recommends the best Castle Clash heroes for a stronger build to lead your army.

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Castle Clash features epic fighting gameplay with a fast-paced strategy to put dungeons, attacks, guilds, and more to the test. This necessarily requires careful attention while selecting a hero to form the best squad and lead the army of fictitious life forms. This guide is therefore intended to recommend the Castle Clash best heroes with a revised tier list, as well as assist you with the best builds. Let’s get started.

Also Read | Castle Clash Codes

Castle Clash Best Heroes – 2021

The game offers a myriad of characters to choose from and picking the right one worthy enough, in the long run, can be a difficult challenge. You’d like your hero to excel in any significant game mode, lead an entire army, conduct successful raids, and so on. Besides, updating the heroes in this strategy game is pretty costly. It is when this article will help you loads. Keep reading until the end for the Castle Clash best heroes, 2021 tier list, and builds.

Before showing you the ultimate Castle Clash best heroes tier list there are few things that you must know and understand. What are these things? Well, the tier structure knowledge and the game modes.

Tier List Structure

There are five tiers on the list: S, A, B, C, and D. Tier S is the strongest and should be aimed for, while Tier D comprises the weakest heroes and should be avoided. Each game mode has a tier ranking that shows how well a maxed hero performs.

Game Modes

The importance of Castle Clash best heroes based on game modes is important to help you score good rewards that will reflect well on your stats. Here’s how a certain game mode affects a hero’s overall tier.

Game ModesImpact
1. Guild War
2. Dungeons
3. HBM
4. Ember Army
5. Hero Trials
6. Team Dungeons
7. Lost Battlefield
8. Narcia
9. Fortress Feud
10. Archdemon
11. Lostland
12. Lost Realm
13. Labyrinth
14. Blitz
15. Arena25%

Castle Clash Best Heroes Tier List 2021

Hero TiersGame Mode
Amber Army,
Hero Trials
Lost Battlefield,
Lost, Realm
Lady WeldcoreA+A/AAASB+SABSA
Barbarian RiderA+A/AABSB+SABSA
Water PriestessA+A/AABSBSABSS
Valiant SaintessBB/BBAABABBAB
Wordless ZealotC+B/BBBABABBBB
Queen WaspD**********
Cinder MatronD**********
Ma HatmaD**********

Castle Clash Best Heroes Build 2021

HeroTalent & Insignia CombosEnchantmentPet
AlphamechFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
AnubisEmpower & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & EmpowerSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPunching Box
ArcticaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & RevitalizeHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
AriesSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & RevitalizeHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
AsuraTenacity & Soul HealerSacred Light & Vigorous FuryHealing RitualDroggo
AtheneFlame Guard & EmpowerHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
AtlanticoreRevive & RevitalizeCursed BattlefieldBubblow
Axe PunisherOrderbound Bow & Sacred LightSpecter’s InstinctPure Chimera
Barbarian RiderDragon’s Cover & Wicked ArmorEmpower & Brute ForceImbued Battle AxeDroggo
Beast TamerSunder & Brawler’s FavorPyremage
BerserkerVampiric Grail & Sacred LightVampiric Grail & SurvivalSoul Healer & Unholy PactHealing RitualBrave Croc
Bloody MaryFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
Boa QueenHoly ConvictionRadiant Hawk
BogeymanUnholy Pact & RevitalizeHyper StrengthPunching Box
Boreal FoxEmpower & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCold Drake
Candy KaneBlade Dance & Sacred LightYulephant
Cinder MatronVigorous Fury & Brute ForcePunishing SmitePure Chimera (or other healing pet)
CirrinaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & EmpowerEmpower & Wicked ArmorPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Cold ConjuressSacred Light & EmpowerSacred Light & Wicked ArmorOrderbound Bow & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionSullen Serpent
Cold HeirDragon’s Cover & Negating PrismHealing Ritual
ColossusHealing Riposte & Dragon’s CoverHealing RitualRadiant Hawk
CommodoraSacred Light & ReviveSacred Light & True PietySacred Light & SurvivalHoly ConvictionDroggo
CosmoEmpower & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & EmpowerHoly ConvictionDroggo
Creation-01Empower & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSpecter’s InstinctDroggo
Crystal WraithSunder & Brawler’s FavorPyremageBellicose Bull
CupidSacred Light & Silent CoverSprint & RevitalizeHoly ConvictionBubblow
Dark MageWicked Armor & Brute ForcePunishing SmiteBattle Monkey
Death KnightSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
DemogorgonSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Demon StalkerDragon’s Cover & Vampiric GrailHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
DestroyerSacred Light & SurvivalHoly ConvictionDroggo
Dove KeeperFlame Guard & Vigorous FuryFlame Guard & Brute ForceFlame Guard & Unholy PactMalaiseFennec
DracaxSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Dread DrakeSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
DynamicaDragon’s Cover & Blade DanceHoly ConvictionBrave Croc
EspiritaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Genteel DroidOrderbound BowDragon’s CoverOrderbound Bow & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionRadiant Hawk
GhoulemSacred Light & Silent CoverSacred Light & Soul HealerSacred Light & RevitalizeHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Grief HarpistSacred Light & EmpowerHoly ConvictionSullen Serpent
GrimfieldSacred Light & Wicked ArmorScatter & Deadly StrikeHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
GunslingerSunder & Brawler’s FavorSunder & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorPyremagePunching Box
Harpy QueenSacred Light & EmpowerHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
HeartbreakerSunder & Brawler’s FavorPyremageChickaboom
Hot ShotFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly Conviction
Ice LadySacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Flame GuardHoly Conviction
JumbearFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorWicked Armor & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
Lady LeoSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Lady WeldcoreEmpowerHoly ConvictionSullen Serpent
LavanicaFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Soul HealerFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSpecter’s InstinctRuduff
LazulixFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & ReviveHoly ConvictionBubblow
Lil’ NickVigorous Fury & Brute ForceHyperstrengthDroggo
Mad InventorWicked Armor & True PietyHyperstrength
Ma HatmaWicked Armor & SunderWicked Armor & Life DrainPyremageChickaboom
MassacreVoidwalker Staff & Wicked ArmorHyperstrengthBellicose Bull
MechtessaSunderBrawler’s FavorBurning PlateChickaboom
MedusaSunderBrawler’s FavorPyremageChickaboom
MichaelSacred Light & EmpowerHoly ConvictionBubblow
Minotaur ChieftainWicked Armor & ReviveWicked Armor & Iron WillWicked Armor & Unholy PactDroggo
Miss MagicSacred Light & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorHealing RitualCute Kitsune
MoltanicaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
OccultistFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Soul HealerHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
OrksbaneSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & RegenerateHoly Conviction
Phantom KingScatter & SunderHoly ConvictionChickaboom
PhobosEmpower & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionDroggo
PixieSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Plant WarriorSacred Light & Soul HealerSacred Light & EmpowerSacred Light & Flame GuardHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Professor RibbitSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Pumpkin DukeRegenerate & SunderEmpower & SunderHyperstrengthCute Kitsune
Queen WaspFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
RambardEmpower & True PietyTrue Piety & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCold Drake
RevenantSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
RipperEmpower & Wicked ArmorEmpower & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCold Drake
RocknoSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
RoninRevive & SurvivalSacred Light & True PietyHoly ConvictionHareforce One
RosaleenSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Rowdy RascalsSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Royal MummyVoidwalker Staff & Dragon’s CoverHoly ConvictionFennec
Rune MasterFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionCold Drake
Santa BoomSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionDroggo
SasquatchBlade Dance & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Sacred LightSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
SirenSunder & Brawler’s FavorPyremageChickaboom
SkeleticaEmpower & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Skull KnightSunder & Brawler’s FavorSunder & Wicked ArmorBurning PlatePunching Box
SnowzillaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionChickaboom
Spirit MageRegenerate & Wicked ArmorRegenerate & Blade DanceRegenerate & NimbleHyperstrengthPure Chimera
Storm EaterWicked Armor & SunderWicked Armor & RevitalizeChickaboom
SvalinnVigorous Fury & Brute ForceHoly Conviction
TreantaurRevive & Sacred LightRevive & RevitalizeHoly ConvictionFennec
Trixie TreatSunder & Brawler’s FavorPyremageBrave Croc
ValentinaFlame Guard & Sacred LightFlame Guard & Sould HealerFlame Guard & Silent CoverHoly ConvictionPure Chimera (or other healing pet)
Valiant SaintessFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Sacred LightWicked Armor & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCute Kitsune
Vlad DraculaSacred Light & Wicked ArmorHoly ConvictionRuduff
Walla WallaFlame Guard & EmpowerFlame Guard & Wicked ArmorFlame Guard & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionCold Drake
WarlockEmpower & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & EmpowerHoly ConvictionRuduff
Water PriestessSacred Light & EmpowerSpecter’s InstinctBattle Monkey
Wordless ZealotSacred Light & Wicked ArmorSacred Light & Brute ForceFlame Guard & Sacred LightHoly ConvictionBrave Croc
Young SparkDragon’s Cover & Vampiric GrailEnergy SurgeCold Drake
ZephyricaFlame Guard & Unholy PactFlame Guard & Vigorous FuryFlame Guard & Brute ForceSpecter’s InstinctBrave Croc

That’s the ultimate Castle Clash best heroes tier list and best builds that will help you plan the effective strategy to win the game. You may also like TapTap Heroes Tier List.


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