рмр 2020 рейтинг команд
About [ edit ]
The Regional Major Rankings is the point-based qualification system that was implemented to determine the invites for Rio Major to replace the Minors and the old invite system. Teams earn points towards the RMR through various competitions that will be held in the months leading up to the Major. There will be three RMR Series for CIS: one in the Spring, one in the Summer and one in the Fall.
Prize Pool [ edit ]
The top five teams are granted slots at the Rio Major as seen below:
Standings [ edit ]
Natus Vincere replace Zeus with Perfecto (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts)
Virtus.pro replace buster with YEKINDAR (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (380pts)
Virtus.pro replace AdreN with buster (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (654pts)
Gambit Youngsters replace supra with Hobbit (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (465pts)
Winstrike Team replace Hobbit with NickelBack (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (550pts)
K23 replace kreaz with kade0 (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (220pts)
Ethereal replace fenvicious with BELCHONOKK (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (220pts)
pro100 remove NickelBack (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (220pts)
Hard Legion Esports replace speed4k with rAge (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts)
Hard Legion Esports points are reset due to MechanoGun abusing the coaching bug (100% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 100% of current points (2765pts)
Legend |
Qualified as Legend |
Qualified as Challenger |
Qualified as Contender |
Did not qualify |
Hard Legion Esports replace speed4k with rAge (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts) Natus Vincere replace Zeus with Perfecto (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts) pro100 remove YEKINDAR (20% total points deduction) pro100 remove NickelBack (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (220pts) Virtus.pro replace buster with YEKINDAR (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (380pts) K23 replace kreaz with kade0 (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (220pts) Ethereal replace kenzor with KENSI (20% total points deduction) Ethereal replace fenvicious with BELCHONOKK (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (220pts) Winstrike Team replace Hobbit with NickelBack (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (550pts) Gambit Youngsters replace supra with Hobbit (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (465pts) Virtus.pro replace AdreN with buster (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (654pts) Hard Legion Esports points are reset due to MechanoGun abusing the coaching bug (100% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 100% of current points (2765pts)
Participants [ edit ]
Note: Team roster change notes have been moved to their respective team cards, press the Notes button to toggle them.
Турнир, который может лишить Virtus.pro мейджора — превью IEM Fall CIS RMR 2021
Александр «Flash1k» Чербаев
Natus Vincere (1.45)
На данный момент NAVI — очевиднейший претендент на чемпионство на IEM Fall 2021. Единственное «но»: s1mple и компания периодически неприятно удивляли фанатов на внутрирегиональных турнирах. С другой стороны, все мировое сообщество CS:GO последние месяцы с восхищением наблюдает, как команда добавляет с каждым чемпионатом, наконец добравшись до крейсерской скорости, которая позволяет ей забирать ивент за ивентом, о чем так долго мечтали представители клуба. Раз уж Team Vitality и G2 Esports не могут остановить NAVI, то едва ли это удастся сделать условным Akuma или Nemiga. В этот раз мое мнение полностью совпадает с мнением экспертов букмекерской компании Parimatch, которые оценили вероятность чемпионства Natus Vincere на IEM Fall 2021 коэффициентом 1.45.
Gambit Esports (1.65)
После феноменального старта 2021 года история Gambit Esports свернула на не самую приятную для игроков этого состава дорожку. Выиграв ряд крупных турниров, коллектив Владислава nafany Горшкова добрался до LAN в Кельне, где со скрипом вышел в плей-офф, но оттуда вылетел в первом раунде. Возвращение в онлайн не помогло Gambit снова забраться на вершину, на ESL Pro League Season 14 она также покинула чемпионат в первом раунде матчей на вылет, несмотря на успешное выступление в группе. Однако ростер по-прежнему удерживает вторую строчку рейтинга HLTV.org и, как я упомянул, продолжает стабильно выходить из групп на элитных чемпионатах.
В таблице Regional Major Rankings для СНГ у Gambit Esports дела сложились не так хорошо, как у NAVI, но тем не менее шансы на выход на PGL Major Stockholm 2021 стремятся к 100%. Перед стартом IEM Fall 2021 состав nafany занимает третью строчку в рейтинге, а значит, для гарантированного попадания на мейджор ему хватит выхода в плей-офф. Не знаю, кто из списка forZe, K23, Team Unique и INDE IRAE eSports собирается помешать Gambit преодолеть групповой этап, но зато уверен, что с огромной долей вероятности в гранд-финале зрители будут наблюдать за дуэлью s1mple и sh1ro. Учитывая последние результаты Gambit, аналитики Parimatch оценили вероятность победы команды чуть ниже, чем её главного конкурента, дав коэффициент 1.65.
Team Spirit (8.00)
IEM Fall 2021 — важнейшее соревнование для Team Spirit. Звучит банально, но это так. На данный момент ростер не входит в топ-10 мирового рейтинга, а провал на RMR-турнире может спровоцировать изменения в составе, которые запустят очередной процесс перестройки команды. В то же время в провал Spirit на заключительном квалификационном турнире верится с трудом. Для гарантированной поездки в Стокгольм коллективу необходимо, вы не поверите, попасть в топ-5 по итогам чемпионата. Даже в случае невыхода в плей-офф ростер наверняка попадет в тройку лучших в своей группе и выиграет матч за пятое место — очень уж велика разница в классе с потенциальными соперниками. А о чемпионстве, конечно, говорить едва ли стоит — слишком уж сильны Natus Vincere и Gambit Esports, чтобы допустить победу Spirit. Аналитики Parimatch полностью согласны: коэффициент на победу Team Spirit на IEM Fall 2021 — 8.00.
Virtus.pro (3.50)
ForZe (4.50) и Entropiq (9.00)
По моему скромному убеждению, forZe и Entropiq — команды, которые на протяжении этого года точно заслужили поездку на мейджор. Оба коллектива проделали колоссальный объем работы, закрепившись в топ-20 мирового рейтинга. К сожалению, при лучшем раскладе в Швецию отберется только одна из двух команд, но и это уже довольно неплохой результат для региона. Если NAVI, Gambit, VP и Spirit достаточно долгое время сражаются с лучшими коллективами мира, то иметь хотя бы одного представителя тир-2 сцены СНГ на крупнейшем ивенте за два года — прекрасно.
Regional Major Rankings 2021: South America
About [ edit ]
Prize Pool [ edit ]
The top team is granted a slot at the PGL Major Stockholm as seen below:
Place | PGL Major Stockholm | Team |
1st | Contender Status | Sharks Esports |
2nd | — | MIBR |
3rd | — | Bravos Gaming |
4th | — | Paquetá Gaming |
5th | — | Imperial Esports |
6th | — | Havan Liberty |
7th | — | INTZ |
8th | — | Santos e-Sports |
9th | — | Meta Gaming |
Standings [ edit ]
MIBR replace felps with exit (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (20pts)
Bravos Gaming replace caike with Leomonster (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (260pts)
Bravos Gaming replace kaiG with danoco (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (608pts)
INTZ remove dukka (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (420pts)
Total Deductions: 20% of event points (210pts) & 100% of current points (840pts)
Total Deductions: 100% of current points (1050pts)
MIBR replace felps with exit (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (20pts) Bravos Gaming replace caike with Leomonster (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (210pts) Bravos Gaming replace kaiG with danoco (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (608pts)
Regional Major Rankings 2021: Europe
About [ edit ]
Prize Pool [ edit ]
The top eleven teams are granted slots at the PGL Major Stockholm as seen below:
Place | PGL Major Stockholm | Team |
1st | Legend Status | Ninjas in Pyjamas |
2nd | Legend Status | Team Vitality |
3rd | Legend Status | G2 Esports |
4th | Challenger Status | Astralis |
5th | Challenger Status | ENCE |
6th | Challenger Status | BIG |
7th | Challenger Status | Movistar Riders |
8th | Challenger Status | Heroic |
9th | Challenger Status | mousesports |
10th | Contender Status | Copenhagen Flames |
11th | Contender Status | FaZe Clan |
12th | — | Team Fiend |
13th | — | OG |
14th | — | FunPlus Phoenix |
15th | — | Double Poney |
16th | — | Sprout |
17th | — | Complexity Gaming |
18th | — | Anonymo Esports |
19th | — | Fnatic |
20th | — | HYENAS |
Standings [ edit ]
Ninjas in Pyjamas replace nawwk with dev1ce (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (240pts)
Ninjas in Pyjamas replace ztr with LNZ (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (372pts)
Team Vitality replace RpK with Kyojin (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts)
G2 replace kennyS with NiKo (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts)
Astralis replace dev1ce with Xyp9x (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (120pts)
Astralis replace gla1ve with Lucky (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (256pts)
Astralis replace Bubzkji with gla1ve (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (611pts)
BIG replace XANTARES with gade (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (300pts)
Heroic replace niko with sjuush (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (240pts)
FaZe Clan replace Kjaerbye with Twistzz (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (40pts)
FaZe Clan replace coldzera with olofmeister (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (62pts)
OG replace ISSAA with flameZ (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (120pts)
FunPlus Phoenix replace kRYSTAL with emi (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts)
Double Poney replace NBK- with Ex3rcice (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (180pts)
Sprout replace denis with raalz (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts)
Complexity Gaming replace k0nfig with coldzera (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (280pts)
Anonymo Esports replace mynio with Demho (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (200pts)
Fnatic replace flusha with Jackinho (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts)
Fnatic replace JW with mezii (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (196pts)
HYENAS replace MSL with b0RUP (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (40pts)
HYENAS replace cajunb with Fessor (20% total points deduction)
HYENAS remove gade (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of event points (50pts) & 40% of current points (104pts)
Legend |
Qualified as Legend |
Qualified as Challenger |
Qualified as Contender |
Did not qualify |
Astralis replace es3tag with Bubzkji (20% total points deduction)
Astralis replace dev1ce with Xyp9x (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (120pts) Fnatic replace flusha with Jackinho (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts) G2 replace kennyS with NiKo (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts) FunPlus Phoenix replace kRYSTAL with emi (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (60pts) FaZe Clan replace NiKo with karrigan (20% total points deduction)
FaZe Clan replace Kjaerbye with Twistzz (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (40pts) HYENAS replace Lekr0 with Kjaerbye (20% total points deduction)
HYENAS replace MSL with b0RUP (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (40pts) Ninjas in Pyjamas replace twist with ztr (20% total points deduction)
Ninjas in Pyjamas replace nawwk with dev1ce (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (240pts) OG replace NBK- with niko (20% total points deduction)
OG replace ISSAA with flameZ (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (120pts) Heroic replace b0RUP with refrezh (20% total points deduction)
Heroic replace niko with sjuush (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (240pts) Team Vitality replace RpK with Kyojin (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts) Double Poney replace NBK- with Ex3rcice (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (180pts) HYENAS substitute cajunb with Fessor (20% event points deduction)
HYENAS replace cajunb with Fessor (20% total points deduction)
HYENAS remove gade (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of event points (50pts) & 40% of current points (104pts) FaZe Clan replace coldzera with olofmeister (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (62pts) Anonymo Esports replace KEi with blacktear5 (20% total points deduction)
Anonymo Esports replace mynio with Demho (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (200pts) Fnatic replace Golden with ALEX (20% total points deduction)
Fnatic replace JW with mezii (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (196pts) Complexity Gaming replace RUSH with es3tag (20% total points deduction)
Complexity Gaming replace k0nfig with coldzera (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 40% of current points (280pts) Sprout replace denis with raalz (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (120pts) BIG replace XANTARES with gade (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (300pts) Ninjas in Pyjamas replace ztr with LNZ (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (372pts) Astralis replace gla1ve with Lucky (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (256pts) Astralis replace Bubzkji with gla1ve (20% total points deduction)
Total Deductions: 20% of current points (611pts)
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