рецепты алкоголя майнкрафт brewery
Рецепты алкоголя майнкрафт brewery
-20 пшеницы
— \\\
Время варки:5 мин
Дистилятов: 6 раз
В бочке: \\\
Название:Кофе и лёд
— Печенье 8
— Снежков 4
— Ведро молока
Время варки: сразу.
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: \\\
Название: Шоколад г.
— 3 печеньки
— \\\
Время варки: 10 мин
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: \\\
Название: п. Виски
— 10 пшена
— 2 блейз порошка
Время варки: 12 мин
Дистилятов: 3 раза
В бочке: 18 лет
Название: Зол. Водка
— 10 картошки
— 2 зол. кусочка
Время варки: 18 мин
Дистилятов: 3 раза
В бочке: \\\
Название: ЭгНог
— 5 яиц
— 2 сахара
— 1 ведро молока
Время варки: 2 мин
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: 3 года
Название: Кофе
— 12 какао бобов
— 2 ведра молока
Время варки: 2 мин.
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: \\\
Название: Кар. Суп
— 5 картофелин
— 3 травы
Время варки: 3 мин.
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: \\\
Название: Зел. Абсент
— 17 травы
— 2 отрав. картошки
Время варки: 5 мин
Дистилятов: 6 раз
В бочке: \\\
Название: Абсент
— 15 травы
— \\\
Время варки: 3 мин
Дистилятов: 6 раз
В бочке: \\\
Название: Тэкила
— кактус 8
Время варки: 15 мин
Дистилятов: 2 раза
В бочке: 12 лет
Название: Джин
— 9 пшена
— 6 голубых цветка
— 1 яблоко
Время варки: 6 мин
Дистилятов: 2 раза
В бочке: \\\
Название: Гриб. Водка
— 10 картошки
— 3 штуки кр. и кор. гриба
Время варки: 18 мин
Дистилятов: 5 раз
В бочке: \\\
Название: Водка
— 10 картошки
Время варки: 15 мин
Дистилятов: 3 раза
В бочке:\\\
Название: Ром
— 18 тростника
Время варки: 6 мин
Дистилятов: 2 раза
В бочке: 14 лет
Название: Виски
— 10 пшена
Время варки: 10 мин
Дистилятов: 2 раза
В бочке: 18 лет
Название: Ябл. Ликёр
— 12 яблок
Время варки: 16 мин
Дистилятов: 3 раза
В бочке: 6 лет
Название: Сидр
— 14 яблок
Время варки: 7 мин
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: 3 года
Название:Ябл. Медов.
— 6 тростника
— 2 яблока
Время варки: 4 мин
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: 4 года
Название: Медовуха
— 6 тростника
— \\\
Время варки: 3 мин
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: 4 года
Название: Кр. Вино
— 5 ягод
Время варки: 5 мин
В бочке: 20 лет
Название: Тем. Пиво
— 7 пшена
Время варки: 8 мин
В бочке: 8 лет
Название: Пиво
— 6 пшена
Время варки: 8 мин
В бочке: 3 года
Название: Светл. Пиво
— 3 пшена
Время варки: 8 мин.
В бочке: 2 года
Название: Компот
— Яблоки 6
— Ягоды 7
— Сахар 4
Время варки : 10
Дистилятов: \\\
В бочке: \\\
Алкоголь (Brewery)
Опубликовано admin в 16 июня, 2020 16 июня, 2020
На сервере есть возможность приготовить много типов алкоголя. Они все разные и готовить их может быть сложно.
Процесс приготовления
Для начала вам необходим котёл, который будет иметь под собой источник тепла(огонь, костёр, магма-блок). Налейте в него воды, добавьте ингредиентов строго по рецепту и ждите время, которое тоже указанно в рецепте(посмотреть сколько котёл уже кипит можно кликнув по нему часами)
Некоторые напитки требуют, чтобы вы их продистиллировали (некоторые несколько раз). Для этого вам необходима пыль глоустоуна и уже прокипяченный напиток (для ускорения процесса используйте огненный порошок) и продистиллируйте напиток по рецепту.
Некоторые напитки должны ещё настоятся. Для этого нужно взять обычную бочку или построить вручную с табличкой как на картинке (надпись barrel). Вам напишет, что бочка создана. После этого необходимо засунуть в бочку напиток и подождать время, указанное в рецпете.
Малая бочка Большая бочка
Пшеничное пиво
Обычное Пиво
Тёмное пиво
Самогон (Страшная вещь)
Brewery User Tutorial on ElysiumRP Minecraft-0
A tutorial on how to use the Brewery plugin
Brewing [ ]
To make potions, mix the ingredients in a boiling pot heated over a fire (use netherrack). Cook the mixture for the allotted time as described below (use the clock on the pan to check if the mixture is ready). Then remove the drinks using 3 empty glasses on the pot. If the recipe requires any distillation, add the unfinished potion to the brewing stand and mix it with the dust of the glowing stone as many times as your drink needs. Finally, keep the drink in a wooden barrel, only as needed. Note: some drinks, such as vodka, will be destroyed by aging.
Drinking [ ]
Most of the brewed drinks have an alcoholic value, which can lead to making the player drunk. Side effects of this may include dizziness, blindness, slurred talking and more. To sober up, try drinking lots of milk and eating bread, or simply wait for the effects to fade off.
If you need to talk in chat whilst drunk, use * or [] at the start and end of the sentence to talk normally.
Aging [ ]
Drinks can be aged by being placed into a wooden barrel. Certain drinks require a specific type of barrel (refer to list below). Each Minecraft day is equal to a whole year of aging. To learn how to build a wooden barrel, check the plugin’s wiki page here. A small barrel is made by placing 8 stair blocks to make a horizontal cylinder. A big barrel requires more block (4 fences, 16 stairs, and 18 wood planks). Both require a sign to placed with the word «Barrel» typed in order to turn the blocks into a working barrel. If done right, there should be a message saying a barrel was created.
Плагин Brewery | Алкогольные напитки для сервера Minecraft
Описание плагина Brewery:
Основные команды плагина Brewery:
Основные права плагина Brewery:
Конфиг плагина Brewery:
# config for Brewery.jar
# Defaults are written in []
# Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages)
# If the player wakes up at /home when logging in after excessive drinking (/home plugin must be installed!) [true]
# Type of the home-teleport: [‘cmd: home’]
# bed = Player will be teleported to his spawn bed
# ‘cmd: home’ = /home will be executed by the player. He has to have permissions for it without any delay!
# ‘cmd: spawn’ = /spawn will be executed by the player.
# ‘cmd: whatever’ = /whatever will be executed by the player.
# If the player «wakes up» at a random place when offline for some time while drinking (the places have to be defined with ‘/brew Wakeup add’ through an admin)
# The Player wakes at the nearest of two random places of his world [true]
# If the Player may have to try multiple times when logging in while extremely drunk [true]
# If the Player faints shortly (gets kicked from the server) if he drinks the max amount of alcohol possible [false]
# If the Player vomits on high drunkeness (drops item defined below) [true]
# The item can not be collected and stays on the ground until it despawns.
# Item that is dropped multiple times uncollectable when puking [Soul_Sand]
# Time in seconds until the pukeitems despawn, (mc default is 300 = 5 min) [60]
# If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well.
# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100]
# Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true]
# Consumable Item/strength. Decreases the alcohol level by when consumed. (list)
# Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true]
# The changing color of the particles can help with timing some recipes
# If Cauldron Particles should be reduced to the bare minimum [false]
# If crafting and using of the Brew Sealing Table is enabled (2 Bottles over 4 Planks) [true, true]
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# When using Brews on multiple (BungeeCord) Servers, define a shared Database below at ‘multiServerDB’
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don’t share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
# Autosave interval in minutes [3]
# Show debug messages in log [false]
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# Three Example Items
# A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
— ‘&7Very well protected’
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with ‘A door’ in its lore
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# You only need to add something here if you want to specify a custom name or color for the base potion
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of ‘material/amount’
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the base potion from a cauldron. Defaults to CYAN
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example ’99FF33′) (with ») (search for «HTML color» on the internet)
# Color of the Particles above the cauldron at different cooking-times
# Color and minute during which each color should appear, i.e. one color at 8 minutes fading to another at 18 minutes.
# As List, each Color as name or RGB, see above. Written as ‘Color/Minute’
# It will fade to the last color in the end, if there is only one color in the list, it will fade to grey
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# customModeldаta: Custom Model Data Tag. This is a number that can be used to add custom textures to the item.
# Example with all possible entries
— An example for a Base Potion
— This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
name: Fermented wheat
— ‘2d8686/8’ # Dark Aqua
color: ‘f1ffad’ # yellowish green
— ‘858547/10’ # dark olive
— ‘ff6666/2’ # bright red
color: ’99ff66′ # bright green
— ’99ff99/20′ # faded green
name: Mushroom brew
color: ‘ff5c33’ # amber red
— ‘fab09e/15’ # faded red
name: Mushroom brew
color: ‘c68c53’ # brighter brown
name: Chocolately brew
color: ‘804600’ # mocca
color: ‘0099ff’ # sky blue
color: ’00b300′ # cactus green
name: Poisonous Broth
name: Stringy hebry broth
color: ’99ff66′ # bright green
— ’99ff99/20′ # faded green
color: ‘263300’ # brown green
name: Chocolately sap
color: ‘804600’ # mocca
name: Fermented Eye
name: Glistering brew
color: ‘ffd11a’ # gold
color: ‘ffff33’ # bright yellow
— ‘d9d926/15’ # faded yellow
name: Apple-Sugar brew
color: ‘e1ff4d’ # greenish yellow
name: Boiled acidy herbs
color: ’99ff66′ # bright green
— ’99ff99/20′ # faded green
color: ’00ccff’ # aqua
name: Fruity juniper brew
color: ’66e0ff’ # lighter aqua
name: Smooth egg mixture
color: ‘ffecb3’ # yellow-orange
# name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of ‘material/amount’
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Plugin items with ‘plugin:id’ (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil
# distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# wood: Wood of the barrel 0=any 1=Birch 2=Oak 3=Jungle 4=Spruce 5=Acacia 6=Dark Oak 7=Crimson 8=Warped
# The Minecraft barrel is made of oak
# age: Time in Minecraft-days, the potion has to age in a barrel 0=no aging
# color: Color of the potion after distilling/aging.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example ’99FF33′) (with ») (search for «HTML color» on the internet)
# difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard)
# alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting)
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# Specific Commands for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# customModeldаta: Custom Model Data Tag. This is a number that can be used to add custom textures to the item.
# Can specify one for all, or one for each quality, separated by /
# effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek.
# Possible Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# Level or Duration ranges may be specified with a «-«, ex. ‘SPEED/1-2/30-40’ = lvl 1 and 30 sec at worst and lvl 2 and 40 sec at best
# Ranges also work high-low, ex. ‘POISON/3-1/20-5’ for weaker effects at good quality.
# Highest possible Duration: 1638 sec. Instant Effects dont need any duration specified.
# Example Recipe with every possible entry first:
Рецепты алкоголя майнкрафт brewery
Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:46 pm
Brewery Plugin
Cooking / Fermenting
The first step is cooking the ingredients.
1. Place a cauldron over fire
2. Fill it with water
3. Use ingredients on the cauldron to add them (right click)
4. Wait while they cook, checking the time with a clock (right click the clock on the cauldron)
5. Fill glass bottles from the cauldron when done
Place a Glowstone dust in the top slot of a brewing stand as a filter. (It won’t be consumed)
Place your filled bottles into the brewing stand
Wooden barrels are required for aging. They have inventories where you can store brews while they age. There are two barrel sizes, and most recipes require a specific type of wood.
Being Drunk
The alcohol inside a brew is applied when consumed. There are a variety of effects associated with alcohol level.
A drunk player may not be able to walk normally. Their movements become unpredictable, making it difficult to walk straight.
Status effects such as Blindness, Confusion, and Poison can be inflicted, especially with stronger brews.
The chat will be altered depending on drunkenness. Anything a drunk player writes may be slurred, sometimes to the point where it’s incomprehensible.
When drinking a lot, there is a chance of vomiting
After logging off, the a player may have difficulties reaching their character, and may not be able to log in for a while.
Over-drinking could cause a player to black out(disconnect), and wake up in a strange place.
Sobering Up
After drinking it can take a while for the alcohol to completely wear off. During that time, your alcohol level will steadily decrease. This process can be accelerated by eating bread, drinking milk or buying black coffee from Admin Shop (shop.renmx.com or /search black coffee)
You may notice some of these are new. Some are updated versions of the ones we had before (you can still use the old ones if you wish to). If your potion is great quality its name will be colored (colors vary from drink to drink). Names may differ depending on the quality as well.
Name: Mead
Ingredients: 6 sugar cane
Cooking time: 6 minutes
Aging: 4 years in an oak barrel
Name: Apple Mead
Ingredients: 6 sugar cane, 2 apples
Cooking time: 4 minutes
Aging: 4 years in a spruce barrel
Name: Rum
Ingredients: 14 sugar cane
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Aging: 14 years in an oak barrel
Name: Red Wine
Ingredients: 8 nether warts
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Distill runs: 1
Aging: 10 years in a dark oak barrel
Name: Pri Whiskey
Ingredients: 1 Pri, j/k it’s 5 beetroot, 2 spider eye, 32 TNT
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Distillruns: 2
Aging: 2 years in an oak barrel
Name: Apple Cider
Ingredients: 10 sugar, 10 apples
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Melon Schnapps
Ingredients: 10 melons, 5 glistering melon, 20 melon seeds
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Fine Champagne
Ingredients: 2 apples, 8 sugar, 5 glowstone dust, 2 gold nuggets
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Pumpkin Spiced Beer
Ingredients: 5 pumpkins, 10 sugar, 10 wheat
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Aging: 4 years in a spruce barrel
Name: Fine Chorus Fruit Rum
Ingredients: 5 chorus flowers, 10 chorus fruit, 8 popped chorus fruit, 10 sugar
Cooking time: 6 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Aging: 5 years in a acacia barrel
Name: Gin and Tonic
Ingredients: 5 melon seeds, 5 pumpkin seeds, 5 beetroot seeds, 5 wheat seeds, 3 melons
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Strong Coffee
Ingredients: 14 ink sacks, 2 milk buckets
Cooking time: 3 minutes
Name: Fine Wheatbeer
Ingredients: 5 wheat
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Aging: 2 years in a birch barrel
Name: Fine Beer
Ingredients: 8 wheat
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Aging: 3 years in any barrel
Name: Fine Darkbeer
Ingredients: 12 wheat
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Aging: 8 years in a spruce barrel
Name: Vodka
Ingredients: 15 potatoes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Green Fairy
Ingredients: 20 grass
Cooking time: 3 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Rakia
Ingredients: 30 apples
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Name: Fine Whiskey
Ingredients: 40 wheat, 10 wheat seeds
Cooking time: 8 minutes
Aging: 10 years in a spruce barrel
Scotch Whiskey
Ingredients: 5 wheat, 20 wheat seeds
Cooking time: 12
Distill runs: 2
Aging: 15 years in an oak barrel
Ingredients: 15 pumpkin seeds, 5 wheat seeds
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Aging: 2 years in a birch barrel
RENMX Whiskey
Ingredients: 35 wheat, 40 gold nuggets, 10 sugar
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Distill runs: 2
Aging 100 years in a dark oak barrel