Праздники урок английского языка
Урок английского языка по теме «Праздники».
Урок английского языка по теме «Праздники». Закрепление лексического материала по теме, совершенствование монологической, диалогической, письменной речи, а также навыков аудирования d в рамках заданной темы. Развитие памяти, логического мышления, познавательных навыков. Воспитание толерантного отношения к традициям (праздникам) народов других стран, воспитание ответственного отношения к обучению, к традициям (праздникам) России.
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«Урок английского языка по теме «Праздники». »
Урок английского языка в 6 классе.
Активизация и закрепление лексического материала по теме, совершенствование монологической, диалогической, письменной речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования в рамках заданной темы.
Развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, познавательных навыков.
Воспитание толерантного отношения к традициям (праздникам) народов других стран, воспитание ответственного отношения к обучению, к традициям (праздникам) России.
Good morning, girls and boys! Good morning, dear guests! I am glad to see you! How are you? So, we begin.
«Мозговой штурм». Определение темы урока.
На доске развешены листы с названиями праздников:
New Year, Christmas, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, Easter, Motherland Defender’s Day, Independence Day, Day of Knowledge, Day of Russia, Space Day, Teacher’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, April Fool’s Day, birthday, wedding, jubilee.
Учащимся предлагается сформулировать тему урока – Holidays (слайд 1).
Учащиеся повторяют за учителем названия праздников, затем читают названия некоторых праздников по транскрипции (слайд 2).
Read and translate the word combinations:
Учащиеся читают и переводят словосочетания, написанные на доске:
make presents for my relatives
make telephone calls
have a picnic with my friends
visit my friends and relatives
buy presents for my friends and relatives
cook special dishes
go out with my friends
invite my friends to my place
Answer the questions:
Do you like holidays?
What do you usually do on holidays?
Whom do you invite to your holidays?
Do you get and give presents?
Совершенствование навыков чтения.
Учащиеся читают и переводят микротексты о праздниках (слайды 4 – 11).
In Great Britain children don’t go to school on the 1 st of September. They begin to study on the second Tuesday of September.
On the 31st of October there is Halloween. People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties; they put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go “trick or treat”.
On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on their bed.
New Year British people celebrate on the 31 ST of December. Most people see with friends and relatives.
At midnight they sing New Year songs and wish a happy New Year.
On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
In March there is a holiday for English women – Mother’s Day. People in the family try to help her.
On that day they visit their mothers and give them presents and “A Mother’s Day Card”.
In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
April Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. English children like this day very much. They play jokes and tricks on their friends.
In June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards and give presents to their father.
Работа в парах. Прочитать тексты, найти и исправить в них ошибки (в данном задании используется технология развития критического мышления).
Let’s read the texts about holidays. The texts have some mistakes. Please, find and correct them. Work in groups. Fill in the table.
1) On the 2th of June there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they don’t love. Usually they don’t sign them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
2) New Year British people celebrate on the 1 ST of February. Most people don’t want to see with friends and relatives. At midnight they sing New Year songs and wish an unhappy New Year.
3) In Russia children don’t go to school on the 1 st of September. They begin to study on the second Tuesday of September.
4) In August there is a holiday for Russian women – Mother’s Day. People in the family don’t try to help her. On that day they visit their fathers and give them presents and “A Mother’s Day Card”.
Урок английского языка по теме «Праздники»
Урок английского языка для 5 класса по теме «Праздники»
Цель урока: активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
— тренировать учащихся в лексике по теме «Праздники,
— практиковать в составлении монологического высказывания по структуре,
— тренировать в диалогическом общении по образцу,
— активизировать лингвокультурологический материал по теме: «Праздники».
— развивать коммуникативные навыки,
— развивать орфографические навыки,
— воспитывать чувства уважения и доброжелательности к стране изучаемого языка и ее народу, своим сверстникам,
— развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевому и культурному общению друг с другом.
— отработка техники чтения,
— составление мини – диалогов с различными речевыми задачами,
— развитие познавательного интереса.
— наглядность: тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, комплекты дидактических раздаточных материалов,
1. Организационный момент.
— Good morning, dear children
+ Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you.
— Thank you, sit down, please.
Good morning dear guests!
Today we have an usual day.
We are having a great party “Festival of British holidays”.
I hope you will have a wonderful time.
Let us learn, play and sing together!
— Now, children, answer my questions, please.
— What’s the date today?
+ Today is the 15th of February.
— What day of week is it today? – Is it Monday or Saturday?
— What season is it now? Is it summer, is it spring, is it winter?
— What the weather is it today?
— Is it today cloudy?
+ Yes, today it’s cloudy.
— Is it today frosty?
Now, our phonetic exercises,
1. One little, two little, three little fingers,
Four little, five little, six little fingers,
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers,
Ten fingers on your hand.
2. Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers,
Seven little, six little fingers, five little fingers,
Four little, three little, two little fingers,
One finger on your hand.
— Good, thank you. You’re clever boys and girls.
— Today, I will tell you a lot of interesting facts about British holidays and you will enjoy your time spending here. There’re a lot of public holidays in Great Britain.
They are Christmas,
1. Показываю картинки с праздниками,
2. Сразу перевожу, дети могут помогать,
3. Предлагаю вспомнить, когда эти праздники отмечаются.
— O’k, let’s remember when these holidays are celebrated. Look at the board, please. This is a table.
— Look at the 1st column: These are the names of the holidays
— Look at the 3nd colum: The dates when these holidays are celebrated.
Match the holidays with their dates. (ученики заполняют по желанию таблицу.)
— Good thank you. Now answer my questions:
— Do you like holidays?
+ Yes, I like holidays.
— Do people cook dinner on holidays?
— Do people make funny costumes?
— Do people send greeting cards?
— Do you like presents?
+ Yes, I like presents.
— Do you like parties?
+ Yes, I like parties.
— Do you like to sing at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to sing at the parties.
— Do you like to dance at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to dance at the parties.
— Very well done! Thank you.
Цель урока: активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
— тренировать учащихся в лексике по теме «Праздники,
— практиковать в составлении монологического высказывания по структуре,
— тренировать в диалогическом общении по образцу,
— активизировать лингвокультурологический материал по теме: «Праздники».
— развивать коммуникативные навыки,
— развивать орфографические навыки,
— воспитывать чувства уважения и доброжелательности к стране изучаемого языка и ее народу, своим сверстникам,
— развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевому и культурному общению друг с другом.
— отработка техники чтения,
— составление мини – диалогов с различными речевыми задачами,
— развитие познавательного интереса.
— наглядность: тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, комплекты дидактических раздаточных материалов,
1. Организационный момент.
— Good morning, dear children
+ Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you.
— Thank you, sit down, please.
Good morning dear guests!
Today we have an usual day.
We are having a great party “Festival of British holidays”.
I hope you will have a wonderful time.
Let us learn, play and sing together!
— Now, children, answer my questions, please.
— What’s the date today?
+ Today is the 15th of February.
— What day of week is it today? – Is it Monday or Saturday?
— What season is it now? Is it summer, is it spring, is it winter?
— What the weather is it today?
— Is it today cloudy?
+ Yes, today it’s cloudy.
— Is it today frosty?
Now, our phonetic exercises,
1. One little, two little, three little fingers,
Four little, five little, six little fingers,
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers,
Ten fingers on your hand.
2. Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers,
Seven little, six little fingers, five little fingers,
Four little, three little, two little fingers,
One finger on your hand.
— Good, thank you. You’re clever boys and girls.
— Today, I will tell you a lot of interesting facts about British holidays and you will enjoy your time spending here. There’re a lot of public holidays in Great Britain.
They are Christmas,
1. Показываю картинки с праздниками,
2. Сразу перевожу, дети могут помогать,
3. Предлагаю вспомнить, когда эти праздники отмечаются.
— O’k, let’s remember when these holidays are celebrated. Look at the board, please. This is a table.
— Look at the 1st column: These are the names of the holidays
— Look at the 3nd colum: The dates when these holidays are celebrated.
Match the holidays with their dates. (ученики заполняют по желанию таблицу.)
— Good thank you. Now answer my questions:
— Do you like holidays?
+ Yes, I like holidays.
— Do people cook dinner on holidays?
— Do people make funny costumes?
— Do people send greeting cards?
— Do you like presents?
+ Yes, I like presents.
— Do you like parties?
+ Yes, I like parties.
— Do you like to sing at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to sing at the parties.
— Do you like to dance at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to dance at the parties.
— Very well done! Thank you.
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Отработка темы «Праздники на английском языке»
· what holidays are the most popular in your country
· what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it
· if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why
· what your attitude to holidays is
· Do you like holidays?
· What do you usually do on holidays?
· Whom do you invite to your holidays?
· Do you get and give presents?
· What gifts do you like to give and get (receive)?
· What gift would you never give to your friend? Why?
· What would you do if you receive a gift you don’t like?
In Great Britain children don’t go to school on the 1 st of September. They begin to study on the second Tuesday of September.
On the 31st of October there is Halloween. People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties; they put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go “trick or treat”.
On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on their bed.
New Year British people celebrate on the 31 ST of December. Most people see with friends and relatives.
At midnight they sing New Year songs and wish a happy New Year.
On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
In March there is a holiday for English women – Mother’s Day. People in the family try to help her.
On that day they visit their mothers and give them presents and “A Mother’s Day Card”.
In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
April Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. English children like this day very much. They play jokes and tricks on their friends.
In June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards and give presents to their father.
New Year in Great Britain
The first of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day.
They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples, other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance. Before twelve o’clock at night many people in the towns go out into the streets to dance and to sing songs.
In England New Year’s Day is not a big holiday, it is not so popular. Very many people go to bed before twelve o’clock on New Year’s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. At midnight they also go out into the streets and squares.
In London people go to the Trafalgar Square. In this square they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. When the largest clock of London — Big Ben — begins to strike twelve, the people in the square join their hands and sing. They also wish a Happy New Year to each other. New Year is one of the favorite holidays for many people in Great Britain.
Almost in every culture in the world there is a celebration of thanks for rich harvest. The American Thanksgiving began as a feast of thanksgiving almost four hundred years ago.
In 1620, a religious community sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. They settled in what is now known as the state of Massachusettes. Their first winter in America was difficult. They arrived too late to grow a rich harvest. Moreover, half the colony died from desease. The following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn. Indians showed them also how to grow other crops and how to hunt and fish.
In the autumn of 1621 they got a beautiful harvest of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so they planned a feast. Local Indian chief and ninety Indians were present. The colonists learned from Indians how to cook cranberries and dishes of corn and pumpkins.
In following years many of the colonists celebrated the harvest with a feast of thanks. After the United States gained independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thaksgiving for the whole country. Later, George Washington suggested the date November 26 as Thanksgiving Day. Then, after the Civil war, Abraham Lincoln suggested the last Thursday in November to be the day of thanksgiving.
On Thanksgiving Day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away. All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless.
Foods, eaten at the first thanksgiving, have become traditional. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey stuffed with herb-flavoured bread, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie. Other dishes may vary as to region: ham, sweet potatoes, creamed corn.
Поздравления с днем рождения
Поздравления с Новым годом и Рождеством
Другие поздравления на английском
Пасха и другие праздники:
· Happy St Patrick’s Day — Счастливого Дня Святого Патрика!
По случаю свадьбы и годовщины:
Celebrations and Parties. Список английских слов №2 (intermediate)
1. look forward to celebrating … — ждать с нетерпением
2. avoid / prefer celebrating … — избегать / предпочитать отмечать
3. I would rather celebrate … — Я предпочел бы отметить
4. get ready for … — готовиться к …
5. be/ feel excited — предвкушать (быть в радостном возбуждении)
6. look smart — выглядеть нарядно
7. meet my expectations — оправдать мои ожидания
8. have an entertaining activity — иметь развлекательную программу
9. do something special — делать нечто особенное
10. arrange / organize a party — организовывать вечеринку
11. barbecue (outdoor) party — выезд на природу
12. wedding — свадьба
13. house-warming party — новоселье
14. wear smart clothes — быть одетым в нарядную одежду
15. dress smartly — наряжаться
16. decorate the room with — украсить комнату …
17. provide food and drinks — организовать еду и напитки
18. soft drinks — безалкогольные напитки
19. snacks — легкие закуски
20. write invitations — написать приглашения
21. give / propose a toast (to) smb — провозгласить тост ( за )
22. chat / talk / make conversations — болтать / разговаривать / вести беседу
23. entertain guests — развлекать гостей
24. enjoy yourself — получить удовольствие
Exercise 1. Match the beginning and the end of the holiday phrase.
Exercise 2. Match the names of the parties and their descriptions.
4. a birthday party
6. a going-away party
8. a barbecue party
10. a fancy dress party
11. a going places party
12. a do-it-yourself party
13. a when I grow-up party
14. a skating party
a. a gathering at which tea is drunk
b. people enjoy listening to music
c. someone is new to your class or town
d. to show that the day is very important
e. everyone takes food to a nice place in the country
f. people come dressed as film or book characters
g. you go to the Zoo, a museum, a ball game
h. everyone does a craft project at the party
i. everyone is dressed in adult clothes
j. for those who like sport
k. children show their beautiful pajamas
l. for people who enjoy flowers / a party outside the house
n. we are sorry to say good-bye to somebody
o. meat or fish is prepared over an open fire
Exercise 3 . On what holidays do people usually do the following?
1. Parents put presents in stockings or shoes and put them under the fir-tree.
2. Children make presents to their mothers.
3. Children present flowers to war veterans.
4. Children with flowers are at the entrance of their school.
5. Children present flowers to their teachers.
6. Children sing carols.
7. Children and parents decorate a Christmas tree.
Exercise 4. Give short answers.
1. Do you paint eggs at Easter?
2. Was Easter in May last year?
3. Did you play any jokes on April 1 st?
4. Did you invite a lot of guests to your birthday party?
5. Does your mum decorate the house for New Year?
6. Do you like watching parades on TV?
7. Is your birthday in summer?
8. Do you wear funny costumes at Halloween?
9. Do you send cards on Valentine’s Day?
1. I get a lot of presents ____Christmas
2. My birthday is ____ autumn.
3. We celebrate Easter ____ April.
4. School begins ____ September 1 st.
5. I’m going to have a party ____ the weekend
6. Do you play jokes ____ April Fool’s Day?
Exercise 6 . Fill in the question words.
1._______did your mum make? — A cake.
7.______ were you on your last birthday? — Nine.
Mathew, what are the biggest holidays in the USA?
Мэтью, какие праздники считаются в Америке самыми важными?
I think, there are, probably, two holidays, that are often considered the two most special family holidays. Thanksgiving is one of our biggest holidays. It occurs on the last Thursday of the month of November. And usually for schoolchildren, they have been going to school since early September or late August, and it’s the first vacation, they have for three, four, five days. So, they wait to get to Thanksgiving, and when Thanksgiving comes, everyone, all the children and the teachers are very happy: it’s their first big break. And oftentimes families then will meet on that Thursday, and they will have a big dinner, turkey dinner, and a very, very special course of food that is prepared for Thanksgiving in commemoration of the Pilgrims1-1, who came to America in 1620, and the first meal they had with the Indians after a very difficult winter, when many people starved. So, Thanksgiving was to give thanks to God for all that they had, and all the blessings they had. So, Thanksgiving is considered, perhaps, one of our favorite holidays. Families always gather together. My family does, in fact, our larger family, not just my brothers and sisters, but aunts and uncles, and cousins also come together quite often. So, Thanksgiving is considered one of the biggest holidays.
Q: I can’t but ask about Christmas shopping fever.
Не могу не спросить о Рождественской лихорадке в магазинах.
Пятница, сразу после Дня Благодарения, для большинства людей тоже нерабочий день, и в эту пятницу они начинают делать покупки к Рождеству. И это уже стало ритуалом. Моя мама и сестры просыпаются в четыре часа утра, а магазины открываются в шесть часов, и все толпятся на рождественских распродажах и начинают покупать рождественские подарки.
Q: How long does Thanksgiving weekend last?
Сколько длятся выходные в День Благодарения?
Q: Mathew, what is the second biggest holiday?
Мэтью, а какой второй большой праздник?
The second largest holiday, I think, maybe, even bigger, is Christmas. Christmas is considered one of the biggest holidays. And, of course, we give gifts to family members, friends and loved ones on Christmas.
Q: Officially Christmas and New Year celebrations run from the 24th of December to the 2nd of January. How many days are people actually off during X-mas holidays?
Официально празднование Рождества и Нового года длится с двадцать четвертого декабря по второе января. Сколько дней люди на самом деле отдыхают на Рождественские каникулы?
Normally, people will have about one week off, or, perhaps, two weeks off. Schools have two weeks off. And many people, who work for companies, will have one week off at Christmas time. So, there’s plenty of time to spend with family, or, perhaps, to take a vacation to Florida, which is warm. And, so, lots of people like to go to a warm place: Arizona or California, or Florida during Christmas.
Q: How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving?
Как День Благодарения отмечают в вашей семье?
Ну, День Благодарения для нас это. Утром в церкви обычно проходит богослужение. Некоторые из нас ходят на службу в церковь. Моя мама готовит индейку. Готовит она рано-рано утром. Большую часть еды готовит она, а мои сестры помогают ей. Итак, люди начинают приезжать примерно. в одиннадцать или в двенадцать часов дня в дом моих родителей. Все собираются вместе и в этот день у нас в Детройте обычно проходит большой футбольный матч. Футбольная команда «Детройтские Львы» играет каждый День Благодарения. И матч всегда показывают по телевидению. Так что мы смотрим игру по телевизору.
Q: Are there any other big events on Thanksgiving except for the football game?
А происходят ли какие-нибудь другие большие события в День Благодарения, кроме футбольного матча?
Еще проходят Парады в честь Дня Благодарения. Поэтому некоторые младшие члены семьи, мои племянники и племянницы, идут на Большой парад. Так что в День Благодарения в Детройте обычно бывает парад.
Q: What is the usual way to celebrate Christmas in your family?
Как обычно отмечается Рождество в Вашей семье?
We all gather there in the afternoon then, and we have a meal, normally, about one o’clock or two o’clock in the afternoon, and we will then talk and discuss, and become very full. And then we have time for pie, because pumpkin pie is the favorite dessert for Thanksgiving. But you also might have an apple pie. And pie, normally, comes after the dinner. And by the evening time most people are tired, and some go home, another stay to talk or, perhaps, watch a movie. So, that’s what we do.
Q: Do families get together on New Year’s Day too?
А на Новый год семьи собираются вместе?
New Year’s very different. It is, normally, not a family gathering. New Year’s. is probably, it’s not nearly as big a holiday as it is over here, in Russia. So, for New Year’s families don’t often get together.
Q: How do they celebrate this day then?
Тогда как отмечают этот день?
Many times what happens is a husband and wife will go to a restaurant, perhaps, to a show, to the theatre to see ‘The Nutcracker’ for example, Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker»s always at the theatre in Detroit for New Year’s. And so some people will go to the theatre, or they will go to a special restaurant. And they will pay a lot of money to ring in the New Year at a restaurant or place like that. Families don’t often gather together.
Зачастую происходит так, что муж и жена идут в ресторан, может быть, на какое-нибудь представление, в театр, чтобы посмотреть, например, «Щелкунчика», на Новый год в театре Детройта всегда идет «Щелкунчик» Чайковского. Некоторые люди идут в театр или в какой-то особый ресторан. Они платят большие деньги за то, чтобы встретить Новый год в ресторане или другом таком месте. Семьи не часто собираются вместе.
Q: Is it common for America, that people just stay at home on the New Year’s Day and celebrate it in a close circle?
Типично ли это для Америки, что Новый год отмечают дома в кругу близких друзей?
Now, since there has been so much trouble with people, who drink and drive their cars, many people like to stay at home. And so they gather friends from their neighborhood together, and they celebrate the New Year together there, because then they don’t have to drive a car. And there have been, of course, many tragic accidents, people have been killed, driving drunk. And, so, a lot of people think, ‘I don’t want to even go out on the streets’. It’s usually snowy. The streets are icy. It’s easier just to stay home and celebrate the New Year that way. So, more recently, people are staying at home to celebrate the New Year.
Теперь, когда происходит столько бед с теми, кто садится за руль в нетрезвом состоянии, многие предпочитают оставаться дома. Так что они приглашают друзей, живущих по соседству, и вместе отмечают Новый год дома, поскольку тогда им не нужно садиться за руль. Конечно, бывает много трагических случаев, когда люди погибли из-за пьянства за рулем. И поэтому многие думают так: «Даже не хочу выходить на улицу». Обычно все покрыто снегом. На улицах гололед. Лучше просто остаться дома и так и отмечать Новый год. Так что в последнее время люди большей частью дома празднуют Новый год.
Q: Can you tell us about other holidays? For example, do people have the days off on other holidays?
Не могли бы вы рассказать нам о других праздниках? Отдыхают ли люди в эти дни?
Well, not everybody gets those days off, for example, Veterans’ Day, Columbus Day. The only ones, who get those days off are usually people, who work for the government and postal office workers. So, we always laugh and we say, ‘Oh! There’s a new holiday!’ it means the post office workers get another day off. Most of us still go to work or go to school. For example, Columbus day is never a day off. Veterans’ Day is not a day off. The Presidents’ day, which is what we have a holiday now, we used to have a holiday for George Washington’s birthday and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. But they were both in February, and someone said, ‘We can’t give postal workers two days off, let’s combine them on one day and call it Presidents’ Day’. So, now we have Presidents’ Day. But most people don’t have those days off. So, it’s only special government workers, who get those special days off.
1. Read and translate the text in written, complete the sentenses
Holidays in Great Britain
1. There are several ______________ holidays in Great Britain. 2. They are: Christmas Day, __________________, New Year’s Day, __________________, Good Friday, Easter, ____________________, Spring Bank Holiday and _______________________. 3. Some holidays are called Bank Holidays because banks, offices and _________ are closed on these days. 4. ______________ is the most popular holiday in Britain. 5. It is celebrated on the 25 th of _______________. 6. People spend time at home, with their families, eat special ____________ (turkey, potatoes, green ____________, a Christmas ______________) and drink a lot. 7. Many people decorate Christmas _________ with toys and ______________ coloured lights. 8. The day ___________ Christmas, the 26 th of December ________________ Boxing day. 9. New Year’s Day is less __________ in Britain than Christmas. 10. St. Valentine’s Day _______________on the 14 th of February, it is the day of __________________. 11. On these day people send cards, candies or _________________ to those whom they love. 12. _____________ is a Christian holiday in March or April. 13. People paint hard-boiled _______ in different ___________________. 14. May day is celebrated on the 1 st of May. ________ put on their best summer dresses and put flowers around their waists. 15. The most __________ girl is crowned with a garland of flowers. 16. Spring Bank Holiday is celebrated on the ____________ Monday in May. 17. People don’t go to ______________ on this day, many people go to the _________________ and have_____________________. 18. Summer Bank Holiday is celebrated on the last _____________ in ___________, it is a time for big _____________ meetings all over the country. 19. Guy Fawkes Night is one of the most popular __________ in Britain, it is celebrated on the 5 th of ___________. 20. On that day, in _________, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and __________ King James I, but the king’s men found the ________, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut off his _____________. 21. Since that day the British burn a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off ___________.
2. Boxing day, St. Valentine’s Day, May Day, Summer Bank Holiday
6. food, vegetables, pudding
10. is celebrated, sweethearts