плагины на счетчик дней майнкрафт
Скачать плагин PlayTime 💖 Позволяет игрокам вашего сервера посмотреть сколько они играют на сервере Майнкрафт 3.1
Описание плагина PlayTime:
Playtime — это простой плагин, который сделан, чтобы позволить игрокам просматривать время, в которое они играют, или время, проведенное другим игроком на сервере. Время игры полностью настраивается и может быть выполнено из файла конфигурации. Так же плагин показывает сколько раз игрок заходил на ваш сервер майнкрафт
Команды плагина PlayTime:
/playtime — Показывает ваше время, проведенное на сервере
/playtime — Показывает время другого игрока, сыгранного на сервере
/serveruptime — показывает онлайн-время сервера
Права плагина PlayTime:
playtime.check — Право на команду /playtime
playtime.uptime — Право на команду /serveruptime
Скриншоты плагина PlayTime:
Перевод плагина PlayTime (Версия 2.4)
Плэйсхолдеры плагина PlayTime:
Как установить плагин PlayTime?
Скачать плагин PlayTime
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 3.1
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 3.0
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.9.8
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.9.8
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.9.6
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.9.5
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.8
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.7
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.7
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.6
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.5
Скачать плагин PlayTime версии 2.4
Данный простой плагин позволяет создать задержку по времени, через которую новые игроки смогут писать в чат.
Позволяет отображать имя предмета, размер стака и время перед удалением предмета, если включена очистка мусора, а
Bukkit Plugins
Table of Contents
Now every MineCraft server can track the playtime (current login, daily, weekly, monthly, and all time) for all players with this powerful, full function plugin. With OnTime a “top 10” list can be generated in game, current and total playing statistics can be displayed (also in game), and daily/weekly/monthly reports of all players can be generated and viewed (off line).
Administrators can define OnTime Rewards which will result in econ amounts, items (including enchanted items and potions), item kits, group add/delete, group promotion/demotion, permission grant/denial, command executions, loyalty points, personalized messages, and XP to be automatically issued to a player when they have achieved a specified amount of daily, weekly, monthly, or total playtime on the server.
Rewards can also be issued when players refer other players to the server, voted for the server, played for a specified number of different days, been absent from the server for a specified number of days, shops with their accumulated points or wealth, upon player’s death, or they achieve status as a top player. A built in Votifier Listener makes issuing of rewards for web-site voting a snap. Vault is used so OnTime Rewards and permissions are supported by multiple economy and permission plugins.
Don’t forget to subscribe to OnTime to make sure you are automatically made aware of OnTime updates,which will give you the link to download the latest version even before it is approved by BukkitDev moderators!
Plugin Notes
Recompiled V4.1.3 using Spigot API for MC 1.9. No other changes or fixes
The new outputs for vote and refer daily, weekly, monthly totals are not automatically added to the «/ontime
» display. If you want to see this data, then you will need to edit the «output.yml» file.
This update fixes issues with duplicate UUID records created when player’s change names. This fix will address all future changes but does not directly address the existing duplicates. For this I have extended the «uuid» commands to include an option that will ‘merge’ the duplicate records into a single record. Please see HERE for more information on the «uuid» command, and specifically the «merge» keyword.
Prior to upgrading to OnTime V4.1.x you MUST have already upgraded to OnTime v3.13.4. Attempting to upgrade from any version prior to V3.13.4 will not properly auto update any of the OnTime YML configuration files. So if you are using any version prior to v3.13.4, load that version first into your plugin directory, restart your server or re-load your plugins, then replace with V4.1.x and do another server restart or plugin reload.
This version of OnTime contains a significant software re-write in order to be compatible with MineCraft V1.8, with support for UUIDs, and changeable player names. This version was fully tested with Spigot/Bukkit v1.8.1, and this will be the primary MIneCraft server base supported. OnTime V4.1.x will NOT WORK with Bukket v1.25 nor Tekkit classic. It should still work with the last Bukkit releases (1.7.2 / 1.7.9 ), but no significant testing has been done with these releases, so servers using those versions are better off using the latest OnTime V3.x release.
The «online tracking» function still DOES NOT WORK properly in a multi-server configuration. If you are using a single OnTime MySQL database to store data from multiple servers, conflicts will arise between the servers, and errors and some server lag may result. Until I can get this corrected, please disable this function on all multi-server systems.
OnTime will automatically modify the contents of your config.yml, playerData.yml, and output.yml when you upgrade from any release previous to v4.1.x. OnTime will put a copy of your current versions of these files into the plugins/OnTime/backup folder prior to this update, so you can revert back if you find the need to downgrade back to an earlier version of OnTime.
Please see the release notes page for additional information about changes that have occurred since your last upgrade.
«ontime.*» Permission Group
In v3.11.0 support for the «ontime.*» wildcard permission was removed. This was causing problems based on how OnTime sometime uses negated permissions. This has been replaced with better defined ‘recommended’ wildcard permission sets for ‘admin’, ‘moderator’, and ‘player’ roles.
ontime.track Permission
In v3.10.0 a permission string («ontime.track») was added, which allows admins to enable/disable OnTime tracking of individual players. When this is set to «false» OnTime will not process players upon login, nor will it create OnTime records for new players. This permission is «true» by default, and most permission plugins will pick up this default setting, and server owners will see no change from previous versions of OnTime. But some permission plugins (e.g. bPermissions, others?) do not pick up the default and treat this as «false» for all players, which effectively disables the OnTime plugin. In this case of such permission plugins, the «ontime.track» should be added to the base set of permissions for all groups whose users are to be tracked by OnTime.
Online Support
bpermissions plugin compatibility
Integration with AFK Terminator
I have an independent plugin «AFKTerminator» that detects and potentially eliminates AFK Machines. An «AFK Machine» allows a player to avoid «AFK» detection through continual movement. See the [|Other Function] page for more details.
Integration with OnSign
There is a second companion plugin for OnTime, which I have named OnSign. OnSign allows players to create MC signs that will show a player’s current online/offline status, time of last login/logout, and their daily/weekly/monthly and total scores for playtime, votes, and referrals. With OnSign you can also create signs showing the «top» players for playtime, votes, and referrals. With OnSign v1.3.0 or later OnSign supports signs that interact with the OnTime Shop rewards, allowing players to pick their own rewards by spending Points or ‘coins’.
OnSign and OnTime version compatibility
Automated Update Check
OnTime performs an automated check to see if there is a new version of the plugin available for download. It will NOT download new versions, but simply notify the server administrator that one exists via console messages. By default, this function is enabled, but can be disabled by setting «updateCheckEnable» in the OnTime/config.yml to ‘false’.
(Items in BOLD are new in the latest 4.1.x release of OnTime)
Manipulate a Player’s Data
Manage The OnTime Plugin
Other Plugin Integration
Please see the pages for permissions, configuration, commands, etc.
Future Enhancements Under Consideration
Feature Requests:
If you want to request a feature to be added to this plugin, or you think any of the above should be given a higher priority, please submit a ticket or vote for existing ones.
Please Leave Comments
I’d love to hear what you think (good and bad) about this plugin. It will help me know if it’s worth keeping up on the maintenance. Thanks. Edge
Change Log
Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.2; Votifier 1.9
Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2; Votifier 1.9
Functional Enhancements
New Output Variables
Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2; Votifier 1.9
Functional Enhancements
New Permissions
New Configuration Parameters
Modified Commands
Merges player records to create a single record. Valid for both MySQL and YML dataStorage
New Output Variables
New Configurable Output
Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2; Votifier 1.9
Functional Enhancements
New Permissions
New Configuration Parameters
New Commands
Helps manage UUIDs in the OnTime database. Merges duplicated UUID records, into a single record.
New Output Variables
New Configurable Output
Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2; Votifier 1.9
Functional Enhancements
New Permissions
New Configuration Parameters
New Commands
Helps manage UUIDs in the OnTime database. (Please read command details before using these as records could be lost unintentionally)
Скачать плагин TimeIsMoney | Выплата за время в игре | Получай деньги за игру на сервере
Плагин работает на версиях: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14 и выше
Описание плагина Time is Money:
Кроме того, Time is Money дает вам возможность настроить несколько выплат! Поэтому более высокая выплата может быть предоставлена VIP, если VIP имеет разрешение на эту выплату.
Существует также функция анти-афк, поэтому игроки АФК не будут получать деньги! (Вы можете отключить это, если посчитаете это нужным).
Помимо выплат, Time is Money также включает в себя отличное решение для банкоматов, которое в основном предназначено для ввода и вывода денег в причудливом графическом интерфейсе.
Банкомат строится просто. Берём табличку и прописываем на первой строчке [ATM], на последующих строчках можно писать всё что угодно.
Команды плагина:
Права плагина:
Как установить плагин?
1. Скачайте плагин.
2. Возьмите скачанный файл и перенесите в папку plugins вашего сервера.
3. Перезапустите сервер.
4. Готово.
Для работы плагина TimeIsMoney, требуется установить плагин Vault.
Скачать плагин TimeIsMoney
iConomy — плагин добавляющий на Ваш сервер полноценную экономику с настраиваемым конфигом и поддержкой PermissionsEx,
Данный простой плагин позволяет создать задержку по времени, через которую новые игроки смогут писать в чат.