огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire

Огненный Дракон

Огненный Дракон

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Тело среднего размера с шипами, идущими по всей спине, умеренно длинная шея, большая голова с двумя парами рогов, обращенных назад, а также массивные зубастые челюсти и длинный, сужающийся хвост, такой же длинный, как и остальные тело. Самцы драконов отличаются от самок темными пятнами на крыльях, а самки отличаются от самцов более изогнутыми рогами.

Огненные драконы бывают четырех цветов: огненно-красные, изумрудно-зеленые, бронзово-желтые и дымчато-серые.


Вместо того, чтобы исчезать, как обычные мобы, дракон падает замертво на землю. Чтобы облутать драконий труп, нужно несколько раз нажать на него ПКМ: вещи будут падать до тех пор, пока он не превратиться в скелет, а затем, в конце концов, исчезнет. Убедитесь, что подаете по хитбоксу дракона; он обычно расположен ближе к центру тела. Новорождённые драконы исчезают после смерти, после 5 дней выпадают как скелеты, и, только после 10 дней, выпадают как трупы.


Огненные драконы враждебны и будут атаковать почти всех мобов, которые находятся поблизости, включая игроков. Когда они спавнятся, они обычно очень голодны и будут искать фермерских животных для еды; они способны обнаружить добычу в радиусе 64 блоков. Драконы, используя атаки пламенем, будут сжигать все блоки в этой области (превращая их в обугленные блоки), в дополнение к созданию разрушительных пожаров. Диких драконов можно увидеть спящими в своих гнёздах, украшенных большими кучами золота и множеством сундуков, но их можно разбудить, если игрок разбивает кучу золота или открывает ближайший сундук. Драконы редко будут есть мясо, которое лежит на земле.


Прежде всего, огненные драконы обладают способностью летать очень быстро, что делает ближний бой бесполезным в борьбе с ними. Кроме того, у них есть возможность поджечь игроков своим огненным дыханием, убивая их в считанные секунды. Наряду с этим их не смущают неизбежные препятствия, и они просто прорвутся через них, чтобы добраться до цели. У драконов есть девять врождённых атак:

Заметка: огненные драконы атакуют ледяных, поэтому, пожалуйста, не оставляйте скитающимися оба вида. В противном случае, вы рискуете закончить с мёртвым телом и множеством разрушений.


Приручить дикого огненного дракона нельзя, но получить себе дракона можно, только высиживая яйцо. Яйца Огненного Дракона должны быть помещены в огонь, чтобы начать процесс вылупления. Как только яйцо начнет двигаться, для вывода потребуется несколько минут.

Также рекомендуется использовать адский камень, так как огонь должен поддерживаться до момента вылупления.


Два огненных дракона могут быть разведены, если они противоположного пола и имеют третью стадию или выше, путем создания и использования микстуры из огненных лилий. Их разводят так же, как и других ванильных животных. После драконы-самки создадут гнездо и откладывают там яйца.



Доступ к инвентарю дракона можно получить, взаимодействуя с ним с зажатой клавишей приседа (клавиша shift по умолчанию). Он имеет 4 слота, каждый для отдельной части брони дракона.


Их можно вырастить быстрее путем скармливания драконьего мяса. Каждое кормление вырастит их на 1 день.

Драконов Стадии 3 и выше можно оседлать, взаимодействуя с ними пустой рукой. Как с любым ездовым мобом, используются элементы управления WASD. Пробел заставляет дракона подняться, если он находится в воздухе; если его удерживать более секунды, пока он находится на земле, дракон начинает летать. X опускает дракона, а Shift используется для того что бы слезть. R (клавиша по умолчанию) запускает огненное дыхание, а G (клавиша по умолчанию) использует ударную атаку, атакуя моба, на которого в данный момент смотрит игрок.

Посох управления драконом используется для того что бы приказать дракону сидеть на месте, свободно бродить, или следовать за своим владельцем. C помощью Драконьего Рога можно призывать и отзывать дракона. Костяная флейта используется, чтобы дракон спустился на землю.

Взаимодействие с драконом с помощью палки или Посоха управления драконом при зажатой клавише приседа установит домашнюю позицию там, где он находится в данный момент, и он не уйдет далеко от этой точки. Исходную позицию можно убрать, проделывая те же действия.

Драконы будут дышать огнем в активную Огненную Драконью Печь, если таковая рядом, питая мультиблочную структуру и позволяя ей превращать железные слитки в слитки Огненной Драконьей Стали.

Прирученный огненный дракон также попытается атаковать прирученных ледяных драконов других игроков, но не их владельца.


Скелеты огненного дракона естественным образом появляются в пустынных биомах. Они могут стать хорошим источником драконьей кости для игроков, надеющихся создать из них инструменты.


Lightning Dragon

Lightning Dragon

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Health Points

Stage 2:
116 (58x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 208 (104x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 3:
212 (106x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 304 (152x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 4:
308 (154x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 400 (200x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 5:
404 (202x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 500 (250x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)

Common Drops


Lightning Dragons are one of the three dragon species that roam the Overworld. They are most famously known for their ability to breathe streams of lightning, as well as their flight abilities. Like fire dragons and ice dragons, lightning dragons have nine natural attacks that can decimate players effortlessly. They also progress through five stages of development, where they grow larger, stronger, and more terrifying.



Like fire dragons and ice dragons, lightning dragons are quadrupedal reptiles with massive wings, long tails, spike-laden backs, and massive jaws. However, they have 3 pairs of backwards-facing horns instead of 2, the spikes on their back are longer and stand taller, and their tails are tipped in 3 pairs of long spikes. Male lightning dragons differ from females by having darker-edged wings, while females differ from males by having curvier horns. Lightning dragons come in 4 colors: Amethyst Purple, Dark Black, Copper Brown, and Electric Blue. Dragons grow from 2 blocks long at 0 days old to 50 blocks long when fully grown.


Lightning dragons can spawn in Jungle, Savanna, and Badlands biomes. Younger dragons are found on small roosts on the surface (Stages 1-3), whereas older ones (Stage 4 and rarely Stage 5) lurk in caverns beneath the ground.


Loot from a lightning dragon generally depends on the stage of a dragon. All dragons drop either Dragon Scales, a Dragon Heart, and Dragon Flesh or, with a glass bottle, Dragon Blood. A Dragon Skull and Dragon Bones are always dropped. The most important loot a dragon corpse can produce are Dragon Eggs, which can only drop from a female Stage 4-5 dragon. Stage 5 female dragons may occasionally drop 2-3 Dragon Eggs.

Instead of evaporating like normal Minecraft mobs, a dragon will fall to the ground as a corpse when it dies. To loot the dragon corpse, right-click on it repeatedly with an empty hand: items will drop off of it until it turns into a skeleton and, finally, disappears altogether. To obtain dragon blood, right-click the corpse with an empty bottle. Obtaining dragon blood will prevent you from obtaining scales, flesh, or a heart. Make sure to click in the dragon’s hitbox; this is usually located near the middle of the dragon’s body. Newly-hatched dragons evaporate upon death, falling as a skeleton after day 5 and only falling as a corpse after day 10.

Fully grown dragons drop about 46 bones, and either 12 vials of blood or 58 scales.


Lightning dragons are hostile, and will attack almost every mob that comes nearby, including players. When they spawn naturally, they are usually very hungry, and will search for farm animals to eat; they are capable of spotting prey from 64 blocks away. Dragons using lightning attacks will electrify all blocks in the area (turning them into Crackled Blocks). Wild dragons can be seen frequenting small roosts adorned with large piles of copper and many chests; unlike other dragons, they will sleep there during the day, but can be woken up if a player breaks a copper pile or opens a nearby chest, or if a thunderstorm starts. Dragons will rarely eat meat items that are dropped on the floor.


Like other dragons, lightning dragons have the ability to fly very quickly, making melee combat extremely difficult when fighting them. As well as this, they have the ability to electrocute players with their lightning breath, killing them in mere seconds. Along with this, they are unfazed by unavoidable obstacles, and will simply break through them in order to get to their target. Dragons have nine natural attacks, which include the following:


Please note: Lightning dragons will attack fire dragons and ice dragons, so do not put a lightning dragon with your other dragons on wander. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a dead body and lots of destruction.


A wild lightning dragon cannot be tamed, and a tamed dragon can only be achieved through hatching an egg. Lightning Dragon eggs must be placed in rain to start the hatching process. Once the egg starts moving, it will take a few minutes to hatch.

It is noted that the rain must continue until the egg hatches. Please also note, that, once the egg hatches, a bolt of lightning will strike it, and the dragon will burn, it’s best to keep watch and have water on hand.


Two lightning dragons can be bred if they are opposing genders and stage four or higher, by crafting and utilizing Lightning Lily Mixture, They are bred in the same manner as other vanilla animals. Upon breeding, female dragons will create a nest and lay their eggs in there. Give the mixture to the male, then the female.



A dragon’s inventory can be accessed via interacting with them while sneaking. It has 5 slots; the first 4 slots are each for a different part of Dragon Armor, while the last slot is for a banner.

Tamed Behavior

Baby dragons are very small creatures no longer than a single block. It takes 25 days for a dragon to progress from a stage, and 125 for them to reach maximum size.

Their growth rate can be improved by feeding them Dragon Meal. Each feeding will grow them by 1 day.

If a dragon is Stage 1, it can be clicked on with an empty hand in order to put the baby on the owner’s shoulders. To get a baby dragon off one’s shoulders, press X (default key). A player can have a maximum of three dragons on their shoulder at a time. At Stage 2, the dragon can no longer be picked up. Dragons Stage 3 and up can be mounted by interacting with them with an empty hand. Like with any rideable mob, WASD controls are used. Spacebar makes the dragon rise if it is in the air; if held for over a second while it is on the ground, it makes the dragon start flying. X lowers the dragon, and Shift is used to dismount. R (default key) makes it breath lightning, and G (default key) makes it use a strike attack, attacking the mob the player is currently looking at.

A Dragon Command Staff can be used to order the dragon to either stay, wander, or escort their owner from above. Dragon Horns can be used to summon and desummon the dragon via an item. A Dragon Bone Flute can be used to call a flying dragon down to the ground. A Dragon Summoning Crystal can bind the dragon to itself, so that the owner can teleport the dragon should it wander off into the distance.

Sneaking while interacting with a dragon with a stick or a Dragon Command Staff will set a home position where it is currently at, and it will not go far away from that position. The home position can be removed by sneaking while using the Dragon Command Staff again.

Dragons Stage 2 and up will breath lightning at an active Lightning Dragonforge if near one, powering the multi-block structure and allowing it to turn iron ingots into Lightning Dragonsteel Ingots.

A tamed lightning dragon also will try to attack tamed fire dragons or ice dragons of other players, but not of their owner.


Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon

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Health Points

Stage 2:
116 (58x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 208 (104x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 3:
212 (106x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 304 (152x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 4:
308 (154x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 400 (200x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 5:
404 (202x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 500 (250x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)

Common Drops


Fire Dragons are one of the three species of dragons that roam the Overworld. They are most famously known for their deadly fire and flight abilities, as well as their formidable reputation. Fire dragons have nine natural attacks, all of which can dispatch a player with ease. As well as this, they progress through five stages of development, where they grow larger, stronger, and more terrifying.


Cave appearance

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Stage 4 Red Fire Dragon

Fire dragons are large, quadrupedal reptiles with massive, leathery, bat-like wings, powerful hind legs with 3 prehensile, talon-tipped toes on each foot, a moderate-sized body with spikes running down their backs, a moderately long neck, a large head with 2 pairs of backward-facing horns as well as massive, toothy jaws, and a long, tapering tail just as long as the rest of their body. Male fire dragons differ from females by having darker-colored spots on their wings, while females differ from males by having curvier horns. although this difference is only present in more recent versions. Fire dragons come in 4 colors: Fiery Red, Emerald Green, Gold Yellow, and Smoky Black. Dragons grow from 2 blocks long at 0 days old to 50 blocks long when fully grown.



Loot from a fire dragon generally depends on the stage of a dragon. All dragons drop either Dragon Scales, a Dragon Heart, and Dragon Flesh or, with a glass bottle, Dragon Blood. A Dragon Skull and Dragon Bones are always dropped. The most important loot a dragon corpse can produce are Dragon Eggs, which can only drop from a female Stage 4-5 dragon. Stage 5 female dragons may occasionally drop 2 or even 3 Dragon Eggs.

Instead of evaporating like normal Minecraft mobs, a dragon will fall to the ground as a corpse when it dies. To loot the dragon corpse, right-click on it repeatedly with an empty hand: items will drop off of it until it turns into a skeleton and, finally, disappears altogether. To obtain dragon blood, right-click the corpse with an empty bottle. Obtaining dragon blood will prevent you from obtaining scales, flesh, a heart, or eggs. Make sure to click in the dragon’s hitbox; this is usually located near the middle of the dragon’s body. Newly-hatched dragons evaporate upon death, falling as a skeleton after day 5 and only falling as a corpse after day 10.

Fully grown dragons drop about 46 bones, and either 12 vials of blood or 58 scales.


Fire dragons are hostile, and will attack almost every mob that comes nearby, including players. When they spawn naturally, they are usually very hungry, and will search for farm animals to eat; they are capable of spotting prey from 64 blocks away. Dragons using flame attacks will scorch all blocks in the area (turning them into Charred Blocks), in addition to creating devastating fires. Wild dragons can be seen frequenting small roosts adorned with large piles of gold and many chests; they will sleep there during the night, but can be woken up if a player breaks a gold pile or opens a nearby chest. Dragons will rarely eat meat items that are dropped on the floor.


First and foremost, fire dragons have the ability to fly very quickly, making melee combat an exercise of futility when fighting them. As well as this, they have the ability to incinerate players with their fire breath, killing them in a matter of seconds. Along with this, they are unfazed by unavoidable obstacles, and will simply break through them in order to get to their target. Dragons have nine natural attacks, which include the following:


Please note: Fire dragons will attack ice dragons and lightning dragons, so do not put a fire dragon with your other dragons on wander. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a dead body and lots of destruction.


A wild fire dragon cannot be tamed, and a tame dragon can only be achieved through hatching an egg. Fire Dragon eggs must be placed within a fire to start the hatching process. Once the egg starts moving, it will take a few minutes to hatch.

It is noted that the fire must be kept burning until the egg hatches, so netherrack is recommended as a block to place an egg on.


Two fire dragons can be bred if they are opposing genders and stage four or higher, by crafting and utilizing Fire Lily Mixture, They are bred in the same manner as other vanilla animals. Upon breeding, female dragons will create a nest and lay their eggs in there. Give the mixture to the male, then the female.



A dragon’s inventory can be accessed via interacting with them while sneaking. It has 5 slots; the first 4 slots are each for a different part of Dragon Armor, while the last slot is for a banner.

Tamed Behavior

Baby dragons are very small creatures no longer than a single block. It takes 25 days for a dragon to progress from a stage, and 125 for them to reach maximum size.

Their growth rate can be improved by feeding them Dragon Meal. Each feeding will grow them by 1 day. Not only that but if you are in creative there is a special type of dragon meal that you can use to tame wild dragons. All though it will either slow down the growing process or stop it completely.

If a dragon is Stage 1, it can be clicked on with an empty hand in order to put the baby on the owner’s shoulders. To get a baby dragon off one’s shoulders, press X (default key). A player can have a maximum of three dragons on their shoulder at a time. At Stage 2, the dragon can no longer be picked up. Dragons Stage 3 and up can be mounted by interacting with them with an empty hand. Like with any rideable mob, WASD controls are used. Spacebar makes the dragon rise if it is in the air; if held for over a second while it is on the ground, it makes the dragon start flying. X lowers the dragon, and Shift is used to dismount. R (default key) makes it breathe fire, and G (default key) makes it use a strike attack, attacking the mob the player is currently looking at.

A Dragon Command Staff can be used to order the dragon to either stay, wander, or escort their owner from above. Dragon Horns can be used to summon and desummon the dragon via an item. A Dragon Bone Flute can be used to call a flying dragon down to the ground. A Dragon Summoning Crystal can bind the dragon to itself, so that the owner can teleport the dragon should it wander off into the distance. Sneaking while interacting with a dragon with a stick or a Dragon Command Staff will set a home position where it is currently at, and it will not go far away from that position. The home position can be removed by sneaking while using the Dragon Command Staff again.

Dragons Stage 2 and up will breath fire at an active Fire Dragonforge if near one, powering the multi-block structure and allowing it to turn iron ingots into Fire Dragonsteel Ingots.

A tamed fire dragon also will try to attack tamed ice dragons and lightning dragons of other players, but not of their owner.


Ice Dragon

Ice Dragon

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Health Points

Stage 2:
116 (58x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 208 (104x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 3:
212 (106x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 304 (152x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 4:
308 (154x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 400 (200x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)
Stage 5:
404 (202x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.) to 500 (250x огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. картинка огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire фото. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire видео. огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку огненный дракон майнкрафт ice and fire.)

Common Drops




Like fire dragons, ice dragons are quadrupedal reptiles with massive wings, long tails, spike-laden backs, and massive jaws. However, ice dragons possess many physical differences as well. Ice dragons have wider heads, a tiny third pair of horns on the top of their heads, and a small, knob-like horn their snouts. Their tails also end in a large, fish-like fin used to propel them through water. Male and female ice dragons can be distinguished as well. Males have light-colored spots on their wings, and females have curvier horns.

Ice dragons come in four colors: Icy Blue, Gem Blue, Silver White, and Snowy White. Dragons grow from 2 blocks long at 0 days old to 50 blocks long when fully grown.



Loot from an ice dragon generally depends on the stage of a dragon. All dragons drop either dragon scales, a dragon heart, and dragon flesh, or, with a glass bottle, dragon blood. A dragon skull and dragon bones are always dropped. The most important loot a dragon corpse can produce is dragon eggs, which can only drop from a female Stage 4 or 5 dragon. Stage 5 female dragons can occasionally drop 2 or even 3 dragon eggs.

Instead of evaporating like normal Minecraft mobs, a dragon will fall to the ground as a corpse when it dies. To loot the dragon corpse, right-click on it repeatedly with an empty hand: items will drop off of it until it turns into a skeleton and, finally, disappears altogether. To obtain dragon blood, right-click on the corpse with an empty bottle. Obtaining all possible dragon blood will prevent you from obtaining scales, flesh, or a heart. However, if you only harvest some blood, you can still get 100% of the other drops. Make sure to click on the dragon’s hitbox when looting; this is usually located near the middle of the dragon’s body.

Newly-hatched dragons evaporate upon death, falling as a skeleton after day 5 and as a corpse after day 10. Fully grown dragons drop around 46 bones, and either 12 vials of blood or around 58 scales.


Ice dragons are hostile towards almost every mob, including players. When naturally spawned, wild dragons frequent small roosts adorned with large piles of silver and many loot chests. They are also hungry and will search for animals (such as squid or rabbits) to eat; they can spot prey from 64 blocks away. When hunting, dragons may use ice attacks, which freeze all blocks in the area (turning them into frozen blocks), form piles of snow, and occasionally send blocks flying. At night, dragons will sleep at their roosts, but will wake if a player breaks a silver pile or opens a nearby chest. Dragons will rarely eat meat items that are dropped on the floor.


Like fire dragons, ice dragons can fly quickly, making melee combat nearly impossible. In addition, ice dragons can swim through large bodies of water, making escape in water futile. They can encase players in ice with their frigid breath, impeding their movement and leaving them vulnerable to further attacks. They are also unfazed by unavoidable obstacles such as blocks, and will simply break through them in order to get to their target.

Dragons have nine natural attacks:


Please note: Ice dragons will attack fire dragons and lightning dragons, so do not put an ice dragon with your other dragons on wander. Otherwise, you might end up with dead dragons and lots of destruction.


Wild ice dragons can not be tamed. A player can only tame a dragon by hatching an egg. Ice dragon eggs must be placed in water to start the hatching process. When in water, the water freezes, and the egg hatches in a few minutes.

It is recommended that the egg is placed in a shallow pool of water, so the owner can hatch the egg without worrying about drowning.


Two Stage 4+ dragons of opposing genders can be bred by right-clicking both dragons with frost lily mixture, similar to breeding vanilla animals. Upon breeding, the female dragon will create a nest and lay her eggs inside.



A dragon’s inventory can be accessed via interacting with them while sneaking. It has 5 slots; the first 4 slots are each for a different part of Dragon Armor, while the last slot is for a banner.

Tamed Behavior

Baby dragons are very small creatures no longer than a single block. It takes 25 days for a dragon to progress from a stage, and 125 for them to reach maximum size. Their growth can be accelerated with Dragon Meal or stopped altogether with Sickly Dragon Meal. Each piece of dragon meal grows the dragon by one day.

If a dragon is Stage 1, it can be clicked on with an empty hand in order to put the baby on the owner’s shoulders. To get a baby dragon off one’s shoulders, press X (default key). A player can have a maximum of three dragons on their shoulder at a time. At Stage 2, the dragon can no longer be picked up. Dragons Stage 3 and up can be mounted by interacting with them with an empty hand. Like with any rideable mob, WASD controls are used. Spacebar makes the dragon rise if it is in the air; if held for over a second while it is on the ground, it makes the dragon start flying. X lowers the dragon, and Shift is used to dismount. R (default key) makes it breathe ice, and G (default key) makes it use a strike attack, attacking the mob the player is currently looking at.

A Dragon Command Staff can be used to order the dragon to either stay, or to wander. Dragon Horns can be used to summon and un-summon the dragon via an item. A Dragon Bone Flute can be used to call a flying dragon down to the ground. A Dragon Summoning Crystal can bind the dragon to itself, so that the owner can teleport the dragon should it wander off into the distance.

Sneaking while interacting with a dragon with a stick or a Dragon Command Staff will set a home position where it is currently at, and it will not go far away from that position. The home position can be removed by sneaking while using the Dragon Command Staff again.

Ice dragons will breath their ice at an active Ice Dragonforge if near one, powering the multi-block structure and allowing it to turn iron ingots into Ice Dragonsteel Ingots.

A tamed ice dragon also will try to attack tamed fire dragons and lightning dragons of other players, but not of their owner.


Ice dragon skeletons naturally spawn in glacier biomes. They can provide a good source of Dragon Bone for players hoping to craft Dragon Bone Tools.


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