моды на майнкрафт ore spawn mod
Мод Chaos Awakens является официальной переделкой (и дополнением) крайне старого, но безумно крутого мода Orespawn. Если коротко, то это качественно выполненная мешанина из всего, что только можно придумать.
Основной тематикой этого мода можно назвать создание яиц призыва различных мобов при помощи раскапывания из останков в виде руды. Также в мире встречаются муравьи, при нажатии на которых правой кнопкой мыши вас кидает в другое измерение (зависит от цвета муравья), термиты, бобры, рубиновый жуки и изумрудный аллигаторы (аккуратнее в болотах!), куча руд, и так далее. А ведь это даже не половина оригинального мода. и даже не все мобы из этого мода.
А теперь поподробнее о паре вышеописанных вещей:
В оставшихся мобах я не разобрался от слова совсем, есть большой лесной энт яйцо которого можно скрафтить, а робот должен будет потом вместе с другими роботами нападать на деревни в Village Mania (см. выше).
Наверное, я перейду к рудам.
Про броню и инструменты я писать не буду, просто уже скачайте, и взгляните сами, они просто и привычно крафтятся из новых ресурсов.! Мод разрабатывается и дорабатывается, потому устанавливайте JEI, он покажет вам рецепты.
Ore Spawn Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 (Tons of New Functions)
If there is one thing you need badly in Minecraft, then that would be ore, and that’s why you need to install the Ore Spawn Mod right away! Sure, it can be fun exploring the game world and all, but the reality is that sometimes you are in dire need of resources.
This is basically a game changing mod that adds a variety of new and exciting entities that spawn new ore types in a variety of ways. Simply put, you have a multitude of enemies that can give you ore. You do need to know that the mod is the highest version, since the mod is not compatible with 1.8, at least for the time being.
Still, there is so much content available out there in the Ore Spawn Mod that you rarely have the time top process through it all. You can loot criminals, battle some astounding giant robot spiders, or you can spawn hammerhead sharks, hostile enemies that will attack you and so much more.
The Ore Spawn Mod Minecraft is just an astounding, massive and just overall impressive addition to the vanilla Minecraft experience. However, there are a few things that you need to take into account, and one of them is definitely the fact that the mod is very demanding when it comes to computer resources. Yes, it requires a lot of processing power and while it might not sound like much at first, this is definitely something that you need to take into account.
Another nice thing about Ore Spawn Mod 1.7.10 is definitely the fact that it’s updated quite often, and you always get more and more things added into it. Not only that, but recently this mod actually received the ability to change the size and dimensions, which we found to be very interesting and exciting at the same time.
The main benefit you get from installing the Ore Spawn Mod is definitely the fact that this mod manages to bring more and more fun experiences into the mix. It’s a nice little mod that adds a lot of variety to your experience, and the fact that you can just play with a multitude of new items out there breathes new life into the world of Minecraft at all times. Sure, this mod might not be a total conversion, but the truth is that this mod is massive and a great addition to the mod arsenal of any Minecraft player, be it beginner or expert.
Notices: You can install Optifine before downloading this mod!
OreSpawn Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.12.2 (Add Bosses, Dungeons, Boyfriends)
OreSpawn Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.12.2 has been created to make your adventure livelier than it is at the moment. It is the perfect mod for those minecraft players who have been craving for entities to be added to their worlds in the best way possible. If you start using this mod, you will notice that it is capable of taking your gaming experience to a whole new level far beyond your expectations. This is because of its additions which will make the game new to you. This means that if you are one of those who are bored with what the default minecraft has got to offer then you may want to make a switch to this mod and check out what it has got to offer.
Through the installation of different entities will be added to your world. These entities will be spawned from various ores. There are different things which will be spawned with this mod being used. For information about the spawned items, you can visit the official site of this mod. Some of the items are hammerhead, giant spiders (robots), looting criminals, hostile squids and sharks. The list is almost endless when it comes to what can be spawned with this mod at your disposal.
How to Install OreSpawn Mod
Download OreSpawn Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.12.2
Before downloading any file: