мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт

Minecraft Forums

Fullmetal Alchemy Mod [1.5.2] [Alpha 4] [WIP]

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Welcome Guys to my first mod and biggest java project i have ever attempted i hope you appreciate the work that i have put into this
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There aren’t that many features in the mod at the moment but i will show off what is there

Chalk Ore: This Ore when mined drops chalk sticks, these chalk sticks are useful in drawing transmutation circles be it, in world or in a crafting table. they will be used for alot of things in the future

Ash: There is ash that is made by smelting charcoal in a furnace, this ash will be used for a few things but for right now it is one of the main ingredients in getting the temporary recipe of the philosophers stone.

Good and Evil Infused Ash/Stone: Good and evil ash and stone are the evil and good infused parts for the temp PStone recipe. these stones have The power of the good or the evil mobs slain and will allow for later game items to be created

Alchemical Silk/wool: alchemical silk is made with string and an ender Peal and is used for making alchemical wool, these two items are an essential part in creating the fire alchemists gloves and other cloth based alchemical items later down the line

Alchemical Notes: Alchemical notes are made with paper, feather and ink sac. they are the main ingredient in the crafting of the Alchemist’s Notebook and will be used for more later

Alchemist’s Notebook: The Alchemist’s Notebook is one of the main items needed for the research system at the moment, it will be given more uses later but right now all it does is allow you to construct everything in the mod мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.

Fire Alchemist’s Glove: the first alchemists glove is a glove that when in your hand can be used like a flint and steel but with an extra bonus kick to it. this will be amped in later builds

Ice Gauntlet: The ice gauntlet is a gauntlet used by the alchemists of old to turn water into ice for paths to get across they also used it against the mobs in the world to attack and hurt them in painful ways

De/Reconstruction Gauntlet: a gauntlet currently with two modes that deconstructs and reconstructs blocks, all it does right now is construct dirt and destroy all blocks but this will hopefully be changed in the future for the better

Philosophers Stone: The philosophers stone is the ultimate tool in equivalent exchange allowing the principle of equivalent exchange to be ignored while the user is holding it. it also allows the user to Transmute blocks but for right now it is random and will be fixed later

Useful Links:
ChangeLog: Link Removed
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skully250
Wiki: http://fma-minecraft. _Minecraft_Wiki
Github (Because open source is cool мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.) : https://github.com/s. etalAlchemy-Dev

We also have an IRC channel that you can join and chat with us about ideas and just about life in general, dont feel bad come on in #FMA @ esper.net

Known Bugs:
The Fire Alchemists Glove Breaks blocks when used next to a block or on a floating block

Not a bug but i might as well mention it. the PStone transmutation is random right now this will be fixed later.

The de/reconstruction tatoo(gauntlet) only works in one way. this will be fixed later, i am working on it now

The kunai can be used if under the full stack but this can cause crashes мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.will try to fix ASAP

Items dont properly update in the inventory. if this happens just click the stack when you have used the items

VydaX: For Being the most amazing texture artist EVER

ShadowChild: For an amazing mod and for letting me continue it to the best of my abilities and upload here

JakeMichie97 and Darkhax: for helping me when i was a complete newb at coding

Forge and MCP Community: for making amazing mods and allowing mods to be made easily

Mojang: for giving us the world of minecraftia
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Fullmetal Alchemist


Предыдущие версии

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Fullmetal Alchemist Main Release 1.0 release1.48 MBNov 13, 20201.14.4544мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.Скачать
Fullmetal Alchemist Beta v1.2 beta1.30 MBAug 15, 20201.14.4168мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.Скачать
Fullmetal Alchemist Beta v1.0 beta1.32 MBAug 15, 20201.14.47мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.Скачать
Fullmetal Alchemist Alpha 1.0 alpha676.25 KBJun 21, 2020Forge10мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. картинка мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт фото. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт видео. мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку мод на стального алхимика в майнкрафт.Скачать


Мод стремится воссоздать элементы из манги, а также расширить свои возможности для Майнкрафта.
Эта работа продолжается. В настоящее время построена базовая структура для алхимии.
Это фанатский мод и ни в коем случае не намерен нарушать авторские права, связанные с мангой или аниме. Пожалуйста, поддержите официальный релиз!

Вот краткое изложение всех элементов мода-

Вот как начать заниматься алхимией.
Во-первых, вы должны найти естественную структуру, которая выглядит как сгоревший дом.
Он содержит несколько сундуков, которые обычно содержат Алхимическое руководство, которое дает вам достижение, которое открывает алхимию.
В настоящее время единственный способ трансмутировать что-либо-это щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши на свитке, который можно обменять у ишваланцев, живущих в пустынях.
Сделав это, вы разблокируете определенный паттерн трансмутации.
Чтобы открыть меню трансмутации, нажмите кнопку «R»(которую можно изменить в элементах управления).
Он открывает меню, которое позволяет вам выбрать, какой слот управляет какой трансмутацией.
Например, нажмите кнопку 1, затем выберите любую трансмутацию. Теперь, когда вы выбрали этот слот в своей горячей панели, нажатие клавиши «V» выполнит соответствующую трансмутацию.

Государственный Алхимик Специальностей-

После того, как вы завершите 100 трансмутаций, откроется графический интерфейс, в котором вы можете выбрать алхимическую специальность. В настоящее время есть эти 8 специальностей, которые вы можете выбрать-

1. Пламя
2. Погода
3. Вода
4. Пещера
5. Железная кровь
6. Эфирный
7. Земля
8. Нежить

Каждая из этих специальностей будет иметь 3 уникальные трансмутации, которые можно выбрать на странице 3 меню «R».
Многие из трансмутаций еще предстоит добавить. Если у вас есть какие-либо идеи о новых специальностях или трансмутациях, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий.

Семь смертных грехов появляются, когда вы получаете определенные достижения в игре.

Зависть — Получение Бриллиантов.

Жадность — Приобретение Алмазной брони в первый раз.

Похоть — С помощью очаровательного стола.

Чревоугодие — Лечение зомби-жителя деревни.


FMA Alchemy DataPack

FMA Alchemy DataPack
Version 1.2

Transmutation circles, Philosopher’s Stones, and other alchemical abilities!

This was at one point a predecessor to my JJBA Stands DataPack, but I’ve since added a lot of features.

(Almost) all of the abilities are explained in the images

See the update logs for additional details

The advancement tree shown is fully filled out except for the two hidden advancements.

To use, download the zip (don’t unzip it), drop it in the world’s «datapacks» folder, and run «/reload»

8 Update Logs

Brilliant! Will you be making more anime-related data packs?
if so maybe:
-blue exorcist
-Tokyo ghoul

Keep up the good work! 👍🤗

Could you please add weather alchemy its the only form of Elemental Alchemy that isn’t in this data pack.
Weather Alchemy allows the user to control the weather in any way they want.
So you could add one transmutation to make it rain and another transmutation to get rid of the rain.
If you do decide to add weather alchemy please consider making one of the transmutations allow the user to levitate so that the player doesn’t go up or down.

I’m probably not going to be adding any more to this pack (especially since that isn’t in FMA). However, that’s really similar to one of the stands I’m added in the stands datapack. Its primary ability gives you slow-falling, its secondary allows you to make it start or stop raining, and its ultimate ability allows you to slow down every mob in the world.

Sorry that it’s taking so long to get that pack out. I just hate making videos and I really need to do that.


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Now Edward has definitely become the KING of this new version of DST. Be tired of farming in this version? Just subscribe Edward and enjoy your new farming life!!

To a certain extent, Edward could use his special skills to replace some ability of Wickerbottom and Woody. He is extremely capable in both fighting and building bases. For example, the special walls he could create can instantly divide the battlefield. By double-click on the stone wall, the damage it could take increases. Try utilizing this ability to kill dragonflies and build a home quickly!
(Only row of walls are high walls, and the others are low walls (convenient to build a home)

For the first time in my life, I dedicated my time to the eternal god «Fullmetal Alchemist». How can there be no Edward in the DST world, and how can there be no alchemy?

Design, drawing, sound effects, Animation,balance and adjustment: Xiche
Code: Wulmaw (Ahao) (fast programming, high efficiency, neat code, rich experience. It is strongly recommended to find a partner or place an order with him during programming.)
English description editor : Cheshire Cat

Hunger: 150
Sanity: 160
Health: 130
Hunger speed: 1.0
Tough will: Sanity falling speed 0.8; Sanity rising speed 1.2
Quick Move: walking speed 4.5; running speed 7.2
Melee Mage: Damage modifier 1.25x
The Gate of Truth: Edward, who has passed through the Gate of Truth, was imbued with a lot of knowledge. He can read and write books and he is able to craft items from science station at the beginning of the game. He can practice alchemy without the transmutation cycle.
Steel body: Edward’s right arm and left calf are made of steel. Since Wendy is not there, he must pay special attention to the maintenance issue. When it rains, Edward will constantly lose blood and move slower than usual if humidity more than 10.
Special animation:
In the game, the crafting animation was replaced by Edward clapping animation since he does not need the transmutation cycle (hereinafter referred to as Polaroid).
In addition, when the player holds a hammer to hit the building, the animation is also Polaroid.

(You can edit the keys in the configuration interface or disable them)
1.Instant Wall: (replacing the texture of the stone wall with the texture of the thulium wall, however, the material used is still rocks)

Row of wall (near): (a row of stone walls can be generated at a point near in front)
consumes 18 rocks, 10 hunger, and 5 sanity. (high wall) shortcut key J
Row of wall (far): (a row of stone walls can be generated at a point further away from character)
consumes 18 rocks, 10 hunger, and 5 sanity. (high wall) shortcut key U
Small square wall: (Stone walls can be generated around the character for protection)
consumes 16 rocks, 8 hunger and 5 sanity. (low wall) shortcut key K
Super square wall: (Quickly build a small base or enclose enemies/friends)
consumes 64 rocks, 15 hunger and 10 sanity. (low wall) shortcut key I
Square prison (near): (An array of wall can be generated near the monster to enclose them)
consumes 20 rocks, 10 hunger and 5 sanity. (Low wall) shortcut key L
Square prison (far): (An array of wall can be generated in a further position to enclose monsters)
consumes 20 rocks, 10 hunger and 5 sanity. (low wall) shortcut key O

Analysis, decomposition but no reconstruction: consumes 6 hunger and 5 sanity, 3s CD, Shortcut key N
Alchemy is divided into three steps: analysis, decomposition, and reconstruction. If you only do the decomposition step, you can decompose and destroy the buildings in a certain area in front.
Edward learnt this from Scar’s destruction. In addition to destruction, it can also generate 50 AOE damage.
Edward is not a strong character in animation. His success was mostly due to the tough personality and the dignity of a melee mage.
In battle, skills are just assistances, you would still need to use your basic understanding of the game.

«Equivalent Exchange»
Since alchemy’s basic rule is equivalently exchange, when designing the formula list, the chemical formula of each object was referred to and finally a total of 80 unique alchemy formulas in the current version were drafted.

«Forbidden Alchemy»
Every time when the player is crafting high-value or rare items, some sanity or hp or hunger will be consumed.

«Chimera Alchemy» (new. )
2Months has been past since Edward was crossed over to Klei’s World. Finally he figure out how to make chimera in this world. Though it was an evil alchemy in Edward’s world.But in Klei’s World, the rule of alchemy is different:Chimera Alchemy doesn’t need human body to make it come true.
3.0 NEW:1 more chimera, and now you can get all kinds of seeds if you make all kinds of chimera.The by products of each of them will have 1 or more kinds of seeds.

«Human Transmutation»
This is equivalent to a meat effigy. It consumes not only materials but also a lot of sanity and 20 health. Future versions will add complete body formations and animations.

Tips for playing:
The walls made at this stage will fall to the ground after being decomposed, and you can only pick them up one by one if you want to reuse them. In the later stage, the lazy talisman can greatly improve Edward’s combat effectiveness (the lazy talisman is epic-enhanced). You can also try using Auto stack and pick mod.
Version number: 3.2d

Check the Update log to see the detail of every update.

Future update:


FullMetal Alchemist Mod

FullMetal Alchemist Mod Overview

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FullMetal Alchemist Mod Mod 1.14.4/1.13.2/1.12.2/1.11.2 – Become an Alchemist in the world of Minecraft

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Unfortunately, there is no showcase available for this mod!

If you think the video of this mod is wrong / irrelevant or other reason, please report it by click on a follow button:

This is a simple tutorial that will helps you to install FullMetal Alchemist Mod for Minecraft 1.13, 1.12.2 and others version successfully!

FullMetal Alchemist Mod Download

A release is the distribution of the final version of a mod.

The mod developers release beta versions of release in order to garner useful feedback before releasing the final version of a mod.

The alpha release is a mod release that is still in the early testing phase.

The FullMetal Alchemist Mod download links from below are available for Minecraft’s most popular versions so far, for others version (likes as 1.12.1 / 1.11.1 / 1.10.1 / 1.9.2 / 1.8.8 / 1.8.4 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 / 1.6.2 / 1.5.2 / 1.4.7 ) please visit the official website above!

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CreditFullmetal Alchemist is written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, «Alchemical Blade» partially made by StrummerA
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.13