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[AI Hunter] Minecraft Manhunt but you have no friend. (speedrunner vs. terminator)
*Minecraft Manhunt and speedrunner vs. terminator are originated from Dream (Youtube), this is a recreation of his idea in the form of a datapack. This datapack is for everyone to be able to play very easily, without the need of opening a server, set up plugin and an alt account for bot. I recommend you to use the original plugin if you want: https://youtu.be/O60zJzhYGEA (link in his video description)
Have you been wanting to try out Minecraft Manhunt but your friends just do not play Minecraft (or you are just very alone)?
Here is the thing you would ask for, the AI Hunter that will chase you down NO MATTER WHAT.
Fair Warning: it is not easy
-To kill the Ender Dragon before it kills you
How to start your challenge:
1) install this data pack in a newly created survival world, with «allow cheats» on (tutorial from wiki)
2) make sure your render distance is 8 or above
3) type /reload or /function aihunter:menu
4) click
*if you want to make hunter ignore certain players or only target certain player, you need to do the following before starting your challenge:
Players who are in the team «aihunter» will not be targeted by hunters. So after installing this datapack, enter this command: «/team join aihunter » replace into a player id. Any player that is NOT in the team will be targeted by hunters. (doesn’t affect players in creative/ spectator mode)
note: Hunters can’t hunter players in team aihunter, but players in that team can still hurt hunters.
use «/team list aihunter» to check who is in the team. use «/team leave » to remove a player from any team.
If you wish to change the appearance of the hunter, check this video out to see how.
*attack damage and speed varies by game difficulty, below are the stats in normal difficulty
20 health points (same as a player)
start with 6 armor points, 4 attack damage (equal to a full set of leather armor without a helmet, with a wooden sword)
speed (on the ground): can be outrun by sprint-jumping
speed (in water): almost as fast as a player
speed (in lava): SLOW
immunities: immune to drowning and fall damage
-will always try to follow and kill you
-respawn after death
when the hunter dies, it will respawn at a certain location vary on which dimension you are in. After respawning, it will be frozen for 15 seconds in all difficulties.
respawn locations:
dimension | respawn location |
Overworld | the world spawn |
The Nether | on top of your first nether portal (nether side) |
The End | on the obsidian platform * |
*every time hunter respawn at the end, the obsidian platform will be reset(just like when a player goes through the end portal)
-gets stronger after a certain amount of time
depends on how long the challenge has been going, buffs will be kept after it dies.
*attack damage varies by game difficulty, below are the attack damage in normal difficulty
the hunter can be able to disable a player’s shield once they get a buff
stage 1: 10 armor points and 7 attack damage (equal to a full set of chainmail armor without a helmet, with a wooden axe)
stage 2: 13 armor points and 9 attack damage (equal to a full set of iron armor without a helmet, with a stone axe)
stage 3: 17 armor points, 6 armor toughness and 9 attack damage (equal to a full set of diamond armor without a helmet, with a iron axe)
difficulty/ buff stage | stage 1 | stage 2 | stage 3 |
easy | 10 mins | 30 mins | 80 mins |
normal | 6 mins | 20 mins | 50 mins |
hard | 3 mins | 12 mins | 30 mins |
-place blocks(or towering) if it thinks necessary
-break blocks if it thinks necessary (except bedrock, obsidian, crying obsidian, end portal frame, and other «unobtainable» block)
-bridging if it thinks necessary
-pour water on lava when it came across some
-deactivate nether portal when it came across one
-break boats when gets near one
-can disable a player’s shield (only after a buff)
-place water or drink fire resistance potion when on fire
-eat and regen after a certain amount of time
-sometimes heal itself when in low health (only after a buff)
when a hunter’s close, and its health equal to or below 8, it will have a 5% chance to heal itself every 0.4 seconds.
if it decided to heal, it will instantly heal 8 health (equal to using a splash potion of healing II)
-teleport to the dimension that you are in (regardless of its distance to the portal)
similar to respawning, after teleporting, the hunter will be frozen for 30 seconds. Its respawn location will also change depends on which dimension it is in. (see respawn mechanics above)
Pause Hunter: /function aihunter:pause
Resume: /function aihunter:resume
ends everything in the challenge, to the point that it is ready to start again: /function aihunter:stop
or you can also click the button in the menu
(I don’t know why you need to do this but just in case)
clear scoreboard and other things before uninstalling the data pack: /function aihunter:uninstall
This data pack still have room to develop and improve, any suggestions and problem report are appreciated.
If you have already experienced this data pack, would you please leave a comment and let me know your throughs about this pack?
It won’t take you very long, and it really helps me and the future data pack update!
And if you want to make a video with this data pack, it is totally fine! But it will be polite if you can let me know and put my credit in it. Thanks!
Hello! I’m making a hunter x hunter mod for Minecraft 1.15.2, along with a few others, and we plan to fully flesh out the world of HxH in Minecraft to enhance basic survival as well as playing with your friends with Nen and unique skills. The mod is currently still in heavy development and we want to work on other aspects of the mod to make it a more enjoyable experience playing it and not simply be a Nen simulator. Please follow our progress, report bugs, and communicate what you want in the mod so we can do our best! Below are links to our curse where you can download our latest versions to test out as well as our discord to stay informed on all our updates and plans.
We are also In need of textures/structures so if you’re interested please contact me in the discord server.
Most Recent Changelog
Items and entities were untouched for the most part aside from some trivial bugfixes I can’t remember.
Nen is finally in this mod in a sort of alpha state, it’s not really what you’d expect of nen, no there is no hatsu none of the «fun» stuff is really in but what is in is the 4 abilities. Ko,Ren,Ten,Zetsu.
Ko: ko is just a passive ability that makes you punch harder
Ren: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor and attack.
Ten: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor.
Zetsu: a passive ability that doesn’t fulfill its purpose in the original show which is to hide presence
but that wont really be useful until theres some sort of ability to sense presence, what it does do however is make your aura regen faster.
Quests now have a new dialogue system so they no longer speak through vanilla chat system, the dialogue system happens on a gui so you can just outright leave the chat by pressing esc, or clicking on the screen to fastforward the current line.
Commands: I made a generic /hntrx command that will be used for every command of this mod similar to /forge, currently the only command you can use is a debug command which is /hntrx ability give which gives you the ability, you will be able to see the ability but anyone who isnt a nen user cant see it. and you wont be able to see others abilities.
in order to become a nen user you must get all the abilities survival style, by becoming a hunter.
the Hunter gui which is accessed by pressing R will open the character creator if its your initial press, pick your aura color and click create.
after that you can access the hunter gui which has almost the same stuff except one new tab. the «abilities» tab where if you have any abilities
you can equip them by simply pressing on it and picking a number from 1 to 8 to signify which keybind you want to attach it to. after that if you want
to use the ability just have your hand on the activate button and press the number your ability is attached to.
3 Update Logs
Now after the hunter exam you will have to talk to Wing to get more quests and finish them to gain nen abilities.
All nen abilities usages’ are explained in their description, here is a brief list of all the abilities in the game:
Ten, Ren, Gyo, Zetsu, In, En, Ryu: Defense, Ryu: Offense, Shu, Ko, Ken
We also have basic hatsus that every player is capable of learning:
Aura Enhancement, Loyalty Curse, Ultimate Tool, Aura Blast, Sharpen Aura
Character Hatsus <
Gon: Jajanken:Gu (rock),Jajanken:Pa (paper), Jajanken:sci (scissors)
Killua: lightning palm, thunderbolt, lightning speed, whirlwind
Leorio: Lock on, Emitter Punch, Pants Stealer
Some abilities are a bit confusing so this is to clear those odd ones out:
En: if you charge en to the max it will provide more info in the form of a GUI.
Ryu: Defense and Ryu: Offense: they are both different versions of Ryu, one focuses on defense and the other focuses on offense
Loyalty Curse: sometimes this ability doesn’t recognize the animal in front of you, just keep trying
Thunderbolt: the first time you use this ability you jump high, the second time you use the ability a lightning bolt will cast down from under you.
Lock-on: YOU NEED TO LOCK ON to someone in order to use leorios abilities on them lock on works like loyalty curse.
1. go to the hunter GUI by pressing R
2. go to the abilities section
3. select an ability
4. select its desired slot number on your keyboard
5. if that slot already has an ability on it, simply select that slot on your keyboard and it’ll remove itself
6. leave the hunter GUI
7. select your wanted ability by click G and scrolling through the abilities (click g to stop scrolling)
8. press F to activate the ability (if its a charging ability keep your hand on F for however long you’d like)
Nen Divination
One of the quests will ask you to find out your nen type, simply craft the divination cup and place it, then active ren or ten, then right-click it. That will be your nen type for that world and will not change.
We’ve heard your concerns and:
1. I’ve added a /hntrx locate_blimp command that locates the blimp if it has been generated
2. wing now spawns the same way thugs do, he’s a bit rarer than thugs but should still be easier to find than before.
3. the changes in the way the ability system is cast was because of concerns from the players about the problems of the old system.
Minecraft Forums
HunterX 1.14.4
Hello! I’m making a hunter x hunter mod for Minecraft 1.15.2, along with a few others, and we plan to fully flesh out the world of HxH in Minecraft to enhance basic survival as well as playing with your friends with Nen and unique skills. The mod is currently still in heavy development and we want to work on other aspects of the mod to make it a more enjoyable experience playing it and not simply be a Nen simulator. Please follow our progress, report bugs, and communicate what you want in the mod so we can do our best! Below are links to our curse where you can download our latest versions to test out as well as our discord to stay informed on all our updates and plans.
We are also In need of textures/structures so if you’re interested please contact me in the discord server.
Most Recent Changelog
Items and entities were untouched for the most part aside from some trivial bugfixes I can’t remember.
Nen is finally in this mod in a sort of alpha state, it’s not really what you’d expect of nen, no there is no hatsu none of the «fun» stuff is really in but what is in is the 4 abilities. Ko,Ren,Ten,Zetsu.
Ko: ko is just a passive ability that makes you punch harder
Ren: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor and attack.
Ten: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor.
Zetsu: a passive ability that doesn’t fulfill its purpose in the original show which is to hide presence
but that wont really be useful until theres some sort of ability to sense presence, what it does do however is make your aura regen faster.
Quests now have a new dialogue system so they no longer speak through vanilla chat system, the dialogue system happens on a gui so you can just outright leave the chat by pressing esc, or clicking on the screen to fastforward the current line.
Commands: I made a generic /hntrx command that will be used for every command of this mod similar to /forge, currently the only command you can use is a debug command which is /hntrx ability give which gives you the ability, you will be able to see the ability but anyone who isnt a nen user cant see it. and you wont be able to see others abilities.
in order to become a nen user you must get all the abilities survival style, by becoming a hunter.
the Hunter gui which is accessed by pressing R will open the character creator if its your initial press, pick your aura color and click create.
after that you can access the hunter gui which has almost the same stuff except one new tab. the «abilities» tab where if you have any abilities
you can equip them by simply pressing on it and picking a number from 1 to 8 to signify which keybind you want to attach it to. after that if you want
to use the ability just have your hand on the activate button and press the number your ability is attached to.
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server]
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server] запись закреплена
И так, доброй ночи!
Хочу вам сказать, что сейчас идет крупная работа по постройкам, а также по спелам. Извините, что постов нет, так получилось, что весь материал сейчас находится на разработке. Однако завтра будет большой пост по спелам!
Также, хочу напомнить, что у нас проходит набор в сотрудники проекта. Особенно сильно нам не хватает билдеров. Заходите в соответствующее обсуждение и оставляйте заявку. Вы нужны нам!
Спасибо за внимание
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server] запись закреплена
Добрый вечер! И так, мы на долгое время пропали, однако, наш спеллер подготовил для вас настоящий подарок!
Ах да, у вас появилась возможность лично поучаствовать в разработке сервера! Загляните в обсуждение и оставьте свою анкету, если желаете вступить в рабочий состав. Скажем сразу, работники, безусловно, будут получать бонусы в игре(если захотят)
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server] запись закреплена
И так, у нас кое что новенькое. Давайте рассмотрим бесплатные способности манипулятора, аналогичные тем, что были у Каллуто Золдика. Мощные атаки бумагой, полет, и контроль. Думаю, вам придется это по вкусу!
PS: скоро будут еще гифки, но пока это все. Ну, и по традиции скажем спасибо. На этот раз нашим специалистам по спелам. Низкий им поклон. Не забываем поддерживать сервер лайком, репостом и рублем. Вместе, мы создадим великое приключение!
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server] запись закреплена
Доброй ночи, котики и зайчики. Ну что, взглянем на первые постройки? Наши билдеру работают непокладая рук, давайте скажем им спасибо!
Hunter x Hunter [Minecraft server] запись закреплена
И снова мы на связи. На этот раз исключительно информация:
И так, думаю, стоит рассказать про систему прокачки. Она основана на классической гринд системе с уровнями, статами, боссами и мобами. В идеале будет реализована прокачка и от убийства людей, однако, это планы на будущее. На ЗБТ система будет именно классический РПГ. Благодаря чему на сервере будет соблюдаться баланс. Силу дают не донатные особенности, а опыт, умения и уровень.
Показать полностью.
Поговорим о нен. Для начала нужно овладеть стандартными техниками, вроде тен и рен. И лишь потом игрок сможет получить тип хацу, который выдается рандомно. Самый редкий тип хацу, как и в оригинале, специализация. Остальные типы равноценны в выпадение. Именно способностей у каждого типа на открытие будет 3. 2 из них бесплатны, и одна за донат.
Далее, по мере развития сервера способностей станет огромное количество, однако для этого необходимо поддержка. Мы очень нуждаемся вас. Лайки и репосты записей поспособствуют развитию проекта, а если вы желаете приобрести донат, поддержав проект рублем, то мы будем лишь рады. Помните, что ВСЕ идет лишь на развитие и усовершенствование.