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Испытания «Космическое лето» часть первая — Zone Wars трио от Bio
Автор: Admin · Опубликовано 22/06/2021 · Обновлено 23/06/2021
В игру были добавлены новые испытания под названием «Космическое лето». Они пришли на смену «14 дней лета» и за них так же можно получить приятные внутриигровые награды. Но для начала давайте немного о режиме, в котором необходимо выполнять испытания.
Чтобы выполнить любое из заданий вам необходимо зайти на карту Zone Wars трио от Bio. Ее можно найти в выборе режимов или найти по коду карты: 4059-2791-0712
Если не знаете куда вводить карту, то посмотрите наш ролик:
Награды за этот блок испытаний:
Наносите урон игрокам в «Zone Wars трио от Bio»
Убейте противников попаданием в голову в режиме «Zone Wars трио от Bio»
Пока убиваете противников — следите за прицелом, тем более, если это снайперская винтовка. Каждое убийство в голову будет помогать с завершением задания. Не забывайте, что добивать соперника нужно также в голову.
Восстановите здоровье и заряд щитов в режиме «Zone Wars трио от Bio»
Для выполнения данного задания я рекомендую сидеть в зоне и использовать рыбок, бинты и аптечки, которые падают из стартовых сундуков. Да, вы заруините игру товарищам, но задание выполните намного быстрее, чем участвуя в перестрелках.
Помогите союзникам устранить противников в режиме «Zone Wars трио от Bio»
Complete the challenges for XP and rewards!
Brand new Summer Cosmic quests have arrived in Fortnite which includes the tasks in Bio’s Zone Wars Trio.
Fornite has received the latest update with version 17.10 which is already live now. The new update marks the beginning of the Cosmic Summer Celebrations Event which brings plenty of challenges, rewards, and summer-themed skins in the game.
This includes the Bio Trio Zone Wars too where you need to complete a set of tasks to win XP and rewards. Let’s find out more about it in detail.
Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7 Battle Pass Trailer
The Bio’s Zone Wars Trio Challenges
This time, players will be able to unlock only three challenges at a time. Only after three days of unlocking those previous challenges, player will get to see another three challenges and this cycle will continue as they progress.
Now the Bio’s Zone Wars Trio game mode requires you to complete the following challenges:
Completing all of the above tasks rewards you with 20k, 30k, and 35k XP respectively.
How To Enter Bio’s Zone Wars Trio Using Island Code?
The island code for Bio Zone Wars Trio is 4059-2791-0712.
If you are unsure how to use this code, you can follow this step by step guide to enter the codes and start the challenge:
And that’s it, you will find yourself in a new game mode. Just make sure that you remember the challenges we mentioned above as you cannot access the challenges list in Fortnite creative mode.
What is Bios Zone Wars Trio in Fortnite?
It is basically a creative map that places you in a random trio team inside a a small room. Here, players need to loot as much as they can right before the match begins. After the game starts, you need to kill your opponents and win the match.
Being a small map packed with action, Bio’s War Zone Trios is quite fun and easy to play but given that you have a set of challenges to complete, it might take a while to finish it.
How to play the new 50 player Zone Wars maps in Fortnite Creative
This update could revolutionise the future of competitive Fortnite practice.
The recent v15.50 patch saw the unvaulting of the Rapid Fire SMG and some exciting leaked cosmetics, as well as a couple of very important changes to Creative mode. These included a beta which allows certain Creative maps to support lobbies of up to 50 people.
This means that it is now possible to simulate a stacked tournament endgame within Creative. This is a nice alternative to playing scrims which can often be time consuming and uncompetitive.
At the moment, the main map being used is @EnigmaFNBR’s “(50 Players) Endgame Scrim-ulator”.
Map Code: 9281-7207-0109
The easiest way to join is via the Fortnite lobby, just follow the steps below:
Change your game mode to Creative and click “Play”
When prompted, select “Island Code”, rather than “Create” or “Play”
Enter the code above and hit “Launch”
Matchmaking will then load you into a game with other people. If you are spectating another player when you join, just wait till the end of the round and you will spawn in for the next one.
Of course, this is a new feature and performance issues are to be expected. For the most part, PC and next-gen console users seem to be fine, but unfortunately if you play on a PS4 or similar, the delay may be a little too much to handle.
Gotta give major props to epic in general but more specifically creative team. Player increase is a blessing by itself, but wow does it run smooth to what I and probably anyone was expecting. Months ago it was incredibly laggy to run that amount of players for a fashion show.
Enigma is continuously working to improve the map and other creators like @ZeroYaHero will be releasing their own in the future. With time, this could easily become the most efficient way to get good endgame practice, and it’s also a load of fun!
Zone Wars certainly won’t be the only mode to benefit from this increased player cap and it will be interesting to see what other new and unique maps emerge in the coming months.
Fortnite Zone Wars Codes
Fortnite is a 100-man Battle Royale game developed by Epic Games. The once low-key video game that was mostly about surviving attacks from swarms of zombies slowly transitioned into the sensation that now has millions of people playing it every single day. Fortnite is among one of the few battle royale games that come with a prominent competitive side. The developers have been known to actively host tournaments and events that offer thousands of dollars in prize money to winners.
Naturally, the prize-pool ended up attracting the attention of top-tier players from around the world, and the professionals quickly realized that one of the most important aspects of the game was figuring out strategies to survive the end zone (last few circles) in Fortnite. This posed a new challenge, as this was something players were not guaranteed every single game. To be able to practice end-game zones in a normal lobby would first require players to survive till the end-zone, which in itself could get daunting when you are surrounded by a bunch of players who are just as good as you. This holds true especially for high-level arena lobbies where gameplay mechanics, timing and other aspects need to be on-point.
This is where the Fortnite Zone Wars map comes into play. These creative islands offer the same experience as end games would in a competitive or casual lobby. Top-tier competitive players, the likes of which include Bugha, Aqua and Mongraal have all advocated the benefits of Fortnite Zone war maps, practicing which is one of the most optimal ways to brush up your end-game skills, formulate strategies and understand which style of gameplay you should adopt in those situations.
Without further ado, here is a list of some of the best Fortnite Zone War codes that various creators from around the globe have developed.
Fortnite Zone wars Map
The nostalgia of playing a game of Fortnite in Tilted Towers, coupled with the fact that the map is strategically designed to help you up to your game in an area surrounded by objects is what puts the map on top of our list. The tilted towers map created by u/PrettyboyAM combines both elemental objects, i.e buildings and other props which can help you practice survival in tightly packed areas of the maps, the likes of which include Misty Meadows, Lazy Lake etc.
The uneven mountain surface will often pose a challenge to players who hop into a game of Mountain Zone wars. As is the case with most maps, the best way to play is to hop into a party full of friends and challenge each other to see who becomes the last-man-standing. Most of the time, it’s near impossible to predict end-zones in actual games, this holds true especially in competitive lobbies where at times Storm surge could also be a problem. This Fortnite Zone war code will help you formulate strategies to survive the uneven zones that may befall you every once in a while.
The desert-based hot winds and the beautiful atmosphere should attract many players to this map. The buildings and lights are designed in such a manner that you can fight your friends and relive the beauty of this wonderful creation at the same time. Players can have build battles and the storm might play a spoilsport sometimes, however, it will help players learn the importance of high grounds and aggressive building in Fortnite.
Ever wanted to play in a fantasy setting in Fortnite? Well, Here’s your chance. The Three towers offer a medieval experience mixed with villages, forests and huge castles. Players can go in as a solo, duo or even trio to play in this map. This map should help the players understand the game and improve their game sense. The storm randomly moves to a particular location thus, players will have to save their materials and form reasonable strategies to outwit their opponents.
Green Peaks Zone Wars just as the name suggests is just the map for an aesthetic and seamless gameplay experience. The map features lush green mountain terrains. The way it’s designed forces players to rotate upwards and then back down (based on how the circle moves) which is the perfect practice to get used to both high and low ground situations during end-games.
Green Peaks Zone Wars just as the name suggests is just the map for an aesthetic and seamless gameplay experience. The map features lush green mountain terrains. The way it’s designed forces players to rotate upwards and then back down (based on how the circle moves) which is the perfect practice to get used to both high and low ground situations during end-games.
A serene island surrounded by nothing but the sound of the ocean, and bullets. Grief is a small Fortnite Zone war map that is set in a compact island with very little to protect yourself elementally. Players will mainly have to rely on building using materials which will help them understand how to use mats in a stressful situation while also keeping count of it.
The Pit features a colosseum style stage that is packed with trees and rocks for the most part. The seemingly compact yet sufficient Fortnite Zone wars map is perfect for playing with 3 to 6 people as it may become way too crammed in case there are more opponents than that. Upon elimination, you can choose between box fight or spectator mode as well.
Fortnite: как выполнять космические летние квесты в Bio’s Zone Wars Trio
Игроки Fortnite могут использовать это руководство, чтобы узнать, как выполнить все космические летние квесты в Bio’s Zone Wars Trio LTM.
Вот все Fortnite квесты, которые необходимо выполнить в течение LTM, и способы их выполнения.
Космические летние квесты в Zone Wars Bio
Получите уничтожение выстрелов в голову в Bio’s Zone Wars Trio
Набирайте здоровье или применяйте щиты в Bio’s Zone Wars Trio
Этот квест определенно один из самых простых, как и Fortnite игрокам нужно только использовать лечебные предметы, такие как аптечки, бинты и зелья щитов. Постарайтесь захватить как можно больше до официального начала матча, а затем используйте их, как только будет получен какой-либо урон.
Помогите товарищам по команде уничтожить
Получение помощи товарищам по команде в Fortnite приходит органично, когда игроки работают вместе, чтобы позаботиться о противниках. Этот квест можно выполнить намного проще, если у игроков есть один или два товарища по команде, с которыми можно сотрудничать в голосовом чате. Тем не менее, если у игроков нет такой роскоши, им следует постараться выстрелить в как можно больше игроков, не убивая их, иначе товарищи по команде не смогут помочь с помощью. Это квест, который игроки в конечном итоге завершают после пары матчей, если они наносят урон и работают с другими людьми.