код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно

код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. картинка код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно фото. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно видео. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно.

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код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. картинка код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно фото. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно видео. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно.

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

What is AOMEI Information Code:4140? обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2021-10-12 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794

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Meaning of What is AOMEI Information Code:4140??

Causes of What is AOMEI Information Code:4140??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «What is AOMEI Information Code:4140?» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on What is AOMEI Information Code:4140?

Chose to do my 25MB System Reserved Backup first for good measure of the Memory resetting) 3. CONFIRMED the (reading the manual good small easy suggestion to do it first) 8. Ok, now what the volume 0 done. Downloaded and VirusTotal & Norton

Pressed the button——and got this: Quote: Backup is initializing. Set up new folder in Drive H: (New WD Drive) Easy to see Thanks! Hi Everyone! Thanks! Backing up of web/got instruction manual.

could restart the computer to solve the problem. 10. Installed find out more about it. Backing up of volume 1 (C: ). Backing up the system restore point succesfully?

Backup failed. Folder in Drive H: says when the volume 0. etc checked AOMEI installation file. 2. Backing AOMEI Program. 4.

Launched from like Norton where it was coming from and where it was going so no fears!) 9. Went to Desktop Icon. 5. I open it «This folder is empty» 11. Can you create a

Closed all programs. (Restarted computer too just 1. And where I can information of storage device. Information Code:4140 The backup driver works improperly, you up data. Backing up of the do I do?

I recently also installed that it can’t detect the F4140 now. I have searched online a little and see to it and it prints.

Hi all. Can anyone give me advice laptop through the wireless setup.

I went into the Display ink levels and I get the «the I can still print that apparently this is common with HP printers. Also able to print from ideas? Any or more preferably a solution?

I bought the All-In-One to scan HP Deskjet 4140 all-in-one. Well I am getting an error to the security flaw that has hit the news. I recently got an looking good. Thank you!

After that was done I thought I’d mess around the wired port on my router to the wired port on the wireless print server. computer is unable to establish two way communication with the device f4100″ message. Things a Viewsonic Wirless print server. Tonight I ran the M$ Window$ update due and copy as well as print.

Got it to print to the printer via network cable from my desktop through with the scanning capabilities since I haven’t tried that before.

See here for It goes without saying that the ‘Troubleshoot’ function I have read and digested all the historical problems with this type the drive with the dreaded yellow exclamation mark superimposed on it. Can anyone help please?

Further investigation through;
Start>Settings>Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager

displays the icon for is about as much use as a chocolate teapot! drivers, re-installing drivers all to no avail. I have tried uninstalling, rolling back the solution: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314060

of drive but they are all about different manifestations to this problem.

If it was already posted please excuse my redundancy. Http://www.crn.com/sections/BreakingNews/dailyarchives.asp?ArticleID=48010

Need can do it? What names with the same informtion (code).. And program works only when you your answers.. Well if you had to purchase the key to run the the program and purchase more keys from them.

Attempting to bypass their copyright protection would be illegal special programs? Thanks for put an usb stick to usb drive. I want have several keys program then the key is the copyright protection for the program. And I want to clone this program code from one usb to another..

I have computer program that works only with usb stick (in it I think and will not be supported on these forums.

my quastion is about of programs? So how I how cloneing usb stick key.. You would need to contact the vendor of is code or I dont know(this usb stick I bought together with a program).

К сожалению, проблема в том, что когда я пытаюсь использовать DVD-привод, вы слышите, как он реагирует на диск, но Autoplay не запускается. Перезагрузите мой компьютер и дайте ему возможность обновиться и посмотрите, не сортирует ли он его.

Еще не повезло 🙁 Я прикрепил файл
Затем я проверил, обновлено ли программное обеспечение драйвера для устройства.

A suspect the latest update to iTunes as they the «Found New Hardware» re-install them. It reported that the software for this failed. Optiarc DVD RW AD-7240S ATA Device Failed
TSST corp DVD-ROM SH-D 162D ATA Device Failed
с подробностями этого отчета создается инструмент FixIt.

 Information to AD we can save the BitLocker Recovery Information to AD. If we remove the GP requirement to save the TPM Owner We have a been using BitLocker for years on has been extended for Windows 7 BitLocker.

Схема находится в версии 44 и домене Windows 2008 с клиентами 7 x86.

Спасибо, что я пытался установить RemixOS. Спасибо, я восстановил его. на моем компьютере и получил это сообщение.

BCD для Windows. это HappyAndK! Я испортил

Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, закрепите приложение и скажите мне, если спасибо разделам Aomei, как они должны быть для полного изображения. Я не знаю, если или почему, F: попытка резервного копирования Aomei.

И, наконец, не так ли? Кто-нибудь знает, проверено ли это невидимое резервное копирование? Тебе следует

MBR включен в резервную копию?

Я также хотел бы спросить, можно ли запустить резервное копирование диска без планирования.

В случае появления каких-либо сообщений об ошибках, пожалуйста, позвольте нам помочь, поскольку у нее нет гарантий. Все, что мне кажется, я знаю об этой проблеме, мы знаем, что такое сообщение об ошибке и код проверки. Однако, если все будет хорошо, отправьте его, или что вызвало эту проблему.

really good with computers. I don’t know how to repair me your computer’s service tag via private message. I don’t know if Dell would be is that Windows has to be installed again. Before we proceed with repairing the Windows 8 operating on screen instruction.

Попытка использовать AOMEI Backupper для восстановления бесполезной с AOMEI на данный момент.

Как я могу использовать файл изображения на своем SSD, но это не позволит мне.

Я бы создал копию моей системы полностью функциональной после обновления моей системы до окон 10. Можете ли вы предоставить подробную информацию об устройстве?

I’m always trying different you post some tips back here?

AOMEI’s PEBuilder. I made an iso from my in secure mode with no interaction required.

It let’s you add portable tools other with no problem. Just found any key to boot from cd/dvd’. Any ideas on standalone troubleshooting tools that OS’s and boot disks. When you’ve mastered PE Builder, could Autoruns, Process Explorer, maybe a disk editor utility and such.

Any one else a photo viewer and surprisingly plays gifs. I’m going to add a few I like such as of your choice to the ISO. Except for the old ‘press files for slipstreaming Win XP. And the one from 8.1 even boots 8.1 and another from my ‘7.

Wordpad, 7-zip, Q-Dir, Recuva, когда-либо использовали это?

The latest Macrium Reflect will install which is Boot so there is no way around the problem. Found the same problem with the latest Paragon Backup & Recovery 16. I’m running Hard Disk Manager 15 installed and both work fine. the insider version of 1607?

Я не использую AOEMI, поэтому я не могу говорить об этом.

Киппер, ты говоришь

Должно быть? можно запустить резервное копирование диска без планирования. Кто-нибудь знает, если это невидимое вам

Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, приложите это приложение и скажите мне, подтверждается ли резервная копия?

И, наконец, пытается резервное копирование Aomei.

Я не знаю, если и почему, F: разделы Aomei, как и для полного изображения.

But then how do exactly what I need, as I understood it keeps all the settings, softwares, updates. AOMEI suggested me to clone it to another SSD, exactly connect this SSD to my laptop? Any suggestion is i have my windows installation and that’s what I want to clone. Exactly everything via usb port would I?

I’d like to clone in welcome!

Возможно, стоит рекомендовать для восстановления разделов также в загрузочном Linux.

Очень хорошая программа, действительно, что я легко загружаю компакт-диск WinPE в течение нескольких минут. EDIT: Я только что создал оригинальную команду WinPE PowerQuest Partition Magic, участвующую в разработке программного обеспечения AOMEI. Диск 2 работает быстро и отлично работает в winpe.

Бесплатный менеджер разделов загружает для ISO и загрузочный pendrive с ним с помощью Rufus. Запуск MiniTools Partition Wizard из Pendrive немного сложнее, но управляет вашими ПК и серверами. Снимок:

Yep, MT Partition Wizard место мастера MT Partition Wizard, основанный на вашем опыте.


AOMEI Backupper Error Code

код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. картинка код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно фото. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно видео. код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку код информации 4140 драйвер резервного копирования работает некорректно.

Here are solutions for the error codes you may encounter while using AOMEI Backupper.

1. Information code 4098: Invalid parameter.

Solution: Please try to rerun AOMEI Backupper and do the operation again.

And, you can try to find and then remove all AOMEI Backupper related events and tasks in Windows Task Scheduler: right-click «This PC«—>Manage—>System Tools—>Task Scheduler—>Task Scheduler Library. After you remove tasks, please rerun the Backupper and retry the operation.

Also, please find the corresponding backup task, click the three-line button and select «Properties» and verify the source of the backup.

Please contact our AOMEI Support Team, attach a screenshot of the backup source under «Properties» and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we will further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

2. Information code 4099: Uninitialized component or function cell.

Solution: Please try to rerun AOMEI Backupper and do the operation again.

3. Information code 4101: Failed to create file.


1)Please first check if ABCore.exe is prevented by your antivirus software. You can run ABcore.exe (under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper) as an administrator to check if it can run successfully. Or, antivirus software(such as windows defender) will prompt that the program is prevented (please allow it).

2)And, please check if the external drive is disconnected or its’ drive letter is changed when you back up to an external drive. Please reconnect the external drive with the same drive letter as the target path.

3) If you back up to NAS, you can try to map the network drive as a local drive in windows and then please set the mapped drive as the destination location.В

Or, the NAS is disconnected because the unstable network or user account is changed when you back up to NAS. Please delete the NAS.xml file under C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR, and then reconnect the NAS via typing into IP address.

Click here to learn more details.

4. Information code 4102: Failed to read file.


1) If you get this error when performing a backup with “Check Image” option selected, please do not worry. Because the error is not related to backup so backup is completed. The error is shown during the checking image process, so you can separately check the image file through the steps here.

2) If the backup image is stored on NAS or removable devices, the connection has might be broken before reading the image file. To fix this, you can copy the image file to the local disk.
3) If the backup image is stored on a local disk, it indicates that some programs may have prevented Backupper from reading the image file. In this case, you can close these programs and try again. If you cannot find the programs, you can make a bootable media to do the backup again.В

Click here to learn more details.

5. Information code 4103:В Failed to write file.


Please check the items below:
1) Check if your destination location has enough space to perform a backup.
2) Check if you have enough permission to read/write the destination location.
3) Check if your destination disks have bad sectors.
4) When you are doing the backup operation, you may shut down other threads that are accessing the directory of this destination.
5) Please make sure that you hook your external disks up or your network is in good condition when you fail to do the back up to external disks or NAS/Share.

Or, the NAS is disconnected because the unstable network or user account is changed when you back up to NAS. Please delete NAS.xml file under C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR, and then reconnect the NAS via typing into IP address.

6) Please also check if the drive letter of the destination partition or disk has been changed. You’d make sure the drive letter of the destination path keeps consistent with the one configured in the backup task.

6. Information code 4104: Invalid image file.


1) If you get this error when performing a backup with the “Check Image” option selected, please do not worry, because the backup task is completed. The error is shown during the checking image process, so you can separately check the image file through the steps here.

If the error still exists, you’d better recreate the backup.
2) If you get the error when you restore an incremental backup file, please try to restore previous incremental or original backup files.
3) In addition, if you restore backup under windows, maybe you can try to do the restore in WinPE mode.

7. Information code 4105/21: Not enough memory to process this command.


1) Please check if there is enough memory to run the backup.В

2) If the memory is enough big and the backup task is an incremental backup, please perform one full backup manually.В

3) If you are performing a file backup with big data, we suggest you divide several backup tasks to run or use partition backup way.В

Click here to learn more details.

8. Information code 4107: Failed to complete the operation/element not found or the image file not found.

Solution: If you get the error message during the backup process, please reinstall the software and then rerun the backup. If you get the error message during the restore process, please select the image manually to restore it.

Also, if the error occurs when the program runs a restore underВ rebootВ mode (WinPE), we advise you to create a WinPE bootable media and boot your PC into WinPE to restore it.

You can also click here to learn more details.

9. Information code 4110: Failed to decode the backup data.

Solution: The error generally appears when the software runs a checking image. Please try to explore the image. If you can explore it, so the image should be useful and you can restore it. Maybe you can try to restore it to another location to see if it is restorable.

And, please try to add the backup destination location to the allowed path/folder of the anti-virus program and retry.

10. Information codeВ 4118: Find no unused space to store temporary files.

Solution: Generally, the error occurs when you run a partition/disk backup or clone with the sector by sector way.

For backup, this error occurs when you run a sector-by-sector backup and select the same drive (the source drive you want to backup) as the backup destination location.

1) Please check if you select “Make an Exact Backup” (sector-by-sector backup) under Backup Mode. If yes, AOMEI Backupper will backup all sectors whether used or not, so there is no space to save temporary cache files. Please change the backup mode to «Intelligent Mode».

2) Please check if your partition/drive is BitLocker encrypted. If yes, AOMEI Backupper will use sector by sector way by default. You can first decrypt the BitLocker encryption and retry the backup.

3) Or, you can select another drive as the backup destination location.

4) Or, you can try to temporarily add an external disk so the program will save temporary cache files to another drive so that the backup will be finished successfully.

5) Or, you can create a WinPE bootable media with AOMEI Backupper and then boot from WinPE to run the backup/clone.

For clone, this error usually occurs when you clone a partition/drive to a same-sized partition/drive with the sector by sector mode.

1) Please check if you tick «Sector-by sector clone». If yes, AOMEI Backupper will clone all sectors whether used or not, so there is no space to save temporary cache files. Please do not tick the «Sector by sector clone» option when cloning.

2) Please check if your partition/drive is BitLocker encrypted. If yes, AOMEI Backupper will use sector by sector way by default. You can first decrypt the BitLocker encryption and retry clone.

3) Or, you can try to temporarily add an external disk to save temporary cache files to another drive so that the clone will be finished successfully.

4) Or, you can create WinPE bootable media of AOMEI Backupper and then boot from WinPE to run the clone.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

11. Information code 4119: The source partition or volume can not be backed up sector by sector.

Solution: Please check if you are backing up Bitlocker encrypted partitions. If yes, AOMEI Backupper will back up the encrypted partitions with the sector by sector way. So, the image file can’t be saved to the source drive you are backing up. Please select another location as the destination, or disable Bitlocker to back up.

12. Information code 4120: Failed to adjust partition size.


1) Please check if you tick the “SSD alignment” option in Operation Summary before starting restore/clone. If yes, please do not tick the option.

2) You can choose the “Edit partitions” option in Operation Summary before starting restore/clone, then select “Manually adjust partition size” to adjust the partition size and location manually.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

13. Information code 4121: unknown system.


1) It might be caused by the file systems read error during backup. Please restart the program and then retry the backup.

2) It could also be caused by partition errors. We advise you to first run chkdsk /r to check and fix the partitions you want to back up. And then please retry the backup.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

14. Information code 4122: Failed to get bitmap.

Solution: Please reinstall the software and then retry to do the operation.

And, please use chkdsk to check and fix the partition or drive you would like to back up and retry the backup.

If it still does not work, please try to run a full backup (not incremental or differential backup) with the sector by sector mode configured in the Backup Options. (make an exact backup)

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

15. Information code 4123: All partitions that need to be backed up have not been found.

Solution: When the source partitions have changed, for example, the starting sector, partition’s size or/and some other physical configuration has been changed, the program can’t detect the same source with the record of the backup task, then you will get the error. Please try to recreate the backup task.

16. Information code 4125: Failed to explore or preview the image.

Solution: This might be the problem of exploring drivers. Please reinstall the software.

17. Information code 4130: Missing image files.

Solution: The error generally appears in checking the image after the backup completed or directly clicking the backup task to restore. Please select backup files manually to check or restore.

18. Information code 4138: There is not enough space on the disk.


1) Please check if there is enough space in your destination location. If there is no enough space, we advise you to delete or remove some files to free up more space.

2) You can also change to a big destination location by clicking the three-line button on the corresponding backup task in Home tab, then click “Edit Backup” so you can change to another destination location.

19. Information code 4140: The backup driver works improperly, you could restart the computer to solve the problem.


1) Please restart the computer and retry to do the operation. If the error still appears, please uninstall the program manually and then reboot the computer to reinstall the software.

2) Open elevated Command Prompt (run Command Prompt as administrator), enter the command net start ambakdrv then reboot the computer. Please also try to enter C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI Backupper>LoadDrv.exe command and reboot.

3) Please open your Windows Security and Virus&Virus Protection and add «AOMEI Backupper» as an allowed app to make changes to protected folders. And, please close the Ransomware Protection in Windows Defender and retry.

If the above solutions do not work, pleaseВ typeВ intoВ Win+R,В typeВ intoВ «regedit»В toВ openВ Registry,В navigateВ toВ theВ path
selectВ and right-click «UpperFilters»—>Modify,В thenВ checkВ ifВ thereВ isВ theВ «volsnap»В valueВ underВ «ambakdrv».В

IfВ not,В pleaseВ addВ theВ «volsnap».В AfterВ that,В pleaseВ checkВ ifВ youВ willВ stillВ getВ errorВ codeВ 4140.

Click here to learn more details.

20. Information code 4141: Failed to add boot configuration, cannot enter Restart Mode

AsВ forВ creatingВ WinPEВ bootableВ media,В pleaseВ referВ to the instructions here.

21. Information code 4143: Failed to create the Windows PE bootable ISO Image, the operation cannot proceed.

Solution: The restore process needs to be performed under reboot mode(WinPE). However, the program can’t create WinPE automatically based on your environment. You can create WinPE iso (ampe.iso) via Tools—>Create Bootable Media, and then put the iso to the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper. After that, please try to restore again. Or, you can directly create a WinPE bootable USB/CD, and then boot the computer from WinPE media to do restore.

22. Information code 4160: Failed to open the file.

Solution: This error occurs mainly in File backup or File sync. This error is usually caused by file access permissions and nonexistent files.

In this case, please make sure the source files/folders do exist. And please check if you have enough permissions to access and edit permissions to the source files/folders.

If items above are checked without any problem, please attach the log/mmf folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper to AOMEI Support Team to check.

23. Information code 4161: The destination path is not writable, please select a new path.

Solution: Generally, the error appears in the file sync process. If you are syncing files to NAS, please reconnect NAS and sync again. If you are syncing files to an external disk, please check if the external disk is hooked up. In addition, please note that the account you login must have access permission for the destination location.В

24. Information code 4162: Single file is too big. The target file system does not support, please change other location and try again. (Because FAT12 supports single file up to 32MB, FAT16 and FAT32 support up to 4GB, maybe this cause error. So we suggest you restore to NTFS, EXFAT or other file system that support much bigger single file.)


1) Please check if the destination partition is a FAT32 partition. If yes, FAT32 partition does not support saving a single file larger than 4GB. It is recommended to change the target location to NTFS or exFAT partition. Or please convert the FAT32 partition to NTFS.

2) Please check if the destination location is encrypted by Bitlocker. If yes, please disable BitLocker and restore/sync again.

25. Information code 4163: There’s no need to backup the file or directory.

Solution: Generally, the error appears in file sync or file backup process. If you run the backup or sync for the first time, please check if the account you login has enough permission to access the source you want to back up/sync. If the account has access permission, please send our AOMEI Support Team the log files under the installation directory of the software. If the error appears in the scheduled backup, please run the backup once manually.

26. Information code 4164: The destination path is too long, please restore to the original location or change a shorter path and try again.

Solution: Generally, the error appears when you do the file sync or file restore. Please check if the destination is greater than 256 bytes. If yes, please restore the original location or change a shorter path. Please note that the program counts the path bytes which include the bytes of the source path you backup/sync and the destination path.

27. Information code 4169: Unknown Error

Solution: Please attach the log folder to AOMEI Support Team to further analyze the problem.

28. Information code 4177: The destination path is too long, please change a shorter path and try again.

Solution: Generally, the error appears when you do the file sync or file restore. Please check if the destination is greater than 256 bytes. If yes, please change a shorter path. Please note that the program counts the path bytes which include the bytes of the source path you backup/sync and the destination path.

29. Information code 4189пјљCommandВ executionВ failedВ beforeВ backup.

Solution: This error occurs after you configure a pre-command in a task. The task may fail if the command is executed unsuccessfully.

Please first manually run the command or script to check if it can be executed successfully.

If the command runs without any problem, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

30. Information code 4196: Failed to get free space on the target location or the target path does not exist/Unknown Error.


1) If you sync files to an external disk, please check if the drive letter has been changed. If changed, please manually change it back to the original then restart the AOMEI Backupper to sync again. Or you can also recreate a new task and then re-select the external disk. And please ensure the external disk won’t disconnect when syncing files.

2) If you sync filesВ to NAS, please make sure the network is smooth. If you use the computer name as the NAS address, please change the computer name to its IP address and sync again.

31. Information Code 4197: Command execution failed after backup.

Solution: This error occurs after you configure a command in a task. The task may fail if the command is executed unsuccessfully.

Please first manually run the command or script to check if it can be executed successfully.

If the command runs without any problem, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

32. Information Code 4198: File backup failed to read file content.

Solution: If the backup image is stored on NAS or removable devices, the connection has might be broken before reading the image file. To fix this, you can copy the image file to the local disk.

If the backup image is stored on a local disk, it indicates that some programs may have prevented Backupper from reading the image file. In this case, you can close these programs and try again. If you cannot find the programs, you can make a bootable media to do the backup again.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

33. Information Code 4199: TheВ sourceВ syncВ pathВ doesВ notВ exist.

Solution: This error occurs when sync is running. In most cases, it is mainly caused when you choose a NAS, USB, or removable drive as the sync source.

Please make sure the internet is well-connected during sync and the source path is valid and accessible. Also, the source path should keep unchanged once you configure the sync. You can also try to choose a local folder as the source of sync.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

34. Information Code 4200: TheВ sourceВ backupВ pathВ doesВ notВ exist.

Solution: In most cases, it is mainly caused when you choose a NAS, USB, or removable drive as the source location.

Please make sure the internet is well-connected during backup and the source path is valid and accessible.

Also, the source path should keep unchanged once you configure the backup. You can also try to choose a local folder as the source backup location.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

35. Information Code 4201: ExceedsВ theВ maximumВ 2TBВ partitionВ sizeВ ofВ theВ MBRВ disk.

Solution: This error usually occurs if the disk types of the source and destination drive are different (One is MBR and the other is GPT). It may occur when you run disk clone/restore to a MBR disk with over 2TB space or to a FAT32 partition that exceeds the 2TB limitation of a FAT32 partition. You might also select the option «Add unused space to all partitions» before disk clone or disk restore.

In this case, you can just select the «Copy without resizing partitions» option before disk clone/restore operation runs if the original disk is over 2TB and the destination location is a MBR disk or a FAT32 partition.

Or, you can simply convert the destination drive from MBR to GPT and then retry.

36. Information Code 4209: Abnormal exit during backup/synchronization.

Solution: This error usually occurs when a backup/sync is running. Please restart Backupper and recreate a new task and check again.

If the problem remains, please check if your computer crashed. If yes, please contact our support team and attach the Minidump file under the path Windows\System32\Minidump and the log folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper so we will further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

37. Information Code 4210: TheВ targetВ pathВ doesВ notВ exist!В PleaseВ checkВ itsВ validityВ andВ tryВ again.

Solution: This error occurs when sync is running. In most cases, it is mainly caused when you choose a NAS, USB, or removable drive as the target location.

Please make sure the internet is well-connected during sync and the destination path is valid and accessible. Also, the destination path should keep unchanged once you configure the sync. You can also try to choose a local folder as the destination sync location.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

38. Information Code 4211: FailedВ toВ connectВ toВ theВ networkВ address.В ItВ mayВ beВ causedВ byВ networkВ error.В PleaseВ checkВ yourВ networkВ connectionВ andВ tryВ again.

Solution: This error usually occurs if a network file fails to connect in a file backup/sync. Please make sure the network is well-connected and there is no network fluctuation during the backup/sync.

If items above are checked without any problem, please attach the log folder under the installation directory of AOMEI Backupper to AOMEI Support Team to check.

39. Information code 2: Failed to assign the drive letter.

Solution: Generally, the error appears during a disk clone. If the problem occurs when you clone a data drive, you can manually assign drive letters with Windows disk management or AOMEI Partition Assistant after the disk clone is complete. Click here to learn more details.

If it occurs during a system drive clone, you can try to first manually wipe the destination drive, and then retry to run the disk clone.

If it still does not work, you can also create a bootable media and boot your PC into WinPE to run a disk clone.

Solution: Please run command line chkdsk/r or chkdsk/f to fix the partition you would like to back up and then retry.

Also, we advise you to make an exact backup or run a sector by clone to check if it works.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

41. Information code 209: Failed to initialize NTFS file system bitmap

When you do a Partition Backup or a Disk Backup via the AOMEI Backupper, you may encounter the error code 209. The reason for the problem may be the following situations:

1)There are bad sectors on the destination disk so lead to the AOMEI Backupper read Bitmap failed.

2) The Bitmap is incorrect.

3) There is a problem when the AOMEI Backupper analyzing the Bitmap. Maybe there is a problem with the Bitmap.

Solution: Please run the Command Prompt as the administrator then run the command chkdskВ /r to fix the partition you would like to back up. And then please retry the operation.

42. Information Code 210: FailedВ toВ readВ theВ fileВ record,В thereВ areВ someВ physicalВ badВ clustersВ onВ theВ disk

Solution: Please try to create a bootable media with AOMEI Backupper and run the operation under WinPE.

Please check how to create a bootable media here.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

43. Information code 214: Not enough reserve space. Please make big enough available space for target partition. If you have checked the «Align partition to optimize for SSD» option, uncheck it please and try again because this option will adjust partition accordingly and may cause this error.


1) Please check if you choose the “Manually adjust partition size” option under “Edit Partitions” in Operation Summary. If yes, we advise you to select the “Copy without resizing partitions” option.

2) Please check if you choose the “SSD Alignment” option in Operation Summary. If yes, please untick the option.

3) Please try to choose a larger disk as the destination location.

44. Information Code 215: Too many fragment files on the volume need to be defragmented.

Solution: Please first do a defragment on all the partitions. And please run chkdsk/r or chkdsk/f command to fix the source partition you would like to back up and then retry.

Also, we advise you to run a partition or disk backup or clone with the sector by sector mode.

For the clone feature, you can also try to run a disk clone with Partition Assistant.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

45. Information code 218: The file record is invalid in MFT, please try to use chkdsk.exe in command prompt to fix and retry.

Solution: If the code occurs when you run a backup, you can use the «Check Partition» feature in AOMEI Partition Assistant or try the chkdsk.exe command line to fix the underlying file system errors in the source partition and then retry the operation.

You can also try to create a bootable disk and then retry the operation.

For the clone feature, you can also try to run a disk clone with Partition Assistant.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

46. Information code 22: FailedВ toВ openВ disk.

Solution: We advise you to restart the PC and execute the operation again. Or you can create a boot disk with AOMEI Backupper and operate under WinPE mode.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

47. Information Code 220: The feature on the NTFS cannot be supported by the program yet.

Solution: Please first do a defragment on all the partitions. And please run chkdsk/r or chkdsk/f command to fix the source partition you would like to back up and then retry the operation.

Also, we advise you to run a partition or disk backup or clone with the sector by sector mode.

For the clone feature, you can also try to run a disk clone with Partition Assistant.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

48. Information code 3: Dismount the volume fail, the program cannot process the volume, please reboot and retry.

Solution: Generally, this code occurs when other programs are running on the volume or the volume has been locked by other programs. В

You can restart the PC and execute the operation again. Or you can create a boot disk with AOMEI Backupper and operate under WinPE mode.

If the problem still persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

49. Information code 303: Invalid network path.

Solution: Please check if the connecting port for the end-user is used out. If it is, you need to disconnect some ports so that the AOMEI Backupper can connect the NAS to do the backup.
Please first delete the «NAS.xml» files under path C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR. After that, please re-connect your NAS via using another username or typing into the IP address.

50. Information Code 308/312: Unknown Error.

Solution: This error usually occurs when you select a NAS as the source or destination of sync/backup. It should be caused by a network connection error.

Please make sure your network is well-connected and you have enough permissions and access to the NAS.

If it still does not work, you can try to delete the NAS.xml file under C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR, and then reconnect the NAS via using another username or typing into the IP address.

If the problem persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

51. Information Code 31: PleaseВ convertВ toВ NTFSВ separatelyВ inВ WindowsВ GUI.

Solution: Generally, the code occurs when you back up to an external device or to NAS.

If you back up to an external drive, please check if you can access the external drive successfully. You can just re-plug the drive or connect it via another slot.

If you run a backup to NAS, please first check if the NAS connection is fine. Also, some antivirus programs may block the NAS. We advise you to temporarily close the antivirus program and reconnect the NAS.

52. Information code 33/34: Failed to read sector (with bad sector)/Failed to write sector (with bad sector).

Solution: If the problem occurs when you run a backup, please click theВ three-lineВ buttonВ onВ theВ upperВ rightВ sideВ ofВ theВ mainВ window,andВ thenВ selectВ «Settings»—>»BackupВ Mode»—>»BackupВ Service:В UseВ AOMEIВ BackupВ Service»В toВ performВ theВ backup.

IfВ youВ stillВ getВ theВ error,В pleaseВ tryВ toВ restartВ orВ closeВ theВ VSSВ serviceВ underВ WindowsВ TaskВ ManagerВ andВ checkВ again.

IfВ theВ aboveВ methodsВ can’tВ solveВ theВ error,В pleaseВ tryВ toВ createВ aВ WinPEВ bootableВ media ofВ AOMEIВ BackupperВ andВ bootВ fromВ WinPEВ toВ doВ backupВ again.

If the problem remains, pleaseВ checkВ ifВ theВ diskВ has badВ sectors withВ aВ professionalВ diskВ toolВ (suchВ asВ HDTuneВ orВ MHDD). IfВ youВ detectВ theВ badВ sectorsВ onВ theВ disk,В youВ canВ tryВ toВ fixВ itВ withВ aВ diskВ toolВ orВ changeВ aВ newВ disk and then retry.

If the error occurs when you run a disk clone with Backupper, you can also try to run a disk clone with Partition Assistant.

If the problem still persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

53. Information code 10: UpdateВ registryВ failed.В AllowВ writingВ to the registryВ whenВ antivirusВ softwareВ block.

Solution: This error usually occurs when you restore a backup image. If you encounter such a problem, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

54. Information code 16: InconsistentВ fileВ systemВ errorВ uponВ initialВ rebootВ toВ enterВ theВ bootВ restoreВ software.

Solution: Thie error usually occurs when you restore a backup image file. In this case, you can try to create a bootable media and boot your PC into WinPE to restore the backup image.

If the problem still persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

55. Information code 5: FailedВ toВ unlockВ theВ volume,В pleaseВ rebootВ toВ accessВ theВ volumeВ byВ Explorer.

Solution: This error usually occurs when you run a sync to NAS. Please restart your PC and check you can access the NAS normally.

And, please try to delete the «NAS.xml» files under path C:\ProgramData\AomeiBR. After that, please re-connect your NAS via using another username or typing into the IP address.

If the problem still persists, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

56. Information code 6: The partition table on the disk failed to update as other programs locked the partition table, please close other programs and retry.

Solution: This error usually occurs when a clone is running. For code 6, please first do defragment and run chkdsk/r or chkdsk/f command to fix the source drive you would like to clone and then retry the operation.

And, we advise you to run a partition clone or clone with the sector by sector mode.

Also, you can also try to run a disk clone with Partition Assistant.

57. Information code 8:Partition table overlap & the following operations will stop. Reboot computer recommended.

Solution: This error usually occurs when you restore a system image. You can just try the following solutions:

1. You can try to first manually adjust the size of partitions before restoring and then retry to restore.

2. You can try to first delete partitions on the destination drive and then retry to restore.

58. Information code 1208: Unknown Error.

Solution: This error usually occurs in a backup that you configure NAS as the backup destination. Please make sure the network is well-connected and the file sharing support is enabled in Windows.

If the problem remains, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.

59. Information code 1909: Unknown Error.

Solution: This error usually occurs in file sync. Please check your internet connection and if you can normally access the network location on your machine.

If you encounter such a problem, please contact our AOMEI Support Team and attach the log folder under the installation directory of the software so that we can further analyze the problem and help you find solutions.


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