game genie коды для sonic 3 and knuckles
Коды для игры Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sonic 3 and Knuckles aka Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic 3
Грузимся в первый уровень, цепляемся за лиану (или за лифт-подъёмник в уровне Mushroom Hill), набираем L, L, L, R, R, R, U, U, U (звук).
Теперь в паузе тыкаем A. Игра начинается с заставки, появляется опция Sound Test.
Помимо всего, нам доступен новый жутко красивый секретный special stage (тот, что под индексом 2).
Чтобы врубить Debug Mode, надо набрать код как в первом уровне с лианами, так и в уровне с подъёмниками. Теперь из Sound Test можно запускать уровни, нажимая A+Start и получая все прелести Debug’а. Помимо этого, отныне можно играть в Doomsday Zone за Наклза или Тейлса.
Помимо обычных debug-возможностей теперь можно менять гравитацию кнопкой A прямо в игре (на манер некоторых мест в Death Egg).
Если пройдёте за Наклза Death Egg act 2 (первый акт не пройти по причине низкопрыгаемости Ехидны), который, по идее, в нормальной игре недоступен (только через таблицу уровней), игра сбросится и вылетит в заставку. Никаких нестандартных концовок.
Тут вообще геморрой. Есть три способа пройти игру каждым из трёх героев. Всего 9 (девять) концовок (некоторые из них не различаются), восемь модификаций главного персонажа.
Сама игра делится на две части: уровни из Соника 3, затем уровни из Соника и Наклза. Бонусы разделяются так же. Получается, что всего в игре можно получить 7 + 7 изумрудов, т. е. 14. Если вам удалось дойти до второй части игры, то Большие Кольца будут переносить Вас на локацию с большими изумрудами на уровне Hidden Palace. Если в первой половине игры Вы собрали все изумруды, то здесь всё начнётся с начала, но собирать придётся уже большие изумруды (Super Emeralds). Если пройдёте и эти 7 бонусов, то повысите свой статус.
Если в первой половине игры изумруды были собраны не все, то во второй бонусы будут недоступны.
Game genie коды для sonic 3 and knuckles
ПАРОЛИ спецуровней с оригинальным Соником
1. 3659 8960 3263
2. 2965 3192 9023
3. 3610 2354 7327
4. 2921 0274 3999
5. 3737 7423 1487
6. 3053 9029 9071
7. 3698 81917375
8. 3009 61114047
9. 3482 7286 3167
10. 2809 6267 2575
11. 3454 5429 0879
12. 2765 3348 7551
13. 3582 0497 5039
14. 2898 2104 2623
15. 3543 1266 0927
16. 2853 9185 7599
17. 4014 2308 3455
18. 3319 6540 9215
19. 3964 5702 7519
20. 3275 3622 4191
21. 4092 0771 1679
22. 3408 2377 9363
23. 4053 1539 7567
24. 3363 9459 4239
25. 3837 0634 3359
26. 3163 9615 2764
27. 3808 8777 1068
28. 3119 6696 7740
29. 3936 3845 5228
30. 3252 5452 2812
31. 3897 4614 1116
32. 3208 2533 7788
33. 2994 5155 4236
34. 3673 9888 9404
35. 2944 5155 4236
36. 3629 6970 4380
37. 3072 0223 8396
38. 3762 5728 9452
39. 3033 0992 4284
40. 3718 2807 4428
41. 2817 0087 0076
42. 3518 2963 2956
43. 2788 8229 7788
44. 3474 0044 7932
45. 2916 3298 3004
46. 3606 8800 3004
47. 2877 4066 7836
48. 3562 58817480
49. 3348 5109 0364
50. 4028 3236 9596
51. 3298 8503 4428
Выход на премиальный этап.
Чтобы пройти в премиальный этап (Bonus Stage), соберите золотые кольца и включите Звездный столб (Starpost). Когда появятся звезды, прыгните Соником или Наклсом на Звездный столб и вы попадете на премиальный этап, представляющий из себя автомат по игре в пинбол.
ОСОБЕННОСТЬЮ ЭТОГО КАРТРИДЖА является наличие дополнительного разъема, именуемого «lock-оп». Если в этот разъем вставить картридж со второй или третьей частями «Соника», фактически возникают новые игры. А если попробовать вставить другие, незапланированные, картриджи, могут получиться совсем неожиданные эффекты.
1. ТРЕХМЕРНЫЕ БОНУСЫ и КУЧА ПАРОЛЕЙ. Если вставить в разъем lock-on что-то совсем уж не сониковское, игра его проигнорирует, но с первым «Соником» и «Sonic SpinbaIl получится нечто поинтереснее. Сначала появятся все герои игры и дружно возопят «No Way!» Однако, если нажать А+В+С, зверушки изменят это мнение и предложат вам сыграть ехидной или ежом на трехмерных бонусах, выдавая пароль за каждый собранный изумруд! Для этого надо собрать указанное в левом углу экрана количество синих сфер, не натыкаясь на красные.
2. Для СБОРА ВСЕХ СФЕР вам вскоре придется освоить такие приемы, как разворот прыжком на белом (со звездой) шаре, движение задом (его преимущество в том, что в любой момент можно остановиться и побежать вперед — используйте, когда надо выцарапать синюю сферу из тупичка красных), прыжок через две красные сферы. Можно последовательно перепрыгнуть штук восемь подряд идущих шаров, но не зарывайтесь — рано или поздно приземлитесь прямиком на красный.
3. СБОР КОЛЕЦ и ПЕРЕХОД ВПЕРЕД НА 10 УРОВНЕЙ. Для сбора указанного на экране количества колец, вам придется не только обшарить весь уровень, но и собрать найденные сферы в определенном порядке. Ведь если окружить хотя бы один синий шар контуром из красных, то все красные и синие сферы, что находятся внутри контура, превратятся в кольца (синие при этом будут учтены левым счетчиком). А сбор всех колец, который в третьем Сонике и собственно S&K приводил к получению continue, здесь даст грандиозный эффект — вас ушлют вперед на 10 уровней!
Sonic and Knukcles / Соник и Наклз
Если в сборнике нет кодов / паролей к игре, и вы желаете их добавить., перейдите в раздел, нажав кнопку: Добавить. Мы будем вам признательны за наполнение сборника кодов. Желаем вам хорошего настроения и ностальгии.
If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides, that can help others leveling up, then please: Submit your Cheats. and share your insights and experience with other gamers. thx from
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NTPT-CA50: Super/Hyper Sonic doen’t lose rings with time. NTBT-CB50: Immortal (can still drown) ACCT-CA2R: Can’t Drown (combine with previous code to be unstoppable!) RGSA-A6YY: One blue sphere for chaos/super emerald. 4ANA-CRAO: Sonic jumps high 2ANA-CWAO: Sonic jumps higher AANA-C4A0: Sonic jumps much higher AANA-DYAO: Sonic jumps too high TB5T-CNCR: Knuckles jumps as high as Sonic PV5T-CRCR: Knuckles jumps high AB5T-CWCR: Knuckles jumps higher AB5T-C2CR: Knuckles jumps much higher AB5T-DTCR: Knuckles jumps too high (Sorry, no «jump» codes available for Tails. He can fly anyway.) BLNA-AACR: Rings worth 10 in SPECIAL STAGE ONLY AANT-CAG6: Become SuperSonic with no emeralds AANT-CAGY + AAPA-CAB8: Become HyperSonic with no emeralds AENT-CAHL: Become Super/Hyper Sonic with only 1 ring AB6A-CACW: Become SuperKnuckles with no emeralds AB6A-CACL + AB6A-CAHR: Become HyperKnuckles with no emeralds. AF6A-CADA: Become Super/Hyper Knuckles with 1 ring (Sorry, no emerald/ring codes for Tails.) AALA-AAA8: Music still plays when the game is paused AEEA-AXCW: Screen goes berserk (flashes strange colors) CA7T-AAE4: «Noob Saibot» Sonic/Tails/Knuckles AKVT-AA76 + AMNA-EA24: Keep rings between stages and levels RGSA-A6AN: Rings leave sparkles in Special Stages RGSA-A6WY: Blue Spheres disappear and count as rings. HXRT-AC6A: Wakko Timer (also infinite time) AANA-DYYY: Sonic/Tails/Knuckles do not spin when jumping (may be unuseful since you cannot spin attack your enemies like you normally would.) WAPT-D2BO: Sonic on a «sugar high». AWXT-CADA: Rings fall from the sky when you are hit. 96BA-CAG6 + 98MA-CAF0 Keep shields (fire, water, lightning) when hit. ATGT-CA3Y Super shoes don’t run out with time. RENT-C6YA Sonic can always double jump (can’t use water shield or become Super Sonic) RENT-C6V6 Sonic can always use Fireball Spin Dash (can’t double jump, bounce, or become Super Sonic) CODES ARE FOR KNUCKLES IN THE SONIC 2 GAME AX6D-AA3W Knuckles doesn’t lose rings when hit HWLX-GA2Y Infinite time SD5X-BJT2 Rings worth 2 SD5X-BNT2 Rings worth 3 SD5X-BTT2 Rings worth 4 SD5X-BYT2 Rings worth 5 SD5X-B2T2 Rings worth 6 SD5X-B6T2 Rings worth 7 SD5X-BAT2 Rings worth 8 AE5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 1 life instead of 3 AY5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 5 lives A65X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 7 lives BE5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 9 lives DE5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 25 lives GJ5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 50 lives KN5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 75 lives NN5X-AAFY Knuckles starts with 99 lives JV1D-CA6W Infinite lives PVWD-CRDC High jump for Knuckles ABWD-CWDC Super jump for Knuckles ABWD-C2DC Mega jump for Knuckles ABWD-DTDC Orbital jump for Knuckles CODES ONLY FOR THE SONIC & KNUCKLES GAME ALONE Sonic 3 And Knuckles Cheats CodesThe best websites voted by users · I spent months finding the easiest way to activate the codes for Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Here I will show how to access them the simplest way possible. I am us. · A tutorial on how to activate Debug Mode and Level Select in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles! SonicsChannel Logo: 3D Intro A. I’m sorry for encouraging fancharacters. These are codes for Sonic 3 and Knuckles I have either found or created (If punching in random numbers and letters c. Now you might be asking why not Sonic 3 and Knuckles 1. They are the same game 2. Ive experienced more Cheats in this game 1. Level Select (For this one if y. 3416 rows · · Best Ending (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) Lock on Sonic 3 and collect all 7 super emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the best ending. Good Ending: Beat the game with all 7 chaos emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the good ending. · Best Ending (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) Lock on Sonic 3 and collect all 7 super emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the best ending. Good Ending: Beat the game with all 7 chaos emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the good ending. · With Sonic 3 on Sonic & Knuckles,enter the level select and debug mode codes. At the level selection screen,hold A while taking out … · Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Sonic And Knuckles on the Genesis, with a game help system for those that are stuck Wed, 03 Jul 2019 07:09:51 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS · This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Sonic & Knuckles for Xbox 360.If you’ve discovered a … Top 10 results many people are interested in Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3. Bonus rounds: Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Hold A + B + C and press Start when the «No Way» message is displayed to play the unknown bonus rounds in order. For example, if you keep playing and reach level 12 and want to stop, make a note of the password at the bottom of the … The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Sonic And Knuckles for Xbox 360. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on SEGA Genesis. You Do Not Lose Rings AWHA-CA92 You Can Access the Sound Test Menu From Title Screen D3AT-AR2E Note: Press Up when you get the options and you can access the Sound Test. Get the latest Sonic The Hedgehog 3 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). has all you need to win every game you play! The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Sonic And Knuckles for Xbox 360. Sonic 3+Knuckles Debug cheats for Sonic Mega Collection on GCSonic 3+Knuckles Debug. Sorry sheiny, but in your everything cheat you forgot to includ Sonic 3+Knuckles Debug Mode. OK, after enabling the level select cheat (x3 upx3 on a swinging vine, then start, B, and at the title press up) go to the level select menu and choose Mushroom Hill 1, when you get to one of those pulley things, press x3, upx3, you will hear a ring. Cheats & Tips | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Prima GamesCodes for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 All 7 Chaos Emeralds and Super Sonic. To get all 7 Chaos Emeralds without having to complete their Special Stages, first enter the Level Select and Sound Test codes. Go to the Sound Test and play the following tunes in order: 02, 04, 05, 06. You will hear an emerald sound if the code is enter Super Sonic. Collect all seven emeralds, then accumulate fifty rings or a single bonus. Then, quickly jump twice in succession. Sonic special stages. Enter the … ATRA-CAAA music 1 BTRA-CAAA music 2 CTRA-CAAA music 3 DTRA-CAAA music 4 ETRA-CAAA music 5 FTRA-CAAA music 6 BARA-CAAA music 7 CARA-CAAA music 8 DARA-CAAA music 9 EARA-CAAA music 10 FARA-CAAA music 11 GARA-CAAA music 12 AERA-CAAA music 13 BERA-CAAA music 14 CERA-CAAA music 15 DERA-CAAA music 16 EERA-CAAA … Sonic 3 Complete is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Arcade, Running, Emulator, and SEGA gaming categories. Sonic 3 Complete has 317 likes from 352 user ratings. If you enjoy this game then also play games Sonic Mania Edition and Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 3. CODES 1 THRU 10 ARE ONLY FOR THE SONIC & KNUCKLES GAME ALONE 1 AFKT-AAG0 Start with 1 life instead of 3 2 AKKT-AAG0 Start with 2 lives 3 AVKT-AAG0 Start with 4 lives 4 AZKT-AAG0 Start with 5 lives 5 A7KT-AAG0 Start with 7 lives 6 BFKT-AAG0 Start with 9 lives 7 DFKT-AAG0 Start with 25 lives 8 GKKT-AAG0 Start with 50 lives 9 NPKT-AAG0 Start with 99 … Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Game Genie CodesGame Genie Codes: Sonic & Knuckles – The Sonic StadiumSonic & Knuckles – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Sonic & Knuckles on SEGA Genesis. Start With 1 Life AFKT-AAG0 Start With 2 Lives AKKT-AAG0 Start With 4 Lives AVKT-AAG0 Start With 5 Lives AZKT-AAG0 Start With 7 Lives A7KT-AAG0 Start With 9 Lives BFKT-AAG0 Start With 25 Lives […] Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Sonic The Hedgehog 3. Level select: Quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Up(4), after the Sega logo fades and Sonic starts to appear, and before the screen flashes white.A chime will confirm correct code entry. Press Up and highlight the sound test option on the title screen and press Start.Pause game play and press A to restart, B for slow motion, and C … · Sonic The Hedgehog 3 And Knuckles (Sound test and level select) From: yanachkaone. Begin game play at Angel Island Zone Act 1. Grab one of the swings that you hang on, then press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3) while Sonic is swinging. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play and press A to return to the title screen. Steam Community :: Guide :: Sonic 3 with Knuckles cheats3416 rows · · Best Ending (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) Lock on Sonic 3 and collect all 7 super emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the best ending. Good Ending: Beat the game with all 7 chaos emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic… · Best Ending (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) Lock on Sonic 3 and collect all 7 super emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the best ending. Good Ending: Beat the game with all 7 chaos emeralds. If you are playing as Sonic, beat the Doomsday Zone to see the good ending. · With Sonic 3 on Sonic & Knuckles,enter the level select and debug mode codes. At the level selection screen,hold A while taking out Sonic 3,then press reset,but DO NOT LET GO OF A. Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3 Sonic and Knuckles & Sonic 3. Bonus rounds: Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Hold A + B + C and press Start when the «No Way» message is displayed to play the unknown bonus rounds in order. For example, if you keep playing and reach level 12 and want to stop, make a note of the password at the bottom of the screen. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Game Genie Codes· For Sonic & Knuckles on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs has 13 cheat codes and secrets. Steam Community :: Guide :: Sonic 3 with Knuckles cheatsOur cheats can be used with the following consoles: ANDROID / IPHONE. This list is constantly updated from ANDROID / IPHONE or since the game came out. Discover cheats and cheat codes for Sonic 3 & Knuckles: emulatore e guida (ANDROID / IPHONE): Useful Tips. · (Sonic & Knuckles) Cheat: Level Select when Linked to Sonic 3 First off, do the regular Sonic & Knuckles Level Select. Once that is done, hold UP + A, then put Sonic 3 in and reset the game. · Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Sonic And Knuckles on the Genesis, with a game help system for those that are stuck Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Sonic And Knuckles for Xbox 360. Cheats & Tips | Sonic the Hedgehog 3 | Prima GamesCodes for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 All 7 Chaos Emeralds and Super Sonic. To get all 7 Chaos Emeralds without having to complete their Special Stages, first enter the Level Select and Sound Test codes. Go to the Sound Test and play the following tunes in order: 02, 04, 05, 06. You will hear an … · Sonic 3 And Knuckles: All 14 Emeralds From: pokegio. Start a new file. Earn the first three Chaos Emeralds only. While in the first level, enable the «Level select» code. Go to Mushroom Hill Zone 1 and turn the Chaos Emeralds into Super Emeralds. Earn those three emeralds. Then go to Mushroom Hill Zone 2. Enable the «Level select» code again. Sonic & Knuckles – Game Genie Codes The following are known Game Genie Codes for Sonic & Knuckles on SEGA Genesis. Start With 1 Life AFKT-AAG0 Start With 2 Lives AKKT-AAG0 Start With 4 Lives AVKT-AAG0 Start With 5 Lives AZKT-AAG0 Start With 7 Lives A7KT-AAG0 Start With 9 Lives BFKT-AAG0 Start With 25 Lives […] Sonic 3+Knuckles Debug cheats for Sonic Mega Collection on GCSorry sheiny, but in your everything cheat you forgot to includ Sonic 3+Knuckles Debug Mode. OK, after enabling the level select cheat (x3 upx3 on a swinging vine, then start, B, and at the title press up) go to the level select menu and choose Mushroom Hill 1, when you get to one of those pulley things, press x3, upx3, you will hear a ring.Press Start and then B. · Knuckles In Sonic 2 Mini-Game Cheats Level Select : Play the sounds 01, 09, 09, 04, 01, 00, 01, 08 on the sound test. Debug Mode : After the Level Select cheat, select to play a … When all gamelogs for Sonic The Hedgehog 1 through 3 and Sonic And Knuckles are gone, Sonic The Hedgehog 3 And Knuckles will be unlocked. Sound test and level select in Sonic The Hedgehog 3 And Knuckles. Begin a game at Angel Island Zone Act 1. Grab one of the swings that you hang on, then press Left(3), Right(3), Up(3) while Sonic is swinging. Sonic and Knuckles Sonic and Knuckles. Bonus rounds: Insert the Sonic The Hedgehog into the Sonic And Knuckles cartridge. Hold A + B + C and press Start when the «No Way» message is displayed to play the unknown bonus rounds in order. For example, if you keep playing and reach level 12 and want to stop, make a note of the password at the bottom of the screen. People Also Ask🎯 How to play Sonic 3 and Knuckles?🤔 How do you cheat on Sonic Hedgehog 3?🧞 What is the code for Sonic 3?🧙 How do you get cheats on Sonic and Knuckles?Related SearchesSonic & Knuckles is a 1994 platform video game developed and published by Sega. The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 3, players control Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna in their quests to save Angel Island; Sonic tries to prevent Doctor Robotnik from relaunching his orbital weapon, the Death Egg, while Knuckles scuffles with Robotnik’s minion, EggRo…New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selectionSonic & Knuckles is a 1994 platform video game developed and published by Sega. The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 3, players control Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna in their quests to save Angel Island; Sonic tries to prevent Doctor Robotnik from relaunching his orbital weapon, the Death Egg, while Knuckles scuffles with Robotnik’s minion, EggRobo. Like previous Sonic games, players traverse side-scrolling levels at high speeds while collecting rings and defeating enemies.