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I am a very big fan of the Fallout franchise. Many have had concerns with Fallout 4 and 76 and I agree, I think the franchise has lost touch of what Fallout actually is when it comes to certain aspects, even while Fallout 4 has improved a few aspects. I and many others have been waiting for a Fallout game that truly embodies Fallout—that is exactly what this map intends to attempt. If anything, this will be a fun and long map to explore and journey through for anyone, Fallout fan or not. This game is inspired by all the Fallout games, some more than others.
This map attempts to make a legitimate, well-designed, never seen before, spin off minecraft fallout map set in Atlanta, GA. The cool part is that all you will need is the map file and the resource pack.
What is Fallout: Ordinance?
It is a singleplayer map. The idea of Fallout: Ordinance is a Fallout game in Minecraft, fit with as many mechanics from the games as possible and a new, unique story line. The main goal is for it to look and feel like Fallout, but also include the familiar RPG mechanics (Choice and consequence). There will be many factions and very interesting settlements around the map, which is roughly the size of Fallout New Vegas. Not only settlements will clutter the map, but many side locations with enter-able areas too. Each major settlement will have its own important characters and side quests that tie to an over-arching narrative. There will also be in-game music/sounds, which is included within our own resource pack made specifically for this map. We have a very dynamic dialogue system that can detect if you have spoken to certain people, what you are wearing, skill levels, etc. etc. Spoken dialogue for important characters is a possibility being looked at for the future as well. As of now, the only thing you would need for this map is the Fallout: Ordinance resource pack and the world file (which include datapacks within) for accessibility. We are constantly thinking about how to optimize the map. This map will be completely functional and reminiscent to Fallout without the need of mods. Basically, we want to make a new Fallout game through the use of Minecraft.
Map will include:
.Special stats, skills, and perks
.Dialogue trees
.Guns and custom melee weapons (All done with vanilla minecraft)(We already have them working and they are amazing, better than most gun mods that I have seen tbh)
.Custom mobs and enemies from Fallout like protections, radiscorpions, and eyebots
.Reputation(We don’t know to what degree yet)
.Quests and side quests
.Probably a ton of features I am forgetting lol
A few inspirations:
.Atlanta Civil War history
.Atlanta in the 40s-50s
.Atlanta civil rights and black history
.Blues and jazz period
.All of the Fallouts including 1 and 2
.Retro futurism, Art Deco, Brutalism, Steampunk
Environment, Locations, and Lore (Don’t want to give too much away too soon)
The Chinese targeted the Marietta Air Force Base, above Atlanta, destroying the entire base and town region. To the south, Atlanta still stands, but barely. Many roads are destroyed or covered in rubble making it impossible to traverse without using the subway tunnels and sewers. Ever since it was founded, Atlanta has been a massive railway network, and after decades and decades of construction, the city has been filled with concrete crevasses, tunnels, and stacked layers. The Outcasts utilize these hidden pockets for their operations near and in the city. Beyond Atlanta, large suspended highways stretch across the dead region. To the far east is Stone Mountain—the explosion had no effect on the indestructible boulder. To the south is the Atlanta International Airport battered with ballistic missiles. To the north is Sandy Springs, yet it is cut in half by a massive wall of rock. When the atomic bomb hit the Marietta Air Force Base, its proximity to the Brevard fault line created an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5. From that extreme earthquake, the likes of which were unseen before, massive cracks emerged, destroying the surrounding Atlanta region and altering its topography. Sandy Springs is slowly being incorporated in the Federation through bureaucracy. To the near east is the massive scrap city of Junction, built upon a suspended highway intersection. To the south is the woodlands and swamp, inhabited by the Children of Atom.
Lore Friendly and Professional
This game also attempts to be as lore friendly as possible. I have to envision an Atlanta that has developed from the time split of 1950 with a different type of technology and feel than our own timeline. Buildings from the 50s and on will not exist in the Fallout universe, but I intend to take inspiration from modern day and look at the inevitable outcomes of the region. Basically I can assure that a lot of time and thought will be put into this map. Small details like how each settlement gets its food and water will be attended to and cool details and random encounters will make for unique play-throughs.
Gallery and Progress
I plan to update this post as much as possible. Just check the updates post every now and again. I will add new images all the time and I will make blog posts for more important updates and announcements. I will release some trailers and gameplay over time. There will be a possible beta in the near future.
When will this come out.
Currently we are not set on an exact release date and we work in our free time. If you want the map to come out faster, support and hype motivates us to work harder. Please share this around.
Joining The Team?
We are currently not seeking out anyone *right now*, because it has been difficult to find people who are on the same level about the direction of the map. Hopefully in the next few months we will start seeking people out again for more specific objectives. Primarily, we are going to need builders in the near future and eventually people to transform writing into playable quests using the mechanics developed in pre-production—these jobs could intersect. If a team member impresses us with their game design knowledge and ability on the project (they understand our philosophy and goals) then they will have greater influence over big decisions about the game itself in accordance with me(Jmanch3w) and Echonix.
Furthermore, If you want to help or join our team then read this first. We are looking for well experienced and passionate people for our team, people who will take it seriously. We aren’t the most professional team, but we do want some talented people. Simply put, if you think you have good ideas or you could be of use to the project send me a message. Do not take it personally if you are rejected. Me and Echonix work on and off on this map so we aren’t expecting anyone to put everything into this, but please, only ask to join the team if you truly want to contribute and have the skills to contribute.
Thanks to Sijmen_v_b for their Slabify plugin for World Painter.
Thanks to the team on World Painter, this map wouldn’t be possible without your progam.