фнаф на двоих карта майнкрафт
Всем привет, меня зовут сопрано фалистон.
И сегодня я покажу вам интересную карту, по мотивам игры » five nights at freddy’s «
Вам предстоит играть за охранника и отбиваться от аниматроников ( от своих друзей )
Интересный факт вы можете играть не только за охранника но и АНИМАТРОНИКОВ
Вы можете стать бонни, фреди или даже ФОКСИ.
Карта: FNAF 2 мультиплеер
На карте FNAF 2 Multiplayer все пользователи смогут насладиться выживанием против аниматроников вместе со своими друзьями. Сборка идеально подходит под мультиплеер, поскольку разрабатывалась именно для этого режима в Minecraft.
Маска отправляет аниматроников обратно на сцену, а камеры помогут проследить за действиями монстров. Для их активации нужно нажать на кнопку «Создать карту». На этой карте есть шкала марионетки, которую нужно постоянно заводить: если этого не сделать, то на Вас нападает марионетка и раунд заканчивается. Фонарь поможет осветить темные уголки здания.
Пользователям, которые играют за аниматроника, потребуется добраться до офиса. Сначала они отправляются в «Pars/service» и нажимают на кнопку с табличкой «Открыть». Тогда откроются все вентиляционные проходы и двери Pery Room 1-2-3-4. Вентиляционный проход в туалете открывать не обязательно. Для быстрого передвижения используется BB или Baloon Boy, который находится рядом со сценой. Чтобы отправиться к охраннику, необходимо нажать кнопку на шарике, и тогда появится Балун Бой, который отключает фонарь и ускоряет аниматроников. Если охранник успеет надеть маску, пока Балун Бой находится в вентиляции, то он не нападает, а аниматроники не получают бонусов.
Сборка создана одним из посетителей нашего сайта с ником Pictogan. У него есть собственный ютуб канал, где можно узнать больше об этой карте.
FNaF Maps Collection (1.12.2)
FNaF 1:
— Lobby area where you can order food
— Able to close both doors in the office
— Both of the doors have lights
— You can turn power on and off (backup generator included)
— All cameras are functional (Cameras do not go by 1A, 1B, or 2A, or 2B, so count the cameras correctly in numerical order (in FNaF it’s 1A, 1B, and 1C, but in this map it’s counted like 1, 2, and 3))
— Kitchen
— Off camera saferoom
— Clock is in the office so you can tell time
FNaF 2:
— Lobby area where you can order food
— You can climb in the vents
— Both vents have lights (flashlight is included for the hallway)
— All cameras are functional, and most of them have a built-in light you can turn on to see better in the dark (CAM 10 and CAM 11 do not have functional lights).
— You can turn on/off the power (does not include office lights, vent lights, and flashlight)
— Freddy head is included
— Light-up sign outside that turns on automatically when it’s dark.
— Parking lot
— Clock is in the office so you can tell time
FNaF 3:
— Entrance that has a ticket booth and rules
— Most of the lights are flashing, so a warning to people with epilepsy
— You can go into the vents
— All vent cameras have a fully working, able to be closed door, to stop anyone from going past the camera
— Ventilation errors can occur, and they can be repaired
— Has game-accurate props
— Clock in the office so you can tell the time
— Light-up sign that turns on automatically when it’s dark out.
FNaF 4:
— The house from the FNaF 4 minigame is able to be explored
— Complete two story house, with many things added
— Working light fixtures
— Fun with Plushtrap minigame is included in the house
— A clock is in the room so you can tell the time
Fredbear’s Family Diner:
— Power is able to turn on/off
— Green and red light indicators
— Show Stage
— Parts & Service
— Off-camera saferoom
— A clock in the office so you can tell the time
— An office with a door
— Fully functional cameras
— and more!
— Power is able to be turned on/off via breaker room
— Working elevator
— Working light and shock buttons
— Working vent doors
— Lots of vents
— Private room in Funtime Auditorium (with working doors and cameras)
— Working scooper in the scooping room
— Lots of colorful lights
— and more!
FNaC 1:
— Power is able to be turned on/off in the parts and service
— Game-accurate drawings in the drawing room
— Fully functional cameras (with night vision)
— An office with a computer and three working doors
— A kitchen
— Off-camera saferoom
FNaC 2:
— Has lights in all of the camera rooms
— Working cameras that allow you to call a telephone in the camera you’re on
— Cameras work differently (CAM 11 would be CAM 1, CAM 12 would be CAM 2, etc.)
— Brief light for hallway
— Ventilation system that goes all around the factory
— Clock on the desk so you can tell what time it is
— Entrance/Exit (through the door on CAM 14)
— Game-accurate props throughout the building
FNaC 3:
— Jukebox behind you (basically cassette player, there is a record in a chest to your right)
— Able to go through all entrances (door, closet, wardrobe, and window)
— Clock that tells time
— Some lights so you can see the map
Rat & Cat Theatre:
— Power switch through the northern hall door (I don’t remember what that room was, please let me know if you know what it’s for)
— Show stage area with stools
— Saferoom with props
— Lots of props
— Bathrooms
— Decorated sign outside
— Working cameras
— Explorable map
— Game accurate posters
— Working doors in office
— The Thing’s place behind you
— Animatronics on stage
— Custom doors for map
Final Nights 3:
— Full five story hospital that is fully explorable and has many features
— Able to play the game normally (curtains, hallway flashlight, etc.)
— Hospital has roof with helipad
— Color coded floors
— Many props
— In FNaF 3, the Chica head and Bonnie stand stay on permanently.
— In FNaF SL, one of the breaker room lights stop blinking and stay on permanently.
— In FNaF SL, one of the Circus Gallery lights stay on.
— In FNaF SL, the elevator duplicates blocks (This is a rare occurrence, please let me know if you have this issue)
— In FFPS, when doing a task, the map will get really laggy.
Things that aren’t going to happen:
— CAM 10 and 11 lights in FNaF 2.
— All vent doors opening or not working in FNaF 3 when there is a ventilation error.
— FNaF 3 video errors and audio errors.
Future updates:
— Final Nights 2-4 maps
— Finish resource pack that adds sounds and music to maps
Possible future updates:
— Other Fan-made maps (suggest in comments)
— Optional map without Albedo so you can use Optifine and shaders with the map
— TJOC:R map
— TJOC:SM map
— Final Nights 1 map
— FNaF UCN map
Now, here’s the progress so far:
Карта ФНАФ 2 Мультиплеер [1.16]
10 авг 2020 в 22:45
Как играть за охранников?
После того как кнопка была нажата рандомномный игрок станет охранником а остальные станут анематрониками максимальное число игроков на карете от 1 да 4 человек. Когда все роли распределились то начинается игра целью анематроников будет дайти да офиса охраны и напасть на охранника, а целью же охранника не дать анимптроникам добраться до него и в помощь ему в этом маска, камера и фонарь. Гемплей охранника: охраннику нужно используя маску отпугивать аниматроников, также он может следить за ними использую камеры по всей карте также ему нужно заводить музыкальную шкатулку, чтобы на него не напала марионетка ато игра закончится и аниматроники выиграют.
Как играть за аниматроников?
Установить карту можно по инструкциитут
Five Nights at Freddy’s 1 an Official FNaF Universe Map
Map Version: V.2 (2/29/2020)
«Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun com e to life.»
Map Overview
This map brings the authentic Five Nights At Freddy’s 1 feel to Minecraft for you and your friends to experience together! Our team has put many days of hard work into bringing this experience to Minecraft by examining Five Night’s at Freddy’s 1, later installment’s minigames, and the VR game: Help Wanted. This map offers the entire inside and outside of the pizzeria, surroundings filled with flora, a road, a tunnel, and finally an out of work gas station. THE MAP’S EXTERIOR IS NOT FAR-REACHING AND IS ONLY MEANT TO BE A BACKDROP FOR THE PIZZERIA!! It is also important to mention this map does not have a night system or a death system. It is designed for people who wish to do free roam, roleplay. However, it can be played like the first game if the player simply stays in the office due to the animatronics already being spawned in the map it works out.
While Playing This Map DO NOT Change The Time Of Day Using Commands It Will Break Certain Map Systems
Camera Tablet : The map’s camera tablet sits in the office and stays in the office. This version of the camera tablet behaves very similarly to FNaF VR: Help Wanted’s camera tablet. The player puts their cursor over a cam and right clicks to enter it. To exit the cam the player crouches. It is recommended to aim your cursor slightly above Cams 2a and 4a. So that you can for sure get in them and not accidentally enter Cams 2b and 4b.
Doors: The office doors are used by right-clicking the door button on the left or right side of the wall for each door respectively. Employee only doors are 3D models and can simply be walked through.
Lights: The office lights are used by right-clicking the light button on the left or right side of the wall for each light respectively.
Freddy’s Honkable Nose: Left-click while looking at the nose of Freddy on the office poster and it will honk Freddy’s nose.
Summonable Golden Freddy: The player can summon Golden Freddy in the office by viewing cam 2b thirty times within a few minutes.
Power System: The power system is affected by the player using the doors or lights, it also drains a steady amount throughout every night. The player can keep track of their power by viewing a monitor on the desk in the office.
Time System: The time system keeps track of time during the night (not during the day though). Even if the power goes out the time will still be shown on the clock. The time system can be viewed on a monitor on the desk in the office.
Experiencing a bug(s) in the map?
This map took a very long time to get functional and it isn’t surprising that there can occasionally be bugs within the map. Our team realizes this and is open to fixing bugs. Feel free to leave any you find in the comments, however, if you are stress testing the map with the intent of breaking it and find bugs, please refrain from leaving those. This is mostly just for general play through bugs.
-The_Dqrk_Entity (Aka Baby Yoda ): Built almost the entire map, made all of the 3D models, did all of the command work.
-Breadbearz (Aka Phantom): Made all of the textures for the map.
-_ShadowLink_: Hosted the server for our team to build and test on. Also assisted in testing things.
-DeeG (Aka Doritio_Gremlin): Made the child drawings on the posters on the walls, helped a small amount in building and helped to test the map.
-CorellionCrusaders: Made all of the posters for the map.
Note To Youtubers
Our team loves to have our content shared. If you are a YouTuber or content creator on another platform with a large following, please join our discord and direct message DeeG, _ShadowLink_, or Lego General Grevious, this way we can let you have access to new content early. Link to discord: Discord
Join Our New Fan Discord: Here
This is the work of the Official FNaF Universe Mod team and is not meant to be redistributed. If this map is used in any type of video or image content please credit us by leaving this link attached to your content.
This can be a laggy map, and will likely require the user to allocate more RAM to Minecraft if their PC is struggling with the map. The world can get very laggy when first loaded in, so I recommend the instant you load in to pause your game and let the chunks load.