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Minecraft Dungeons: Vengeful Heart of Ender
The Vengeful Heart of Ender is the final boss of the Echoing Void DLC.
Story [ ]
After being defeated by the heroes atop the obsidian pinnacle, the Heart of Ender was seemingly defeated. However, after the heroes leave with Archie, the shattered shards are shown to be putting themselves back together, but without the four shards that landed among the island realms, it would never be able to reform itself completely.
The remaining chunks within the ruined pinnacle were found by two endermen, who took it back with them to the end, sending six endersent, who would later become enchanted by the eyes of ender, to de-activate the portal so that no one could follow the remnant of the orb. Within the end, the orb remnant reformed itself to the best of its ability into an imperfect form due to the mysterious energies of the End. This form is known as the imperfect heart of ender. When the heroes defeated the six endersent and traveled to the End, this form began stalking them throughout the end wilds and through the broken citadel.
Finally, when the heroes reached the end shrine, the imperfect heart of ender undergoes a transformation before their eyes. This transformation resulted in the heart of ender’s final and perfect form, the vengeful heart of ender. The heroes manage to defeat it, and the last remains of the Orb of Dominance are finally destroyed. The heroes then return to the overworld through an exit portal and celebrate the end of the orb’s dominance.
Appearance [ ]
The Vengeful Heart of Ender is much larger and more monstrous than the Heart of Ender, now possessing eyes throughout most of its body. It has four small legs, a long neck, and a head possessing two long horns. The tips of the horns are lit with purple flames, along with its jaw. It also possesses an extra eye and jagged teeth.
Spawning [ ]
Behavior [ ]
Upon encountering the Vengeful Heart of Ender at its shrine, it opens and enters a large portal and then emerges in its final form. Upon its death, the eyes on its body shoot lasers uncontrollably, slicing its body apart in the process, losing its power. After a few seconds, it topples over and slowly disintegrates into dust with its ashes blowing away into the obscurity of the End to be lost forever. It has eight behaviors that are used in a random order:
The Vengeful Heart of Ender quickly charges at the hero, dealing constant damage if they are in its way.
The Vengeful Heart of Ender spins its body segments around, similar to Heart of Ender’s behavior, spewing out several projectiles which fall to the ground, lingering for a moment. Instead of leaving purple flames behind, the projectiles will explode in a large radius. This attack also flings void slugs at random spots nearby, which expand when they hit the ground, but disappear afterward.
The Vengeful Heart of Ender shakes, and several endermites fall off of it. Some of these endermites are enchanted with Sharpness, giving them 33% more health than naturally spawning ones.
The Vengeful Heart of Ender can also shake and cause any endermites that are still alive to be sucked back to the vengeful heart of ender, causing the boss to be healed by 1/128 per endermite.
The Vengeful Heart of Ender becomes invincible and invulnerable and goes to the center of the arena, covering it in a void shroud, then does one of two attacks:
It begins sucking heroes toward it and, after a few seconds, explodes, dealing massive damage. This attack is performed three times in a row, and can only be used twice in a single battle. While this attack is active, additional endermites are constantly summoned by the boss, but they are not effected by the sucking or explosion.
Several void crystals erupt from around the edges of the arena, and the vengeful heart of ender begins shooting many energy projectiles off of its body segments in circle formations. Each deals energy projectiles heavy damage. The void crystals reflects any oncoming projectiles that hits them in a random direction, making it harder to avoid and can last more then ten seconds. The lower amount of health points it has, the more projectiles it shoots, making it even more harder to avoid and is the boss’s most powerful attack.
Minecraft Wiki
The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered as official by Microsoft and therefore several changes are required to be made, including to the wiki’s logo. Please read this announcement for more information.
Minecraft Dungeons: Echoing Void
TO THE END — You’ve followed the story of the Arch-Illager and found the shards from the Orb of Dominance – now it’s time to reach the End. The final chapter of Minecraft Dungeons unfolds in Echoing Void, the newest DLC. Face new enemies, collect gear, and make your way through challenging new missions to end this fight – once and for all.
The Echoing Void is a Minecraft Dungeons DLC that takes place in The End dimension that was announced at Minecraft Live 2020 and was released on July 28, 2021. This DLC mostly takes place in the Other Dimensions tab, like the Flames of the Nether. Showcased at Minecraft Live 2020, it is the last Season Pass DLC after Howling Peaks, Flames of the Nether and Hidden Depths.
Appearance [ ]
The Stronghold where the first half of Echoing Void takes place.
The End Islands where the second half of Echoing Void takes place.
Echoing Void is based on the End dimension in the base game. The hero starts out in a stronghold beneath a small island. The island is made up of spruce trees growing on a small hill. On the island is a short path leading from the beach to a small cave entrance. Beneath the cave entrance is the stronghold portal room, holding nothing but an activated End Portal. The portal leads to the southern area of the Echoing Void map, which is made up of floating islands with Chorus Plants and End Trees. An End City can be seen near the southeast area. Two End Gateways can be seen on the eastern side, presumably connecting the southern area and the northern area. In the northern area, multiple buildings can be seen on floating islands, which are connected via bridges. Molten Void can be seen falling from some islands. Near the northwest corner, there is a large circular area—the city’s capital— surrounded by rocks, where the final battle against the Vengeful Heart of Ender takes place.
Additions [ ]
The following is included in this DLC pack:
Дополнительный контент
Для запуска требуется Steam-версия игры Minecraft Dungeons.
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Комплекты, содержащие эту игру
Купить Minecraft Dungeons: максимальный комплект загружаемого контента
Включенные товары (9): Minecraft Dungeons Hero DLC, Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition Digital Artwork, Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition Soundtrack, Minecraft Dungeons: Воющие вершины, Minecraft Dungeons: Пламя Нижнего мира, Minecraft Dungeons: Скрытые глубины, Minecraft Dungeons: Суровая зима, Minecraft Dungeons: Эхо пустоты, Minecraft Dungeons: джунгли пробуждаются
Купить Minecraft Dungeons максимальный выпуск
Включенные товары (10): Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Dungeons Hero DLC, Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition Digital Artwork, Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition Soundtrack, Minecraft Dungeons: Воющие вершины, Minecraft Dungeons: Пламя Нижнего мира, Minecraft Dungeons: Скрытые глубины, Minecraft Dungeons: Суровая зима, Minecraft Dungeons: Эхо пустоты, Minecraft Dungeons: джунгли пробуждаются
Информация о дополнении
Вы следили за историей Архизлодеянина, собрали осколки Сферы господства, а теперь пришло время отправиться в Край. В новом наборе загружаемого контента «Эхо пустоты» вы дойдете до финала истории Minecraft Dungeons. Встречайте новых врагов, собирайте снаряжение и прокладывайте себе путь через увлекательные миссии, чтобы одержать окончательную победу в этой битве. Отправляться в неизвестность и смотреть в глаза Краю может быть страшно, но помните, что настоящее сокровище — это друзья, которых вы заведете на своем пути. Хотя и обычное сокровище, которое вас ждет в конце пути, тоже очень велико.
Системные требования
© 2021 Mojang Synergies AB. TM Microsoft Corporation.
Большой босс и новый мир: авторы Minecraft Dungeons рассказали о дополнении про Край
Игроки смогут бесплатно заполучить предметы одного из дополнений.
28 июля для Minecraft Dungeons выйдет дополнение Echoing Void, посвященное Краю. В специальном видеодневнике разработчики поговорили о том, чего стоит ждать от дополнения и станет ли оно по-настоящему крайним для игры.
Оказалось, вместе с Echoing Void выйдет бесплатное обновление, позволяющее игрокам заполучить часть контента из другого платного аддона. А еще игроков ждет изменившийся мир, новые враги и опасные приключения.
Вот самые интересные моменты из рассказа разработчиков Echoing Void.
Верхний мир расширится: здесь появится еще один уровень, где игрокам предложат пройти эпическое задание. Оно может показаться знакомым тем, кто играл в ванильную версию Minecraft Dungeons.
Дополнение введет в игру три миссии, End Wilds, Broken Citadel и Stronghold. Для прохождения двух из этих заданий игрокам придется сильно углубиться в Край; там опасно не только для новичков, но и для опытных игроков.
Край выглядит довольно экзотично: специально для дополнения разработчики придумали совершенно новые биомы, экзотические блоки, необычные постройки и опасности. Появятся и новые механики, о которых пока не говорят.
У сюжетного контента новая структура. Чтобы добраться до финального уровня, игрокам придется пройти определенную часть контента в правильном порядке. Зато в конце их ждет максимально эпическое и захватывающее завершение истории Архизлодеянина.
Дизайн Верхнего мира изменится. По сюжету дополнения, Край постепенно проникает в Верхний мир, меняя его. Задача игроков — добыть Око Края, исследовать Крепость и в конце концов открыть портал в Край, с помощью которого можно попасть в финальную часть дополнения.
Финальная битва будет происходить в Цитадели Края, монолитной летающей крепости. На пути к ней игроки столкнутся с несколькими новыми мобами, связанными с Краем.
Появится новый босс, Мстительное Сердце Края. Он будет преследовать игроков на всех уровнях, это самый опасный и крупный противник из всех, что когда-либо попадались игрокам.
Gauntlet of Gales достанется всем игрокам бесплатно. Это бесплатный уровень, изначально предназначавшийся еще для миссии Gale Sanctum из дополнения Howling Peaks. Уровень наполнен головоломками, здесь есть 18 испытаний.
Дополнение Echoing Void, подчеркивают разработчики, закончит историю Архизлодеянина и Сферы Господства, но для Minecraft Dungeons это еще не конец. Тем не менее, вместе с релизом дополнения появится издание Ultimate Edition, объединяющее базовую игру и все платные аддоны.
Minecraft Wiki
The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered as official by Microsoft and therefore several changes are required to be made, including to the wiki’s logo. Please read this announcement for more information.
Minecraft Dungeons: Locations
Overview [ ]
There are three main things that can be found in a location:Consumables, Emeralds, and equipment such as Armor, Artifacts, and Weapons.
Mainland locations [ ]
The pre-Stronghold and Tower map of the Mainland in Minecraft Dungeons.
The following main missions and secret missions can be found in the Mainland:
Echoing Void [ ]
See Echoing Void for further details. It contains this mission in the Mainland:
The Stronghold Location Map.
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
The Stronghold | Squid Coast | TheStronghold |
Island Realms [ ]
Jungle Awakens [ ]
The Jungle island where Jungle Awakens takes place.
See Jungle Awakens for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Dingy Jungle | Squid Coast | DingyJungle |
Panda Plateau | Dingy Jungle (Secret) | BambooBluff |
Overgrown Temple | Dingy Jungle | OvergrownTemple |
Creeping Winter [ ]
The snowy island where Creeping Winter takes place.
See Creeping Winter for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Frosted Fjord | Squid Coast | FrozenFjord |
Lone Fortress | Frosted Fjord | LoneFortress |
Lost Settlement | Frosted Fjord (secret) | LostSettlement |
Howling Peaks [ ]
The mountainous island where Howling Peaks takes place.
See Howling Peaks for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Windswept Peaks | Squid Coast | WindsweptPeaks |
Gale Sanctum | Windswept Peaks | GaleSanctum |
Gauntlet of Gales | Creeper Woods | GauntletofGales |
Colossal Rampart | Windswept Peaks (Secret) | EndlessRampart |
Hidden Depths [ ]
The atoll where Hidden Depths takes place.
See Hidden Depths for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Coral Rise | Squid Coast | CoralRise |
Abyssal Monument | Coral Rise | AbyssalMonument |
Radiant Ravine | Coral Rise (Secret) | RadiantRavine |
Other Dimensions [ ]
The Other Dimensions tab of the Mission Select map [1] is the area in which DLC packs themed outside the Overworld take place. This area contains locations outside of the Overworld, The Nether and The End. It also has the option to start an Ancient Hunt.
Flames of the Nether [ ]
See Flames of the Nether for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Nether Wastes | Squid Coast | NetherWastes |
Basalt Deltas | Nether Wastes | BasaltDeltas |
Nether Fortress | Basalt Deltas (Secret) | NetherFortress |
Warped Forest | Nether Wastes | WarpedForest |
Crimson Forest | Warped Forest (Secret) | CrimsonForest |
Soul Sand Valley | Crimson Forest (Secret) | SoulsandValley |
Echoing Void [ ]
See Echoing Void for further details. It contains the following missions:
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
End Wilds | The Stronghold | EnderWilds |
Broken Citadel | End Wilds | EndCitadel |
Ancient Hunts [ ]
Ancient Hunts can be accessed by clicking the Ancient hunt button with an Enderman face in the bottom-left corner of the Other Dimensions map or by clicking on the Nether portal located underneath the camp in a cave area.
Location | Internal Name |
Woodland Mansion | WoodlandMansion |
Woodland Prison | WoodlandPrison |
Spider Cave | SpiderCave |
Unused [ ]
Some unused locations can be found within the game files. Information about these locations is scant.
Location | Unlock Predecessor | Internal Name |
Slimy Sewers | Desert Temple & Fiery Forge | SlimySewers |
Netherwart Forest | Nether Wastes | NetherwartForest |
Scorched Crags | Nether Wastes | ScorchedCrags |
Removed [ ]
These locations may have been available in the game or the files at one point, but removed in a later update.