что такое uhc в майнкрафт
Мод: Ультра-хардкор
Мод UHC Function представляет собой режим геймплея, который расшифровывается как Ultra Hardcore, то есть ультра-хардкор. Само название подразумевает небольшие сложности в виде единственной жизни и кучи проблем. Режим полюбился сообществу Minecraft в Java версии, а теперь набирает обороты и в карманной. Большинство серверов не поддерживает аналогичный режим, да и сами карты отличаются функционалом. Предлагаем привнести режим в свой сервер и наслаждаться увлекательной игрой
Режим подразумевает сбор ресурсов и убийство всех остальных пользователей. Победителем станет только последний выживший. Как правило, пользователи делятся на команды: каждый пользователь команды занимается собственным делом. Из-за ограничений автор не смог выставить возможность деления на команды.
Местность ограничена размерами в 512*512 блоков. Для оптимизации разработчик сделал так, чтобы неразрушаемые блоки появлялись только тогда, когда игрок к ним подходит.
Режим битвы с другими игроками начинается спустя определенное время после старта: сначала необходимо набрать ресурсы, чтобы начать сражение. Время старта можно посмотреть в таблице или в информационном сообщении.
Каждые две минуты игроки восполняют полоску здоровья и голода, кроме последних минут. Если пользователь остался последним выжившим, то сообщение об этом появится в чате.
После смерти игроки не могут возродиться, то есть умереть можно только один раз. После этого можно наблюдать за тем, как другие пользователи сражаются между собой.
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Здесь будет информация о количестве смертей, времени игры и о покинувших игру пользователях.
Обращаем внимание, что таймер игры может быть различным, в зависимости от устройства, на котором играет пользователь.
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The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered as official by Microsoft and therefore several changes are required to be made, including to the wiki’s logo. Please read this announcement for more information.
Ultra Hardcore
Ultra Hardcore (UHC) is a custom gamemode, similar to Hardcore, with the main difference being players cannot naturally regenerate health. UHC is most commonly used as a mini game on PvP servers.
Gameplay [ ]
In Ultra Hardcore, players cannot regenerate health from food and must use potions, suspicious stews, golden apples, or enchanted golden apples to regain lost health. While a UHC play through could theoretically last indefinitely, the primary goal is to defeat the Ender dragon, or defeat all of the other players in the case of a PvP competition. Like regular Hardcore, players cannot respawn if they die. Ultra Hardcore may be played either individually or in teams of a set number.
Oftentimes, game settings may be altered to add gameplay «handicaps,» such as muting hostile mob sounds and/or setting render distance and brightness to their minimum. In addition, sometimes server owners add specials rules (e.g. random loot tables). This is called a «Custom UHC»
There are a few ways to set up UHC:
History [ ]
Что означает UHC в Minecraft?
В Майнкрафт есть несколько разных сложностей. Мирный означает, что не будет враждебных мобов и не будет утраченного голода для каких-либо действий. Легкий означает, что есть враждебные мобы и потерян голод, а Нормальный и Тяжелый — просто более сложные версии этого. Однако есть несколько различных трудностей, которыми пользуются не многие игроки. Хардкор и Ультра Хардкор — это два режима, в которые игроки играют, чтобы по-настоящему усложнить задачу.
Что такое UHC в Minecraft
Ultra Hardcore, что означает UHC, является самой сложной версией Minecraft. В режиме Hardcore игроки не могут умереть ни разу, иначе они потеряют весь мир. Хардкорные миры настроены так, чтобы стать неиграбельными после смерти игрока, поэтому мир буквально тут же заканчивается, если игроки умирают. Все сложные аспекты Minecraft усилены и помещены здесь, но это не самый сложный способ играть в игру.
Ultra Hardcore удваивает сложность и представляет собой поистине мучительную задачу для игроков. Согласно официальному описанию Minecraft, есть несколько отличий, которые делают игру намного сложнее:
«Вы берете хардкорный режим Майнкрафт (одна жизнь), удаляете естественную регенерацию (это ультра часть!) И бросаете кучу игроков с недовольством, чтобы они вступили в многопользовательскую битву до конца. Через некоторое время граница мира будут сжиматься, становясь все меньше и меньше, пока вы не будете вынуждены смотреть друг на друга напрямую ».
Это режим игры только для Java Edition, такой же, как и в хардкорных мирах. Игроки в Bedrock могут установить правила игры или просто прекратить играть, как только они умрут, чтобы имитировать режим Hardcore, но Ultra Hardcore намного сложнее воспроизвести и фактически доступен только игрокам Java Edition.
Вот шаги, чтобы опробовать режим UHC в Minecraft:
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Minecraft UHC
Unique Plug-Ins [ ]
Thirst= Started being used at season 2, each player gets a water bottle at the start, thirst will go down faster in the desert and WAY much faster in the Nether. Starting from season 3 water must be boiled unless if you want to get negative effects from dirty water, it is very frustrating to watch and play. When the thirst bar is low, you will get mining fatigue, then slowness, nausea and finally blindness making thirst a very important asset of the game.
Heads= Instead of just being dropped when killing a player, it will spawn on a nether brick fence, if they don’t they will only give 2 hearts when eaten, when this happens they have to tell Noah.
Gravity Blocks= When explosions happen blocks will fly.
Winner Zombie Heads= Zombies have a chance to wear heads of the player that won last UHC season, though is believed to only be in the second season.
Border= Implemented in season 4. The world starts being a 2500×2500 world but each episode it shrinks more and more. In season 4 the players had to rush the last battle due to the world shrinking to 452 blocks; if they hadn’t fight in episode 8, by episode 9 the border would have shrunk to 0 blocks killing everyone in the process. When you are within the equivalent area in which the border will shrink next episode, your chat will be spammed and you’ll get both a fire effect surrounding you and an annoying sound until you leave the area. Each episode the range of the border will decrease, going from 2500 blocks in the first episode to around 500 blocks on the last episode of season 4.
Season 1 [ ]
Woofless won, and being the first ever winner his face appeared on 25% of all zombie spawns in season 2.
The season was hosted by NoahCraftFTW and consisted of 28 players teamed in pairs, making them 14 teams:
SpanishSap (CraftyGarrett & HwnT)
Merome (JeromeASF & TheBajanCanadian)
Hot’n’Spicy (MrWoofless & TheNoochM)
CampingCrafters (NoahCraftFTW & TheCampingRusher)
Yogurt (DrPlaystation & SteelxSaint)
Aviator (Palmerater & AviatorGaming)
FinestStars (Vikkstar123HD & MCFinest_Max)
FamousPockets (FamousFilms & PocketIsland)
BritishDucks (gizzy14gazza & ItsCib)
TeamBritish (PerpetualJordan & AshleyMarieeGaming)
AcidicMania (AcidicBlitzz & LegendxTaz)
TBD (Iamtheattack & DavidBrownTV)
YoshiGasm (Burtgasm/TheBurtDude & YoshiToMario)
Epiphany/Camerica (Iam2slick4u & vsnipes)
The order of eliminations where. (E= team eliminated) (T=Team kill) [ ]
SpanishSap CraftyGarrett Shot by a Skeleton
SpanishSap HwnT Slain by a Zombie (SpanishSap Eliminated)
FamousPockets PocketIsland Blown up by a Creeper
Merome ASFJerome Starved to death
YoshiGasm TheBurtDude or Burtgasm Shot by a Seleton
Merome TheBajanCanadian Fall from a High Place (Merome Eliminated)
CampingCrafter TheCampingRusher Killed by a Monster (He didn’t upload)
AcidicMania LegendxTaz Blown up by a Creeper
TeamBritish AshleyMariee Slain by PerpeutalJordan (Accident)
AcidicMania AcidicBlitzz Slain by palmerator (AcidicMania Eliminated)
TeamBritish PerpetualJordan Tried to swim in lava (TeamBritish Eliminated)
Aviator AviatorGaming Slain by NoahCraftFTW
Aviator palmerator Slain by NoahCraftFTW (Aviator Eliminated)
FamousPockets TheFamousFilms Shot by a Skeleton (FamousPockets Elimi. )
Yogurt Dr.Playstation Slain by MCFinest_Max
FinestStars MCFinest_Max Slain by SteelxSaint
Yogurt SteelxSaint Slain by Vikkstar123 (Yogurt Eliminated)
TBD Iamtheattack Slain by Vikkstar123
TBD DavidBrownTV Slain by Vikkstar123 (TBD Eliminated)
Hotn’Spicy NoochM Slain by iam2slick4u
Epiphany iam2slick4u Slain by Woofless
Epiphany vpsnipes Slain by Woofless (Epiphany Eliminated)
CampingCrafters NoahCraftFTW Shot by a Skeleton (CampingCrafters Eli. )
BritishDucks gizzy14gazza Slain by Vikkstar123
BritshDucks ItsCib Slain by Vikkstar123 (BritishDucks Elimina. )
FinestStars Vikkstar123 Shot by Woofless (FinestStars Eliminated)
Winners : ¡Team Hotn’Spicy!
Season 2 [ ]
This season was teams of four, with the exception of kricken and SteelxSaint, which was a team of two. Thirst was implemented this season, which meant you had to carry at least one water bottle at all times and a way to refill it when needed, though many players got the strategy of carrying multiple bottles in case of emergency. Also, thirst depletes faster in the desert, it being realistically warmer.
Branching off from last seasons victors, HotnSpicyv2 gained two new members: Vikkstar123 and TBNRfrags, eventually leading to them winning. Since Woofless had won last season, his minecraft skin’s face was replaced with 25% of zombies this season.
The most kills this season was a count of 2, which was held by Woofless (killed FamousFilms and davidbrowntv), BajanCanadian (killed AcidicBlitzz and Acidic_Saiyan), TBNRfrags (killed PocketIsland and ChildDolphin), and HughMurrell (accidentally team-killed ItsCib and gizzy14gazza).
So far (as of Season 5) this season is the only season to have all members of a team alive at the end, and to have nobody die in the first episode.
Elimination (in order)
Season 3 [ ]
This season was teams of two. It still had the thirst aspect of the game, but now you had to cook it or else you had a chance of getting poisoned thirst, making your thirst deplete faster. As always, the thirst couldn’t kill you, but could drive you to a state where you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself if anything were to happen. == PeteZahHutt (first timer in this UHC group) won the event. He lost his teammate NoochM in the first episode due to a creeper explosion. On his way, he killed the team of NoahcraftFTW and PocketIsland. The final battle was against Woofless who had a disadvantage due to him coincidentally being struck by lightning (yes, a natural Minecraft lightning) taking away almost 2 hearts from his health. Pete managed to shoot Woofless twice and kill him ending his win streak and becoming the new champ, while Woofless hadn’t done any damage to Pete.
A notable moment was the first death of the game. Before even PVP was enabled, JeromeASF killed AshleyMarieeGamming with a bucket of lava, as well as her partner: Im2slick4u, making this forbidden for the next season.
After eliminating a team before episode 2, Jerome was then trying to make it back to his partner, BajanCanadian (#Merome), but apparently stumbled upon kricken, who was underground. She tried to ward off Jerome in the chat (though Jerome had no idea where she was) just as Jerome was killed by a monster. This lead to her feeling guilt, and Mitch being left alone.
Mitch, being on low health, gave up mining and started looking around for people to slay. He had gathered leather armor and dyed it pink, and managed to make a skybase in the middle of a plains biome. PeteZahHutt had stumbled upon this, and Mitch had given him a pumpkin to where, as a sort of joke; them being co-owners of the Nexus server. Pete then hid away during the night, when Mitch was killed by Noah and Pocket. Pete than killed them both.
JeromeASF is not known for being a ‘serious’ UHC player. NoochM had died a literal second before Jerome, and after Pete saying «Wow. You died before Jerome if that makes you feel any better. » NoochM said that it wasn’t all that bad that he died, considering that he had to go eat dinner at the moment. Pete: «well, you didn’t have to say it out loud. «, being a little heartbroken that his partner died so early.
Elimination (In order)
Season 4 [ ]
This season was teams of three. The thirst bar was taken out, but a new change was the World Border would be shrinking every new episode or every time someone was killed. This lead to few people figuring out that it was not just a fight against other participants, but a fight against the border because TurqMelon had never coded it to stop at a certain point. There were a total of 27 players this season.
The ending winner was Team Nexus, which consisted of TurqMelon, PeteZahHutt, and BajanCanadian. This was Turq’s first UHC, which he was the last person standing after killing Vikkstar123 and Woofless in the last episode. In the end, the final fight was a 2v2v1 (Woofless and Vikk vs Turq and Pete vs AcidicBlitzz), Noochm being slain by an Enderman, BajanCanadian being slain by a Zombie (he had claimed that Turq had hit the zombie into him in which he had died), NoahCraftFTW being slain by im2slick4u, and LegendxTaz bathed in his own lava).
This was the first season that NoochM did not win in any way, though his team had come second, which was HotnSpicyV4 (NoochM, Woofless, and Vikkstar123hd), NoochM (Mat) had never actually lived to fight in the last episode except for season 2.
A glitch in the game was the TBoner team; ChocoTheChocobo and TBNRKenworth were placed on the team called TBoners, while TBNRfrags was on a team called TBoner, though they still played as a team of 3. But when Choco and Kenny had been eliminated, it said team TBoners was eliminated, though Preston was still in the game.
Season 5 [ ]
This season was teams of 2. There were a total of 28 players, making 14 teams. The border shrinking aspect was kept this season, but coded so that it would stop at a certain point.
The winner of this season was Acidic Mania, which consisted of AcidicBlitzz and LegendxTaz, though AcidicBlitzz had died before the last episode. The winning kill was Taz killing SteelxSaint, who had just killed DrPlaystationNation. This lead to Taz killing SteelxSaint quite easily.
The person with the most kills this season was PerpetualJordan, who’s partner, Bashur, had been blown up by a Creeper within the first 5 minutes of the first episode. From then on, Jordan had managed to kill PrivateFearless, CreeperFarts, OhTekkers, ChocoTheChocobo, AcidicBlitzz, and CrokkedReign. He had eliminated 3 teams in this rampage, but Taz had killed him just after Jordan killed Blitzz. Jordan is now tied with Woofless with the most kills in the series with 6 kills in total, but he got all his kills in 1 season, while Woofless had taken 4 seasons to gain 6 kills. Jordan also broke the record of most kills in one season, which had been held by Vikkstar123 with 5 kills in season 1.
To many’s surprise, HotnSpicyv5 (Woofless and Vikkstar123) was taken out early in this season by TBNR (TBNRfrags and TBNRKenworth). Preston had managed to sneakily fall onto Woofless and killed him, and though Kenny had killed Vikk, Vikk had placed down a lava bucket just before he died, which ended up killing Kenny. This was the first season where Vikkstar had lived longer than Woofless, even if it was by mere seconds. This excludes season 2, where HotnSpicyv2 had all of it’s members alive at the end.
PeteZahHutt teamed with his girlfriend pwincessly (Kara), their team name being Branara, the ship name between the two. Pete was originally supposed to team with NoochM once again this season, to make up for Nooch’s early death in season 3, but he couldn’t make it. Once HotnSpicyv5 was eliminated, it took tons of stress off of Pete’s shoulders, considering he had always been in a battle with Woofless at the end. But while digging into a hill at dusk, Branara was ambushed by AcidicMania (Taz and Blitzz), who killed them both. This guaranteed a new winner this season.
PrivateFearless and TheCreeperFarts (FearlessFarts) had found the Ender Dragon stronghold, but were killed by Perpetual Jordan. Afterwards, since Jordan does not play a lot of survival related games, he did not know it was the stronghold and passed it up.
Team BRANSON (MinecraftUniverse and Logdotzip) had taken early damage, which lead to Jason being killed by a monster in episode 4. Tyler then kept surviving, but due to border shrinking, he had suffocated in a wall. Since Tyler died early episode 9, he had added it to his episode 8 so he wouldn’t need to upload another episode for no reason. But uploading extra footage on UHC (more than 20 min) is forbidden.
Including Logdotzip, the border killed 4 players and eliminated a team (Logdotzip, HyperDarkness, TurqMelon, and FamousFilms) His season was one of the most intense
Туториал Оптимизация Сервера Minecraft | by Rgferg1 2020-09-13
Добрый вечер, пользователи. Каждый сталкивался с такой проблемой, что тормозит сервер. При таких условиях будет низкий TPS.
Что такое TPS?
TPS (Ticks per Second) — это число тактов за секунду. Чем более высокий данный показатель, тем большая производительность сервера. В норме показатель 20.0. TPS может существенно снижаться в случае значительной нагрузки на сервер. И в консоль выводятся такие строчки: [Server thread/WARN]: Can’t keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 9999ms or 9999 ticks behind
Чтобы посмотреть значение TPS введите команду: /tps
#CoreProtect Config
# If enabled, extra data is displayed when doing rollbacks and restores.
# If disabled, you can manually trigger it in-game by adding «#verbose»
# to the end of your rollback statement.
verbose: true
# MySQL is optional and not required.
# If you prefer to use MySQL, enable the following and fill out the fields.
use-mysql: false
table-prefix: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
mysql-host: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
mysql-port: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
mysql-database: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
mysql-username: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
mysql-password: СВОИ ДАННЫЕ
# If enabled, CoreProtect will check for updates when your server starts up.
# If an update is available, you’ll be notified via your server console.
check-updates: true
# If enabled, other plugins will be able to utilize the CoreProtect API.
api-enabled: true
# If no radius is specified in a rollback or restore, this value will be
# used as the radius. Set to «0» to disable automatically adding a radius.
default-radius: 10
# The maximum radius that can be used in a command. Set to «0» to disable.
# To run a rollback or restore without a radius, you can use «r:#global».
max-radius: 100
# If enabled, items taken from containers (etc) will be included in rollbacks.
rollback-items: true
# If enabled, entities, such as killed animals, will be included in rollbacks.
rollback-entities: true
# If enabled, generic data, like zombies burning in daylight, won’t be logged.
skip-generic-data: true
# Logs blocks placed by players.
block-place: true
# Logs blocks broken by players.
block-break: true
# Logs blocks that break off of other blocks; for example, a sign or torch
# falling off of a dirt block that a player breaks. This is required for
# beds/doors to properly rollback.
natural-break: true
# Properly track block movement, such as sand or gravel falling.
block-movement: true
# Properly track blocks moved by pistons.
pistons: true
# Logs blocks that burn up in a fire.
block-burn: true
# Logs when a block naturally ignites, such as from fire spreading.
block-ignite: true
# Logs explosions, such as TNT and Creepers.
explosions: true
# Track when an entity changes a block, such as an Enderman destroying blocks.
entity-change: true
# Logs killed entities, such as killed cows and enderman.
entity-kills: false
# Logs text on signs. If disabled, signs will be blank when rolled back.
sign-text: false
# Logs lava and water sources placed/removed by players who are using buckets.
buckets: true
# Logs natural tree leaf decay.
leaf-decay: true
# Logs tree growth. Trees are linked to the player who planted the sappling.
tree-growth: true
# Logs mushroom growth.
mushroom-growth: true
# Logs natural vine growth.
vine-growth: true
# Logs when portals such as Nether portals generate naturally.
portals: true
# Logs water flow. If water destroys other blocks, such as torches,
# this allows it to be properly rolled back.
water-flow: true
# Logs lava flow. If lava destroys other blocks, such as torches,
# this allows it to be properly rolled back.
lava-flow: true
# Allows liquid to be properly tracked and linked to players.
# For example, if a player places water which flows and destroys torches,
# it can all be properly restored by rolling back that single player.
liquid-tracking: true
# Track item transactions, such as when a player takes items from a
# chest, furnace, or dispenser. Necessary for any item based rollbacks.
item-transactions: true
# Track player interactions, such as when a player opens a door, presses
# a button, or opens a chest. Player interactions can’t be rolled back.
player-interactions: true
# Logs messages that players send in the chat.
player-messages: false
# Logs all commands used by players.
player-commands: false
# Logs the logins and logouts of players.
player-sessions: false
# Logs when a player changes their Minecraft username.
username-changes: false
# Logs changes made via the plugin «WorldEdit» if it’s in use on your server.
worldedit: true
# CoreProtect is donationware. Obtain a donation key from coreprotect.net/donate/
# Logs items dropped by players.
item-drops: true
# Logs items picked up by players.
item-pickups: true
# Track all hopper transactions, such as when a hopper removes items from a
# chest, furnace, or dispenser.
hopper-transactions: false
Также у этого плагина бывают проблемы с базой данной. Если что-то пойдет не так, то ваш ТПС упадет то 0.60. И ваш сервер просто зависнет. Такое было у меня.
Сервер может оставать из за мобов. С помощью таймингов вы можете остледить именно какие мобы нагружают сервер.
С помощью плагина MFM, вы можете регулировать спавн и число мобов.
Спавн мобов лучше настроить в bukkit.yml, spigot.yml
Один из игроков может сидеть с чит клиента. И посылать слишком много пакетов, что заставит сервер тормозит а в скоре и положить его. Также пользование предметов с 1000 лвл может тоже замедлять работу сервера. Есть фиксы на это. Ниже.
Ссылки не предоставил, ищите сами. Google.com и Yandex.ru, может попозже залью.
Совет: На свой выбор. Некоторые плагины могут конфликтовать с друг другом. Не ставьте их всех подряд.