что такое mcc майнкрафт

Чемпионат по Майнкрафту 2021

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Чемпионат Minecraft — это потрясающее событие, которое проходит каждый месяц. В них участвуют известные стримеры Minecraft и создатели контента, такие как Dream, Tommyinnit и Technoblade. MCC организован Noxcrew и Скоттом Мейджором, более известным под своим онлайн-псевдонимом Dangthatsalongname.

Участникам предстоит сражаться друг с другом в разных мини-играх, за счет которых они зарабатывают очки. В конце концов, две лучшие команды с наибольшим количеством очков встретятся на арене вывертышей. В этом игровом режиме команды по очереди стреляют стрелами в другую команду.

В предыдущем сезоне Дрим выступал за Red Rabbits и взял корону вместе с Михаэлемчиллом, Квакити и Сапнапом. Они играли против «Желтых яков» на арене «Доджболт» и победили их, не пропустив ни единого раунда.

Чемпионат Майнкрафт 2021

Дата проведения чемпионата

Чемпионат по Майнкрафту 2021 состоится 28 августа в 20:00 по московскому времени. В других часовых поясах турнир начнется в 12:00 PM PST, 15:00 PM EST, 14:00 PM CST и 12:30 AM IST (29 августа). Поклонники MCC могут рассчитывать, что мероприятие продлится не менее двух часов.

Участники и команды чемпионата

В каждом мероприятии MCC участвуют сорок различных создателей контента, которые формируют десять команд. В предстоящем турнире примут участие следующие игроки Minecraft:

Это будет первый чемпионат Понка по Minecraft. Судя по их предыдущим выступлениям, Quig, PeteZahHutt и HBomb94 — одни из лучших игроков, на которых стоит обратить внимание. Команды довольно сбалансированы, но некоторые фанаты ожидают, что Red Rabbits войдут в тройку лучших команд.

Список игр и расписание чемпионата

Следующие мини-игры в той же последовательности будут сыграны в 16-й итерации MCC:

Трансляция Чемпионата по Майнкрафт

Самое замечательное в MCC заключается в том, что большинство игроков, участвующих в мероприятии, сами являются стримерами. Это означает, что зрители могут наблюдать за событием с точки зрения своих любимых стримеров. Фактически, игрокам с двумя мониторами настоятельно рекомендуется смотреть стримы обеих разных команд для лучшего опыта.

Те, кто хочет посмотреть официальную трансляцию, могут сделать это на официальном канале NoxCrew в Twitch, где будут представлены комментарии разработчиков и дизайнеров NoxCrew.

Фактически, NoxCrew сделал настоящую медаль для первого игрока, получившего пять побед MCC. На данный момент популярный игрок Minecraft по имени HBomb94 имеет четыре победы в MCC. Если им удастся довести свою команду (Желтых яков) до конца чемпионата Minecraft, они заберут домой красивую и единственную в своем роде медаль MCC.


Minecraft Championship (MCC) Rising: раскрыт полный список соревнующихся команд

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Minecraft Championship Rising — это новое событие, которое дебютирует в субботу, 2 октября 2021 года, в 20:00 по московскому времени.

Чемпионат Minecraft (MCC) — это мероприятие только по приглашению, которое проводится и создается Noxcrew. В нем представлены десять команд из четырех участников, которые соревнуются в восьми различных мини-играх, выбранных участниками.

Minecraft Championship Rising следует тому же графику и настройке, что и исходная серия чемпионатов Minecraft Championships. Единственная разница заключалась в том, что это мероприятие не было только по приглашению, вместо этого участникам была поставлена ​​задача самостоятельно создать свои команды перед мероприятием.

Чтобы получить право на участие в Minecraft Championship Rising, участники должны были представить письменную заявку и видеоролик о команде от своего имени и от имени своих товарищей по команде.

Кто участвует в Minecraft Championship Rising?

В пятницу, 24 сентября 2021 г. — Noxcrew раскрыт полный список принятых команд в официальном Твиттере Minecraft Championship.

Minecraft Championship Rising — это мероприятие, созданное сообществом создателей контента, у которых не было возможности участвовать в мероприятиях MCC из-за его ограниченной доступности. Однако на этот раз недостатка в новых лицах нет, и создатели контента подтвердили, что они представят свои навыки в Rising 2 октября 2021 года.

Вот полный список соревнующихся команд, подтвержденных для участия в чемпионате Minecraft Championship. Восходящий:

Team Red Rabbits

Команда Orange Ocelots

Команда желтых яков

Team Lime Llamas

Team Green Geckos

Team Cyan Coyotes

Team Aqua Axolotls

Team Blue Bats

Команда Purple Pandas

Team Pink Parrots

Хотя конкуренты — это не знакомые лица, которые зрители обычно видят в оригинальной, всем известной серии Minecraft Championships. Minecraft Championship Rising — это именно то, что подразумевает название — это шанс для новых лиц подняться и показать свои навыки в турнире.

Minecraft Championship Rising начнется в субботу, 2 октября 2021 года, в 20:00 по московскому времени. Для других часовых поясов это будет: 11:30 PM IST, 15:00 PM EST, 14:00 PM CST и 12:00 PM PST.


Все команды Minecraft MC Championship (MCC) 14 и члены команд

Чемпионат MC вернулся. После пятимесячного перерыва Noxcrew возвращается, чтобы принести нам премьерный конкурс Minecraft. Различные команды будут жаждать возвращения в соревнование, а зрители с нетерпением ждут начала следующего раунда.

В MC Championship десять команд по четыре человека сражаются друг с другом в различных мини-играх, в которых проверяются основные навыки Minecraft: паркур, выживание, бои, командная работа и многое другое. После восьми игр две команды с наибольшим количеством монет сойдутся друг с другом в одном финальном матче, чтобы определить абсолютного чемпиона.

Будут представлены различные игры, включая Decision Dome, Ace Race, Battle Box, Big Sales at Built Mart, Hole in the Wall, Parkour Tag, TGTTODAWSAF, Sky Battle и Survival Games. Грандиозным финалом станет игра в Dodgebolt.

Вы можете найти все команды, их членов ниже, поэтому обязательно проверяйте трансляции своих фаворитов, чтобы узнать, насколько хорошо они выступают в конкурсе.

Аква Аксолотли

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/27LMVb2EgK

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 14 мая 2021 г.

Синие летучие мыши

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/kj5YRtpe5O

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 14 мая 2021 г.

Cyan Creepers

👑 Представляем команду Cyan Creepers 👑

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/6CgvQnTehF

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 14 мая 2021 г.

Зеленые стражи

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/rlPW70XrJv

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 13 мая 2021 г.

Красные кролики

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/RUAsERAYjC

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 13 мая 2021 г.

Лаймовые ламы

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/tOZXWBtf6N

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 13 мая 2021 г.

Апельсиновые оцелоты

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/AhH8lzZ15n

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 13 мая 2021 г.

Розовые попугаи

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/9tBCx7uWSh

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 14 мая 2021 г.

Фиолетовые панды

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/LnAZ6CiXaC

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 14 мая 2021 г.

Желтые яки

Смотрите их в MCC в субботу, 29 мая, в 20:00 по московскому времени! pic.twitter.com/4d1lg4qtSs

– Чемпионат MC (@MCCha Championship_) 13 мая 2021 г.


Season One

Season 1

Start Date

End Date

Season One of MC Championship ran from November 17, 2019 to December 12, 2020, lasting about 13 months in total.

The first season saw the event being developed throughout, including introduction of games, music, and many more. The first event was organised by Noxcrew, Smajor1995 and IHasCupquake. IHasCupquake later dropped out from the organisers team, leaving Noxcrew and Smajor1995 as the organisers of the event since.



There are a total of 14 events in this season, including 13 regular events and 1 special event (Yogscast’s Jingle Jam MCC) Players who are boldened are the ones who won their first event. (except for MCC JJ)

EventNew PlayersWinners
MC Championship 140Michaelmcchill, KaraCorvus, Krtzyy, King Burren
MC Championship 211Quig, HBomb94, Ryguyrocky, Mini Muka
MC Championship 36Smajor1995, Shubble, PeteZahHutt, Vikkstar123
MC Championship 46Technoblade, TommyInnit, Ph1LzA, WilburSoot
MC Championship 53Seapeekay, Smajor1995, Shubble, Quig
MC Championship 66Fundy, fruitberries, CaptainPuffy, Bitzel
MC Championship 71Eret, FWhip, PeteZahHutt, HBomb94
MC Championship 83Dream, Technoblade, King Burren, Michaelmcchill
MC Championship 93FalseSymmetry, Rendog, Fruitberries, HBomb94
MC Championship 102 + 8 (viewers)Smallishbeans, Cubfan135, PeteZahHutt, FalseSymmetry
MC Championship 114GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, KarlJacobs, Dream
MC Championship 123TapL, GeorgeNotFound, Ph1LzA, WilburSoot
Yogscast’s Jingle Jam MCC35Lewis Brindley, Simon Lane, SolidarityGaming, InTheLittleWood
MC Championship 131Illumina, Krinios, Punz, Eret

All Participants

All the participants for this season of MC Championship. (excluding the ones who were exclusively in MCC JJ. The statistics for that particular event were also not accounted in the table) Players who are boldened are the ones that participated in later seasons (including the special events in those seasons)

NameDebut EventEvents Won
Asnazum*MCC 10
BitzelMCC 31 (MCC 6)
CxlvxnMCC 3
CaptainPuffyMCC 11 (MCC 6)
CaptainSparklezMCC 1
ConnorEatsPantsMCC 11
Cubfan135MCC 51 (MCC 10)
DethridgeCraftMCC 1
DreamMCC 62 (MCC 8, MCC 11)
DrgluonMCC 1
EretMCC 12 (MCC 7, MCC 13)
FalseSymmetryMCC 42 (MCC 9, MCC 10)
FlorianFunkeMCC 1
FruitberriesMCC 62 (MCC 6, MCC 9)
FundyMCC 61 (MCC 6)
fWhipMCC 41 (MCC 7)
GeorgeNotFoundMCC 62 (MCC 11, MCC 12)
GizzyGazzaMCC 3
Graser10MCC 4
GrianMCC 6
HBomb94MCC 13 (MCC 2, MCC 7, MCC 9)
iHasCupquakeMCC 1
iicbunnyx*MCC 10
iJevinMCC 1
IlluminaMCC 121 (MCC 13)
InTheLittleWoodMCC 1
Iskall85MCC 5
ItsJustOriah*MCC 10
JackSucksAtLifeMCC 1
JamesCharlesMCC 4
JameskiiMCC 1
JCTheCasterMCC 1
JeromeASFMCC 4
JestaniiMCC 2
JoeyGraceffaMCC 1
KaraCorvusMCC 11 (MCC 1)
KarlJacobsMCC 111 (MCC 11)
KatherineElizabethMCC 2
King_BurrenMCC 12 (MCC 1, MCC 8)
Kontuz*MCC 10
KriniosMCC 21 (MCC 13)
KrtzyyMCC 11 (MCC 1)
KryticZeuzMCC 1
LaurenZsideMCC 5
LDShadowLadyMCC 1
LudwigMCC 13
MarielitaiMCC 3
MefsMCC 2
MichaelmcchillMCC 12 (MCC 1, MCC 8)
MiniMukaMCC 2
NettyPlaysMCC 1
NihachuMCC 10
PearlescentMoonMCC 6
PeteZahHuttMCC 13 (MCC 3, MCC 7, MCC 10)
Ph1LzAMCC 12 (MCC 4, MCC 12)
PlumbellaMCC 3
PokimaneMCC 10
PunzMCC 12
QuackityMCC 11
QuigMCC 12 (MCC 2, MCC 5)
RafessorMCC 1
RendogMCC 41 (MCC 9)
RIPmikaMCC 8
Roguskii*MCC 10
RyguyrockyMCC 11 (MCC 2)
SapnapMCC 71 (MCC 11)
SB737MCC 8
ScotGriswoldMCC 1
SeapeekayMCC 2
ShubbleMCC 12 (MCC 3, MCC 5)
Smajor1995MCC 12 (MCC 3, MCC 5)
SmallishbeansMCC 11 (MCC 10)
SolidarityGamingMCC 1
SpifeyMCC 9
Steph0simsMCC 3
Strawburry17MCC 1
SylveeMCC 2
TankMattMCC 1
TapLMCC 81 (MCC 12)
TechnobladeMCC 22 (MCC 4, MCC 8)
TheOrionSoundMCC 3
TommyInnitMCC 21 (MCC 4)
ToxxxicSupportMCC 2
TubboMCC 9
VapeKit*MCC 10
Vikkstar123MCC 11 (MCC 3)
VixellaMCC 1
VoiceOverPeteMCC 3
WilburSootMCC 12 (MCC 4, MCC 12)
WispMCC 12
Wolv21MCC 1
YammyxoxMCC 1
Yeetdaisie*MCC 10

*This participant was a part of the viewers’ teams in MCC 10.


These are all the games that were available in this season.


mcc майнкрафт что это

Все команды Minecraft Championship (MCC 16)

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Minecraft Championship 16 начнется 28 августа 2021 года в 20:00 по московскому времени и будет доступен для просмотра в 40 различных трансляциях на Twitch.

Во время MCC 16 участники будут соревноваться в нескольких мини-играх, в которых будут проверяться навыки игроков в паркуре, выживании, боях, командной работе и многом другом.

В эту субботу в мероприятии также примут участие 10 команд, которые будут соревноваться друг с другом на протяжении всего чемпионата. Каждая команда также будет состоять из нескольких влиятельных лиц Minecraft из Twitch и Youtube.

Связанный: Когда следующий сезон чемпионата Minecraft? Все даты начала и окончания Центра клиентов

Некоторые известные влиятельные лица включают Tommyinit и Dream, CaptainSparklez и BadBoyHalo. Тем не менее, вот полный список команд и влиятельных лиц в них.

Команды MCCУчастников
Красные кроликиPh1LzA Ранбу ТоммиИннит, WilburSoot
Cyan CreepersTBNRfrags Spifey ПитЗахХатт Перламутровый
Апельсиновые оцелотыКапитан Паффи Punz ShubbleYT TapL
Аква Аксолотли5 пакетов в секунду Antfrost ItsFundy Tubbo_
Синие летучие мышиDrGluon Флабалики KryticZeuz Vixella
Желтые якиКапитанСпарклез GeorgeNotFound HBomb94 Понк
Лаймовые ламыJackManifoldTV Krtzy Нихачу Quig
Фиолетовые пандыГриан Smajor1995 SmallishBeans ягоды
Зеленые СтражиMagistrex OrionSound Sapnap сильвия
Розовые попугаиBadBoyHalo Мечтать F1NN5TER Seapeekay

Во время мероприятия каждая команда проведет в общей сложности восемь игр. После восьми игр две команды с наибольшим количеством монет встретятся друг с другом в одном финальном матче, который определит победителя чемпионата.

Если вы хотите посмотреть MCC 16 на этой неделе, вы можете сделать это на одном из 40 Twitch-стримов на официальном сайте. Noxcrew twitch канал, или просмотрите один из множества каналов участников twitch на https://mcc.live.

Посмотрите некоторые из наших других замечательных Шахтерское ремесло гиды!

Dream Team Wiki

Welcome to the Dream Team Wiki! Here you can find useful information about the Minecraft Youtube gaming group, the Dream Team, and their SMP server, the Dream SMP! If you want to share your knowledge and passion for the group’s content or the SMP, feel free to join us today. This is a community driven site that anyone can edit including you!

MC Championship

MC Championship



In MC Championship, ten teams of four (later five) players compete in each event. These teams face off in a series of various mini-games focusing on a variety of core skills in Minecraft, including combat, parkour, survival and teamwork. Eight games are played, and then the two teams with the most coins go head to head in a final game to determine the winner, a 4v4 ranged combat game named Dodgebolt.

Decision Dome

Each mini-game is decided by the players through a voting process that takes place in the Decision Dome, a large dome with a wheel in the center. Each player is given an egg to throw into the section of the wheel that corresponds to the game they want to play. Additionally, players are randomly chosen to receive power-ups.


There are a variety of mini-games in MCC, each focusing on a different aspect of Minecraft’s gameplay mechanics. These games include Ace Race, Battle Box, Big Sales at Build Mart, Bingo but Fast, Hole in the Wall, Parkour Tag, Parkour Warrior, Rocket Spleef, Sands of Time Sky Battle, Skyblockle, Survival Games, and TGTTOSAWAF. Games are rotated out for new ones as needed to keep things fresh. Sometimes games can change based on holidays or other special events.


MCC uses coins to keep track of scores. These coins are individually earned by players in each game and pooled together through the entire team to calculate the team’s score. The value of coins multiplies as more games are played. Because of this, players often elect to save their best games for the end.


Dodgebolt is the last game played and is a two-team game. It is a final showdown between the top two teams and determines the event’s winner. The official website describes it as «an elimination game where the aim is to remain as the last team standing.»

The two teams are placed opposite to each other on the playing field, unable to cross into each other’s sides of the map. Two arrows drop at the start of the round to be picked up by players and used to shoot the opposite team. If a player is hit with an arrow once, they are eliminated for the turn.

Dodgebolt is played as a best of five game, and whoever reaches three wins first wins the event.

Team names

Each team is named with the color of the team and an animal or mob. The names of these teams are:

Holiday teams

Mcc майнкрафт что это

Our brand new live event tracking platform gives you instant access to a live leaderboard throughout the event, as well as housing links to the streams of every participant. Click the button below to visit the site and watch the countdown to the next event.

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The Decision Dome

The Decision Dome is a phase in the event where players are able to vote for the next game. Coin multipliers increase throughout the event, meaning that the later a game is played, the more it’s worth!

Vote for games you know you’re the best at later, or that you know your opponents can’t win! There may also be some fun equipment to help you.

In each event, eight games are played, with teams trying to collect as many coins as they can. Keep reading to find out more about each of the games and how they’re scored.

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Ace Race is a three lap race around a big track full of shortcuts and pitfalls. Sprint, jump, and fly as fast as you can, and avoid obstacles to get the fastest time possible!

Boost launchers line the track to send you gliding across the course, while vast pools allow you to riptide your way to victory!

Coins are paid out upon completing all 3 laps of the race.

The first player to finish all 3 laps of the race will be awarded with 400 coins. The coin amount awarded for following players decreases by 10 for every subsequent finish.

An additional bonus is given for your final placement:

No coins are awarded if you don’t finish the race.

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An epic PvP-centric game that occurs over 9 rounds. Each team cycles round and plays against every other team in a 4v4 match up! Teams have 1 minute, and only 1 life to capture the centre objective before the other team.

Coins are awarded for eliminations and capturing the objective.

No round bonuses are awarded for a draw.

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A speed-building game that really tests communication and resource management!

The aim is to build as many monuments as you can in the time limit by heading out into Build Mart, collecting the resources you need and bringing it back to your team’s private build zone.

Completing a build earns coins for a team (shared amongst each player), but this reward will decrease every time another team completes it.

Build completion rewards:

Golden builds are worth double the coins.

Extra Coins are awarded at the end of the game depending on the percentage of each remaining build you have filled in. This calculation is based on the current placement reward that the build would reward you with.

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This one is all about cooperation! Teams are catapulted into ten identical, parallel courses that contain challenge rooms that are perfectly designed to test players’ communication, Minecraft skills, and speed.

Once a room has been completed, a door will open up to reveal the next challenge, with the course ending in a sprint to the finish line! The faster our teams complete each room (and the course), the more they’ll be rewarded.

Coins are paid out at the very end of the game.

Teams are given a placement per room depending on the individual time they finished it in.

1st place rewards 100 coins, and following placements decrease by 10 each time. This is paid out per room.

Teams are also given a bonus reward for their final course completion placement (Shared amongst team members).

Course placement rewards

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The aim of the game is to stay alive for as long as you can while large walls of slime converge on you from all directions! Jump and thread your way through the walls without being pushed off the platform.

Over time, the speed of the walls will increase, as the platform beneath you decreases in size!

Coins are awarded for surviving.

At the end of a round, players are given a placement bonus.

If there are multiple players who have survived until the end of a round, they will each get the 1st place bonus.

If you are the last remaining team, the round will immediately end.

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Parkour Tag is a real test of skill! Not only do your focus and reaction times matter, you also need speed and spatial awareness to keep from getting tagged by your opponent!

Teams go head to head, with one player on each team trying to catch their opponents as the Hunter. These maps are tricky! You’ll need to keep moving In order to put space between you and the Hunter… Let them get too close and you’ll be out!

Hunters get coins for each player they tag, and the hunted get coins for staying alive.

Runner scoring

Hunter scoring

There is an additional bonus if your team’s hunt is faster than your enemy’s.

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Sands of time is the most cryptic game in MCC. Teams enter their own dungeons and compete against the clock to collect as much hidden gold as they can. Keeping the timer topped up with sand is the only way for you to stay in the game. If you die, your team must sacrifice resources to revive you. Bank your gold by offering it to the sphinx for a fee, or keep every coin by leaving the dungeon. However, if you leave, you can’t return.

Feeling ambitious? You’ll be rewarded! Coins are more valuable the deeper you delve into the dungeon, but be careful! If you don’t get out before the timer runs out, your bravery will have been for nothing.

The amount of coins you collect and escape the dungeon with is exactly the amount of coins you earn.

If you are locked within the dungeon, you get no coins.

If you use the sphinx to carry your coins out of the dungeon, your coins will be taxed at 20%.

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Similar to Skyblockle and the classic Minecraft mini-game Skywars, Sky Battle is a fast-paced game designed to keep teams moving and trying new strategies!

Teams begin with access to resources and infinite blocks, which can be used to build defences, and move between islands. Build up your resources and head towards the centre of the map; the last player or team standing wins!

Sky Battle is played out in three rounds of approximately five minutes. This high-paced game will keep you moving; the border is constantly shrinking!

Coins are awarded for surviving and eliminations.

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It’s the classic! Last team standing wins! All players are let free to roam the map, trying to become more powerful through finding equipment hidden in buildings, all while the map borders converge into the centre, forcing you to fight for survival.

In this version, players have infinite levels, allowing them to enchant their equipment to further levels of power. Look out for occasional chests containing powerful and unique equipment!

Coins are awarded for surviving and eliminations.

Teams are given a placement depending on how long their team managed to survive (decided as soon as your last player is eliminated), with the coins being shared amongst their team.

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The aim of To Get to the Other Side (and Whack a Fan) is obvious… The game plays out in six rounds across six different maps. All players start on one end of the map and are given various tools to assist them in getting to the other side. Once they’ve made it across, they must punch a fan (one of you!) to complete their goal!

Since sabotage is a part of this game, expect plenty of chaos!

Coins are paid out per round depending on your final placement.

The first player to finish will receive 40 coins. Following completions decrease by 1 coin every time.

The first 4 players to finish receive an additional bonus:

Further bonuses are paid for the first 4 teams that have all their players finish (Shared amongst the team):

Every Minecraft Championship (MCC) winners, ever | All Winners

Tons of creators have dominated the event.

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Since the downfall of Minecraft Monday, the MC Championship has risen up to become one of the premier competitions for the game, pitting top content creators and Minecraft players against each other.

The monthly event averages more than 10,000 viewers on the main Twitch broadcast alone, with the bulk of viewers watching the individual competitors’ broadcasts for their point-of-view and team comms.

Created by Noxcrew, a community of creators who have been creating Minecraft adventure maps, skins, and texture packs since 2017, the transition to tournament organizer has been very successful. The MC Championship focuses on a mix of classic and new fun and competitive party games, which you can learn more about on the event’s official website.

And since the event has been running for several months now, multiple teams of content creators have won the even and been immortalized on the in-game map that the event is played on.

Here is a list of every team that has won the MC Championship since the event’s first competition back in November 2019.


HUGE Congratulations to Purple Pandas for winning the first MC Championship event!

It was an incredible show with an unbelievably close finale and they deserve it all! @Michaelmcchill @KaraCorvus @Krtzyy @King_Burren

Give a follow to learn when the next event is! pic.twitter.com/krjUF23Iat


👑 HUGE congratulations to team Aqua Horses for winning MCC #2! 👑

Braved it through all the way to an incredibly intense finale! The crowns are yours! @realQuig @HBomb94 @Ryguyrocky @MiniMukaYT pic.twitter.com/p9haXeLGTB


👑 Congrats to the Orange Ocelots for absolutely dominating MCC 3!! 👑 https://t.co/1clBo8ozc6


👑 Congratulations to the Purple Pandas for winning MCC 4! 👑



👑 Our MCC 6 winners are the BLUE BATS 👑


👑 Our MCC 7 winners are the GREEN GUARDIANS👑


👑 Our MCC 8 winners are the PINK PARROTS 👑

They really brought home the bacon 🥓 pic.twitter.com/U6Hg2dvrvj


👑 Our MCC 9 champions are the BLUE BATS 👑

You guys really took it down to the wire! pic.twitter.com/Wmn47WEdTV

MCC 10

Special congrats to False for firing the final arrow, and for winning both September events 🔥 pic.twitter.com/LD6oqtCT11

MCC 11

Yes, that’s a 100% win rate for Karl who definitely didn’t get carried 🔥 pic.twitter.com/t4wx1Imo6A

MCC 12

We wanted to win on our birthday, but this is fine… pic.twitter.com/zH6VIwNfW9

MCC 13

👑 Our MCC 13 champions are the Teal Turkeys 👑

Minecraft Championship 2021: how to watch, teams, schedule, more

Published: 25/May/2021 20:12 Updated: 2/Jun/2021 12:11

The Minecraft Championship is back once again for 2021, this time around ten teams of four will be pitted against each other with some notable names gunning for the crown of world champion.

We have seen multiple iterations of “competitive” Minecraft in the past, game modes such as speed runs and PVP servers, but nothing compares to the MC Championships produced by the team over at Noxcrew.

With featured players such as Dream, George “GeorgeNotFound” David, and Thomas “TommyInnit” Simons all participating this year, it is bound to be an event for the ages.

We are going to run over everything you need to know about the MC Championship 2021, and be sure to let us know if you are excited about it!

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Noxcrew The event is going to be one for the ages!

What are the MC Championships?

Organized and produced by Noxcrew, the MC Championships is an invite-only event where we will see 40 of the world’s largest gamers go head-to-head in a series of mini-games to determine who the true Minecraft champions are.

The 40 players will be separated into ten teams of four and the mini-games have a bit of everything for fans to watch. Ranging from classic PVP to parkour, the teams will be aiming to collect as many coins as they can, as the final two teams will be pitted in a 1V1 Final Duel.

When is the MC Championship 2021?

The event is going to kick off on May 29th, 2021 and Noxcrew has noted that it will take around two to four hours for the festivities to be completed.

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YouTube/GeorgeNotFound GeorgeNotFound was victorious back in 2020!

The event will be live at the following times.

How to watch the MC Championships 2021

If you are looking to tune into the action, there are multiple routes you can take to view the gameplay. Most of the contestants are regular streamers on their respected platforms, whether that is Twitch or Youtube.

However, if you are looking for an overall perspective, then you should head over to the Noxcrew Twitch channel when the competition begins. For your convenience, we have embedded the stream down below!


As mentioned above, there are ten teams of four that will all be competing in the MC Championships, and these teams are loaded with some absolute stars within the gaming scene.

We are going to run over all the teams now down below.

Team NamePlayer 1Player 2Player 3Player 4
Red RabbitsTubboNihachuVikkstarTommyInnit
Orange OcelotsQuigShubbleKaraCorvusEret
Yellow YakssylveeDanTDMSB737Kr1zyy
Lime LlamasReNDoBfruitberriesfalasesymmetrycubfan135
Green GuardiansCaptainSparklezDreamGeorgeNotFoundQuackity
Cyan CreepersCaptainFuffyTapLSkeppyBadBoyHalo
Aqua AxolotlsWispSmajorHBomb94Solidarity
Blue BatsSeapeekayPunzKatherine ElizabethSapnap
Purple PandasGrianInTheLittleWoodPeteZahHuttTheOrionSound
Pink ParrotsWilburSootFundyJack ManifoldPh1LzA

Green Guardians are without a doubt the fan favorite going into the event, with all four members of the team having millions of subscribers on YouTube and an immense presence on social media, We will be on the lookout for them to make some noise in this year’s MC Championships.

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Noxcrew Dream currently has over 22 million subscribers on YouTube


The teams will not just be competing in a straight duel over the course of the MC Championships, but Noxcrew has outlined 13 games these teams may have the chance to play in. The better a team performs in these games, the more coins they will collect, and the two teams with the most cumulated coins will go head to head in a duel to decide the winner.

Here are all the games the ten teams could be playing in during the 2021 MC Championships.

Bingo But Fast

Each team is given a grid of Minecraft items to craft. Armed with tools and efficiency, they must race each other to craft those items before their opponents take the coins rewarded for them.

After each successful craft, an item will reward less coins. After five different teams successfully craft an item, the item will ‘lockout’ and no more coins are awarded for subsequent crafts.

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Ace Race

Ace Race is a three lap race around a big track full of shortcuts and pitfalls. Sprint, jump, and fly as fast as you can, and avoid obstacles to get the fastest time possible!


Skyblockle is a mix between Skyblock and Battle Royale! All teams begin on their own Skyblock island, surrounded by other islands containing useful resources. The goal of the game is to equip yourself, kill other players, and be the last team standing.

Parkour Warrior

Parkour Warrior is an ultimate test of parkour! There are a number of parkour courses that contain three challenging zones within them. Players try to reach as far as they can within the time limit. However, players checkpoint after completing each obstacle, and when you fall, you re-spawn at your last checkpoint. This is a test of parkour, not of speed!

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Hole in the Wall

The aim of the game is to remain the last team standing as large walls of slime converge on you from all directions! Jump and thread your way through the walls without being pushed off the platform.

Over time, the speed of the walls will increase, as well as the platform beneath you decreasing in size!

Survival Games

It’s the classic! Last team standing wins! All players are let free to roam the map, trying to become more powerful through finding equipment hidden in buildings, all while the map borders converge into the centre, forcing you to fight for survival.

In this version, players have infinite levels, allowing them to enchant their equipment to further levels of power.

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Rocket Spleef

A unique take on the classic Minecraft mini-game of Spleef! Last team standing will win the most coins. All players are armed with elytras, fireworks and… rocket launchers! The rockets knock back players and destroy terrain.


The aim of To Get to the Other Side (and Whack a Fan) is obvious… The game plays out in six rounds across six different maps. All players start on one end of the map and are given various tools to assist them in getting to the other side. Once they’ve made it across, they must punch a fan (one of you!) to complete their goal!

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Battle Box

An epic PvP-centric game that occurs over 9 rounds. Each team cycles round and plays against every other team in a 4v4 match up! Teams have 1 minute, and only 1 life to capture the centre objective before the other team.

Big Sales at Build Mart

A speed-building game that really tests communication and resource management! The aim is to build as many monuments as you can in the time limit by heading out into Build Mart, collecting the resources you need and bringing it back to your team’s private build zone.

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Sky Battle

Similar to Skyblockle and the classic Minecraft mini-game Skywars, Sky Battle is a fast-paced game designed to keep teams moving and trying new strategies!

Sands of Time

Sands of time is the most cryptic game in MCC. Teams enter their own dungeons and compete against the clock to collect as much hidden gold as they can. Keeping the timer topped up with sand is the only way for you to stay in the game


Dodgebolt is the final duel, and is not available on the Decision Dome. It’s an elimination game where the aim is to remain as the last team standing. Dodgebolt is played as a best of five, and the first team to reach three wins will become the MCC event winners!

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Noxcrew Decisions are made within this dome

The games selected to play will be decided by players within The Decision Dome, a place where teams will be able to select the games they want to play next. So, strategy is key here, as there will not be a lot of time to collect as many coins as you can!

All is going to be on the line during the 2021 MC Championships, and we cannot wait to tune into the action. Be sure to let us know what team you think is going to come out on top!


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