что такое боссбар в майнкрафте
Обновление Minecraft 1.13 снапшот 18w05a
Мы только что, на этой неделе переехали в новый офис, поэтому в новом снапшоте нет ничего, что можно было бы показать. Но у нас всё равно есть снапшот! В нём исправлено несколько ошибок, что не может не радовать.
Что нового в Minecraft 1.13, снапшот 18w05a
Исправления ошибок
Команда /bossbar
Эта команда позволяет создавать произвольный индикатор состояния здоровья босса (боссбар), изменять его внешний вид и указывать кому его отображать.
А потом можно изменить его внешний вид при помощи команд:
— задать тех, кто может видеть босс-бар, например @a ; по умолчанию — none
Боссбары сохраняются при перезапусках игры и перемещении между мирами. Если игрок добавлен к боссбару, то при повторном входе он снова будет добавлен к нему. Пока это не будет переопределено командой.
Установка снапшота
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На ошибки жаловаться сюда:
Натан Адамс, 31.01.2017
We just moved into a new office this week, so we don’t have very much to show you in a new snapshot.
Гайд по команде /bossbar
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Setting up a bossbar in Minecraft 1.13
The latest snapshot (18w05a) got released today and I’m really excited about this one because we finally get vanilla access to bossbars. You know: those things you get to see when you’re fighting (mini) bosses such as the Ender dragon or the wither. Until now your best shot was to either summon a (renamed) boss somewhere underground (while making sure it was invulnerable so it wouldn’t die) and then somehow continue to update/change its health in order to get a somewhat usable bossbar.
Another option is of course to use plugins, but we’re not going to address those here.
But with the release of 1.13 we have a much better option for this: the /bossbar command!
In order to use a bossbar you first need to create it. You’ll need to define an id and a name. The id is basically the same as any other in Minecraft; consisting of a namespace and an actual name. The name of the bossbar should be a string («JSON object») which contains the name as it will be displayed on screen.
Now that we have a bossbar we’ll need to set it up to make it actually usable. In my example we’re going to use the bossbar to display the health of the players. So the first step is to check a players health value. How to do that? Using the new /data command:
So how to build an arena. Ok, that’s bad pun 🙂
Back to the bossbars! A bossbar isn’t automatically visible to all players, you need to set that up yourself. This allows you to customize it in any way you want. For example I could set it up so that Aya only gets to see her own health and I get to see both hers and my own (no, I’m not trying to cheat, whatever gave you that idea? :)).
Now we pretty much have everything in place. But there’s one last thing missing. How do we get the players health value into the bossbar?
To make this easier on us I set up these command blocks which do everything for setting up the fight. First it switches both Aya and myself from Creative into Adventure mode (to prevent us from accidentally destroying the arena). Next it clears out our inventories and gives us one diamond sword and it also sets the bossbars to visible. And finally, the repeating block on the left (and the chain command block behind it) continues to /execute the store commands I mentioned above, but only if it gets a redstone signal.
When turned off the opposite happens: the repeating command block will stop updating the bossbars, the bossbars are set invisible and both Aya and myself are switched back to Creative mode.
Bonus: Setting up a real bossfight!
Now, using bossbars for players is fun and all but as some of you reminded me: it’s called a boss bar for a reason. So let’s set up a bossfight with the one and only Herobrine! And all you need is 4 command blocks.
Now, I’m not going to pay too much attention to this section (this blog is about boss bars afterall) but I do want to stress out that if you want to learn more about mobs and their properties then /data will become an invaluable command to you. It’s only thanks to /data (and not the Minecraft wiki for a change) that I managed to set up the increased follow range for example.
execute unless entity @e[tag=miniboss] run summon minecraft:zombie
This is also a demonstration of the 1.13 command improvements: the command to summon Herobrine is only executed as long as there isn’t already one around. But as said: I won’t be explaining this command in too much detail, you do the math 🙂
You’re going to need three command blocks (as shown in the screenshot above).
#1: Repeating unconditional command block
execute if entity @e[tag=miniboss] store result bossbar herobrine value run data get entity @e[tag=miniboss,limit=1] Health
This command block will only run if the system actually detects an entity with the tag miniboss. This helps us to reduce the load on the system a bit because the system will only need to check if the entity exists. It doesn’t have to try and get any properties nor does it have to continue updating the bossbar all the time.
#2: Chain conditional command block
execute as @e[tag=miniboss] at @s run bossbar set herobrine players @a[distance=..50]
This command makes sure that if we come within a 50 blocks range of Herobrine then we’ll immediately get to see the bossbar. But there’s more: because this command gets repeated all the time it will also ensure that if you move out of range then the bossbar will disappear.
#3: Chain unconditional command block
execute unless entity @e[tag=miniboss] run bossbar set herobrine players
This will run the bossbar command under the condition that there is no entity around which has the miniboss tag. The effect is that the bossbar will disappear for all players as soon as the boss has been defeated.
Getting your own Herobrine
In case you’re interested in fighting with Herobrine but you don’t want to bother with all these difficult commands then you don’t have to: you can download my Herobrine datapack and use that instead 🙂
And there you have it!
How to set up the bossbars in Minecraft 1.13 (well, basically snapshot 18w05a at the time of writing) and how to actually use them for a real bossfight.
Что такое боссбар в майнкрафте
Возможно ли сделать автоматизированный счётчик дней при помощи этих bossbar`ов
Жаль что на 1.12.2 этой команды нету. А то мне именно там боссбар нужен. А так команда прикольная.
А можно настройку чтобы полоска сама увеличивалась и можно было снять 100 дней выживания
А как счётчик дней сделать?
почему у меня не работает. ):
как написать фигурные скобки?
такой вопрос почему не проще было в кочычках? в 2:17 просто я создовал боссбар через ковычки «таких»
У меня вопрос а как скопировать команду в командный блок?
эх, на новых версиях это по другому работает.
A нука ZGVsZXRlIHUgY29tcHV0ZXI/IE5vIG9yIFllcz8 что здесь?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. Я такой дебил что перечитывал все боссбары.
А как сделать бос бар дней?
Я думал боссбар это бар босов
А на каких версиях работает?
Что за музыка на фоне?
2:15 а можно просто кавычки
с этим bosbar можно сделать шкалу прохождения карты, если очень сильно постараться
2:18 Нет, надо просто кавычки поставить, и в них текст
А на тедефонах так можно делать?
босбар не работает
а где кавычки на ходятся
Бляд ну ненавижу бэдрок эдишн за то что там нету половины комманд
а у меня нету команды create
А как заделать ковычки
Спасибо. 👍👍👍👍👍 Подпишитесь на него.
То чувство когда смотришь видос уже после 2х лет а на бедроке ничего не изменилось ;w;
/execute store result bossbar minecraft:daun value run data get entity @p[limit=1,tag=boss] health
он играет на сервере модом
у меня версия майнкрафт 1.16.1
А тепеперь соеденим видно скрепки где он управлял взглядом и этот видос про босс бары и сможем видеть здоровья моба-игрока на которого мы смотрим 🙂
А разве Версия 1.13 вышла 2 года назад.
Жалко, что такой команды нет на Бедроке(
у меня ничего не вышло ;(
Эх а в это время был МСПЕ мастер
44 раза было сказано слово bossbar @
Крутые видосы ядписался делай большидео про команды и лайк поставил 👍😃👍📹😦что онтак крута снемает
А как убрать боссбар?
А почему скрепка плывёт задом на перед.
6:17 Можно сделать *ИГРОКА-БОССА СО СКИНОМ БОССА))*
Как 2 лайка поставить?
5:56 Мне одному показалось что экран поделен?
Ааа мой мозг это не воспринимает.
Ходят слухи что ты топ
0:49 Осторожно! Скример!
Вообще надо в 1.14 писать так bossbar add boss «Мой bossbar»
А с attribute можно игрока сделать боссом
СПАСИБО СКРЕПКА. я с помощю этой и других команд сделал НЕПОБЕДИМОГО БОССА. Тарантул очень быстро регенит здоровье и у него 20 XP.
@Скрепка📎 не работает.
Как ты всё это запоминал?
А в Minecraft PE 1.14.30 это работает?
Нет, там нет такой команды.
Почему у меня не отображается хп моей собаки на 1.14.4 если сделал всё правильно?
Ваш боссбар помог лайк и подписка
Орнул с: майнкрафт ругается
Дурак, число пи 3,14..
Он сказал: «Йоу, собаки, я Наруто Узумакиии. И нет, это не подсказка»
Как сделать боссбар игрока в майнкрафт
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /bossbar command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
You can use the /bossbar command to add, configure or remove a custom bossbar in Minecraft. Let’s explore how to use this cheat (game command).
To run game commands in Minecraft, you have to turn cheats on in your world.
Minecraft Wiki
Из-за новой политики Microsoft в отношении сторонних ресурсов, Minecraft Wiki больше не является официальной. В связи с этим были внесены некоторые изменения, в том числе и обновлён логотип вики-проекта. Подробности на нашем Discord-сервере.
How to Enter the Command
1. Open the Chat Window
The easiest way to run a command in Minecraft is within the chat window. The game control to open the chat window depends on the version of Minecraft:
2. Type the Command
We will cover examples of how to create a bossbar, show the bossbar to players, set the current value of the bossbar, and change the color of the bossbar.
Create a Bossbar
Let’s start by showing how to create a new bossbar that has an ID of digminecraft:bossbar1 and «TheChallenge» as the text that appears above the bossbar with the following command:
Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command.
Once the command has been entered, the bossbar will be created but it won’t yet be visible on the screen. By default, no players have been set up to see the bossbar.
Show the Bossbar to Players
Next, let’s update the settings for the bossbar so that the bossbar shows at the top of the game window for all players. We can show the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 to all players with the following command:
Type the command and press the Enter key to run the command.
Once the command has been entered, you will see the new bossbar appear at the top of the screen. By default, the color of the bossbar is white, the current value of the bossbar is 0, and the max value of the bossbar is 100.
Set the Current Value of the Bossbar
Now, let’s set the current value of the boss bar to 100 (so that the progress bar is full) with the following command:
Type the command and press the Enter key to run the command.
Once the command has been entered, you should see a full progress bar in white since now the current value for the bossbar is set to 100 and the maximum value for this bossbar is 100.
Change the Color of the Bossbar
Next, let’s change the color of the bossbar to a different color instead of white. You can change the bossbar to blue, green, pink, purple, red, white or yellow.
Let’s change the bossbar to yellow with the following command:
Type the command and press the Enter key to run the command.
Once the command has been entered, you should see both the bossbar’s text and the progress bar appear in yellow.
Congratulations, you just learned how to use the /bossbar command in Minecraft!
Команды консоли/bossbar
Создаёт боссбар и позволяет изменннить его.
Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, если не указано иное.
Example in Java Edition (PC/Mac)
To create a bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 with the text «TheChallenge»:
To show the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 to all players:
To set the current value of the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 to 100:
To change the color of the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 to yellow:
To list all bossbars:
To get the current value of the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 :
To remove the bossbar called digminecraft:bossbar1 :
how to make bossbar to any specific minecraft mob in 1.13.1 minecraft version
You’ll need a series of commands, but it can be done a bit easier than you showed. First some blatant self promotion: I wrote a blog about bossbars not too long ago, maybe a good read?
There is no «one» command for all mobs because mobs have different health values and if you want your bossbar to match that value exactly you’d have to tune it. Otherwise your bar will either display too little (already emptied a bit) or too much (players start fighting and the bar won’t lower for a while).
Step one: determine the mobs max health. For example when checking a horse:
/data get entity @e[type=minecraft:horse,limit=1] Health
This shows me that a (healthy) horse has 25 health maximum.
Create the bossbar:
/bossbar add mob «Mobs health»
Set the maximum value to 25, so that it matches the horse:
/bossbar set minecraft:mob max 25
Now you’re ready to check a horse. I would suggest to rely on tags, that makes it easier to pinpoint a specific horse which you want to check up on.
First you’ll need a repeating command block which adds the mobs health into the bossbar, but only if that mob actually exists. Because I’m using tags I can use this
/execute if entity @e[tag=boss] store result bossbar minecraft:mob value run data get entity @e[tag=boss,limit=1]
So this would only run if there actually is an entity out there which is tagged as boss. When so it’ll check its health and dump that into the bossbar. This makes the bossbar somewhat usable in a generic way.
Next step: making the bar visible to players. I’d suggest a range of 20 blocks around the mob?
Anyway, that can be done by adding a chain command block to the previously repeating command block. I’d set it to conditional though:
/execute at @e[tag=boss] run bossbar set minecraft:mob players @p[distance=..20]
So this would make the bossbar visible to all players who are within a 20 block radius around the mob.
And that should do it, hope this can still help.
(edit) Forgot to mention; you can activate this setup by actually tagging a mob. So, for example, to tag a horse next to me as boss I’d use something like:
Supported Platforms
The /bossbar command is available in the following versions of Minecraft:
Platform | Supported (Version*) |
Java Edition (PC/Mac) | Yes (1.13) |
Pocket Edition (PE) | No |
Xbox 360 | No |
Xbox One | No |
PS3 | No |
PS4 | No |
Wii U | No |
Nintendo Switch | No |
Windows 10 Edition | No |
Education Edition | No |
* The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.
NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history.
Boss Bars Plus
Hello! This pack makes the boss bars themed more towards what boss they are for! On the Raid Bar, there are bells, but I don’t know how I like that, so I might change that later.
This pack will not work if you simply drop the zipped file into your texture pack folder. You must unzip the folder, and then inside you will see two folders. One will be «Blue End», and the other will be «Default». If you would like the EnderDragon Boss Bar to be blue to go along with my Blue End pack, then open «Blue End». Inside Blue End you will find a folder called «Boss Bars +». That is the file you will drag to your texture pack folder. If you want the default purple bar, then simply open the «Default» folder and drag the «Boss Bars Plus» folder into your texture pack folder.
Bossbar Command
Bossbar Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), there are different syntaxes depending on what you would like to do with the bossbar.
To set the text color of the bossbar (default is white):
To set the maximum value of the bossbar (default is 100):
To change the text that appears above the bossbar:
To specify which players can see the bossbar (by default, no players can see the bossbar):
To set the style of the bossbar:
To set the current value of the bossbar:
To set whether the bossbar is visible (default is true):