ямато симфония морской стали майнкрафт
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio
Поиск персонажей
Gunzou Chihaya (Silver King)
Капитан подводной лодки I-401. Обладает блестящим умом, и, как правило, хладнокровен. Раздражается, только когда люди говорят о его возрасте.
Главная героиня истории — персонифицированное воплощение(ментальная модель) крейсера туманного флота или просто туманник. Получила задание от «высшего руководства» верно следовать за Гунзо. Если поначалу она казалась бездушной программой, то длительный контакт с людьми постепенно начал развивать в ней новую личность. Также в честь нее команда Гунзо получила название Голубая Сталь(цвет корпуса Ионы — голубой).
Одна из членов экипажа подводной лодки I-401. Отвечает за двигатели и систему подводной лодки.
Нынешний премьер-министр децентрализованной столицы Токио.
Один из членов экипажа Гунзо на борту I-401.Отвечает за оружейные системы.
Линкор туманного флота. В схватке с командой «Голубой стали» терпит сокрушительное поражение, потеряв все, кроме своего ядра, в котором хранится личность кораблей флота. Чтобы спасти девушку, Харуна вселяет Киришиму в тело плюшевого медведя.
Флагман Первого Восточного Флота Тумана. Выступает в качестве антагониста. Сначала показана холодной и бездушной. Ревностно следует «кодексу адмиралтейства» — правилам некоего высшего руководства, которым следуют все «туманники» с самого «рождения». Долгое время отрицает такой феномен, как человеческие чувства, и сама не замечает, как попадает в их капкан, став одержимой ненавистью к Ионе. Конго стала всё ревностнее отрицать, что является одинокой, и даже из-за своих резких действий, побуждённых ненавистью, была отстранена от своей обязанности.
После поражения от Ионы признаёт, что чувствовала себя одинокой, и решает дружить с ней, оставаясь, однако, независимой.
Котоно Амаха была подругой детства Чихая Гунзо и Со Орибэ, они вместе поступили в Японский Национальный Морской Технологический Институт. Официально она умерла во время пожара в объекте № 4, но ее тело так и не было найдено.
Является второй ментальной моделью суперлинкора Ямато, посланной для изучения людей.
Находится под командованием Конго. Игрива, смотрит на всё через «розовые очки» и любит играть на музыкальных инструментах.
Суперлинкор класса «Ямато». Вместе с Шозо Чихайя командует Алым Флотом
Влиятельный член японского парламента, главный кандидат на пост следующего премьер-министра Центральной Японии. Бывший капитан японского военно-морского флота, который принимал участие в морском сражении против туманного флота в 2039 году, потерпев тотальное поражение. Заинтересован в том, чтобы корабль Ионы вошёл в японский военный флот, но Гунзо не поддерживает эту идею. Для достижения своих целей готов пойти на грязные методы. Плохой дипломат, относится ко всем «туманникам» без исключения, как к машинам-монстрам, которые должны быть стёрты с лица земли.
Помощник секретаря Военного министерства. Он нанимал Гунзо и I-401 несколько раз, в том числе защиты SSTO в префектуре Сага, и последним заказом была доставка прототипа резонансной торпеды в США. Его можно считать союзником Гунзо, в верхних эшелонах японского правительства.
Корабль Штурма и Поражения Туманного Флота. Находится в подчинении Ямато. Ни разу не показывался(был показан разговор ментальной модели Ямато с ней).
Член команды «Голубой стали», правая рука Гунзо. Всегда носит маску на лице, так как утверждает, что страдает сильной аллергией.
Toujuurou Osakabe (Valentine Lawrence)
Заботился о Макиэ Осакабэ пока она жила в особняке Осакабэ в Йокосуке. Он также является создателем «спроэктированных детей».
Линкор туманного флота. Носит плащ. Хотя внешне она кажется маленькой девочкой-подростком, это оптическая иллюзия, вызванная её причёской и широким пальто. Харуна, напротив, самая высокая из всех персонификаций и имеет большую грудь. Поначалу не проявляет никаких эмоций, бездушно уничтожая врага, но позже знакомится с Макиэ и привязывается к ней. После того как Макиэ просит Харуну никого больше не убивать, Харуна действительно становится более человечной и теряет волю к убийствам. Позже решает защищать Макиэ и помогать «Голубой стали».
Марури Хибики бывшая одноклассница Гунзо и первая оператор сонара I-401. Через некоторое время после битвы с линкором Хьюгом она покинула Голубую сталь и вернулась в Йокосуку. Сейчас она занимает звание прапорщика и служит на Хакугее, действуя в качестве консультанта по Туманному Флоту, его технике и тактике.
Бывший линкор туманного флота. Вступила в «Голубую сталь» ради Ионы, в которой не чает души. Оснащает Иону гравитационными пушками.
Член команды «Голубой стали», оператор сонара на корабле и хороший стратег. Известно, что она была в Тайване.
Отец Гунзо, был героем войны во время последнего сражения между ВМФ ООН и флотом Тумана, где он и его команда сумели захватить подводную лодку И-401. Долгое время считалось, что он умер, но был обнаружен на Туманном Флоте, и впоследствии стало ясно, что он перешёл на их сторону и управляет европейским туманным флотом, более известным как «Алый флот».
Суперлинкор класса «Ямато». Так же, как и Мусаши, является верховным флагманом Туманного флота.
Super Battleship Yamato | |
Mental Model (anime) Mental Model (anime) | Mental Model (manga) Mental Model (manga) | Vessel Vessel |
blue (anime)
black (anime)
high-angle lasers;
Super-Graviton Cannon;
missile launchers
depth charges
Mirror-Ring System
Yamato is the Supreme Flagship of the «Fleet of Fog», and one of the two Super Battleships of the Fog. In the anime, she met a human, Shouzou Chihaya, who wanted the Humans and the Fog to live in peace which each other. Like her sister, Yamato also refers to Shouzou as Father.
Super Battleship Yamato
Yamato is the «Fleet of Fog» reincarnation of the WWII Yamato-class Super Battleship Yamato and is the Supreme Flagship of the «Fleet of Fog». She has at least one sister, Super Battleship Musashi. Her other sister, Shinano, has been mentioned, but so far we don’t know what she looks like.
At the moment, Yamato and her sister Musashi are two largest known vessels within the «Fleet of Fog». And among the largest known vessels in the series; only Hakugei (3) nuclear submarine with cruising module is bigger than them and it is unlikely that this will change anytime soon.
Yamato has white and blue color scheme with gold cannons in anime.
As a Super Battleship, Yamato is in possession of the most powerful weaponry available to the «Fleet of Fog». These include over two hundred Photon cannons, multiple missile launchers, high-angle lasers, 32 Super-Graviton Cannons and 24 Torpedo tubes (12 in the bow and 10 in the stern) Regardless of that fact, Yamato is armed with enough weapons to wipe the islands of Japan from the map entirely. It is also assumed that she has unprecedented processing power as it only consumed 2% of her processing power to create a Mental Model for Yukikaze, while Repulse had used close to a quarter of hers to do the same for Vampire, which noticeably worse results.
Yamato is also supposed to have one of the most powerful Wave-Force armors within the «Fleet of Fog», but since she is yet to actively participate in any battles (only the end result of her clash with Musashi had been shown), it is impossible to verify this. Yamato also possesses a Mirror-Ring system, which is capable of catching and redirecting away a single attack of practically any power level.
Mental Models
Super Battleship Yamato has two Mental Models, both of whom had made their appearance in the manga. Due to how those Mental Models had made their appearances on the manga pages, for a long time, it was believed that Yamato had only one Mental Model.
Superbattleship Yamato’s first Mental Model
This Mental Model is Yamato’s known to her subordinates and has the name matching the name of the vessel. She appears as a girl in her late teens with long brown hair and deep brown eyes. She’s always seen in some sort of a dress or a dressing gown, most often pink in color. She also has a matching pink bow in her hair.
Yamato is regal, calm, soft-spoken and is indeed acting in the ways befitting the leader of the «Fleet of Fog». She is rather laid-back and kind to her subordinates. Also, she appears to never seek confrontation; however, that doesn’t mean she cannot or will not fight back. Yamato is powerful, even as a Mental Model, capable of taking on Takao’s Mental Model without even exerting herself. In the anime, Yamato wears a white dress, white long gloves, and a white bow in her hair. Her eyes are deep blue and her hair is black.
Yamato’s hobbies are unknown but she comments that she likes meditating underwater in the tranquility of the sea.
Kotono Amaha
Kotono Amaha, Super Battleship Yamato’s second Mental Model.
This is the second Mental Model of the Super Battleship Yamato and the one that rarely appears in public. Battleship Hyuuga, despite being a fleet flagship at one point, never saw her (or at least she never revealed she did). Only I-400, I-402, and much later, Takao, are confirmed to have good knowledge about her. Kongou and Nagato only know her as the other Yamato.
Kotono is identical to Yamato in her appearance, but their clothes differ. Kotono is seen in a variety of attires ranging from gardener’s clothes to a copy of the Japanese Maritime Institute of Technology’s uniform.
Unlike Yamato, Konoto is cheerful, bubbly, and likes to chat. She also has a wicked mind and a sharp tongue to match it. From the looks of it, this Mental Model is the mastermind behind all of Yamato’s schemes.
Kotono appears to like gardening and has a small garden, which gives some fruits, on the ship’s deck. She also likes fashion with I-400 and I-402 often falling prey to her bouts of designing clothes. The same fate befell Takao too when the tsundere heavy cruiser was on board the Super Battleship.
This Kotono Amaha was also the girl that was Gunzou’s classmate and crush in the Japanese Maritime Institute of Technology. In Manga Chapter 54.5 it is shown that during her presence there she for some reason she could not recall her memories as the ship of the «Fleet of Fog» and was visited by the Admiralty Code. Whenever she fell asleep she woke up on her ship-body inside her other Mental Model either suppressing the original personality or being allowed to do so. She also lacked the intuitive control of her ship-body and which resulted in the accidental shot from her Photon Cannons.
Manga Chapter 116 reveals that Kotono Amaha was retrieved by Yamato in 2054 to serve as the Fog’s superordinate program in the event of the Admiralty Code’s disappearance. Why she was chosen and whether or not she is still human remains a mystery.
In 2039, Yamato vanished during the Great Naval Battle for reasons unknown. Her first known reappearance was on May 1st, 2054 at Facility No. 4 where she accidentally started the fire that claimed half the students who were there. The purpose she was there was to retrieve a girl named Kotono Amaha to use her as the Fog’s new superordinate program in the event that the Admiralty Code has vanished for 100 years. Kotono went along willingly and Yamato made her first Mental Model by copying Kotono’s physical appearance. Both would leave the facility but not before covering the casualties with nanomaterial to revive them at a later date. Yamato reappears to the Fleet of Fog with a Mental Model and disseminates the program to the rest of the Fleet of Fog, allowing them to form their own Mental Models.
For a long time, Yamato is a passive player. She does some scheming, a lot of which is centered around I-401 and Gunzou Chihaya, which makes her less trustworthy by the other Fleet of Fog ships but all of her plans are being brought to reality through her subordinates. Yamato doesn’t appear to hate humans and is even assisting Gunzou from behind the scenes.
Like many other vessels within the «Fleet of Fog», Yamato is looking for the Admiralty Code.
In Manga Chapter 48, Yamato is seen authorizing and creating a Mental Model for one of the destroyers that accompany her: Yukikaze. This was done because she needed something done and I-400 and I-402 were away on their missions, which couldn’t be intermittent. In order for Yukikaze, a destroyer, to have a Mental Model, Yamato had to share 2% of her own computational power with her.
During Kongou’s fleet’s battle against I-401, after Hyuuga’s attack on Hiei, Yamato ordered Yukikaze to collect Union cores of both battleships.
Around the time I-401 is fighting against Kongou’s fleet, Yamato infiltrates Yokosuka city, probably to be closer to the events that are going to take place there.
In Manga Chapter 100, Yamato is shown to be in the ruins of Facility No. 4 in front of a nanomaterial tree, preparing what she calls ‘fruits’ that collect information from the preserved bodies of the Facility No. 4 Fire casualties. In Chapter 115, she invites Japan’s three Prime Ministers to the Facility and explains the Fire’s origins to them in Chapter 116.
In the movie Cadenza, at the beginning of the movie, Yamato is seen fighting Musashi and a horde of Nagara-class cruisers. She appears to have «turned off» all the Nagara light cruisers. Musashi then confronted Yamato, dubbing the latter disobedient towards Admiralty Code, in which she cries over. Musashi opened her Super Gravity Cannon and aimed it at Yamato, implying she will sink her.
Yamato activates her Mirror-Ring to avoid the impact. As the Cannon is sucked in the Mirror-Ring, the clouds splits. Musashi propels herself to Yamato, causing a contact impact. Musashi destroys Yamato’s Klein Field with a laser beam hidden underneath the tip of her vessel. She then relentlessly attacks Yamato in close range combat.
Yamato’s vessel is destroyed by the seconds as Musashi continuously attacks. The Mirror-Ring is disabled, and Musashi fired her Super Gravity Cannon to Yamato. An utter defeat to the Flagship Yamato, following a huge explosion from Yamato’s destroyed vessel. At the last minutes as her mental model is drowned, she somewhat transfers her core to an unknown fog submarine, which could probably be I-401. In the final battle of Cadenza, Iona decides to become one with Yamato, the submarine I-401 merges with the wreckage of the Super Battleship, Iona emerges from the ocean, she uses the Mirror-Ring System to redirect Musashi’s Super-Graviton cannons back to her. The two battleships engage in a Photon Cannon duel side by side. Later, Yamato decides to forgive Musashi and she will accept her in her heart. An enraged Musashi activates her Mirror-Ring System and SGC against Yamato, the latter is swallowed by Musashi’s Mirror-Rings. Yamato activates her Mirror-Ring System once again and reappears above Musashi, she concentrates her 32 SGCs in one Single Shot that deactivates Musashi’s Klein Field, this results in both Yamato/Iona and Musashi sinking.
Fleet of Fog
«Fleet of Fog» is the name that humans gave to the mysterious battleships that began appearing all over the world in the early 21st century.
Symbol of the Fleet of Fog
General Information
«Fleet of Fog» battleships as seen in manga
The «Fleet of Fog» is composed of a great number of unmanned AI-controlled vessels that appear as replicas of WWII battleships and submarines. All «Fog» ships revealed to date are replicas of ships that were operational during WWII. These vessels, however, are equipped with technology far exceeding anything that humanity had achieved at that time.
A shot from a graviton particle cannon, used by «Fleet of Fog»
«Fog» warships are armed with Photon cannons of varying power and size, ranging from something that is used to shoot down incoming missiles to something that can break citadel walls in a single hit. There are also Super-Graviton Cannons that cause spatial distortions and can annihilate pretty much anything from a great distance.
Many of the «Fog» battleships and all of the «Fog» submarines also have torpedoes that come with a variety of warheads. There are utility warheads that can turn into a vessel’s decoys or can create sound screens to hide the vessel from sonar. There are also offensive warheads, the most common of which is the so-called Corrosive warhead. This warhead, upon detonation, creates a spatial anomaly that will tear any conventional material apart with ease.
It is presently unknown who or what created these vessels. Even their purpose is not completely clear: while the «Fleet of Fog» annihilates anyone who dares to sail into the seas and claims that destroying humankind is their mission, they have never attacked human settlements or facilities ashore. In fact, they have standing orders to avoid any attack on coastal or inland settlements.
Originally, the «Fleet of Fog» began its (re)activation on the 1st of May of 1945; however, due to the disappearance of the Admiralty Code, the process was halted and resumed only in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. Starting in the year 2012, sightings of «ghost ships» were reported all around the world. Eyewitnesses always stated that these ships looked like World War II warships and that they always appear surrounded by thick fog. Such sightings, while not that rare, weren’t discussed much. This changed in the year 2038, when the number of «ghost warship» sightings increased greatly.
Many investigations into these «ghost warships» were launched, but nothing concrete was discovered. At one point in 2038 the «ghost warships» trespassed into Russian waters and were attacked by a patrol fleet. The said patrol fleet was annihilated, revealing just how powerful these «ghost warships» were.
Around December of 2038 the «ghost warships» went on the offensive and began attacking human naval forces all over the world. By 2039, humanity had lost all of its battles against this new threat, which was now referred to as the «Fleet of Fog».
The human vessels that had survived thus far were all brought together and a great multinational fleet was formed. This eventually led to what became known as the «Great Naval Battle». The battle lasted for two days and humans lost 70% of what remained from their fleets and suffered over 600,000 causalities. The few ships that survived the «Great Naval Battle» were placed in hidden underground docks and mothballed until such time as a way to combat the «Fleet of Fog» was found. Following their victory, the «Fleet of Fog» formed a global blockade and isolated all inhabited continents and islands from each other.
I-401 in Yokosuka port dry docks
While the «Great Naval Battle» was lost, JMSDF Commander Shouzou Chihaya managed to capture a «Fog» submarine, I-401, through unknown means. This submarine was brought to Yokosuka and an attempt to study it was made. However, it was soon discovered that the technology involved in I-401’s creation couldn’t be understood or replicated by humans.
In the year 2045, the Japanese government gave up on their attempts to understand the «Fog» technology and decided to try using I-401 as it was. Shouzou Chihaya was made her captain and I-401 set sail, but disappeared on her very first voyage. In 2046, I-401 returned to Yokosuka on her own without her crew. She was then placed in a dry-dock and locked up. Sometime later, Shouzou Chihaya and the rest of his crew were discovered to have aligned themselves with the «Fleet of Fog». The exact time when it happened is unknown, but it happened before the year 2054.
I-401, being one of the few vessels that already had a Mental Model back then, chose to activate following the Facility #4 fire and broke free from the dry-dock she had been placed into. Eventually she joined Gunzou Chihaya, one of the students of the Japanese Maritime Institute of Technology and the son of her previous (and first) captain.
Like any military organization, the «Fleet of Fog» has a command hierarchy. It is led by a single Supreme Flagship (Yamato) that commands the flagships of local fleets. These flagships in their turn give orders to the rest of the «Fog» vessels. The Supreme Flagship also has a small group of vessels as her personal guards and attendants. At least this is how it is supposed to be in theory.
In reality, the «Fleet of Fog» is not united and has a number of sub-factions, each following its own goals. A good example here would be the «Scarlet Fleet» led by Shouzou Chihaya with Superbattleship Musashi as its flagship. While this fleet is technically a part of the «Fleet of Fog», it follows different goals. Then, there are deserters: I-401, later joined by battleship Hyuuga and heavy cruiser Takao. Finally, some vessels, like heavy Cruiser Maya and battleships Haruna and Kirishima, go rogue. It is currently unknown whether there are any other factions or not.
Oriental fleets
Known «Fleet of Fog» vessels
Quite a few vessels from the «Fleet of Fog» have made their appearance. The list of the named vessels is presented in this section.
«Fleet of Fog»
First Oriental Fleet
Second Oriental Fleet
Scapa Flow Fleet
Northern America Fleet
«Eastern» Fleet
«Blue Steel» Fleet
«Scarlet Fleet»
Rogue vessels
Admiralty Code
At the moment it is not clear what it exactly is or what exact powers over the «Fleet of Fog» vessels it has, but it is known that the Admiralty Code is the highest authority within the fleet; and it was also confirmed that it has the ability to instantly calm down a battleship’s core when Haruna went berserk. Many of the «Fleet of Fog» vessels are searching for it, but because each fleet has its own agenda this only divides the «Fog» further.
The Admiralty Code first appeared in the 1910s, when it began observing humanity. Back then it was a passive player, but that was supposed to change in 1945. On May 1st of that year, the «Fleet of Fog» was to be activated; however for an unknown reason the Admiralty Code disappeared, halting the process of activation for over 60 years. The «Fleet of Fog» finally completely activated in 2012.
For a brief moment the Admiralty Code reappeared in 2056, when it stopped battleship Haruna from unleashing an annihilation attack on all three of Japan’s dispersed capitals with Maya’s weapons. Subsequently the Admiralty Code seems to have disappeared again.
Admiralty Code has a holder or container: she appears to be somewhat similar to a Mental Model, but it is unknown whether she actually is one.
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