техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт

Technoblade The-Blood-God техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт. картинка техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт фото. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт видео. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт.

Техноблейд — радикальный анархист, поощеряющий применение силы и выступающий против всех форм правления (особенно тех, которые активно поддерживают тиранию). Является вербовщиком и де-факто главой Синдиката, а также главнокомандующим Гончей Армии. Он хорош в качестве лидера, не будучи тираном или абсолютным диктатором. Принимает смелые и оказывающие сильное влияние решения.

Несмотря на кровожадную и корыстную природу, Техно сделает все, что в его силах, чтобы защитить тех, кто ему дорог, а именно Фила (а также Ранбу и Ники). Кажется, что в глубине души он заботится о людях, делая все, что в его силах — через кровопролитие или нет, — чтобы уничтожить правительство; систему, которую он воспринимает как коррумпированную и безжалостно разрывающую на части всех, кто его окружает.

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Technoblade The-Blood-God запись закреплена
The Dream SMP × GEEK CORP × Ролевая Игра

техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт. картинка техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт фото. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт видео. техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку техноблейд и дрим майнкрафт.

Technoblade The-Blood-God запись закреплена
Badboyhalo Noveschosch

— Возраст 14+ [бывают редкие исключения];
— Знание фендома;
— Наличие свободного времени;
— Ответственность;
— Грамотность и умение писать рп-посты;
— Подписка на Техноблейда. Неизменно.
× ᴀʜᴋᴇтᴀ ×

1. Персонаж, которого желаешь взять. [актуальный список занятых персонажей ты можешь увидеть в комментариях под этим постом];
2. Представься, укажи настоящий возраст, а также ссылки на все страницы. [делается это для того, чтобы в случае чего не потерять связь с тобой, приятель]
3. В чем состоит работа кп? [если не знаешь, кто такие кп и никогда не был в их числе, то не бойся, я готов научить тебя всему, но у тебя должно быть желание и стремление]
4. Присутствует ли опыт работы в данной сфере? [работал ли ты уже кп? Если да, то где? Здорово, если покажешь рекомендацию от управляющего].
5. Оцени свою грамотность по десятибалльной шкале.
6. Оцени свои навыки фотошопа по десятибалльной шкале. [если имеются]
7. Оцени свои знания фендома по десятибалльной шкале.
8. Сколько времени сможешь уделять работе кп? на какой срок планируешь стать кп?
9. Есть ли номер для создания страницы? [в случае его отсутствия, мы можем предоставить тебе страницу]
10. Обещаешь отдать страницу при увольнении или создать замену?
11. Напиши пробный рп-пост от лица персонажа. [15 комп./30 тел. строчек]

Подходишь по критериям и твой любимый персонаж свободен? Прекрасно! Я с нетерпением жду твою анкету, мой милый друг!


Dream Team Wiki

Welcome to the Dream Team Wiki! Here you can find useful information about the Minecraft Youtube gaming group, the Dream Team, and their SMP server, the Dream SMP! If you want to share your knowledge and passion for the group’s content or the SMP, feel free to join us today. This is a community driven site that anyone can edit including you!

Dream VS Technoblade (Minecraft Championship)

Dream VS Technoblade (Minecraft Championship)


Publish date


Dream video chronology




Dream VS Technoblade (Minecraft Championship) is a video released by Dream to his main channel on June 14, 2020. It’s a highlight reel of Dream’s first MC Championship, featuring Technoblade, and Dream’s teammates, GeorgeNotFound, Mefs and Eret.


When Dream first joined MCC, Technoblade thought he could steal Dream’s clout by getting more coins than him. But Technoblade did not know about Dream’s skill and totally flunked his plan. Later on he thought about simping on Dream for more viewers but it didn’t even happen.


Dream VS Technoblade. these are highlights from Minecraft Championship including Dream and Technoblade’s perspective. A mighty battle.

This event was SO much fun! This was my first live stream on Youtube in a very long time and it was a lot of fun! Technoblade is an awesome guy and it was a lot of fun to have a little «rivalry». I’m sure he’ll bounce back and embarrass me at some point. Overall the best Minecraft event I’ve played in and incredibly well hosted. Thanks to everyone who came and supported me!

Thumbnail Art: Twitter @datedliquid

—Official video description (with socials and links excluded)

Dream VS Technoblade. these are highlights from Minecraft Championship including Dream and Technoblade’s perspective. A mighty battle.

This event was SO much fun! This was my first live stream on Youtube in a very long time and it was a lot of fun! Technoblade is an awesome guy and it was a lot of fun to have a little «rivalry». I’m sure he’ll bounce back and embarrass me at some point. Overall the best Minecraft event I’ve played in and incredibly well hosted. Thanks to everyone who came and supported me!

Thumbnail Art: Twitter @datedliquid



Dream Team Wiki

Welcome to the Dream Team Wiki! Here you can find useful information about the Minecraft Youtube gaming group, the Dream Team, and their SMP server, the Dream SMP! If you want to share your knowledge and passion for the group’s content or the SMP, feel free to join us today. This is a community driven site that anyone can edit including you!

Quackity vs Technoblade Duel

Quackity vs Technoblade Duel



The Quackity vs Technoblade Duel occurred after Technoblade’s execution.


On December 16th, 2020, the Butcher Army captured Technoblade and his horse Carl, forcing him to stand trial in L’Manberg for the crimes he committed during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War.

While Technoblade was trapped in the cage on the stage, Tubbo announced that Technoblade wasn’t going to stand trial, instead the verdict had already been decided, and this was to be an execution. He would pull a lever, which would drop an anvil onto Technoblade’s head, killing him instantly. However, the group was interrupted by Punz, who began placing TNT as a distraction. The Butcher Army attempted to stop him, and in the chaos, Quackity managed to hit the lever, dropping the anvil. Despite the L’Manbergians being sure that it would kill him, Technoblade survived, as he’d been in possession of a Totem of Undying.

Technoblade fled from the execution with the help of Dream, who had been behind his escape and rescued Carl. Dream led Technoblade down a tunnel in the side of the hill, which brought them to the Final Control Room. There, he gifted Technoblade a full set of iron armor and an ender chest, which Techno used to retrieve some potions.

The Duel

While the others were processing the chaos that had happened in the country’s center, Quackity followed after the general direction Technoblade had gone, spotting a place in the hill covered up by cobblestone. He broke it and entered a small tunnel leading to the Final Control Room. There, Quackity confronted Technoblade.

Technoblade: Did you really think, Quackity, that you could kill me that easily?

Q: How did you do it? How did you even do that?

T: I just have one question, Quackity.

Q: What do you have?

T: Do you think you’re enough to kill me? Even [while I’m] unarmed with iron armor? Do you really think you can take me?

Quackity and Technoblade’s conversation before the duel

Technoblade: Did you really think, Quackity, that you could kill me that easily?

Q: How did you do it? How did you even do that?

T: I just have one question, Quackity.

T: Do you think you’re enough to kill me? Even [while I’m] unarmed with iron armor? Do you really think you can take me?


Quackity and Techno then fought in the main tunnel leading to the control room. Before Quackity entered the room, Techno had built up stone around the entrance to give himself time to splash himself with the potions he’d gotten from his ender chest. The battle lasted less than a minute, with each party trading critical blows to one another. With a netherite pickaxe, Technoblade managed to come out on top, negating all of Quackity’s hits with his Turtle Master potion and killing Quackity, taking one of his canon lives.


Following the duel, Technoblade fled from L’Manberg, traveling back to his cabin in the north. When he returned, he discovered TommyInnit in hiding. The two then became shaky allies, with Tommy agreeing to do «minor terrorism» to L’Manberg so Techno could get back at them, and Techno agreeing to help Tommy retrieve his discs.

After Quackity respawned after his first canon death, he was surrounded by the rest of the Butcher Army, who asked what had happened and if he was alright. He angrily led the group to the Butcher Army’s control room, where he told them that Dream had been the one to not only help Techno escape, but also the one that gave him the ability to survive his execution. Quackity then stated that they needed to refocus their efforts onto Dream. Tubbo agreed, and reminded them of the Manberg Festival, where he’d decorated and planned his own public execution. He said that they could do something similar, as Dream now respected the rules of L’Manberg, and took his armor off while inside the country. If they could get the chance, they might be able to kill him with little effort.


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