save wizard for ps4 max код активации бесплатно

Save wizard for ps4 max код активации бесплатно

У всех бывали ситуации, когда при прохождении вашей любимой игры вы встречаете босса или участок карты, который вы не можете никак преодолеть. Вы занятый человек и у вас очень напряженная жизнь, у вас нету лишнего времени, чтобы тратить его на многочисленные неудачные попытки прохождение этого места, которое вам не под силу. В таком случае, вам нужно выполнить взлом игры на ps4 при помощи охранения.

Фактически, уже давно разработаны специальные приложения для взлома сохранений игр на ps4. Давайте рассмотрим сами приложения, а также ознакомимся из тем, как загрузить сохранения с PS4 на внешнее устройство и как его позже загрузить обратно в консоль.

Редактор сохранений PS4

Редактор сохранений – это зачастую приложение, которое может открывать файлы сохранений игр и редактировать их таким образом, как вам будет угодно. Например, используя редактор сохранений вы сможете сделать себе 1000000 денег или столько же жизней.

Save Wizard

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Xploder полностью совместим с PSN, а это означает, что вы можете использовать его для игр, которые требуют подключение к интернету, не беспокоясь о каких-либо досадных запретах или ошибке учетной записи. Xploder работает несколько схожим образом с Save Wizard, поскольку он работает с помощью файлов сохранения. Однако, в отличие от Save Wizard, который изменяет ваши существующие сохранения, Xploder предлагает вам базу данных сохраненных игр, которую вы можете загрузить на ваш USB-накопитель, а затем поместить на свою PS4. Имейте в виду, что Xploder в настоящее время не поддерживает использование ваших собственных сохранений. База данных Xploder немного скромнее, чем Save Wizard, и сейчас поддерживается более 100 игр.

Что делать если ничего не помогает?

Сохранения игр ps4

Для работы из выше описанными приложениями я вам расскажу, как выполнить некоторые операции.

Перенос сохранений с ps4 на флешку

Каждому геймеру приходится делать бэкап сохранений игр ps4 по разным причинам. Кто-то меняет консоль на другую, а кто-то решил продолжить прохождение игры на консоли друга или же вы просто меняете жесткий диск на новый. Чтобы сделать перенос сохранений игр с ps4 на флешку выполните следующие шаги:

Как перенести сохранения на PS4

Если на вашем накопителе уже имеются сохранения к играм, вам нужно загрузить сохранение на PS4. Для этого выполните следующие шаги:


Code Vein Save Wizard Quick Codes

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Code Vein Save Wizard Quick Codes

Code Vein Save Wizard Quick Codes/PS4 Save Wizard Max Custom Cheats

Code Vein Quick Codes! These Quick codes are custom made by PS4 Save Wizard Max Community modders and are not endorsed by Save Wizard. Please use the codes at your own discretion!

If any of these codes break your save, restore using ‘restore backup’ option.

Reputation Companion – Rank 30 (Unlock ‘Exalted Reputation’ Trophy)

8001001C 48756D61
6E436F6E 74657874
3A3A5265 77617264
52616E6B 735B305D
2800001C 001E0000
80010024 0044415F
4974656D 5F4F7468
65725F45 6E68616E
63654F61 74685F32
5F4E414D 45000810
28000024 00000190

Sex Change (Credits to Skiller)

8001001B 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A6249
7346656D 616C6500
2800001D 00000000
80010019 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A6249
734D616C 65000000
2800001B 00000001
8001001F 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A4170
70656172 616E6365
53657800 00000000
28000021 00000000


8001001B 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A6249
7346656D 616C6500
2800001D 00000001
80010019 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A6249
734D616C 65000000
2800001B 00000000
8001001F 43686172
61637465 72436F6E
74657874 3A3A4170
70656172 616E6365
53657800 00000000
28000021 00000001

How to add quick code tutorial


Save wizard for ps4 max код активации бесплатно

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PlayStation Hack запись закреплена

[Сцена PS4] Cyber Save Editor для PS4, теперь на английском языке!

ВНИМАНИЕ: Программное обеспечение о котором идёт речь ниже, ПЛАТНОЕ.

Это чит-программное обеспечение, которое позволяет игрокам максимизировать свою статистику, разблокировать предметы и избегать огромных трудностей, чтобы наслаждаться играми. Тысячи японских игроков пользуются Cyber Save Editor, теперь и североамериканцы с европейцами могут присоединиться к многочисленной банде))

Приложение, запускаемое на ПК, позволит манипулировать информацией сохранённых игр с целью получения максимального количества денег, характеристик персонажей и прочих аспектов и уловок. Кроме того, вводя эти «патч-коды», похожие на пароли, авторы заверяют, что вы сможете изменять некоторый контент. После бесчисленных запросов пользователей со всего мира, компания Cyber Gadget наконец выпустила полную версию на английском языке 5 сентября 2018 года. В настоящее время поддерживается более 600 игр, включая Северную Америку, Европу, Китай и Японию.

Перенесите свои сохранения с PS4 на USB носитель;
Установите приложение на свой компьютер, и подсоедините носитель со скопированными данными;
Запустите Save Editor и выберите нужные вам патч-коды;
Выполните перенос изменённых данных обратно на консоль.

Перед покупкой убедитесь, что у вас есть следующая соответствующая конфигурация:
— ПК с подключением к Интернету (требуется Windows 7 или выше)
— Не совместим с Mac
— PS4 с учетной записью PSN (PSN ID) и паролем
— Прошивки ПО PS4 версии 5.56 или старше
— USB-накопитель объемом 8 Гб или более
— Сохранение игры должно быть сохранено на флэш-накопитель USB, а затем изменено на ПК
— Свободное место на жестком диске: 10 Гб или более


Save Wizard for PS4 MAX PlayStation 4 Game Save Editor Incoming

Following the PS4SaveEditor Leak, Cyber Save Editor 4.50 Bypass, news of the Xploder PS4 Cheats System and PS4 Save Wizard initial announcement, today @harryoke passed along word on Twitter that the Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is incoming and allows the editing of PS4 Game Saves from all regions (USA / Europe / Pacific Asia) except for Japan according to the official site

To quote from their official site: Introducing the Save Wizard for PS4 MAX, the first and only save editor for PlayStation 4!

Giving you access to some of the most popular games for the PlayStation 4, Save Wizard for PS4 MAX allows you to cheat on YOUR save allowing never before seen amounts of money, max ammo, character stats and more!

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is a TRUE SAVE EDITOR allowing you to cheat on YOUR saves. These are not pre-made, unchecked poor quality saves with alleged «cheats» uploaded by others. These are in-house produced and tested cheats which you can apply to YOUR save at any point and at any time. Using our custom technology, we can help you beat the game or breath new life into a forgotten classic.

Optimised to work with your PlayStation 4 without the need to do illegal modifications, Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is an easy-to-use program. All you need is a PlayStation 4 with the «Copy to USB Storage Device» function enabled (a PlayStation Network account may be required to activate this), a computer running Windows 7 or higher with internet connection and any compatible USB drive (not supplied).

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX supports all regions apart from Japan. Although we try our very best to obtain all the various regions of the same game, sometimes this is not possible. However, if a game is shown as supported but not recognised, please contact us.

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is so easy to use. Simply copy your save from your PlayStation 4 to any compatible USB drive and insert into your PC. Once Save Wizard for PS4 MAX has detected all supported saves, simply choose and apply the cheats. Copy your save from the USB drive to your PlayStation 4 and load your game!

What games and cheats are currently supported?

IMPORTANT! Occasionally updates to the PlayStation 4 and/or games may cause Save Wizard to lose functionality. We strongly suggest that automatic updating of the PlayStation 4 and games are turned off.


To register a new PSN ID with Save Wizard, simply start by copying a supoported save from the PlayStation 4 to a USB drive and then inserting it into the computer. Next:

1) Run Save Wizard.
2) After a few moments, Save Wizard should show the supported save in grey.
3) Double click the game name, right click on the save shown below and click REGISTER PROFILE.
4) Put in a suitable name (this can be the same as your PSN account or anything you like as long as you know which saves are linked to which PSN account.
5) Click APPLY and Save Wizard will refresh and show the name given next to any saves which match that PSN ID.


To apply cheats to your save, simply start by copying your save from the PlayStation 4 to a USB drive and then inserting it into the computer.

With Save Wizard loaded, all supported saves will be displayed. Double click with the left button on the particular game you wish to cheat on and all the saves will be shown below. Double click your save (or right-click and select QUICK MODE) and a list of cheats will be shown. Select the cheats you wish to use and then click APPLY. Save Wizard will now modify your save and replace your existing save on the USB drive with the modified version.

Finally, copy back to the PlayStation 4, load your game and the modified save and enjoy!

Save Wizard for PS4 Save Editor FAQ:

Q. Can I buy it from a store?
A. Save Wizard can only be purchased through

Q. How does it work?
A. Save Wizard requires saves to be copied from you PlayStaton 4 to any compatible USB drive. Once the USB drive is inserted, Save Wizard will automatically detect and show supported saves allowing you to apply the cheats. Once this is done, simply remove the USB drive from the computer and insert into your PlayStation 4, remembering to copy the save and load your game.

Q. Which region games will Save Wizard work with?
A. Save Wizard works with games purchased in the USA, Europe and Pacific Asian games. Japanese saves are exclusively handled by CyberGADGET.

Q. My save isn’t recognised!
A. This could be for a number of reasons. The first thing to check is that the game is actually supported, eg A Boy And His Blob. If the game is supported, but not showing, please see HERE!

Q. These are just someone else’s saves, right?
A. Wrong! Unlike another product which claims to contain cheats, we do not substitute your save with a third-party untested save. These are real cheats applied to your save which means you continue where you left off but with a Save Wizard advantage!

Q. Why are saves so slow to transfer?
A. A number of factors can cause the transfer of saves to be slow. Your own internet connection will have a top speed for upload and download. The internet isn’t perfect and doesn’t always take the best route between the client and our server. These things are beyond our control. Where possible however, we will try and fix or improve anything we can in order to speed things up.

Q. Can I use this to obtain trophies?
A. Save Wizard is designed for assisting the player, and not for for obtaining trophies.

Q. Can I cheat online?
A. Save Wizard is produced for cheating on offline saves only. We do not condone cheating online and any attempts to use Save Wizard for this purpose and any resulting bans etc will be your responsibility.

Q. Can I re-sign saves so that my saves can be used by others?
A. No, this feature is currently not supported.

Q. What is Quick Mode Only (QMO)?
A. This is specifically for saves which may contain information for online gaming. This allows us to create cheats which are still of benefit offline without them affecting online gaming. This also disables Advanced Mode which means the save cannot be manually edited.

Q. Why am I restricted to four PSN Accounts (PSN ID) at any time?
A. Sadly past experience has shown that while we try and be flexible, people will take advantage of our good nature for example, using our product as a paid for service. Save Wizard has taken several months of development and investment (think of the cost of games alone!) and even after a product has been sold, costs still continue as we seek to improve the product and support more games.

Q. Why can’t I change a PSN Account associated with Save Wizard for 30 days?
A. This has been implemented due to abuse of our product. While we don’t mind customers helping out a friend, we do object to people using our product as a service.

Q. I don’t have Windows. Is it available on Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone etc?
A. Currently we only support Windows. Other platforms may be supported in the near future.

Q. Do I need to modify my PlayStation 4?
A. No modifications are made to the PlayStation 4.

Q. Will it void my PlayStation 4 warranty?
A. No, your warranty is safe.

Q. Is it illegal to modify my save?
A. No, it is not.

Q. Have you done this sort of product before?
A. Yes, between our team we have 30+ years of experience with cheat devices and were recently responsible for resurrecting Game Genie for the PlayStation 3.


Save Wizard for PS4 MAX PlayStation 4 Game Save Editor Incoming

Following the PS4SaveEditor Leak, Cyber Save Editor 4.50 Bypass, news of the Xploder PS4 Cheats System and PS4 Save Wizard initial announcement, today @harryoke passed along word on Twitter that the Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is incoming and allows the editing of PS4 Game Saves from all regions (USA / Europe / Pacific Asia) except for Japan according to the official site

To quote from their official site: Introducing the Save Wizard for PS4 MAX, the first and only save editor for PlayStation 4!

Giving you access to some of the most popular games for the PlayStation 4, Save Wizard for PS4 MAX allows you to cheat on YOUR save allowing never before seen amounts of money, max ammo, character stats and more!

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is a TRUE SAVE EDITOR allowing you to cheat on YOUR saves. These are not pre-made, unchecked poor quality saves with alleged «cheats» uploaded by others. These are in-house produced and tested cheats which you can apply to YOUR save at any point and at any time. Using our custom technology, we can help you beat the game or breath new life into a forgotten classic.

Optimised to work with your PlayStation 4 without the need to do illegal modifications, Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is an easy-to-use program. All you need is a PlayStation 4 with the «Copy to USB Storage Device» function enabled (a PlayStation Network account may be required to activate this), a computer running Windows 7 or higher with internet connection and any compatible USB drive (not supplied).

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX supports all regions apart from Japan. Although we try our very best to obtain all the various regions of the same game, sometimes this is not possible. However, if a game is shown as supported but not recognised, please contact us.

Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is so easy to use. Simply copy your save from your PlayStation 4 to any compatible USB drive and insert into your PC. Once Save Wizard for PS4 MAX has detected all supported saves, simply choose and apply the cheats. Copy your save from the USB drive to your PlayStation 4 and load your game!

What games and cheats are currently supported?

IMPORTANT! Occasionally updates to the PlayStation 4 and/or games may cause Save Wizard to lose functionality. We strongly suggest that automatic updating of the PlayStation 4 and games are turned off.


To register a new PSN ID with Save Wizard, simply start by copying a supoported save from the PlayStation 4 to a USB drive and then inserting it into the computer. Next:

1) Run Save Wizard.
2) After a few moments, Save Wizard should show the supported save in grey.
3) Double click the game name, right click on the save shown below and click REGISTER PROFILE.
4) Put in a suitable name (this can be the same as your PSN account or anything you like as long as you know which saves are linked to which PSN account.
5) Click APPLY and Save Wizard will refresh and show the name given next to any saves which match that PSN ID.


To apply cheats to your save, simply start by copying your save from the PlayStation 4 to a USB drive and then inserting it into the computer.

With Save Wizard loaded, all supported saves will be displayed. Double click with the left button on the particular game you wish to cheat on and all the saves will be shown below. Double click your save (or right-click and select QUICK MODE) and a list of cheats will be shown. Select the cheats you wish to use and then click APPLY. Save Wizard will now modify your save and replace your existing save on the USB drive with the modified version.

Finally, copy back to the PlayStation 4, load your game and the modified save and enjoy!

Save Wizard for PS4 Save Editor FAQ:

Q. Can I buy it from a store?
A. Save Wizard can only be purchased through

Q. How does it work?
A. Save Wizard requires saves to be copied from you PlayStaton 4 to any compatible USB drive. Once the USB drive is inserted, Save Wizard will automatically detect and show supported saves allowing you to apply the cheats. Once this is done, simply remove the USB drive from the computer and insert into your PlayStation 4, remembering to copy the save and load your game.

Q. Which region games will Save Wizard work with?
A. Save Wizard works with games purchased in the USA, Europe and Pacific Asian games. Japanese saves are exclusively handled by CyberGADGET.

Q. My save isn’t recognised!
A. This could be for a number of reasons. The first thing to check is that the game is actually supported, eg A Boy And His Blob. If the game is supported, but not showing, please see HERE!

Q. These are just someone else’s saves, right?
A. Wrong! Unlike another product which claims to contain cheats, we do not substitute your save with a third-party untested save. These are real cheats applied to your save which means you continue where you left off but with a Save Wizard advantage!

Q. Why are saves so slow to transfer?
A. A number of factors can cause the transfer of saves to be slow. Your own internet connection will have a top speed for upload and download. The internet isn’t perfect and doesn’t always take the best route between the client and our server. These things are beyond our control. Where possible however, we will try and fix or improve anything we can in order to speed things up.

Q. Can I use this to obtain trophies?
A. Save Wizard is designed for assisting the player, and not for for obtaining trophies.

Q. Can I cheat online?
A. Save Wizard is produced for cheating on offline saves only. We do not condone cheating online and any attempts to use Save Wizard for this purpose and any resulting bans etc will be your responsibility.

Q. Can I re-sign saves so that my saves can be used by others?
A. No, this feature is currently not supported.

Q. What is Quick Mode Only (QMO)?
A. This is specifically for saves which may contain information for online gaming. This allows us to create cheats which are still of benefit offline without them affecting online gaming. This also disables Advanced Mode which means the save cannot be manually edited.

Q. Why am I restricted to four PSN Accounts (PSN ID) at any time?
A. Sadly past experience has shown that while we try and be flexible, people will take advantage of our good nature for example, using our product as a paid for service. Save Wizard has taken several months of development and investment (think of the cost of games alone!) and even after a product has been sold, costs still continue as we seek to improve the product and support more games.

Q. Why can’t I change a PSN Account associated with Save Wizard for 30 days?
A. This has been implemented due to abuse of our product. While we don’t mind customers helping out a friend, we do object to people using our product as a service.

Q. I don’t have Windows. Is it available on Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone etc?
A. Currently we only support Windows. Other platforms may be supported in the near future.

Q. Do I need to modify my PlayStation 4?
A. No modifications are made to the PlayStation 4.

Q. Will it void my PlayStation 4 warranty?
A. No, your warranty is safe.

Q. Is it illegal to modify my save?
A. No, it is not.

Q. Have you done this sort of product before?
A. Yes, between our team we have 30+ years of experience with cheat devices and were recently responsible for resurrecting Game Genie for the PlayStation 3.


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