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Hearthstone Arena Tier List (October 2021)
Our Hearthstone Arena Tier List will be ranking the best characters in Blizzard’s phenomenal deck-building game, Hearthstone.
Last Updated: October 2021
If you haven’t heard of Hearthstone yet, then we don’t know which rock you have been living under for all these years. Because, for your information, this magnificent game has successfully revolutionized the world of digital card games in many different ways. For one, its release in 2014 single-handedly blew open the digital card game market on PC. It also proved that it is possible for digital card games to be more than just bad adaptations but also be balanced, competitive, and fun. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the deck-building genre was created thanks to Hearthstone.
Hearthstone Arena is a free-to-play online digital collectible card game. It builds upon the existing lore of Warcraft by using the same characters, elements, and relics. The game features cross-platform play, allowing players on any supported device to compete with one another, restricted only by geographical region account limits.
It features a variety of game modes in which players can battle each other and enjoy the game. The game modes come in two forms: single-player solo experiences and multiplayer matchmaking modes. Single-player game modes include Adventures, Missions, and a Practice mode. The multiplayer modes include Arena, Battlegrounds, Duels, and Tavern Brawls. In this Hearthstone Arena Tier List, we will be focusing only on the Arena game mode.
Now that you have an idea of just how great of a game Hearthstone is, let’s now jump into the cool characters this game offers with the help of our Hearthstone Arena Tier List.
The first thing that you need to do after entering the arena is to choose one hero from a choice of three random heroes presented to you. Your choice here is important, for it will define the pool of cards from which you will be able to pick. It will include random neutral as well as class cards appropriate to your hero choice.
In Arena, each class has specific strengths and weaknesses. For the most part, these traits come from the class’ Hero Power, and their class specific cards, particularly those of Common rarity. These differences are a lot less pronounced than in Constructed, as most decks will contain the same standard of high-quality neutral cards if drafted well.
Nonetheless, there are still classes in Arena that are considered stronger than others. Although it’s important to note that the gap between the strong and the not-so-strong ones can be easily filled through intelligent drafting and high level play. You may find that your personal success rate differs from what we suggest, simply because you have your own playstyle, and of course, strengths or weaknesses as a player.
Our Hearthstone Arena Tier List divides the 10 hero classes into five tiers namely: S-Tier, A-Tier, B-Tier, C-Tier, and D-Tier. As with any other tier list, S-Tier will refer to the strongest hero classes while the D-Tier will pertain to the weakest. Keep in mind, that this is simply a guide, and that even among the very best Arena players, opinions differ widely on the relative strengths of each class.
Tier | Hearthstone Arena Tier List: Hero Class |
S Tier | Warlock, Mage |
A Tier | Demon Hunter, Druid |
B Tier | Warrior, Paladin |
C Tier | Rogue, Hunter |
D Tier | Shaman, Priest |
Hearthstone Arena Tier List: S TIER
In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts. These voracious spellcasters summon demonic minions to fight beside them. At first, they command only the service of imps, but as a warlock’s knowledge grows, seductive succubi, loyal voidwalkers, and horrific felhunters join the dark sorcerer’s ranks to wreak havoc on anyone who stands in their master’s way. Warlocks can ignite distant enemies in searing flame, send them fleeing in terror and pain, or afflict them with corrupting diseases and curses that steal the victim’s vitality.
Calling nightmarish Demons to their aid, warlocks are willing to sacrifice their own life, cards, and even their own minions to overwhelm their enemies. Regarding their own lifeblood as nothing more than a currency, warlocks readily trade away their Health to draw additional cards, but must often pay a terrible price for the services of the infernal beings with whom they consort.
The warlock Hero Power is Life Tap, allowing them to sacrifice two Health (and two mana) in order to draw a card. While this may seem like an unworthy trade, the ability to gain card advantage is very strong, and Life Tap is widely considered as one of the strongest Hero Powers in the game since cards are the fundamental tool used to win. This ability will allow you to draft a very aggressive low curve, overwhelming your opponent in terms of Tempo. This is clearly the strongest way to draft Warlock decks.
Warlock also has access to powerful removal spells such as Felfire Potion and Blastcrystal Potion, which provide the ability to draft successful Control decks. The Arena changes in March 2017 also drastically increased the viability of Control decks by lowering the frequency of common cards and many early-game minions as a result. Now, players are less likely to get overwhelmed in the early-game and are able to play a more controlling style. Of course, that will only happen if they are able to draft a deck consisting of many high-quality mid- and late-game cards instead.
Since Warlocks rely on lowering their own Life Total to maintain resources, cards such as Deranged Doctor and Rotten Applebaum have much higher value than usual. A card that heals you for four can be viewed as allowing you to draw two extra cards over the course of the game.
Students gifted with a keen intellect and unwavering discipline may walk the path of the mage. The arcane magic available to mages is both great and dangerous, and thus is revealed only to the most devoted practitioners. To avoid interference with their spellcasting, mages only wear cloth armor. Although arcane shields and enchantments can give them additional protection. To keep enemies at bay, mages can summon bursts of fire to incinerate distant targets and cause entire areas to erupt, setting groups of foes ablaze. Masters of ice can command blizzards that tear into flesh and limit movement. Should enemies manage to survive this assault, the mage can shrink them into harmless sheep in the blink of an eye.
Masters of arcane, fire and frost, mages wield formidable single-target and area of effect damage spells, and can freeze enemies in their tracks. Mages have a strong spell synergy, capable of turning minor incantations into devastating Fireballs, and can employ a range of magical Secrets to redirect enemy effects, protect themselves from damage, or stop the deadliest foe or spell in its tracks.
The mage Hero Power Fireblast is the most versatile of the 1 damage effect Hero Powers in Arena. That’s because it is unaffected by Taunt and does not cause you to take damage yourself when targeting minions. It is useful for board control as it is able to remove smaller minions like Bluegill Warrior or even large minions like Boulderfist Ogre if the minion has already been weakened. It can be strategically used to remove a Divine Shield from an enemy, or to hit one of the mage’s own minions to activate certain effects, such as Amani Berserker or Acolyte of Pain.
One of Mage’s greatest strengths is that many of its strongest cards are Common, or of Basic rarity. This means that Mages are extremely consistent to draft overall. It’s also one of the most versatile classes in Arena. With cards like Mana Wyrm, Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Frostbolt enabling you to draft very aggressive Tempo decks, and cards like Fireball, Polymorph and Flamestrike allowing you to win a slower, more Control based game.
Demon Hunter
Demon hunters, the disciples of Illidan Stormrage, uphold a dark legacy, one that frightens their allies and enemies alike. The Illidari embrace fel and chaotic magics—energies that have long threatened the world of Azeroth—believing that they are necessary to challenge the Burning Legion. Wielding the powers of demons they’ve slain, they develop demonic features that incite revulsion and dread in fellow elves.
Demon Hunters are agile fighters who call upon demonic allies and Fel magic. Outcasts of society, they attack with their blades and claws all while using fallen allies to fuel their power. Demon Hunters do not shy away from a fight and they specialize in granting their hero Attack damage for one turn.
While most classes spend two mana on their hero power, the Demon Hunter only spends one. Demon Claws, the class’ Hero Power, is a one mana-cost boost to the Demon Hunter’s Attack and is designed around robust synergies with its class cards. The low mana cost of Demon Claws also allows it to fit fluidly into curves, giving the Demon Hunter a unique gameplay feel. The hero power can reliably allow the Demon Hunter to fill their Mana curve, and can be used alongside their many synergistic cards such as Blade Dance and Satyr Overseer.
Because of Demon Hunter’s fantastic card draw, high chip and burst damage, most Demon Hunters are geared towards aggressive or midrange builds. Demon Hunters arm themselves with weapons and aggressively-started minions to take control of the board or apply massive face damage. They usually look to seal the game with cards like Imprisoned Antaen and Priestess of Fury before the opponent can stabilize.
Druids harness the vast powers of nature to preserve balance and protect life. With experience, they can unleash nature’s raw energy against their enemies. From raining celestial fury on them from a great distance and binding them with enchanted vines to ensnaring them in unrelenting cyclones. Druids can also direct this power to heal wounds and restore life to fallen allies. Due to how in tune they are with the animal spirits of Azeroth, druids can take on the forms of a variety of beasts. They can morph into a bear, cat, storm crow, or sea lion with ease. These keepers of the natural order are among the most versatile heroes in Azeroth, and they must be prepared to adjust to new challenges on a moment’s notice.
Shapeshift is the druid’s Hero Power. It grants the druid a +1 Attack for that turn, and +1 Armor, allowing them to tackle enemy minions head-on, or even attack the enemy hero directly. The Druid Hero Power is also notable for it can be used defensively (by slowly stacking up armor) or aggressively (by trading health for potential card advantage). Cards such as Swipe, Starfire, Druid of the Claw, or Ironbark Protector will always have a pretty big impact on the board during the mid-late stages of the game, while cards such as Wrath and Claw offer the Druid great solutions for the early game.
The weakness of the class is its one-dimensional nature. Almost every Druid deck relies on outclassing the opponent in the late game with high value cards and hard-to-remove Taunts. It is very difficult to draft a Druid deck aggressively since very few of their class cards play into this strategy. However, the addition of Shellshifter and Verdant Longneck has helped make this less of an issue. They are flexible enough to function as strong cards for potentially more aggressive Druid drafts, while also being solid defensive cards for more standard Druid Arena decks.
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat. Some protect from the front lines with shields, locking down enemies, while allies support the warrior from behind with spell and bow. There are some that forgo the shield and unleash their rage at the closest threat with a variety of deadly weapons. The warrior’s battle cries embolden friends and leave foes cowering in fear. With legendary precision, warriors target the smallest gaps in armor and slice at hamstrings in a blur of steel.
These lords of war use heavy weaponry and deadly attacks to slam and devastate the battlefield. While their skill with armor and shields allows them to soak up the mightiest of blows, their gladiatorial bloodlust brings synergy with Enrage and on-damage effects, sending their minions charging at the enemy.
The Warrior Hero Power allows them to gain armor, which is a powerful defensive option. It can be useful for slowly building a wall of Armor, through which the opponent will have to break to defeat the warrior. It also makes a solid option to fall back on when mana is not better spent elsewhere.
Having cards such as Fiery War Axe, Molten Blade and/or BloodRazor is essential, and games without them are extremely difficult to win. Solid aggro/tempo draft accompanied by weapons will let you shine with warriors. Weapons are the most essential cards for warriors but you shouldn’t be picking too many of them. You should have a good balance between weapons for tempo and high-value minions to provide you with attrition so that you can outlast opponents.
This call of the Paladin is to protect the weak, bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world. These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes. They are also with the blessing of Light which allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life. Ready to serve, paladins can defend their allies with sword and shield, or massive two-handed weapons. The Light grants paladins additional power against demons, ensuring that profane beings corrupt the world no longer.
Hearthstone Arena Tier List Oct 2021| Best Arena Hero Tier List 2021
Hearthstone, Blizzard’s deck-building marvel has been receiving continual fame and support from its lovers and fans.
The game has undergone continuous transformations with the prelude of Patch 19. It aims to improve the gaming experience for its fans by balancing the current meta.
If you want to take Hearthstone Arena incredibly to competitive, classified games, there is a lot that you might need to unpack.
Here, we have compiled a Hearthstone Arena Tier List that ranks deck builds starting from the best and going all the way down to the worst to make everything direct and simple for you.
Every class is distinctive, but some deck builds feature an objective benefit over the rest. Now without any further ado, let’s jump right onto the hearthstone arena tier list.
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Hearthstone Arena Tier List Hero Class Oct 2021
Hearthstone Arena Tier List Oct 2021
First up in the hearthstone arena tier list is the S-Tier. At any stage of the game, these decks can prove to be highly beneficial while reducing potential falls for players of different styles of playing the game.
Paladin – Tier 3
The decks of Paladin suit perfectly with an aggressive style of playing. You can quickly and effortlessly create an effective setup.
The Dragon synergies are still a part of the meta so that is why Paladin thrives on that. The majority of the time, work is also completed by low-cost commons such as Truesilver Champion.
For newbies, this Paladin class proves to be very easy to understand and they will certainly witness great success as they will move on to play more games.
Paladin is currently the only real overpowered class ruling in the game with all its features together and therefore, also tops this hearthstone arena tier list.
A- Tier
A-Tier categories are not as strong as the ones in S-Tier, but with experience and technique, they can easily bridge this gap.
Hunter – Tier 2
One of the main causes for building a Hunter deck is the Primordial Explorer. Due to its excellent value-for-money accommodation, the Hunter truly stands out.
Similar to Paladin, when using a Hunter deck, you can go extremely far merely with a limited amount of resources.
Moreover, because of the great heroic power of Hunter, you will notice your aggressive game getting appropriately rewarded.
Hunter’s shortage of late-game features is probably the only element that holds it back from the classes of S-Tier. This Hunter Deck may not be a certain victory for tight games.
Druid – Tier 2
The Druid is best for players who constantly want to perform well during the game. Although Druid lacks the same kind of burst that is present in other aggressive classes, it shines in its pace as well as mana pool collection.
The druid decks of Treant and Guardian are excellent tools for using this class. Go for the Druid class, if you want consistency with a touch of flexibility.
B- Tier
Next on the hearthstone arena tier list are these classes that are still a chunk of the Hearthstone meta. They need some modifications to work best, anyway, they are all-powerful decks.
Warrior – Tier 3
If you look hastily at the Warrior Decks you might consider playing aggressively. But the best players of Hearthstone know that control tactics are the greatest strength of this Warrior class.
The ticket to success is by building a deck up to give your late-game a little push. Pirate decks that are designed exactly for this purpose can make you unbeatable during your late game.
Demon Hunter – Tier 2
Right from the beginning of the game, you can use the Deck of the Demon Hunter as it is perfect for an aggressive playing style. It intends to quickly overwhelm the enemy before they are even stable.
The Deck of Demon Hunter accomplishes so by using rapid and substantial burst damage. Combating the Demon Hunter occurs when its heroic units are controlled and weapon cards are limited.
This deck is also difficult to handle large minions that possess a high HP.
Mage – Tier 1
This Mage class concentrates on strong offense attacks and several defense tricks. They might not be as strong as other existing offensive classes, but with outstanding utility as well as match control they bridge the gap.
The current best arsenal for this class is a Highlander deck setup.
C- Tier
The next categories on this hearthstone arena tier list will probably not blow you away, but if you are well aware of what exactly you are doing, they can prove to be substantial choices.
Rogue – Tier 1
Rogue is a good pick for how well it manages the player’s early game. When the match starts, Rogue counts on strong combos along with synergies to benefit you.
The Miracle deck remains the top go-to pick for this Rogue class ever since the game’s primary release.
Warlock – Tier 1
It is quite difficult to use the Warlock class. For amateurs, this is particularly true as it requires a considerable strategy in all matches. It is used to obtain the benefit of its Hero Powers in slow or fast pace matches.
The ziplock build, also zoo warlock, is the best deck build for this class. It is an aggressive one that is specially created to spill the board with poor minions so that you can gain control.
D- Tier
Provided the existing Meta that we saw in this hearthstone arena tier list, these are the worst categories in Hearthstone.
While every category in Hearthstone can be accomplished with adequate skill, D-tiers inherently lag behind the other levels.
Their hero strengths are not so great, so there’s no point to use them.
Shaman – Tier 2
The Shaman must be aggressive, but after a few turns, you won’t collect any rewards. Once properly set up, it has significant burst damage but fails almost always when playing against skilled players.
Priest – Tier 4
The Priest’s resurrection mechanics along with its controlling playstyle are considered the worst class to play against.
Apart from all healing, this deck struggles with its miserable offense and even horrible utility to complete matches.
Our pick: Paladin
Paladin truly stands out from this hearthstone arena tier list for us. The following is the overview of its features that sets it apart from the crowd:
Overview Hearthstone Arena Class Tier List
You got it there a definitive hearthstone arena tier list of best and worst heroes to use in the game’s Arena mode. Whichever deck you pick, try choosing one which suits your style of play.
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Hearthstone arena which tier list to use?
Out of all the classes on this hearthstone arena tier list, S-tier is the top pick of the game. In competitive matches and ranking games, decks of this tier list feature incredibly high winning rates.
Which is stronger, mage or rogue hearthstone arena tier list?
Mage is certainly the stronger one out of the two. About Rogue, the major downside is that your achievement largely relies on how well you can conquer the early game and the competence you have in establishing your combos. This can be quite messy.