портал ужаса ice and fire майнкрафт
Dread Queen
Dread Queen
Health Points
Attack Strength
Common Drops
Cryona, the Dread Queen, is the tyrannical ice boss that rules over the Dreadlands with her skeletal ice dragon Black Frost and her army of undead servants. While she herself has not been added to the mod yet, her henchmen can occasionally be seen marching across the frozen wastes, killing everything they see.
The Dread Queen is an undead humanoid creature with a blue pendant hanging over her dark blue-and-black tunic, black gauntlets and boots with grey-blue highlights, white shoulder pads, and a gaunt, grey face with glowing blue eyes peering out from her blue-white crowned helmet. She wields an icy sword with a light blue blade in one hand and an icy staff with a light blue head in the other.
The Dread Queen’s ice dragon, Black Frost, is icy blue in color, and is partially decayed as an indication of her undead nature. Her neck has rotted to the bone, as have parts of her head, tail, and wings; as well as this, her wings are noticeably tattered, and her eyes glow a bright blue in color. She is covered in black armor plating.
In addition to this, she leads a diverse array of undead servants and minions, all of which have unique features:
The Dread Queen and Black Frost are found in the Dreadlands, an icy dimension locked in perpetual darkness and accessed through a portal found in Mausoleums, gigantic dungeons made of Dreadstone which spawn randomly in Snowy Tundra biomes; however, since the Dreadlands are currently unused, the Dread Queen cannot be fought. Meanwhile, Liches, their minions, and Dread Knights can be found in Mausoleums and the former can also rarely be found walking through Snowy Tundra biomes at night, killing everything they see and turning them into minions.
Since neither the Dread Queen nor Black Frost have been implemented yet, it is unknown what exactly they will drop.
The Dread Queen’s minions drop 0-2 Dread Shards upon death, along with some other minor drops (usually bones), depending on the type of minion they are:
Since neither the Dread Queen nor Black Frost have been implemented yet, it is unknown how exactly they will behave. However, it is likely that they will be hostile towards any non-Dread mob that comes nearby, including players and living dragons; as well as this, they will likely be able to spot targets from 128 blocks away.
The Dread Queen has many different minions to fight for her, each with its own unique abilities:
Liches are powerful, undead necromancers that can raise the dead, and are the Dread Queen’s main servant. When attacking, Liches will usually fire glowing blue skull-like projectiles at their targets; however, they are also known to summon minions, either by raising their arms and casting a summoning spell or by killing specific mobs. A Lich can summon up to a maximum of 5 minions with its summoning spell, and will otherwise rely on killing mobs in order to expand their patrols. Liches can summon the following minions:
Dread Knights
Dread Knights are heavily-armored undead knights that serve as the Liches’ bodyguards. Dread Knights have a fighting style similar to that of a Thrall, walking towards their target and striking at them with their swords; however, they move at a slightly quicker pace than Thralls, and their pristine swords allow them to deal 9 hearts (18 HP) of damage with each strike, being capable of killing a player wearing iron armor in 2 or 3 hits. As well as this, they are known to mount armor-covered skeleton horses, which allow them to move much more quickly and erratically than they usually do; in fact, they will immediately mount said horses if they are nearby, causing them to become more dangerous in a matter of seconds.
Новая Версия Мода Minecraft Ice and Fire: Драконы Добавила Кучу Сказочных Мобов
Для Minecraft вышла новая версия мода Ice and Fire: Dragons, который добавляет в игру помимо драконов множество разнообразных фантастических мобов.
Изначально мод должен был добавить в игру драконов, однако со временем он оброс целой плеядой монстров. Список существ, доступных в моде, огромен — есть гиппогрифы, горгоны, морские змеи, гидры, циклопы, тролли, черви, призраки и не только.
Главной особенностью мода являются драконы. Существ можно приручать, тренировать и даже летать на них. Кроме того, игроки смогут исследовать пещеры драконов, собирать их яйца и крафтить уникальное снаряжение.
Описание Мода. Что добавляет модификация Ice and Fire
Драконы делятся на три типа — Огненные, Ледяные и Молнеиносные.
Огненные драконы бродят по большей части обитаемого мира, в то время как ледяные драконы обитают только в самых холодных биомах, а молниеносные являются самыми редкими и появляются только в джунглях и саванне. Видов мирмексов пока только 2 — пустынный и джунглевый.
Длительность жизни дракона делится на 5 стадий. Каждую стадию у дракона слегка меняется внешний вид. На прирученных драконах можно летать.
Изображение | Название | Описание |
Снежный житель | Мирный сельский житель, который живёт в ледяных деревнях, находящихся в снежных биомах. | |
Фея | Легкомысленный лесной дух, который любит красть предметы у ничего не подозревающих игроков. | |
Гиппокамп | Изящное мореходное чудовище, которое можно приручить, что позволит вам на нём передвигаться. |
Изображение | Название | Описание |
Гиппогриф | Альпийский летающий хищник, которого можно приручить и использовать в качестве крепкого летающего боевого маунта. | |
Амфитер | Тропический пернатый змей, которого можно приручить и использовать в качестве быстрого летающего маунта. |
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Сборка «Лед и Огонь» Майнкрафт
Описание сборки «Лед и Огонь» для игры Майнкрафт
Создали сборку обычные игроки под никами Raptorfarian и Alexthe666. Если говорить проще, то во Вселенную Майнкрафта этот мод добавляет драконов и ряд других персонажей (ботов). Все завязано на противостоянии двух стихий – огня и льда. Огненные драконы будут летать по всему миру после генерации ландшафта, а вот ледяные – только в самых холодных биомах.
Не стоит думать, что эти твари безопасны, так как один сможет испепелить игрока, а другой – заморозить его до смерти. Оба вида спаунятся в воздухе и сразу же предстают перед игроком, если он находится в их радиусе видимости.
Изменения и дополнения версий
Изначально в мод было добавлено только два дракона: ледяной и огненный. Если игрок убивал их, то он получал ряд полезных предметов, среди которых было и мясо, восстанавливающее здоровье, но накладывающее на персонажа проклятья. Если игрок съедал мясо огненного дракона, то он горел на протяжении пяти секунд. Ледяное мясо же замедлял персонажа на то же самое время.
Вот краткая история обновлений:
- Версия 1.2.0. Добавлены Феи, Гиппогрифы и Горгоны. Версия 1.3.0. Добавлены Циклопы и переделан внешний вид Драконов. Версия 1.4.0. Добавлены Сирены, Гиппокампы и Черви смерти. Версия 1.5.0. Добавлены Василиски, Стимфалийские птицы и Тролли. Версия 1.6.0. Добавлен Мирмекс. Версия 1.7.0. Добавлены Амфитеры и Морские змеи. Версия 1.8.0. Обновление Драконов и добавление поддержки дургих модов. Версия 1.9.0. Добавлены Гидры и Ужасные личи. Версия 2.0.0. Добавлен Дракон молнии.
Описание основных существ
Среди пассивных мобов можно выделить:
- Снежных жителей (они мирные). Фей (украдут у игрока предмет из инвентаря, если он задремлет). Гиппокампов (Добрых, но больших морских гадов, которых можно приручить).
- Гиппогриф. Летающий хищник, который живет на равнинах. Его можно приручить. Амфитер. Также летающий, но уже змей. На нем также можно летать, если приручить Амфитера.
Процесс установки мода
Чтобы поиграть в сборку «Лед и Огонь», необходимо выполнить следующие действия:
Health Points
Attack Strength
Common Drops
Rare Drops
Ghosts are wrathful spirits that haunt their burial places at night and relentlessly harass interlopers.
Ghosts are skeletal specters with tattered robes and a noticeable lack of legs. They come in three colors: white, blue, and green.
Ghosts can be found in Graveyards, small, gated burial areas which spawn randomly in all biomes; they will rise out of the Graveyard Soil during the night, and they will spawn when a Cursed Chest hidden in a small catacomb is opened. Additionally, they can spawn when a player is killed by another player.
Upon death, ghosts drop:
Only ghosts that spawn from graveyard soil drop these items upon death. (This implies that Ectoplasm and Phantasmal Ingots can only be obtained from ghosts spawned from Graveyard Soil)
Ghosts are naturally hostile to players and villagers; they are able to spot targets from 64 blocks away. When attacking, ghosts will circle around their target before charging towards them and dealing 1.5 hearts (3 HP) of damage on contact; when about to charge, they will emit a loud scream, and a hallucination of a ghost will fly across the screen of any nearby players. Ghosts are able to fly through walls when moving about and chasing foes; as well as this, they are immune to most forms of damage, and only silver weapons and the Phantasmal Blade can deal damage to them.
When exposed to broad daylight, ghosts will enter a dormant state; upon doing so, they will stop glowing and slowly fade into invisibility, and they become immune to all forms of damage (even from silver weapons and the Phantasmal Blade). However, during the night, they will become active again.
Crafting Recipe
Bestiary is crafted with 3 Manuscripts (Shapeless Recipe).
Natural Generation
Bestiary can be found inside chests in Dragon Roosts and Dragon Caves.
The Bestiary starts with only one chapter: Introduction. The rest of the chapters can be unlocked individually by placing the Bestiary and Manuscripts into Bestiary Lectern. Each chapter costs 3 Manuscripts. In total, you need 78 Manuscripts to be able to unlock every chapter of Bestiary.
To see contents without opening Bestiary, open inventory (E) and hold (SHIFT) while pointing on the Bestiary. Otherwise you can open it by right-clicking while holding it. To switch to another page, click on the arrow on bottom left or right.
A small tattered note clings to the binding of the bestiary. It reads: This manuscript is meant to be a guide to those who like to inform themselves about the great wonders in this supernatural realm. It will cover some basics of designing tools, armour, and weapons to tracking, hunting, and learning about mysterious creatures. The bestiary then goes on to describe supernatural changes in the generation of the world, starting with strange ores. An ore with mystical properties, silver ore can be found in the same layer gold can be found. It can be smelted into ingots which have a variety of uses. Silver weaponry does extra damage to the undead, due to its magical properties. A second magical ore associated with supernatural creatures is the sapphire ore. Sapphire ore is found randomly in snowy biomes. Nuggets of either gold or silver can be stored into placeable piles, like so. The only way to obtain more information about the magical world is to research other writer’s works. This can be done by crafting a bestiary lectern. Once the lectern has been placed, it can be interacted with by right-clicking on it. The inside will have three slots, the leftmost for an input bestiary, the bottom for manuscripts, and the rightmost for the output bestiary. For every manuscript, a new index will appear in the bestiary. These new pages can be information about mythical creatures, different types of peoples, informative crafting guides, and even basic alchemy.
After taking down one of the more monstrous fire dragons I had found in a cavern, I noticed that the beast was guarding its own clutch of eggs. These eggs were a multitude of beautiful colours, all coated with shiny scales. I instantly thought of how much worth these eggs could be sold for, probably even more than many diamonds. However, eggs have one purpose to the dragon themselves: to propagate their own species. Remembering something I had read in some old manuscripts, that dragons have strong maternal instincts and care for their young, I set out to find out how to raise my own brood of dragons. While moving the eggs to a safer location near my home, I noticed that these eggs were much warmer than those of a chicken or other bird. This gave me an idea on how to unlock the secrets of the dragons. I stacked up some wood and netherrack into a large pile and placed the largest of the eggs onto it. Once the egg was atop the pile, I lit the pile afire, and the wood and netherrack around the egg burst into flames. After waiting for around a short time, I could not see any difference with the egg. I thought of removing the egg and looking for another method of hatching the egg, but I remembered that dragons are large beings that require a large amount of energy. Deciding not to be hasty, I let the egg sit on the perpetual fire for three days. My decision was very successful! The dragon’s egg hatched, and I am now in possession of a young dragon. I’ll have to write another entry some other time to describe my experiences with this new friend.
After taking down one of the more monstrous ice dragons I had found in a cavern, I noticed that the beast was guarding its own clutch of eggs. These eggs were a multitude of faded colours, all coated with shiny scales. I instantly thought of how much worth these eggs could be sold for, probably even more than many diamonds. However, eggs have one purpose to the dragon themselves: to propagate their own species. Remembering something I had read in some old manuscripts, that dragons have strong maternal instincts and care for their young, I set out to find out how to raise my own brood of dragons. While moving the eggs to a safer location near my home, I noticed that these eggs were much colder than those of a chicken or other bird. This gave me an idea on how to unlock the secrets of the dragons. I poured some buckets of water into a small pond and placed the largest of the eggs onto it. Once the egg was in the pond, I filled the pond around the egg in order to cool it down. After waiting for around a short time, I could not see any difference with the egg. I thought of removing the egg and looking for another method of hatching the egg, but I remembered that dragons are large beings that require a great amount of time to grow. Deciding not to be hasty, I let the egg sit in the lake for three days. My decision was very successful! The egg formed ice around itself and in a few days hatched! I am now in possession of a young dragon. I’ll have to write another entry some other time to describe my experiences with this new friend.
After you have slain a dragon or come across one’s corpse, one can loot from it by interacting with it. Dragon scales are one of the most common items that can be recovered from dead beasts. They can be crafted into suits of armour, which are very durable. The second most common loot one can receive are dragon bones. Dragon bones are used in many recipes, but are mostly for crafting tools and weapons. These recipes usually involve the use of wither bone instead of sticks. Wither bone can be gathered from black skeletons in the nether. Wither bone can also be made into wither bone shards, which replace flint when making dragon bone arrows. Dragon flesh can also be harvested from dragons. This meat cannot be cooked, and has different effects based on what type of dragon it came from. The fire dragon flesh will smite its eater, and ice dragon flesh can slow its consumer to a halt. All flesh sates as much as cooked beef. Dragon hearts can only be dropped once by each corpse. I currently am not aware of their purpose. Dragon skulls are also only dropped once from bodies. These large bones are used to make command staffs and can be placed on the ground. They can also be put onto banners for a dragon shape. Dragon blood, both fire and ice variants, certainly have very magical properties. However, these properties are certainly elusive, and I must research more into them. It seems that now dragon bones and scales can be safely compacted into large cubes for storage. I predict that consolidating such a large mass of magical presence in a block could have unforeseen uses.
The magical aura of dragon bones and dragon scales definitely has some powerful properties, as is well known. When combined with stone, they become indestructible to dragon frost and flame. It appears there are several constructs that can be made with dragonforge bricks. It is also known that there are ice dragon variants as well. Once you have acquired a dragon forge core, a dragon forge input, 8 dragon bone blocks, and 17 dragon forge bricks, you can construct the dragon forge itself. There are 3 layers. Construct the forge by placing first layer, then a second layer on top of first layer, then a third layer above second layer. Once the forge is complete, it will need some sort of power. In order to power the forge, dragon’s breath is required. This can be achieved either by building the structure close to a tame dragon, or capturing a wild dragon using chains. Chains can be created to capture wild dragons and any other monster. They can be tied to the walls. Dragons will destroy most walls, like cobblestone walls, so those who wish to power their furnace with a dragon need dragon bone wall. To properly power a forge, one must place the chained or tame dragon directly in front of the aperture. Then the dragon will begin to breathe flame or frost as long as there are valid items in the forge. Most items, when placed in a forge, will be turned to ash or dragon ice respectively. But placing an iron ingot and dragon blood (fire blood for fire forges, ice blood for ice forges) will result in a powerful alchemical metal. The result is a metal known as dragonsteel. Dragonsteel is one of the strongest and most versatile materials known to man. It can be made into tools, armour, and dragon armour. Keep in mind that dragon forges can be constructed with ice dragons in mind, to create Ice dragonsteel using the sheer cold of their frost breath. Fire dragonsteel sets attackers aflame for up to 15 seconds and deals a large amount of knockback. Ice dragonsteel freezes target into a giant block of ice. Both types of dragonsteel deal high amounts of damage and can easily dispatch a large dragon. Dragonsteel armour also provides increased protection against dragon breath attacks.
So the legends are true. Such beasts such as the one this entry focuses on do exist. Very well. I shall try as well as I can describe such a beast and its activities. The appearance of the beast is obviously reptilian. However, it is much larger than the average reptile; Individuals I have seen range from the size of a pig to 25 blocks! There are even rumours of larger dragons, sleeping in ancient crypts under the earth. Another notable feature they possess is the ability of flight. This is indicated by the development of large wings, used in aviation. Although the beasts seem sluggish at first, they can lift off and fly swiftly after prey. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect about them is their ability to produce fire from their mouths. They use this power to cook their prey alive. Male fire dragons have patterned wings and collect more valuable loot, whereas females have curved horns. Simply creating fire is not the only way fire dragons dispatch their prey. They also have many attacks. The dragon’s fire blast attack fires a steady steam of flames from the beast’s mouth. Younger dragons are less effective in this attack, while larger ones can scorch nearby terrain, inflicting massive amounts of damage. The fire blast isn’t the only elemental attack. The dragon can also build up a blast of flames into a solidified block. This explosive fireball is then thrown towards the dragon’s prey. Only older dragons are capable of this attack. One of the most common fire dragon attacks is the dragon’s bite. This is the main attack of the fire dragon. It is powerful, and quick, but is not usually instantly deadly. However, the dragon has a rarer melee attack: shaking its prey to death. In this attack, the dragon picks up its target in its mouth, and rapidly shakes it in order to severely injure its prey. The dragon also has a final melee attack, in which it builds up a kinetic force in its tail to slam into its target. This attack is very effective, but it takes a while to build up. They can also beat their wings to push prey back. Taking down a dragon of any stage is not a very easy task. Since fire dragons use elemental ranged attacks, it would be smart thinking to use protective potions and long range weaponry. If you want to take down one of these beasts, try and avoid flames, and watch for charge up behaviour for many attacks. Once you’ve defeated one, you will have access to some valuable commodities. Another thing one should note about fire dragons is their different life stages. Each stage in a dragon’s life means different changes to their behaviour and attacks. In the earliest stage, the dragon is unable to spout flames and is limited to biting attacks. Once it is in its second stage, it can breathe weak flames and do mild amounts of damage. The most notable development of the third stage is the gaining of the fire charge attack, which can deal large amounts of damage. Stage 3 dragons are also the most common type of dragons found in nature. Whereas stage 3 was the dragon’s final teenage form, stage 4 is when a dragon is mature adult, capable of creating eggs. Stage 4 is generally more powerful and cannot be found in roosts. They occupy large caverns beneath the earth’s surface. Stage 5 produces a truly terrifying animal. They follow all the other rules of a stage 4 dragon, except much more powerful and deadly. They are incredibly rare, and it is unheard of for a single soul to defeat one. Both 4’s and 5’s can make deafening roars that instil fear in their prey.
So the legends are true. Such beasts such as the one this entry focuses on do exist. Very well. I shall try as well as I can describe such a beast and its activities. The appearance of the beast is obviously reptilian. However, it is much larger than the average reptile; Individuals I have seen range from the size of a pig to 25 blocks! There are even rumours of larger dragons, sleeping in ancient crypts under the ice. Another notable feature they possess is the ability of flight. This is indicated by the development of large wings, used in aviation. Although the beasts seem sluggish at first, they can lift off and fly swiftly after prey. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect about them is their ability to produce ice breath from their mouths. They use this power to freeze their prey alive. Male ice dragons have patterned wings and collect more valuable loot, whereas females have curved horns. Simply creating ice breath is not the only way ice dragons dispatch their prey. They also have many attacks. The dragon’s ice blast attack fires a steady stream of frost from the beast’s mouth. Younger dragons are less effective in this attack, while larger ones can freeze nearby terrain, inflicting massive amounts of damage. The ice blast isn’t the only elemental attack. The dragon can also build up a blast of ice into a solidified block. This explosive ice cube is then thrown towards the dragon’s prey. Only older dragons are capable of this attack. One of the most common ice dragon attacks is the dragon’s bite. This is the main attack of the ice dragon. It is powerful, and quick, but is not usually instantly deadly. However, the dragon has a rarer melee attack: shaking its prey to death. In this attack, the dragon picks up its target in its mouth, and rapidly shakes it in order to severely injure its prey. The dragon also has a final melee attack, in which it builds up a kinetic force in its tail to slam into its target. This attack is very effective, but it takes a while to build up. They can also beat their wings to push prey back. Taking down a dragon of any stage is not a very easy task. Since ice dragons use elemental ranged attacks, it would be smart thinking to use protective potions and long range weaponry. If you want to take down one of these beasts, try and avoid ice blasts, and watch for charge up behaviour for many attacks. Once you’ve defeated one, you will have access to some valuable commodities. Another thing one should note about ice dragons is their different life stages. Each stage in a dragon’s life means different changes to their behaviour and attacks. In the earliest stage, the dragon is unable to spout blasts and is limited to biting attacks. Once it is in its second stage, it can breathe weak frost and do mild amounts of damage. The most notable development of the third stage is the gaining of the ice charge attack, which can deal large amounts of damage. Stage 3 dragons are also the most common type of dragons found in nature. Whereas stage 3 was the dragon’s final teenage form, stage 4 is when a dragon is mature adult, capable of creating eggs. Stage 4 is generally more powerful and cannot be found in roosts. They occupy large caverns beneath a snow biome’s surface. Stage 5 produces a truly terrifying animal. They follow all the other rules of a stage 4 dragon, except much more powerful and deadly. They are incredibly rare, and it is unheard of for a single soul to defeat one. Both 4’s and 5’s can make deafening roars that instil fear in their prey.
After hatching my very own dragon, I realize that the creature favoured me as its parent. This creature wandered about aimlessly, however, it usually stayed in my general area. Since dragons are animals, they must require food, so I brought in a rabbit. First, the dragon was reluctant to take any action, but it soon tried to bite the rabbit. The feeble little dragon was barely able to take down the rabbit, so I decided to feed the beast in a differently. I threw down a slab of mutton, and the dragon quickly raced towards it and consumed it. Dragons are ancient creatures, and it must take a while for them to mature. However, I devised a plan to spur my dragon’s growth faster. I did this by crafting dragon meal. This mix of bone and protein can be made with any meat. By feeding this to my dragon I was able to make it grow rapidly. I noticed that I could interact with my dragon to check its progress. I can see how old it is, tell its gender, and see how hungry it is. Placing a dragon skull atop a stick has an interesting effect on a tamed dragon. By using it on a dragon, you can make the beast stay or wander. By sneaking and interacting with a dragon that is over stage 2, one can mount the dragon and proceed to ride it in the manner of a horse. By jumping, one can make a dragon take off and fly. The beast can be made to descend its flight by sneaking. A dragon can breathe fire by the pressing of a certain command, which is different for many people. Adult dragons can be bred by feeding them a mixture of elemental items, but first these items must be gathered. Fire lilies and frost lilies are used to make fire mixture and frost mixture, respectively. This mixture can be used to breed two tamed dragons. By interacting with a female dragon will result in the two breeding. Once the dragons have finished mating, the female will lay a single egg, of any color. Dragon horns can be used to summon and desummon dragons. Once can desummon a dragon by interacting with it with the horn, and blowing a horn can summon one. Armour for dragons can also be crafted. It is most commonly made from iron, gold and diamond. Dragon armour is made in the same shape of normal armour, except it uses blocks instead of ingots. One can also skilfully craft a dragon bone flute out of iron and dragon bone. This instrument can calm a tame flying dragon and bring it towards the ground. These flutes are also effective on other flying tamed creatures, like hippogryphs and amphitheres.
After harvesting dragon blood by using a glass bottle on a dragon’s corpse, I finally figured out how to use it effectively as a weapon. By combining either fire or ice blood with a dragon bone sword, I was able to infuse the two and make them into potent weapons to the opposite dragon. Fire infused swords ignite their target into flames, and do extra damage against ice dragons. Ice infused swords slow down their target, and do extra damage to fire dragons. Both swords also have large knockback effects. Dragon blood can also be used to preserve dragons. When combined with a diamond, ender pearl, and an emerald or a sapphire, one can create a summoning crystal. When right-clicked on a dragon, the crystal is bound to it. When clicked anywhere again while in the same dimension, the crystal will teleport and unbound the dragon. If the dragon is slain or somehow not located, the crystal will not unbind. To unbind the crystal manually, place it in the crafting grid by itself.
A hippogryph is a strange creature which appears to have the front of a bird and the hind of a horse. They are found in many diverse locations all across the world. Yet it seems they are attracted to hilly biomes no matter the local climate. This means that these creatures come in a dazzling array of different colours and patterns. Most hippogryphs are predators and will attack nearby nearly any creature smaller than themselves, including people. Yet some have found a way to tame these hostile creatures, and are able to harness their great speed and aerial ability. One way of doing so is by taking advantage of the hippogryph’s favourite food — rabbits. By dropping many rabbit feet near a hippogryph you might earn its trust. Once the beast has feasted on some rabbit feet, it will lay down and show submissiveness. The owner can now sneak and interact with the animal at the same time to apply a saddle, armour or even a storage chest. A simple stick can be used to command the hippogryph to either sit or to wander. It is recommended that a hippogryph is mounted when in wander mode. Hippogryph armour can be made as shown above. Finally, one can breed two hippogryphs by feeding both of the animals rabbit stew. Be careful when housing hippogryphs, as they can fly vast distances.
DO NOT LOOK AT HER EYES. The gorgon is a hideous creature that appears to be half woman, half snake. These monstrous abominations are one of the most dangerous beings in the world, capable of turning anything that looks into their eyes to stone. Luckily for most living things, the gorgons are locked deep beneath ancient stone temples. These temples can be found on many shorelines throughout the world. Said temples have locked, hidden trapdoors that can be opened by moving the correct hidden switches inside the building. Once the door is opened, the adventurer can enter the gorgon’s lair. One way to best this monster is by creating a blindfold. The beast can then not turn you to stone, but this still leaves it with a venomous bite. Once the monster is defeated, the brave soul who killed it can harvest the creature’s head from its body. This head can then harness the immense power of the gorgon to turn whatever gazes at it to stone. Simply hold up the severed head and point it at any creature you would like to turn to stone. Anything turned to stone can be mine with a pickaxe and will drop only cobblestone, unless a pickaxe with silk touch is used on the statue, in which case it will drop a stone statue just like itself. Be careful, as the gorgon’s head can be only be used once!
Woe to those who explore the expanses of the world’s beaches, for a beast taller than a dragon lurks in the sea-side caves. The Cyclops is a monstrous beast with a single eye. Although it is fearsome to nearly all living things, Cyclopes make skilled shepherds. Cyclopes can often be found guarding decent sized flocks of sheep. Most Cyclopes make their homes from dug-out sea caves on the shore. Inside these caves lay both remnants of the Cyclopes’ last meals and significant treasures, aside from sheep. Cyclopes are very vigilant creatures, able to see potential prey and threats from afar. However, due to them having only one eye, this ability can be severely dampened. By taking an arrow and aiming it right at the beast’s eye, they can potentially blind the monster. A blinded Cyclops has greatly reduced perception of its environment. One can then be much closer to the Cyclops without being detected. Another way to avoid the Cyclops’ gaze would be to disguise one-self as a sheep. This can be done by crafting the sheep disguise armour. Wearing the full set of armour and sneaking makes one practically invisible to the Cyclops. All of these precautions should be taken when dealing with such a strong creature, as one bite from a Cyclopes is enough to decapitate!
An elusive, fast and beautiful creature can be rarely found in Oceans. The Hippocampus appears to be a strange mixture of animals with both equine and piscine traits. Exceptionally fast when submerged, no known creature can keep up with the hippocampus underwater. However, it’s abilities on dry land are extremely weakened. The hippocampus is a very passive creature and will never attack any other being, even to save its own life. Hippocampi are colorful and diverse creatures, and appear in many colors. It can be noticed that hippocampi have an affinity to sponges and to prismarine crystals. The beasts will follow around those who hold these items. If the kelp is fed to the hippocampus, it may begin to trust the person. If prismarine crystals are fed to two separate hippocampi, they will procreate and spawn an offspring. Once a hippocampi is tamed, a saddle can be placed on the beast and it can be ridden. Horse armor and a chest can also be equipped, in order to provide protection and allow the animal to carry items, respectively. Riding a hippocampi is similar to riding flying creatures, except the hippocampi is aquatic instead. Slow on land yet extremely quick in the sea, it is a perfect mount for maritimers, explorers, and pirates. Some myths even state that riding one will allow its owner to breathe underwater! Hippocampi can be made to sit by interacting with them whilst holding a stick. If killed, a hippocampi drops shiny scales. These shiny scales, when mixed with a water bottle in a brewing stand, can be turned into a potion of water breathing.
The half-lizard, half-fowl appearance of the cockatrice might not be as terrifying as that of a troll or deathworm, but that does not make it less deadly. This beast can prove to be a formidable enemy to those who encounter it whilst wandering the savannas of the world. Although the cockatrice can strike prey with its sharpened beak, or slice with its talons, the beast possesses a far stronger weapon: its vision. If one’s eyes lock these of the cockatrice, their soul will start to wither away. The cockatrice can kill prey very quickly simply by gazing at it. In order to protect from this attack, potential slayers of cockatrices may want to craft protection in the form of a blindfold. If either the cockatrice or its prey is blinded, it will be forced to use its weaker melee attacks. Cockatrices can be a good supply of wither bones, of which they drop on death. Although they inhabit savannas by nature, there are other ways for cockatrices to appear in the world. Very rarely, a chicken can lay a rotten egg. These eggs are of little value to a farmer as they cannot be prepared in food. However, when thrown there is a very rare chance to spawn a baby cockatrice. These cockatrice chicks imprint on the thrower of the egg and will serve them for life. A tame cockatrice can be made to sit, follow or patrol by interacting with it with an open palm. Feeding the creature seeds will heal it. They can also eat rotten flesh off of the ground. Tamed cockatrices will also fight to the death to protect their owner. Wild, hostile cockatrices can also be tamed, albeit in a more dangerous manner. By continuously staring at the beast, it can be broken and made to serve its better. The best method to do this would be to trap the creature, then look at it for short periods so the capturer’s soul does not wither away. Cockatrices will naturally protect any chickens in their general area. If any being targets a nearby chicken, with the exception of the cockatrice’s possible owner, they will immediately attack. A cockatrice’s greatest enemy is any weasel-like creature. These small animals could easily kill a cockatrice with just a few bites.