Как на русском будет uncle
1 uncle
maternal uncle — дядя по матери, по линии матери
paternal uncle — дядя по отцу, по линии отца
to talk like a Dutch uncle — отечески наставлять, журить
to cry uncle амер.; разг. — признать себя побеждённым, сдаться, просить пощады
2 uncle
3 uncle
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США uncle дядя
пожилой человек;
«дядюшка» (особ. в обращении)
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США
4 uncle
to say uncle — признать себя побеждённым, сдаться, просить пощады
5 uncle
6 uncle
7 uncle
8 uncle
9 uncle
10 uncle
U. Sam «дя́дя Сэм», США
11 uncle
12 uncle
13 uncle
14 uncle
15 uncle
Uncle has some pretty strong ideas about who’s in charge of this investigation — У ФБР свои понятия о том, кто ведет это расследование
16 uncle
18 uncle
19 uncle zu
20 uncle
См. также в других словарях:
Uncle B — Studio album by N Dubz Released 17 November 2008 … Wikipedia
Uncle — Un cle, n. [OE. uncle, OF. oncle, uncle, F. oncle, fr. L. avunculus a maternal uncle, dim. of avus a grandfather; akin to Lith. avynas uncle, Goth. aw? grandmother, Icel. [=a]i great grandfather.] 1. The brother of one s father or mother; also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uncle — late 13c., from O.Fr. oncle, from L. avunculus mother s brother, lit. little grandfather, dim. of avus grandfather, from PIE root *awo grandfather, adult male relative other than one s father (Cf. Arm. hav grandfather, Lith. avynas maternal uncle … Etymology dictionary
Uncle Al — may refer to*Albert Moss, a Miami disk jockey known as DJ Uncle Al *Albert Lewis, host of the children s television program The Uncle Al Show broadcast from Cincinnati. *Aleister Crowley … Wikipedia
uncle — ► NOUN ▪ the brother of one s father or mother or the husband of one s aunt. ORIGIN Old French oncle, from Latin avunculus maternal uncle … English terms dictionary
Uncle Ho — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Crossover, Pop Gründung 1994 Auflösung 30. Oktober 2004 Neugründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
uncle — Used by a speaker to address the brother of his father or mother, or the husband of an aunt, an uncle in law. The term is used alone, or followed by the first name of the man concerned, especially if the speaker is a child. Usage varies… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
uncle — I. n 1. British a pawnbroker. A use of the word which arose in the 18th century, referring (probably ironically) to the mon eylender s avuncular assistance. The term was still heard in London in the 1950s and may survive. From the 1980s it was… … Contemporary slang
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … Word origins
Как на русском будет uncle
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Мои примеры
Her uncle is an alcoholic.
My uncle died a hero.
Мой дядя погиб, как герой.
I have three uncles and two aunts.
У меня три дяди и две тёти.
And what did dear Uncle wish to impart?
Что же хотел сообщить любимый дядюшка?
If he’s my uncle, then I’m his niece.
Если он мой дядя, то я его племянница.
I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.
Я поехал, чтобы погостить у дяди и тети несколько дней.
My uncle has been banging about Africa for years.
Мой дядя в течение долгих лет путешествовал по Африке.
Uncle Sam wants you!
Ты нужен Америке! (знаменитый агитационный плакат)
Her uncle is her godfather.
Её дядя — её крёстный отец
Uncle Philip
Uncle Fred, did you work this?
Дядя Фред, это ты устроил?
He played uncle to lonely students.
Для одиноких студентов он играл роль мудрого дядьки.
He has bought his uncle’s business.
Он купил бизнес своего дяди.
Send me the letter care of my uncle.
Пришлите мне письмо на адрес моего дяди.
My Uncle David is visiting next week.
Мой Дядя Дэвид приезжает погостить на следующей неделе.
Did you thank Uncle Ron for the present?
Ты сказал спасибо дяде Рону за подарок?
My uncle has been a farmer for 60 years.
Мой дядя был фермером в течение шестидесяти лет.
We used to dread my uncle’s fortnightly visits.
Мы страшно боялись визитов моего дяди, которые он делал раз в две недели.
A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons.
Щедрый дядя заплатил за ее уроки музыки.
She has an alcoholic uncle.
У неё есть дядя-алкоголик.
My uncle served in / with the 8th Army.
Мой дядя служил в восьмой армии.
I don’t call him Uncle — just plain Bill.
Я не называю его дядей — просто Билл, и всё.
My aunt and uncle are also my godparents.
Мои тётя и дядя одновременно являются моими крёстными.
When I was small, Uncle Fred was my hero.
Когда я был маленьким, дядя Фред был для меня кумиром.
My uncle perished in the trenches in 1917.
Мой дядя погиб на фронте в 1917 году
An appeal to his uncle was his last resort.
Обращение к дяде было его последней надеждой.
Her uncle agreed to pay part of her tuition.
Её дядя согласился оплатить часть её обучения
My uncle Walter is as obstinate as they come.
Мой дядя Уолтер на редкость упрям.
Jim’s uncle retired from the railway company.
Дядя Джима уволился из железнодорожной компании.
Uncle Ted’s chair collapsed under his weight.
Стул дяди Теда рухнул под его тяжестью.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Uncle Charlie was jobless and penniless.
His aunt and uncle were witnesses at his baptism.
Uncle Earl was exhausted and his shirt hung in shreds.
1 uncle
maternal uncle — дядя по матери, по линии матери
paternal uncle — дядя по отцу, по линии отца
to talk like a Dutch uncle — отечески наставлять, журить
to cry uncle амер.; разг. — признать себя побеждённым, сдаться, просить пощады
2 uncle
3 uncle
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США uncle дядя
пожилой человек;
«дядюшка» (особ. в обращении)
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США
шутл. ростовщик;
my uncle’s лавка ростовщика;
Uncle Sam «дядя Сэм», США
4 uncle
to say uncle — признать себя побеждённым, сдаться, просить пощады
5 uncle
6 uncle
7 uncle
8 uncle
9 uncle
10 uncle
U. Sam «дя́дя Сэм», США
11 uncle
12 uncle
13 uncle
14 uncle
15 uncle
Uncle has some pretty strong ideas about who’s in charge of this investigation — У ФБР свои понятия о том, кто ведет это расследование
16 uncle
18 uncle
19 uncle zu
20 uncle
См. также в других словарях:
Uncle B — Studio album by N Dubz Released 17 November 2008 … Wikipedia
Uncle — Un cle, n. [OE. uncle, OF. oncle, uncle, F. oncle, fr. L. avunculus a maternal uncle, dim. of avus a grandfather; akin to Lith. avynas uncle, Goth. aw? grandmother, Icel. [=a]i great grandfather.] 1. The brother of one s father or mother; also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uncle — late 13c., from O.Fr. oncle, from L. avunculus mother s brother, lit. little grandfather, dim. of avus grandfather, from PIE root *awo grandfather, adult male relative other than one s father (Cf. Arm. hav grandfather, Lith. avynas maternal uncle … Etymology dictionary
Uncle Al — may refer to*Albert Moss, a Miami disk jockey known as DJ Uncle Al *Albert Lewis, host of the children s television program The Uncle Al Show broadcast from Cincinnati. *Aleister Crowley … Wikipedia
uncle — ► NOUN ▪ the brother of one s father or mother or the husband of one s aunt. ORIGIN Old French oncle, from Latin avunculus maternal uncle … English terms dictionary
Uncle Ho — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Crossover, Pop Gründung 1994 Auflösung 30. Oktober 2004 Neugründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
uncle — Used by a speaker to address the brother of his father or mother, or the husband of an aunt, an uncle in law. The term is used alone, or followed by the first name of the man concerned, especially if the speaker is a child. Usage varies… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
uncle — I. n 1. British a pawnbroker. A use of the word which arose in the 18th century, referring (probably ironically) to the mon eylender s avuncular assistance. The term was still heard in London in the 1950s and may survive. From the 1980s it was… … Contemporary slang
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … Word origins
at my uncle’s — у моего дяди (дома)
maternal uncle — дядя по матери, по линии матери
paternal uncle — дядя по отцу, по линии отца
uncle by marriage — дядя жены или мужа
to inherit a fortune from an uncle — получить наследство от дяди
my uncle’s — шутл. лавка ростовщика
Uncle George — король Георг Третий
Uncle nab — полицейский
Welsh uncle — двоюродный брат отца или матери
to talk like a Dutch uncle — отечески наставлять, журить
to cry uncle амер.; разг. — признать себя побеждённым, сдаться, просить пощады
Uncle Sam’s party амер.; разг. — день зарплаты (особенно для госслужащих)
Uncle Sam — «дядя Сэм» (США или правительство США)
Смотреть что такое «uncle» в других словарях:
Uncle B — Studio album by N Dubz Released 17 November 2008 … Wikipedia
Uncle — Un cle, n. [OE. uncle, OF. oncle, uncle, F. oncle, fr. L. avunculus a maternal uncle, dim. of avus a grandfather; akin to Lith. avynas uncle, Goth. aw? grandmother, Icel. [=a]i great grandfather.] 1. The brother of one s father or mother; also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uncle — late 13c., from O.Fr. oncle, from L. avunculus mother s brother, lit. little grandfather, dim. of avus grandfather, from PIE root *awo grandfather, adult male relative other than one s father (Cf. Arm. hav grandfather, Lith. avynas maternal uncle … Etymology dictionary
Uncle Al — may refer to*Albert Moss, a Miami disk jockey known as DJ Uncle Al *Albert Lewis, host of the children s television program The Uncle Al Show broadcast from Cincinnati. *Aleister Crowley … Wikipedia
uncle — ► NOUN ▪ the brother of one s father or mother or the husband of one s aunt. ORIGIN Old French oncle, from Latin avunculus maternal uncle … English terms dictionary
Uncle Ho — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Crossover, Pop Gründung 1994 Auflösung 30. Oktober 2004 Neugründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
uncle — Used by a speaker to address the brother of his father or mother, or the husband of an aunt, an uncle in law. The term is used alone, or followed by the first name of the man concerned, especially if the speaker is a child. Usage varies… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
uncle — I. n 1. British a pawnbroker. A use of the word which arose in the 18th century, referring (probably ironically) to the mon eylender s avuncular assistance. The term was still heard in London in the 1950s and may survive. From the 1980s it was… … Contemporary slang
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
uncle — [13] Uncle comes via Anglo Norman uncle and late Latin aunculus from Latin avunculus ‘mother’s brother, maternal uncle’ (source also of English avuncular [19]). This was a diminutive noun derived from the prehistoric base *aw ‘grandparent’, and… … Word origins