fable the lost chapters коды чит
Коды по «Fable: The Lost Chapters» (читательские хинты)
Как открыть все двери, встречающиеся по ходу игры? Легко!
Дверь в Heroes Guild. Используйте лампу, которая есть у вас в инвентаре.
Дверь в Lookout Point. Дверь откроется в ходе основного квеста, ближе к концу игры. Этот момент вы точно не пропустите.
Дверь в Greatwood Gorge. Убейте любого NPC перед этой дверью или проглотите 10 crunchy chicks (цыплята). Дверь также откроется, если ваш персонаж — само воплощение зла.
Дверь в Greatwood Caves. Необходимо поднять combat multiplier как минимум до 14. Чтобы это сделать, лучше всего спуститься в Hobbe Cave до самого конца. Поднимайтесь к выходу, навесив на себя physical shield, и убивайте всех попадающихся на пути монстров. В этом деле хорошо помогает force push. На выходе из пещеры combat multiplier сбросится наполовину, поэтому вам нужно прокачать его до 30 и выше. В качестве альтернативы можно обстреливать земляного тролля (около двери) из лука. Это тоже повысит combat multiplier.
Дверь в Rosewood Cottage. «Подарите» ей какую-нибудь вещь из отделения gifts (в инвентаре), предварительно убедившись, что дверь подсвечена.
Дверь в Darkwood Marsh. Тут все просто: дверь выпустит на вас четыре волны стражников. Убейте их всех, и она пропустит вас.
Дверь в Darkwood Bordello. Чтобы эта дверь открылась, в статистике героя рядом с пунктом «сколько раз занимался сексом» должно стоять число 10.
Дверь в Barrow Fields. Чтобы дверь открылась, вы должны быть толстым. Самый дешевый способ набрать вес — купить и съесть 60 морковок.
Дверь в Grey House. Женитесь на Lady Grey.
Дверь в Abandoned Road. Подойдите к двери сначала в полном наборе Bright Plate Mail suit, затем в Dark Will Users suit и, наконец, в Bandits suit.
Дверь в Witchwood Stones открывается в ходе сюжетного квеста. Для этого нужно собрать слово H.I.T.S., ударяя по магическим камням в этой же локации. Кстати говоря, если на камнях выстроить полуцензурное S.H.I.T., герой грязно выругается, а дверь натравит на него монстров.
Дверь в Knothole Glade. Выстрелите в нее из лука, как можно сильнее натянув тетиву.
Дверь в Headmens Hill откроется в ходе квеста, если вы решите жениться на Lady Grey.
Дверь в Lychfield Graveyard тоже открывается в ходе сюжетного квеста. Нужно найти на кладбище вещи Nostro и принести их обратно к его могиле.
Дверь в Necropolis забирает все ваши серебряные ключи (независимо от их количества). Убедитесь, что они вам больше не нужны (Виталий Дмитрачков).
Чит-коды к игре Fable: The Lost Chapters
Fable: The Lost Chapters cheat codes:
Unlimited Silver Keys:
This trick requires a spade/ First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and
go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house.
Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each
time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the
treasure chest. However, you will get Evil points. Then, do a hero save
and then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the
Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this as many times as desired.
If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not
finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.
Money hint
In the beginning of the game, it is quite hard to gain some money
to buy weapons and armor. Here’s a little hint. When you get to the
two farm quests, take the evil one, since this one gives you 50% more money
Then go to Bowerstone general shop, and buy every piece of meat
(if it has 15 or more), then sell it again, buy it again and sell it again.
Do this some times. After a while, you can do this with parfume, and even
all types of gems (except armalyst, since you can only find a limited
amount of it) It takes some while, but after less then 30 minutes you
have got enough money to buy plate armor and master weapons, making
surviving a lot easier.
WARNING: if you do this too often, the game might quit itself,
undoing all your progress of that day if you didn’t save it.
Do this only in the first minutes you play, when you haven’t
done a lot.
Fable: The Lost Chapters-+10 трейнер к игре
Распакуйте все файлы из архива в каталог с игрой.
Запустите трейнер.
Запустите игру, не закрывая трейнер.
Во время игры нажимайте на клавиши, указанные в трейнере.
неправда, трейнер только +9, одной опции до +10 не хватает
Я её 50раз заканчивал без читов игра очень легкая. сейчас хочу в начале посмотреть как будет играться с читами и всем-всем и как долго. СПАСИБО за такой тренер.
Да, игру легко проходить, хотя это сильно сказано. Некоторые моменты коротко харят, нет денег чтоб купить себе что-то нормальное, проходишь с своими тряпками. Так что на время скачаю, но потом удалю, не думаю что будет лучше играть с трейнерами.
ubitan Ну на счет денег я не согласен буду.Так как можно набрать денег на продже домов с трофеями. Ещё в самом начале,в Южном Бауэрстоуне домик то дешевый,да и если этот вариант не катит,то можно скупать ящики с сидром,муку и всякий хлам,перепродовать.
Keralas Я знаю что опоздал с ответом на 5 лет, но все же. дело в том что игру я прошел уже много раз. и вот сейчас хочу просто «побезобразничать» без прокачек и т.д. вот и все!
как им пользоватся я все зделал но когда нажимаю на F1 f2 f3 и т.д. ничего не происходит
Признаюсь, я скачал этот трейнер, чтобы как-то более весело стало в игре, а то в принципе она однообразная, но! Но это при том, что я ее уже прохожу 7-й раз. Не вру, так и есть.
А у меня клава Вы**буеца эти клавеши вапше не пашут 8(
игруха ряльно легкая прошел раз 10 ща попробую с читами)))
игруха то лёгкая токо я качал трейнер чтобы пройти арену я там всех убиваю, а скорпиона не могу
я первые три раза без трейнера прошел))
Keralas, ее все прошли. тыщу раз
У меня не пашит трейнер
Keralas, ее уже все по сто раз прошли, и только совсем недееспособные не смогут пройти такую простетскую игрушку.
мне тренер всегота нужен для деняг у меня штраф 32.648 а так тренер мне ненужет от тренера весь смысол игры исчезает
Уж Fable проходить с читами.
вас родители не учили тому что читерить нельзя. ))))))
С тренерами не получишь от игры кайфа
Я иё прошол гдета раз 7 за 21-28 часов а так 1-3часа.
Непонимаю. Зачем к Fable трейнеры? Там же ну совершенно не нужны всякие читы. Я понимаю если игра сложная или нудная то можно использовать всякие читы но в Fable играть так совершенно не интерестно. С тем же успехом можно просто посмотреть ролики и гордо сказать Я ПРОШЁЛ ИГРУ.
Чит коды к игре Fable: The Lost Chapters [XBox]
Aquire Avo’s Tear
To have Avo’s Tear is easy, first when you have killed Jack of Blades and the choice to throw
the sword, or kill your sister and have’it, then chose to throw it, second, when you fight
Jack of Blades again in the Northern Wastes, and you have defeat’it, then chose to throw the
mask. And Third, go to Maze’s Tower, there Avo’s Tear a Powerfull weapon will be there.
Get Avo’s Tear by remaining with the Sword of Aeons
When you have killed Jack of Blades, and is the time to chose to throw the Sword of Aeons
in the Vortex or Kill your sister and have’it, then save the game. Reload the game, Equip
the Sword of Aeons and Defeat again Jack, and throw the Second sword in the vortex, (so it
will be more easy in Northern Wastes). Then when you are Fighting Jack of Blades in Northern
Wastes in the Dragon form, chose to throw the mask. Then go to Maze’s Tower there you will
found Avo’s Tear.
How to aquire Bright Wizzard Hat
After you have killed Jack of Blades (first time) go to the school in Bowerstone south and
talk to the teacher. Then keep buying books from traders and give them to the teacher until
he says «You have done a very good thing for our school, I don’t know how to repay you this
isn’t much but the kids say that you will like’it.» And you will aquire Bright Wizzard Hat.
Aquire The Bereaver
Open ALL the trunks that needs silver keys and then go to the Necropolis in Northern Wastes
and go to the demon door and give’it all your silver keys (you will NEVER have them back),
and the treasure that guards the Demon door is The Bereaver, and Heavy weapon with Health
augmentation 285 damage (more than sword of aeons) 2 spaces for augmentation 69825 value
but for me is like 225000 value so POWERFULL.
How to open the Demon Door in Abandoned Road.
Buy all the chest pieces of Bright Plate Armor, Equip’it and talk to the Demon door, the
equip the Dark Wizzard Armor and talk with the door agian, then equip the bandit armor and
talk with the door the third time, you will get the sword The Cutlass Bluetane 165 damage
40425 Light and Lightning augmentation with 0 spaces for other augmentation.
Fable the lost chapters коды чит
Note: This trick requires a spade. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest; however, you will get Evil points. Do a Hero Save, then load the saved game again. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this process as much as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.
While on your journey in Albion you will find three special potion types, «Ages of Might», «Ages of Skill», and «Ages of Will». Each of these potions offer 1,000 experience points multiplied by your combat modifier. If your combat modifier is 20 and you use one of these potions, you will gain 20,000 to 21,000 experience points in the respective class. If you do not have a combat modifier at the time of ingestion, you will only receive 1,000 experience points. You can also find three food items, «Red Meat», «Carrot», and «Fish» (not Moonfish). Each of these food items can be bought at Market Traders, and each will give you 3 experience points multiplied by your combat modifier. If your combat modifier is 1 or lower, you will only get the 3 experience points. Eat «Red Meat» for Combat Experience, «Carrots» for Skill Experience, and «Fish» for Will Experience. Eating these in excessive amounts will cause your character to gain weight. Food items are a good choice if you do not care about your character’s weight. You can save the Ages potions for times where your combat modifier is high.
When you defeat Jack Of Blades for the first time, you will get the Sword Of Aeons and a lot of experience gems. Let the sword regenerate your health, then Hero Save and load the game. Do not kill your sister or throw the Sword Of Aeons in yet. You can kill her or throw the sword in later. You will have all the experience gems you earned for defeating Jack Of Blades, and you can use them to upgrade yourself before you fight him again.
Get your Guile skill to the maximum and find a store that has a lot of jewels for sale (diamonds, rubies, jets, and sapphires), such as the the store at Hook Coast. The more they have, the more money you can get. With the Guile skill maxed, you can buy cheaply and sell them back to the same store for more money.
Go to the Darkwood Bordello. You will find the passage to Darkwood Bordello in Darkwood Lake. You will meet Madame Minzche, who will tell you about how she wants the deeds to the place. Get a dress and put it on, then get a red wig; there is one in the bedroom. When you have your outfit on, talk to the owner who will think you are a lady. He will take you to the bedroom. You will get 1,000 gold each time you sleep with him. Note: You cannot have any facial hair when doing this.
Go to the Darkwood Camp area and save the game. Then, go to the blackjack dealer in the camp and place your maximum bet. If you lose, load your game and try again until you win. After winning, overwrite your last save and repeat the trick. The game is fixed for you to lose most of the time, but do not give up; eventually you will win.
Buy the house in Oakvale which you used to live in when you where a child. Put some trophies in there for decoration, then sell the house for more money than you bought it. Break down the door, take the trophies and buy it for less than you sold it for previously. Repeat this process as much as desired to make easy money.
Note: A high level Guile (level 3 to maximum recommended) is needed in order to get the most out of this trick. Once you are a well recognized Hero, have a decent amount of gold, and some good stats, you can steal from general shops throughout Albion and re-sell the items (if there are some empty spaces on the store display). Then, steal the item, sell it, etc. If you get caught, use your «Apologize» expression. Some good items are gems and wedding rings. If you are trying to get gems or a wedding ring, you should steal from the Oakvale general store (the one that has a sign of a bag which looks like your coin purse).
To steal anything in most shops, get a lot of beer from the tavern. Give it to the shop owner you want to steal from. It usually takes about three or four beers to keep them drunk. Once they start swaying and blubbering, push them out of the shop. You can now steal anything desired while the shopkeeper wanders around. Be aware of your surroundings; some people might walk in if they are attracted to you. They will stay drunk for about three or four minutes, giving you plenty of time to pillage.
Sleep with wife without much flirting
After getting a house and a wife, take your wife to your bed and flirt until she asks if you want to go to bed. Say «Yes» and watch or skip the «act». Then, have your wife «Follow» you and just wait by the bed. After about one or two minutes, your wife will ask you again if you want to go to bed. Say «Yes». As long as you stay by the bed, you will not have to flirt and your wife will do all the asking.
Getting away with murder
At night, sneak into someone’s house (do not slash the door); either pick the lock or go in at dusk before the doors close. Go in and kill the people who live there when no one is looking, except them. Quickly kill them and run out of the house. You will not be charged with murder and you will be able to buy the house. Note: This will not always work. If you get caught, either reload the game or use your Guild Seal and teleport away.
When you are able to choose the Sword Of Aeons at the end of the game, throw it into the vortex. When you fight Jack Of Blades again in his dragon form, choose to destroy the mask. Then, go back to the guild and go to the area just outside mazes quarters, where the fountain is located. Read all of the little stones. One of them will give you Avo’s Tear. Avo’s Tear has mana, health, experience augmentations on it. Additionally, after defeating Jack the first time, a year will pass and you must return to the Guild. After helping the prophets and receiving the Fire Heart, The Guild Master will tell you about a secret weapon. Go to Maze’s quarters and look on the shelf to find a journal. Go to the Guild tombs and read the empty grave, then Avo’s Tear will appear.
After getting the quest card for Lady Grey, go to Bowerstone North during the day. Before talking to anyone, go into the only shop in this side of town. If you are good enough, the shop owner will have the Dragon Soul sword for sale. The Dragon Soul sword was once used by the general of the Dragon Knights and has a 350 damage.
Go to Twinblade’s camp and get as many bandits as possible to follow you. Then, hire the mercenary at the camp. Lead them to Oakvale, then hire the mercenary near the cemetery. Slow Time and Assassin Rush are needed for this part. When you go towards the Chapel Of Skorm, Slow Time, then Assassin Rush to the next area so they will not get killed. Make sure it is about midnight. Save the game, then start sacrificing. It will say that it was not a good donation, but do not worry. Keep donating until you are out of followers. Note: If it gets near dawn, use a Golden Carrot, then a Moonfish. Do not sacrifice during daylight.
Getting both Dark Wizard and Bright Wizard hats
Do not pick up any books until you get to the Find The Archaeologist quest. Start the quest, then teleport to Bowerstone South. Get the following books and donate them to the school: A Love Story, The Pale Balverine, The Tale Of Maxley, The Tale Of Twinblade, Eyes Of A Killer, The Guild Of Zeroes, The Repentant Alchemist, The Sock Method, and You Are Not A Bad Person. These can all be found in Bowerstone South. If cannot find all of those books, go to the guild and Hero save the game. Then, search the book shelves for those books. When you have all of those books, donate them to the school. You should now have the Dark Wizard Hat. Next, Hero save the game, then load your game. Start the Find The Archaeologist quest again and get any books other than those and donate them. You will get a Bright Wizard hat. You will now have both hats and can get the Bright Wizard suit from Rose Cottage, and the Dark Wizard suit form Darkwood Marsh.
Getting better summoned creatures
Get the Summon spell at any level, then go somewhere where there is a high level monster or the monster you want for your summon. Use your melee weapon and hit it until it becomes unconscious (it will sway, and a little star will fly around its head). Then, summon your creature. Hit the monster with your fist, not your weapon, and allow your summoned creature finish it off. If the monster kills your summon, re-summon it until it kills the monster. When the monster falls, it will glow blue, and your summon creature will become the monster that just died.
Special produce items
Throughout the game you can find special produce items that offer interesting possibilities:
- Golden Carrot: Turns night into day instantly Moonfish: Turns day into night instantly Tofu: +5 Good points Crunchy Chicks: +5 Evil points Carrot: 3 Skill experience points multiplied by combat modifier Fish: 3 Will experience points multiplied by combat modifier Red Meat: 3 Combat experience points multiplied by combat modifier
Become mayor of Bowerstone North
Use the following trick to become mayor of Bowerstone North. When you first arrive at Bowerstone North, after you complete the Arena, you will be greeted by a guard who says that there is a raving lunatic locked up in the jailhouse and not to talk to him. Talk to him. He says that he wants to overthrow Lady Gray. Agree to his plan. First, talk to the man that is by the Demon Door in Barrow Fields. He will tell you that he used to flash the lamp three times out by the stables by the Grey house to have Amanda go to see him there. Go to the Grey House and do that. An intermission sequence that shows Amanda’s spirit walking to the cellar will play. Go to the cellar and listen to Amanda’s sprit. Lady Grey will find you after you talk to Amanda. Refuse her request to marry her. Return to Bowerstone North and talk to the guard that talked to you earlier. He will ask if you want to be mayor. Say «Yes» and you will become mayor of Bowerstone North.
Marry Lady Grey in Bowerstone North
Do the trick to overthrow Lady Grey and become mayor. When she catches you, say «Yes» to her proposal.
Bordello in Darkwood Lake
Go to Darkwood Lake and look for a door with a sign in front of it that reads «Darkwood Bordello now open for business». Enter the area and a woman named Madame Minzche will say that she was looking forward to a hero arriving. You will later learn the house has prostitutes in it. To take control of the house for the better (or keep it as a house of prostitution), give Gropoe a few beers bought from the nearby bartender. He will get drunk and go upstairs to his bed. You will automatically follow him upstairs to his bed. While he is asleep you will hear him mumble where he hid the Bordello deeds. Dig it up near the big tree next to the statue and talk to Madame Minzche. Gropoe will get mad and leave, and Madame Minzche will ask you if you could change it into a refuge for fallen women. Say whatever desired, depending on what alignment points you want. Note: Weapons and spells are banned from the Bordello.
Cutlass Bluetane in Greatwood Caves
First, go to Twinblade’s camp and get as many bandits as possible to follow you. Lead them through Darkwood to the Greatwood Caves where the Demon Door is found. Slow Time and Assassin Rush are needed in Darkwood so they do not die. Once you get to Greatwood Caves, Slow Time and kill the Earth Troll or the Hobbes (depending on if you have done the Rose Cottage side quest). You must get a combat multiplier of +14 for the Demon Door to open. When you have killed either the Hobbes or Earth troll, start attacking the bandits. As soon as your combat multiplier is high enough, run over to the door and talk to it. After going through the door, you will find the Cutlass Bluetane, which has a lightning augmentation and does 165 damage.
Easy money and early higher skill in Oakvale
Go to Oakvale and buy every emerald in the shop. Look at the next delivery and sleep for the amount of time needed for the store to restock. Keep doing this until you have 90 emeralds. Note: Make sure to buy all the emeralds in stock at once, so that you can buy them for fewer gold pieces. After you have 90 emeralds, sell them to the shop, then buy them back. You should be able to sell them again for much more than you bought them for. It is possible to get 1,000,000 gold pieces in ten minutes. This also gives you a lot of skill.
Infinite Silver Keys in Rose Cottage
This trick requires a spade. First, take the Hobbe Cave Quest and go to the Rose Cottage. Walk to the circle of flowers near the house. Use your spade and dig up a Silver Key. You can also get 500 gold each time you do this if desired, by cutting the thorns and opening the treasure chest. However, you will get Evil points. Do a Hero Save, then load the saved game. You should appear out of the Rose Cottage area. You can repeat this as many times as desired. If you want to get unlimited keys throughout the game, do not finish the quest. You can keep going back and getting the Silver Key.
Fire Assassin Armor in Snowspire Village
Search all the houses in Snowspire Village. Go through the bookcases and cupboards to sometimes find some Fire Assassin Armor.
Infinite items in Witchwood
Use the following trick to get unlimited Master Health Elixirs, Will Master Elixirs, Silver Keys, or anything else that can be found in chests, Demon Doors, etc. In order to do this, do not pick up any Silver Keys or do any Demon Doors throughout the game until you get to «Find the archeologist» quest. It is your first quest in Witchwood. Accept the quest, then go to Witchwood. Go to all places that contain a Silver Key, potion, or item desired. Get all the keys, potions, items, etc., then Hero Save. Load the game, go to Witchwood, and repeat.
Defeating Earth and Rock Trolls
When the troll appears, use the Assassin Rush to get behind it. Use Multi Strike repeatedly to hurt it. When the troll uses its attack to knock you away, before it hits the ground use Assassin Rush again. If done correctly, you will not be damaged, however the hero will flash red as if you were hit.
Defeating the Fist Fighters
Use the following trick to win a Fist Fighters match without throwing a single punch. Go to Twinblade’s camp and get as many bandits as possible to follow you. Join the Fist Fighters gang and the bandits will kill them. Note: This will not work on the final Fist Fighters gang, because bandits cannot teleport. Also, mercenaries will not fight for you; only the bandits will.
Get twenty Silver Keys and go to the silver chest at the guild to get the Legendary Greathammer. Get your Muscle stats very high. Get good Assassin Rush and Multiarrow, along with a good bow. When Jack stops floating at the start of the fight, Assassin Rush over to him and hit him hard. When he starts floating and doing spells on you, just multiarrow. You can defeat him in a matter of minutes. Note: It is not required, but Slow Time can also help.
When you get the Glyphs Of Inquiry towards the end of the game, assign the four expressions you gain to up, down, left, and right. Put up your weapon, then use the expressions in the order «Y», «M», «C», «A».