emergency response liberty county коды на полицию

Roblox – Emergency Response Liberty County Codes – Free Money and Cars (October 2021)

About Roblox – Emergency Response Liberty County

We have a collection of active codes that you can use on Roblox [UPDATE] Emergency Response: Liberty County and information like Badges Lists you can get by playing and Shop Items including their prices.

Using codes from our list can help you get an extra boost as free money and cars on [UPDATE] Emergency Response: Liberty County for FREE!

Who created Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County?

Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County was created by developer Police Roleplay Community and was first released on Nov 01, 2018.
Developer URL: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4328109

How many visitors Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County have?

When we last update this post Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County has over 145,506,989 Visitors and 1,000,774 players added Emergency Response Liberty County to their favorite for now! Are you one of their followers?

And the last update for Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County was on Jun 25, 2021 (1 day ago).

How many players are playing Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County?

When we last update this post, Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County had over 27,824 players online, Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County has an INSANE amount of players playing when we last updated this post, this Roblox is very popular!.

Roblox – Emergency Response Liberty County Codes Lists (Active and Expired)

Let’s start now with the most important information on this post, Active Codes Lists (Including Expired Codes) that will help you get a FREE boost and items on Emergency Response Liberty County!

Roblox – Emergency Response Liberty County Active Codes List – (October 2021)

Here is the list of active codes we found on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County, when using these codes write them exactly how they are on the list, or use copy and paste commands.

These codes are created by Police Roleplay Community owner and developer of Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County and they are the only ones who can make new codes or deactivate codes.

Keep in mind, SteamLists.com can’t create new codes! We only give helpful information!

We are trying our best to keep the list active and when new codes are added to the game to add them as fast as possible on this list! Don’t forget to add us to Bookmark this way you can be one of the first players who will be able to use the new codes on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County before they expire!

Roblox – Emergency Response Liberty County Codes (Expired and Out of Date) – (October 2021)

We keep tracking even on codes what was available before but now they were removed from Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County, this way if players want to see what codes were deactivated you can see them on this list below if you succeed to use these codes before they got deactivate (Expired) don’t worry about the rewards you will not lose them!

What Badges Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County has?

Here we create a full list of active and removed badges that is available on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County, these badges were created by developer Police Roleplay Community SteamLists.com can’t create new Badges!

Active Badges on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County Lists?

This is the list of Active Badges

Deactivate Badges on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County Lists?

These Badges are not Active on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County, some Badges were active before or they will be active in the future, but everything depends on the developer Police Roleplay Community

What items on Shop Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County are available?

We create a full list with all the items you can find to buy on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County, these items were added by Police Roleplay Community and they are the only ones who can add or remove items from the shop.

Each item has a price too, this way if you want to buy now or in future, you can know the prices for them.

Prices on USD, GBP, or EUR are only estimates! When we create these values we focus on United States (America) Robux Real Money! (Each price is not included in the EXTRA Robux when you buy!)

Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County Description

We hope this post helped you to find more information about Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County and to get FREE items using the codes on our lists, we are trying our best to keep the list updated with new and fresh codes, so make sure you bookmark us and check us often for new codes.

If one code is not working, or a new code was already added on Roblox Emergency Response Liberty County and is not here on the list please let us know via comment so we can update the codes lists!


Системы кодов реагирования служб экстренной помощи различаются от страны к стране, при этом используются разные методы для классификации ответов на сообщения о событиях.


Соединенные Штаты

Code 3 Ответ в Соединенных Штатах используется для описания режима ответа на аварийный автомобиль отвечая на вызов. Обычно это слово означает «использовать огни и сирену».

Может использоваться какой-то сленг, например «Бегу жарко» или «Бегу холодно».

Некоторые отделы могут также использовать термины «обновление» и «понижение версии». Если устройство отвечает на вызов без огней или сирен (код 1), а затем устройству необходимо включить свет и сирены (код 3), можно использовать термин «обновление». Термин «понижение» может использоваться в противоположной ситуации.

Некоторые фельдшеры / службы неотложной медицинской помощи (EMS) используют условия приоритета:

Возможен переход на простой язык

В США Национальная система управления инцидентами (NIMS) заявляет, что «требуется, чтобы простой язык использовался для межведомственных, межведомственных и многопрофильных мероприятий, таких как крупные катастрофы и учения», и федеральные гранты стали зависеть от этого начала. 2006 финансовый год. NIMS также настоятельно рекомендует использовать простой язык для внутреннего пользования в рамках одного агентства.

Объединенное Королевство

Использование огней и сирен остается на усмотрение отдельного полицейского, который едет на вызов. Характер звонка является отягчающим фактором при принятии решения, когда их использовать. Вызовы оцениваются либо напрямую из диспетчерской (в случае экстренных вызовов), либо каким-либо первым контактным центром (неэкстренные вызовы). На выставление оценок влияют такие факторы, как применение или угроза насилия во время инцидента, о котором сообщается. Несмотря на то, что классификация производится диспетчерской, офицеры могут запросить повышение класса инцидента, если они считают, что, по их мнению, они необходимы немедленно. Они также могут потребовать понизить оценку инцидента, если считают, что не могут оправдать использование аварийного оборудования, такого как синие огни и сирены.

ОценкаИмея в видуЗвуковое и видимое аварийное оборудованиеЦелевое время
АНемедленный ответ на звонокРекомендуется использовать8 минут
BВажный звонок, обычный звонокМожет использоваться, если водитель считает, что полиция нужна немедленно.20 минут
Cрасширенный звонок, Назначенные встречиНе использоватьБез ограничения по времени
DНепосещениеНе использоватьНепосещение
РешеноНепосещениеНе использоватьВызов разрешен в точке контакта.

Другой вариант, используемый в Великобритании.

В некоторых силах используется система числовых оценок.

Оценка (Статус)Имея в видуЗвуковое и видимое аварийное оборудование
Состояние 1Аварийного реагированияИсключения для дорожного движения обычно используются как звуковое и визуальное сигнальное оборудование.
Состояние 2Срочный ответИсключения для дорожного движения могут использоваться вместе со звуковым и визуальным сигнальным оборудованием.
Состояние 3Несрочный ответЗвуковое и визуальное сигнальное оборудование не используется.
Состояние 4НазначенияЗвуковое и визуальное сигнальное оборудование не используется.
Состояние 5Только для информацииЗвонки, обычно не требующие присутствия полиции, которые могут регистрироваться только для информации.
Состояние 6На сценеОфицер на месте происшествия. При необходимости обновляйте информацию.

Приедут единоличные оперативники и бригады скорой помощи.

Время отклика измеряется с момента прибытия транспортного средства

GP СрочноСрочный ответОбычно не используетсяСрочная госпитализация в больницу. Срочные межбольничные переводы1–4 часа или запланированные временные рамки, решаемые при допущении медицинского работника



Скорая помощь Виктория Информация, предоставленная Скорой помощи Виктория во время вызова тройного нуля, генерирует тип случая и код ответа машины скорой помощи в зависимости от серьезности чрезвычайной ситуации.

Скорая помощь бывает трех видов:

Код 1: Критический случай с сигналом скорой помощи светом и сиреной. Примером может служить остановка сердца или серьезное дорожно-транспортное происшествие.

Код 3: обычное несрочное дело. К ним относятся такие случаи, как человек с постоянной болью в спине, но без недавней травмы.

Дополнительные коды используются для внутренних целей.

Код 1: критическое по времени событие, для реакции которого требуются огни и сирена. Обычно это известный пожар или аварийно-спасательный инцидент.

Код 3: Несрочное событие, такое как ранее потушенный пожар или общественные работы (например, спасение животных или замена батареек дымовой сигнализации для пожилых людей).

Новый Южный Уэльс

Морские спасательные операции Новый Южный Уэльс

Полиция Нового Южного Уэльса использует две различных классификации для реагирования на инциденты. Чтобы ответить «красный код», водитель должен пройти соответствующую подготовку и пройти соответствующие курсы подготовки полицейских водителей.

Южная Австралия

Служба скорой помощи SA использует систему Priority.

ПриоритетТип корпусаИспользуемые огни и сиреныТип экипажа
1Скорая медицинская помощьдаСкорая помощь (фельдшер или фельдшер интенсивной терапии)
2Скорая медицинская помощьдаСкорая помощь (фельдшер или фельдшер интенсивной терапии)
4СрочныйНетСкорая помощь (фельдшер или фельдшер интенсивной терапии)
5СрочныйНетСлужба экстренной поддержки (Скорая помощь)
6РутинаНетСкорая помощь (фельдшер или фельдшер интенсивной терапии)
7РутинаНетСлужба экстренной поддержки (Скорая помощь)
8РутинаНетСлужба транспортировки пациентов (Скорая помощь)

Примечание. Приоритеты 0 и 3 зарезервированы для использования в будущем. Приоритет 9 используется для задач администрирования.

Во время значительных погодных явлений подразделение Государственного центра связи (ГЦС) СЭС ответственно принимает вызовы. Этот операционный центр укомплектован добровольцами, которые направляют вызовы о помощи в ближайшее подразделение, которое будет передавать события отдельным группам.


Полиция Квинсленда использует систему приоритетов:

Для полиции Квинсленда код 1 и код 2 имеют одинаковое время ответа. Редко работа будет иметь код приоритета 1, вместо этого офицерам (в большинстве случаев) будет предложено ответить с кодом 2.

Северная территория

Западная Австралия

Скорая помощь Святого Иоанна в Западной Австралии использует следующие коды для определения ответа:


Emergency Response Liberty County Wiki

Welcome to the ER:LC wiki. You can edit anonymously, or create a account (suggested) to edit. Creating a account will give you access to being able to post, vote and reply in discussions and a ton of other features.

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River City Police Department (RCPD)

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The River City Police Department (RCPD) is the official Law Enforcement department of River City. It is responsible for enforcing the law of River City. It is one of the two law enforcement agencies in Liberty County, the other being the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office. The Police Station is located north of the Power Plant and south of the Liberty County Post Office. The team was introduced during the launch of the game, and continues to serve the city.




As players progress, they are able to achieve higher ranks. These ranks are based on the experience points (XP) players earn in-game. The higher ranks they receive, players will be rewarded with unique perks and features exclusive to the rank. The starting rank of all players is Cadet in this team. While ranks cannot be purchased by any means, certain perks can be purchased with Robux. This includes weapons, equipment, and vehicles.

Rank (Lowest to Highest)

RankRequired XPUnlocked Weapons & EquipmentUnlocked VehiclesUnlocked Privileges
Cadet0 XPShield 9 Pistol, Pepper Spray, Riot Shield, ConesFalcon Prime EquesNone
Officer500 XPFabarm FP6 Shotgun, TaserBullhorn Prancer PursuitNone
Corporal1,200 XPGlock 17 Pistol, Stop StickFalcon Interceptor Utility, SWAT Truck (Gamepass required)Ability to write in reason for warning in the citation book
Sergeant2,250 XPM4A1 RifleChevlon Commuter VanFree air support call-in every 2 hours
Lieutenant4,000 XPBeanbag ShotgunChevlon Platoro PPV, 2020 Falcon Interceptor UtilityNone
Captain6,500 XPSauer P226 PistolBullhorn Pueblo PursuitGhost Vehicle Package
Major9,000 XPType 89Bullhorn Prancer Pursuit WidebodySupervisor Livery Package
Colonel13,000 XPSPAS 12Chevlon Cobeta TZNone
Commander20,000 XPModel 29NoneNone

Items & Uniforms


These are the law enforcement uniforms available in-game.

General Gear

These are general gears that officers are able to use. They are in the player’s inventory by default.

Tactical Non-Lethal Gear

These are gears that officers can use to restrain a suspect.

Lethal Weapons

Players in this team also have access to firearms that will deal damage to other players. Players who do not have combat mode engaged and are not wanted will not be affected by this item. Non-wanted players who have engaged combat mode will only take up to 80% damage when shot by an officer. Flashlights can be toggled on most law enforcement firearms with the «L» key.

Defensive Gear

These are gears that officers can use to defend against gunfire.

Marking Equipment

These are tools that officers are able to use in order to alert traffic of danger, as well as highlight certain areas. Some of these gears are also included in the RCFR/DOT teams. However, these gears are only cosmetic, and players are able to drive or walk through them. These will also despawn after a period of time and can be picked up by the owner.


Players in the River City Police Department team have access to law enforcement vehicles. Vehicle models are the same as those of Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, but have different liveries.

RCPD Vehicle Models

Falcon Prime EquesCadetStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover1.75
Chevlon Captain PPV (Law Enforcement)$19,500Standard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3
Falcon Aquarius$22,000Standard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3
Bullhorn Prancer PursuitOfficerStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3.5
Chevlon Camion PPV$34,500Standard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover, SWAT2.75
Falcon Advance SSV$38,000Standard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover, SWAT2.5
Falcon Scavenger SSVCorporalStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3
SWAT TruckCorporal, SWAT GamepassSWAT2
Chevlon Commuter SSV (Law Enforcement)SergeantPrisoner Transport, SWAT1.5
Chevlon Platoro PPVLieutenantStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover2.75
2020 Falcon Interceptor UtilityLieutenantStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3
Bullhorn Pueblo PursuitCaptainStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3.2
Falcon Stallion 350 Interceptor$49,000Standard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover3
Bullhorn Prancer Widebody PursuitMajorStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover4.05
Chevlon Corbeta TZ PPVColonelStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover4.25

Players are able to customize their vehicle’s appearance by changing the variant of the vehicle. Most of these require a Gamepass in order to be used.

RCPD Vehicle Packages

VariantRequirementsAppearanceApplicable Vehicles
GhostCaptainSlightly reduced visibilityAll vehicles other than SWAT Truck, Commuter Van
SupervisorMajorAdds supervisor markings. Can be also used with the ghost packageAll vehicles other than SWAT Truck, Commuter Van
SlicktopPolice Customization GamepassRemoved roof lighting, increased overall lightingAll vehicles other than SWAT Truck, Commuter Van
UndercoverDetective GamepassRemoved liveries & roof lightingAll vehicles other than SWAT Truck, Commuter Van
SWATSWAT GamepassExclusive SWAT LiverySWAT Truck, Commuter Van, Camion PPV and the Advance SSV


Playing in the River City Police Department allows players within the team to enforce the law of River City, as well as Liberty County. Players in this team have the same privileges as of those in the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office team. Players are able to:

Arresting Wanted Players

Players in the River City Police Department are able to arrest any players with a wanted level. This can be done by selecting Handcuffs in the inventory section, staying near the wanted player, and holding the E button/hold tapping the screen for approximately 1 second. If a player is in Handcuffs, they are not able to escape whilst they are cuffed. However, they are able to move around once they are released or detained.

Citing Civilians

Citing civilians can be done with the Citation Book in the inventory section. This fines the target player a certain amount of money if they are cited. Players are only able to be cited once they have been caught speeding or running a red light by a traffic camera. They will not be able to be cited again unless they break a traffic law again.

Viewing Records

Records of civilian players and their vehicles can be viewed with the Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) in the inventory. This provides information to the officer whether or not the player is wanted, shows their past criminal records, and their username/avatar. For vehicles, officers are able to view the color, license plate, owner, make and model, and the records of the vehicle.


Emergency Response Liberty County Codes – Roblox – July 2021

All the valid Emergency Response Liberty County Codes in one updated list – Roblox Games by Police roleplay Community – A single list that is updated with all valid codes, and that you can redeem right now

Emergency Response Liberty County Codes – Full List

A single list that is updated with all valid codes, and that you can redeem right now

Valid & Active Codes

These are currently no valid codes

Emergency Response Liberty County does not have any code yet. This is a Roblox game from 2018, which although it is premium, does not have a redemption system. Normally the premium games that go free end up implementing the codes. So we will be attentive to the news of the Police Roleplay Community, and we will inform you of any news and planned dates so that you will be the first to redeem the codes when they come out.

Anyway, you can also redeem the Roblox Promocodes

Emergency Response Liberty County Social Media Channels, where they announce new codes:

Expired codes

There are no expired codes so far, but there are no valid ones either

Emergency Response Liberty County Codes – How to Redeem?

In this section you can consult any questions about the redemption system and the steps to redeem

Here, in this video tutorial, you can learn to redeem codes (video by youtuber Gaming Dan)

How to play Emergency Response Liberty County? Roblox Game by Police roleplay Community

Police Week 2021 Event starts May 9

Emergency Response: Liberty County is an emergency services roleplay game. Play as a Civilian, criminal, transportation worker, police officer, sheriff deputy, or also firefighter! Police, fire, and DOT roleplay simulator.


Emergency Response Liberty County Wiki

Welcome to the ER:LC wiki. You can edit anonymously, or create a account (suggested) to edit. Creating a account will give you access to being able to post, vote and reply in discussions and a ton of other features.

emergency response liberty county коды на полицию. картинка emergency response liberty county коды на полицию. emergency response liberty county коды на полицию фото. emergency response liberty county коды на полицию видео. emergency response liberty county коды на полицию смотреть картинку онлайн. смотреть картинку emergency response liberty county коды на полицию.

Emergency Response: Liberty County (Guide)

Emergency Response: Liberty County (ER:LC) is a free to play multiplayer city roleplay game in Roblox released and updated by Police Roleplay Community (PRC). The game is based around an open-world design, containing a city and countryside. Players are able to roleplay as a civilian, criminal, police officer, sheriff’s deputy, firefighter, paramedic (EMS), and department of transportation (DOT) worker in the game. The game was first released on December of 2018. ER:LC is the second game released by Police Roleplay Community, and eventually became the only focus of the team.

The official Trailer of ER:LC.


Development History


The game was first released on November 3, 2018 with 2 departments: police and sheriff. Shortly after its launch, the game received several bug fixes and improvements.

First Milestone

A month after its release, on December 3, 2018, ER:LC achieved their first milestone of 1,000 game sales and 100 concurrent players. Additionally, the game appeared on the front page of Games on Roblox.

Early Development

During its first several months of its release, ER:LC received crucial game updates which lasted healthily to this day. Some of these updates included a combat system, cell phone, handcuff improvements, ATM Robbery, and many other improvements.

Fire Department Update

On December 29, 2018, a new Fire Department team was added. The initial release brought simple vehicles and gears to the team, as well as automatically generated fires.

Continued Update (2019)

During early to mid 2019, the game became filled with major updates that brought huge improvements in gameplay. Some of these features included XP on all teams, new vehicles, traffic cameras, Gamepasses, new items, graphic updates, new systems, Private Servers, and countless amounts of balancing features, bug fixes, and small improvements.


In 2019, the game reached huge milestones that were thought to be impossible before. As ER:LC progressed, the game continued to receive millions of visits. Many events were held to celebrate the game’s success.

DOT Update

Roughly a year after the fire department update, on December 21, 2019, a new Department of Transportation team was brought into the game. Players in this team are able to repair blown tires and tow other vehicles.

Continued Update (2020)

2020 brought a decent amount of updates. The game was not updated as frequently as in the past year, but had a few major updates.

Small Updates

Several small but significant updates were pushed out throughout the year. Some of these updates include new vehicles, items, tasks, accessible trunks, mechanics, and events.

Major Updates

Major updates were pushed out throughout the year, and made a huge impact on the game.

Continued Update (2021)

2021 continued to bring several updates, mostly smaller ones. These include new vehicles, items, and improved mechanics.

Major Updates

Similar to the previous year, major updates were released.

The game takes place in a fictional county named Liberty County. The map consists of two major areas: River City and the countryside of the county. The county is based on the country of the United States, suggested by the department structures, emergency vehicle designs, etc.


«Save the city on an emergency team or chill on the civilian team.»

Currently, there are 6 teams in the game, and 5 are joinable via the game menu. A list of them can be found below.

A list of all joinable teams in the game.


A civilian is the default team of all players. Civilians are able to freely roam around the map while obeying the law. They can also join any of the 5 civilian jobs. This team is able to be joined by anyone at any time. Civilians who have joined a job will earn more paychecks than those who did not.


Once a player commits a crime, they will be given the criminal status. Criminals have anywhere up from 1 to 5 wanted level, which is represented by stars on the top of the screen. Any player in the police/sheriff team is able to arrest players in this status.


A prisoner is an automatically given status once a criminal is arrested. This status clears after a short period of time, which depends based on the previous wanted level of the player. These players will not have access to any items, and will only be able to stay in the jail for the duration of their sentence.


Police is one of the two law enforcement teams. These players can enforce the law of the city by arresting wanted criminals or by performing various activities around the map. This team is based on the River City Police Department and mostly patrols the city area of the map.


Sheriff is another law enforcement team. These players can enforce the law of the county by performing similar actions as the police team. The sheriff team is based on the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office and mostly patrols the outer city area of the map.

Fire & Rescue

Fire & Rescue is a team responsible for fires and medical calls around the county. Players in this team will be able to access various medical or firefighting tools and vehicles. This team is based on the River City Fire & Rescue.

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation (DOT) is a team responsible for maintaining roads and traffic around the county. The team is able to access various traffic-related tools and vehicles.

In-Game Currency

ER:LC features an in-game currency system represented by American Dollars ($). This is arguably the most valuable feature in the game, which allows players to buy vehicles, weapons, and items. This currency can be earned in several ways.



Robux Purchase

Experience Points (XP)

Experience points, represented by the symbol XP, are points able to be earned in any department other than civilians, criminals, and prisoners. Players must earn XP separately on all teams. Gaining XP will progress players through ranks, and most ranks give players certain perks such as unlocked vehicles, items, etc. Police and sheriff teams will allow players to progress in both teams while playing in the other, meaning when a player reaches a rank in the police team, they will reach the equivalent rank in the sheriff team, and vice versa.


List of ranks

PoliceSheriffFire & RescueDOT
OfficerDeputyRookieTow Operator
CorporalCorporalFirefighterSenior Operator
LieutenantLieutenantEngineerSenior Technician
ColonelColonelBattalion Chief
CommanderChief Deputy


ER:LC features drivable vehicles that players are able to use to travel around the map quickly. Each team has access to their own unique vehicles, and players on one team cannot spawn a vehicle from another team. All vehicles are based on vehicles brands and models from real life companies. Currently, there are a total of 72 vehicles in the game.


Civilians and criminals have access to the most selection of vehicles. Currently, there are 41+ civilian vehicles, which vary in size, shape, and performance. A list of all civilian vehicles can be found here.

Law Enforcement

Police and sheriff have access to law enforcement vehicles. Both teams have the same types of vehicles and only differ in textures and siren tone. There are currently 15+ law enforcement vehicles. A list of all law enforcement vehicles can be found here.

Fire & Rescue

Fire & Rescue have access to fire trucks, ambulances, and utility vehicles. This team has access to the most selection of heavy-duty trucks. There are currently 10+ fire & rescue vehicles. A list of all fire & rescue vehicles can be found here.

Department of Transportation

Department of Transportation have access to utility and service vehicles. This team has access to the most selection of unique vehicles. There are currently 4+ DOT vehicles. A list of all DOT vehicles can be found here.


Items are tools able to be used by players. Each team has access to their own unique items. Currently, there are a total of 33 items in the game.


There is currently 1 general item that players in all teams spawn with. It is listed below:

Civilian (Legal)

There is currently 1 legal item for the Civilian team. It is listed below:

Civilian (Illegal)

There are currently 3 illegal items for the Civilian team. Civilians will receive a Criminal status when using this item. They are listed below:

Law Enforcement

There are currently 15 items for the police and sheriff teams, 5 of which require a Gamepass. They are listed below:

Fire & Rescue

There are currently 11 items for the fire department team. They are listed below:

Department of Transportation

There are currently 6 items for the DOT team. They are listed below:


Weapons are firearms that are able to be used to damage or kill other players. Players are only able to damage other players under two circumstances: the other player has a weapon equipped, or they have a taser or handcuffs out. Only civilians, criminals, police, and sheriff are able to be affected by weapons. Currently, there are a total of 12 weapons in the game.


Civilians have access to 6 weapons, 2 of which require a Gamepass. They are listed below:

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement have access to 6 weapons, 1 of which require a Gamepass. They are listed below:


Just like many other city games in Roblox, Emergency Response: Liberty County gives the freedom for players to perform any roleplay and explore the map. Some objectives can be achieved to earn cash and XP, which can enhance the experience by allowing the purchase of better performing vehicles, weapons, and unlocking certain items.


Tasks can be achieved in all teams, which will reward players if done. These vary in each teams.


Civilians are expected to obey the law and perform various actions around the county. They will be rewarded paychecks for playing the game every few minutes. While it is expected, civilians can commit various crimes to earn more money, but with more risk.

Law Enforcement

The police and sheriff are to serve and protect the community by arresting criminals, responding to emergency calls, and citing traffic law violators.

Fire & Rescue

Fire & Rescue must serve the county by putting out fires, responding to fire and medical calls, and reviving and treating injured civilians.

Department of Transportation

DOT are responsible for servicing vehicles and traffic by impounding abandoned vehicles, fixing flat tires, refueling disabled vehicles, and repairing broken traffic lights.


The game allows players roleplay almost anything in the county. Players can also join roleplay jobs, where they can be a postal worker, clerk, farmer, or hospital worker. The limitless opportunities allow all players in each teams to have a good experience. For even better roleplay experience, private servers are recommended.


To learn about badges, go here.

Paid Access Supporter Perks

People who bought the game, back when it cost money, get some perks. They get a exclusive car, a badge, and a revolver.


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