double dragon 2 the revenge коды
Игра Double Dragon II (Двойной дракон 2)
СОВЕТЫ по прохождению игры Double Dragon II (Двойной дракон 2) на Денди (Dendy):
2. Девиц, спускающихся к вам по лестнице, лучше перебить, пока они не достигли земли.
3. Когда вас атакует вертолет, быстро спрыгните с труб и станьте рядом с выступом — там вас не достанут выстрелы с вертолета.
4. Теперь вы в вертолете, который набит противниками. Но ваша главная задача не перебить их, а не дать себя сбросить с вертолета раньше, чем он приземлится.
5.В лесу Смерти самая сложная задача — вскочить в проезжающий поезд. Действуйте в следующей последовательности: запрыгните на первую платформу, перескочите на заднюю, затем перелезьте к дымящимся трубам и подождите, когда труба перестанет дымить. Теперь прыгните к кабине машиниста и пускайте в дело кулаки.
6. Помните: главарь банды ведет нечестную игру, нанося удары не только спереди, но и сзади, временами исчезая и возникая у вас за спиной.
7. С монстрами легче справиться, играя с партнером: один отвлекает спереди, другой бьет сзади.
УПРАВЛЕНИЕ в игре Double Dragon II (Двойной дракон 2) на Денди (Dendy):
А, «вправо» — схватить противника за волосы;
«вниз» + А —удар локтем;
СЕКРЕТЫ в игре Double Dragon II (Двойной дракон 2) на Денди (Dendy):
1. Чтобы заиметь семь жизней, начните игру без партнера, но в варианте для двух игроков (2В). Убейте напарника. Каждый раз убивая его, вы получаете себе лишнюю жизнь.
2. Для переключения этапов нажмите одновременно SELECT + A.
3. В некоторых версиях этой игры можно разом уничтожить всех противников, находящихся на экране, нажав одновременно кнопки SELECT и В.
4. На третьем уровне, когда прилетит вертолет и начнет открываться дверь, поставьте игру на паузу и подождите 10 секунд. Продолжите игру — дверь закроется и из нее не будут выпрыгивать враги.
Чит коды на Double Dragon 2: The Revenge ( NES )
Extra lives
Select two-player B mode and begin game play. Keep defeating player two to gain up to seven extra lives.
Level Select
Quickly enter one of the following codes at the title screen to begin game play in the indicated section of the game.
Levels 1 to 3
Press Up, Right, Down, Left, A.
Levels 4 to 6
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A(2).
Levels 7 to 9
Press A(2), B(2), Down, Up, Right, Left on controller two.
Continue game play:
Quickly enter one of the following codes at the game over screen after completing the indicated level. A «Continue/Start» option will appear. Press Start on controller one to continue the game at the end of the last level played.
Hint: Playing level 4:
Pause game play and wait several seconds when the door on the helicopter opens. The door will close when game play resumes.
Hint: Playing level 9:
Level 9 only appears if the game is played under the «Supreme Master» difficulty level.
Hint: Faster hearts:
Begin game play on level two. Climb the fence when your character has to, then walk across and climb down or fall off the right side. Do not jump. Then, edge over to the right until the two Williams thugs appear. Go back up the fence, and walk over to the left as far as possible. Then, head back across the fence, and the Williams thugs will be gone. However, along the top of the fighting plane, begin kicking, punching, or using your bat until an invisible, stationary Williams is hit. This «ghost» opponent will not move or attack. Simply keep attacking until your character reaches the max of seven hearts.
Helicopter tip:
On the second level when the helicopter is shooting at you, stand directly on the right side of the ladder. When enemies start coming out of the helicopter by 2’s, wait for both of them to get on the ladder at the same time. When they do, execute a cyclone kick and they will both be knocked off the building by the blow.
Level 5 boss tip:
An easy way to kill the boss of the first level is to simply knock him off the edge of the building. This is always an easy way to eliminate enemies. If you are near, water, spikes, or a pit, simply toss them in for an easy kill. On level 5, when you get to the part where the big guys come from the hut, if you time it right, do a jump kick or hurricane kick the minute they walk out the door (the knee move also works) they will fly off the edge for an easy kill and you will save some life.
Extra lives:
When playing alone, select the 2-player B option and beat up your partner. Each time you kill him, you steal one of his lives. This also works well when playing together. If one of you is low on energy, have the other finish you off so you can preserve the life.
Cyclone Kick:
When you knock someone over with a cyclone kick, immediately move about an inch towards him and launch another cyclone. He should get up right into it. Try this against some of the tougher bosses for an easy win.
Hurricane kick:
To pull a hurricane kick, press A and B button at the same time rapidly. You will be thrown into the air and will spin with your leg out for about 2 seconds.
Flying mantis kick:
To pull a flying mantis kick, press A and B buttons together close to an enemy to send them flying across the screen.
Walk up the side of a building:
Go to the wall where the two post are and stand between them. Then hold up and you will walk up the side of the building.
Make a barrel fly into the sky:
Take the barrel and go to edge of the gray building and toss the barrel and it will fly into the sky.
Level 2-3 continue:
On Level 2-3, when the screen shows «Game Over,» quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, A, B. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start to continue the game!
Level 4-6 continue:
On Level 4-6, when the screen shows «Game Over,» press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, A. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start to continue the game!
Level 7-9 continue:
On Level 7-9, when the screen shows «Game Over,» use Controller 2 and press A, A, B, B, Down,
Up, Right and Left. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start on Controller 1 to continue the game!
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If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides, that can help others leveling up, then please: Submit your Cheats. and share your insights and experience with other gamers. thx from
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Game Genie CodesThis cheat requires the Game Genie cheat device.
To defeat the boss in level 1, knock him off the edge of the building. This technique can be used in other situations too whenever you are near water, spikes or a pit. To earn hearts faster in Level 2, get to the part where you have to climb the fence, then walk across and climb down or fall off the right side. Do not jump. Edge over to the right until the two Williams thugs appear. Go back up the fence, and walk over to the left as far as possible, then head back across the fence and the Williams thugs will be gone. However, along the top of the fighting plane, begin kicking, punching, or using your bat until an invisible, stationary Williams is hit. This «ghost» opponent will not move or attack. Simply keep attacking until you obtain the maximum seven hearts. When the helicopter is shooting at you, stand directly on the right side of the ladder to avoid getting shot. When enemies start appearing from the helicopter by twos, wait for both of them to get on the ladder at the same time, then execute a Cyclone Kick to knock them both off. Pause the game and wait several seconds when the helicopter door opens. The door will close when game play resumes. When you reach the part where the big enemies appear from the hut, perform a Jump Kick, Hurricane Kick, or Knee move the moment they walk out the door. If timed correctly, they will fly off the edge an be easily defeated, saving you time and some life. Hint: Playing level 9Level 9 only appears if the game is played under the «Supreme Master» difficulty level. Hint: Super uppercutTo perform a super uppercut, press Punch as you are rising from a knockdown or a jump kick. If your opponent is close enough to you, he/she will always get hit by the uppercut. Hint: Easily defeat opponents with cyclone kickAfter knocking down your opponent with a cyclone kick, immediately move towards him/her so you are just close enough to perform another cyclone kick. Launch the kick and, if positioned correctly, your opponent should get up just in time to get knocked over again. This works well with tougher bosses. Hint: Hurricane KickTo perform a hurricane kick, press A and B together rapidly. You will be thrown into the air and spin with your leg out for about two seconds. Hint: Flying Mantis KickTo perform a Flying Mantis Kick, press A and B together when close to an enemy to send him/her flying across the screen. Glitch: Walk up the side of a buildingGo to the wall where the two post are located and stand between them. Hold Up and you will walk up the side of the building. Hint: Make a barrel fly into the airTake the barrel and go to edge of the grey building. Toss the barrel and it will fly into the air.