dark souls prepare to die edition читы на предметы
Читы в серии Dark Souls: ArtMoney все еще в деле
Для тех, кому сложновато.
Использовать читы для превосходства над другими игроками – дурной тон. А вот в оффлайне у них есть очень полезные функции. Использовать в лицензионной версии любые читы или моды можно только на свой страх и риск. От софтбана никто не застрахован.
ArtMoney – нестареющая классика. В самом первом Dark Souls на ПК была возможность через нее вкачать себе все статы в 99 и вторгаться в чужие игры. From Software и Valve закрывали на это глаза, а игроки страдали из-за нечестных красных фантомов.
Со временем читеров начали банить, но это случилось только в сиквеле. Да и там прокачаться с помощью ArtMoney в оффлайне вам никто не помешает. Кому-то это поможет уменьшить обиду от потерянных при очередной смерти душах.
Cheat Engine
Споры об этой программе не утихают в souls-сообществе. С одной стороны – это отличная программа для модификации игры. Фанаты используют ее для создания забавных видео по игре. Вот, к примеру, игрок “закосплеил” одного из боссов – Безымянного Короля. Без Cheat Engine сделать такое видео невозможно:
Как вам использовать это орудие, и использовать ли его вообще – решайте сами.
Еще одна классика компьютерных игр – трейнеры. Это такие программы, которые с помощью одной кнопки восстанавливают вам жизнь, дают 99999 денег, иммунитет к урону и многое другое. Цифра в название трейнера – это количество функций внутри него. Трейнеры есть ко всем частям Souls.
Вот уже их в мультиплеере отслеживает сама игра, поэтому словить бан с включенным трейнером – проще простого. После бана вы просто отправитесь на сервер с другими игроками, которых заподозрили в читерстве. Продолжить играть вы сможете.
Чужие сейвы
Единицы игроков рассказывают о бане за сохранения. Другие же спокойно используют этот способ во всех частях, включая ремастер первого Dark Souls.
Редактор сохранений
Другой вариант с сохранениями – редактор. Это не так безопасно, как скачивание чужого сейва, ведь тут вы используете стороннее программное обеспечение. На лицензионных версиях редакторы чаще всего не будут работать – на пиратке это делать спокойнее.
Редактор сейвов работает как ArtMoney, только проще. Вы открываете свой файл сохранения и выставляете нужные вам параметры: выбираете ковенант, вкачиваете на максимум любые статы, получаете максимальное количество душ.
У редактора есть и другие свойства: вы можете оживить любого босса, с которым вам понравилось сражаться, или убрать бесящего. Еще можно получить любой предмет из игры или открыть все жесты.
— add pointers to Hero’s Appearance
— fixed Assign Element/Upgrade to Equipment
— update Assign Element to Equipment to Assign Element/Upgrade to Equipment
— modify the Enable script to include an new option, Assign Element to Equipment
— add one more injection point to the Enable script so that the Item Mod will show the pointers when highlighting item in the Inventory menu too, that means you can edit non-equippable items from now on
— change the value type of Item Category to «Array of byte»
— add pointer to Item Category for Item Mod
— combine Index and Sort Value into one pointer for Item Mod
— update Inf. Humanity, it works on kindle now
— add pointer to Soul Level
— add some pointers for item mod based on Chaos0915’s info
— update Inf. Spell / Inf. Spell V2 to cover 12 atunement slots
— update Inf. Durability, it works on weapon when doing special attack now
— update Inf. Souls, it works on the reinforcing equipment now
— change Inf. Estus Flask to Inf. Item Usage
— change Inf. Attunement to Inf. Spell
— add Inf. Spell V2
— add Inf. Humanity
— add Inf. Souls
— fix Max HP and Max Stamina pointers
— add a bunch of pointers
— refined Undead + One Hit Kill, bonfire bug fixed. still frequent savegame back up is recommended.
— add Inf. Estus Flask, Inf. Attunement, Inf. Durability.
— add Undead + One Hit Kill
— update Enable Table and Inf. Stamina
— pointers now available after Enable Table activated
— add Undead
— NO aob scan.
— tested on FLT only.
— process name is DATA.exe, not DARKSOULS.exe
— if playing with retail original, remember to activate the first script before enabling the table.
— scripts and pointers may take a few seconds until it’s fully working.
— this table is intended to be used in offline mode ONLY.
— the auto-save policy of this game is pretty aggressive, it’s almost impossible to undo ANYTHING you did in the game. so no matter you are using this table or not, you should back-up your savegame frequently!
— update maybe slow, as I’m going to actually play the game now. feel free to share your findings
Процесс запуска:
1. Запустить Cheat Engine, «Load» и выбрать таблицу
2. «Select a process to open», выбрать нужный процесс.
3. Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.
Скачать Cheat Engine с нашего сервера Вы сможете здесь.
Dark Souls → Файлы
Dark Souls — ролевой экшен с видом от третьего лица в фэнтезийном сеттинге. Действие игры разворачивается в вымышленном королевстве. Подробнее
Трейнер / Trainer (+20) [1.0] [FLiNG] Dark Souls
Версия Игры:1.0
Язык Трейнера:
Количество Функций:20
Дата Создания Трейнера:26/08/2012
Горячие клавиши и возможности трейнера:
— F1 — Увеличить Живучесть (Increase Vitality)
— F2 — Увеличить Созвучие (Increase Attunement)
— F3 — Увеличить Выносливость (Increase Endurance)
— F4 — Увеличить Силу (Increase Strength)
— F5 — Увеличить Ловкость (Increase Dexterity)
— F6 — Увеличить Сопротивление (Increase Resistance)
— F7 — Увеличить Интеллект (Increase Intelligence)
— F8 — Увеличить Веру (Increase Faith)
— Home — Отключить Всё (Disable All)
Инструкция по установке трейнера
Как правильно распаковать файл?
Как правильно установить трейнер?
Способ установки у всех трейнеров схож и заключается в том, чтобы поместить все файлы в дистрибутив игры, в ту же папку, где находится исполняемый файл, который и отвечает за запуск игры. Иногда найти его не так уж и просто, но если у вас на рабочем столе есть иконка, с помощью которой можно запустить игру, то вы можете воспользоваться следующим способом:
1. Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку;
2. В открывшемся контекстном меню выбрать опцию «Свойства»;
3. В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку «Ярлык» и нажать на кнопку «Расположение файла».
После этого в «Проводнике» откроется папка, в которой и находится EXE-файл игры. Трейнер нужно скопировать в ту же папку, если в инструкции, приложенной к трейнеру, не сказано иначе.
После этого останется только запустить трейнер и ознакомиться с сочетаниями клавиш для активации его возможностей, а затем, не закрывая трейнер, запустить игру.
Dark souls prepare to die edition читы на предметы
DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition
Humanity is one of the key aspects of the game and really is not explained much.
You become human by first using a Humanity item, or getting a Humanity added to your counter by killing enemies in an area where the boss is still alive. Alternatively, you can gain a humanity by being summoned to another players world and then defeating the boss of that area with them. You then have to rest at a bonfire and «Reverse Hollowing», using one of the humanity in your active counter.
The NPC’s in the game can be kind of dodgy, and one thing the developers did is reward persistence (or, perhaps more accurately, punish laziness). Whenever you talk to someone, be sure to talk to them as many times as you can and exhaust their dialogue, as many NPC’s won’t give you what they have or offer your their aid until the second or third dialogue.
In addition, it is very important to read the text of each dialogue thoroughly, as several NPC’s will ask you questions about whether or not you want their help or if you will help them, etc. Several of them, especially those who congregate at the Firelink Shrine, will ask you the same question if you turn them down the first time. However, for some, if you give the ‘wrong’ answer, they will reject you from trying again and will never give you the same offer again. The most prominent case comes after your first boss fight past the tutorial, where you get an item that allows you to be summoned to other player’s worlds. It is very easy to mess this up.
Lastly, try to trust every NPC you find. The NPC’s in this game are pretty much what you could consider Dark Souls’ version of side quests. For the most part, they will all help you or be of aid at some point in the game. There are three that are ‘evil’ however. But, even these three are worth trusting. The only one who betrays you directly ends up becoming a merchant in the Firelink Shrine if you forgive him, and he offers several rare(ish) items. Another gives you a reward at first, then betrays someone else, but the reward for killing him AFTER this betrayal is better than what you get for simply killing him at earlier opportunities. The final ‘evil’ NPC is not quite so obvious, but when you do learn who it is, it is still best not to kill him when you first meet him, because his companions who arrive later become hostile to you if he is dead when they arrive, and you want them to survive. So he can betray them and you can save them. and THEN you have to kill him because otherwise he will finish the job haha.
Oh, and, as you’d expect from any side quest in Dark Souls, nearly every questline ends in the NPC going hollow, meaning you will probably run into them and have to kill them! A prime example of this is when the «Act 2» main questline person appears, the «Act 1» guy disappears. But you’ll find him again before long.
so you start out with weapons that have plus nothing on them. Some you will find might already be upgraded, like oh say a Lightning Spear or an Occult Club. But these can be broken down to their base forms at a blacksmith, meaning that it’s just a spear and it’s just a club, and you can get those yourself from regular versions of those weapons if you have the right materials and know where to take them.
but first i’ll get into detail on what paths the weapons can follow.
First, they are just ‘standard’ weapons, the original, base form of each weapon. They have a base physical damage, and a bonus damage that scales from your Strength or Dexterity (often both). Standard weapons can go from +0 to +5 at a blacksmith (or weaponsmith box at bonfire) using titanite shards. At +5 however, you MUST take them to a blacksmith and select ‘Modify Equipment’. Then you go back to ‘Reinforcing’ it until you get it to +10. Depending on what blacksmith you go to, and what «Embers» you have given them, you can upgrade your weapons along different paths. Finding these «Embers» is crucial because otherwise you’ll be stuck with low level weapons forever! And no i’m not telling you where to find them, that would spoil the fun in finding them.
Once you get a weapon to +5, you have a variety of options. You can continue down the ‘Standard’ path, which will continue to increase both the weapon’s base damage and the scaling attribute bonus damage. Or, you can make it ‘Raw’, which dramatically improves the weapon’s base damage, but greatly reduces the attribute bonus. Early on this path can be helpful, especially on magic focused characters, but it doesn’t take long before raw weapons become entirely useless.
You can also upgrade a +5 weapon down an elemental path. At +5 you can go with Fire, Magic, or Divine. Fire adds fire bonus damage (huge suprise) but also removes attribute bonuses. Magic and Divine weapons, however, do NOT remove this scaling damage bonus entirely! While it does dramatically reduce the bonus, it adds a bonus scaling off of Intelligence for Magic weapons, and Faith for Divine weapons, as well as adding a base magic damage to the weapon. Additionally, Divine weapons also do ‘Divine’ auxiliary damage (like poison or bleed) which is useful for preventing certain pesky enemies from being able to revive.
Oh, and for +5 to +10 weapons, you need Large Titanite Shards for the Raw and Standard types, but Green Titanite Shards for the elemental paths.
So that was exciting but now we’re onto the options once you get a weapon to ‘+10’ (in quotes because magic/fire/divine are technically +5) and those options are even more exciting. First off, you can continue down all of the previously mentioned pathings. Except Raw, raw just stops at +5 so that there is no question about whether or not it is useless. But then there are several new options given to you, some for having a Standard weapon +10, and others for following each of the various elemental paths.
Like i said before, you can continue down the Standard path anyway, which will just continue to make the same increases as before. From +10 to +14 you need Titanite Chunks. Additionally, two of the three types of weapons you can make from Standard +10 weapons also use Titanite Chunks.
You can also make Boss weapons by fusing +10 standard weapons with the Soul Items you get from defeating certain bosses. And yes Boss weapons is capitalized not just because they are awesome but also because they are the weapon that the Boss was wielding. Or, in some cases, something like it.
You can also make your weapon into a Lightning weapon or a Crystal weapon. Crystal is like Raw in that is it so useless! Your weapons do gain a bonus to BOTH attribute scaling and base damage, but they take a MASSIVE loss in maximum durability and you cannot repair them! The only way to keep one from breaking is to upgrade it, which resets the durability to maximum. And then eventually you can never use that weapon again. Perfect.
Lightning thankfully is not totally useless. However, it does share the same weakness as the rest of the elemental paths: that some enemies will be very resistant to it. On the other hand, some will be weaker. And, like Fire weapons, it removes any attribute scaling. Lightning weapons at least save you some Gold Pine resin at the start of NG+. but then again that is kind of a backwards philosophy. but i’ll get into that later.
Fire weapons can be kept the same for the next 5 levels, which has the same effects as before. Or, you can make them into Chaos weapons. Both require Red Titanite chunks for further upgrade. The trade-off for Chaos weapons is that, which the damage is a bit reduced (fire damage increases a bit but physical damage diminishes), they gain scaling attribute damage from your humanity stat. So the more humanity you have in the counter, the better these are. Doesn’t take too many humanity to overcome the initial loss in damage, and allows you to do better and better during a PvP session.
Magic weapons can also be kept on the same path. Or, you can make them into Enchanted weapons, which increases your damage bonus from Intelligence further, while slightly decreasing the base physical and magic damage, and the Strength/Dexterity scaling. Pretty obvious must for a Sorcery-focused build. On a ‘hybrid’-leaning mage, it might be better to stick to the Magic path though. Both of these types of weapons are upgraded with Blue Titanite Chunks.
Divine weapons upgrade in a similar fashion to Magic weapons. The Faith scaling increases, Strength/Dexterity scaling decreases, but the physical base damage increases while the magic base damage decreases. Occult weapons have a much different speciality however, which is the ‘Occult’ auxiliary damage. This is mildly useless as there is a real short list of enemies that it is effective on. Gwyn and his knights are on that list, if you catch my meaning. Basically Occult can be nice for getting a little better physical damage while also getting better Faith scaling, but ultimately Divine weapons will do more magic damage overall. Take your pick. Both of these weapon paths require White Titanite Chunks.
(Couldn’t fit this last bit all in at the end of the Weapon Upgrade section)
Okay so I think that about wraps it up. The one final point that needs to be made (that i probably should have made earlier) is that weapons which you upgrade along any path other than Standard, Raw, or Crystal, cannot be buffed by the various elemental ‘resins’ you find in the game. This means that you can keep your weapon on the Standard path, but still get your «Fire Longsword» for a few moments, with the retention of your Strength or Dexterity scaling damage bonuses! Obviously if you are making a Faith or Intelligence build you will want the weapon to follow the elemental upgrade path anyway, but if you are making a Strength or Dexterity build you are going to want to keep your weapon on the Standard path and just bring the appropriate pine resin for the foe you are facing. I suppose the flaw to this is that there is no magic weapon resin, so you may ultimately want to resort to building a Magic or Divine weapon for cases where magic damage would be useful. However, the previous point is also true about magic user builds. Fire weapons are cool and all but your wee sorcerer’s petty strength and dexterity will still make a Shortsword +10 with a Charcoal pine resin stronger than a Fire Shortsword +5.
This is not to say that there are no good reasons to make a Lightning or Fire weapon. In fact why don’t I list a couple. It is nice to have in PvP since people aren’t always fully prepared to defend against it. And it means that you don’t have to rely on your Strength or Dexterity stats to do enough damage, so you can divert more points to Vitality and Endurance. These elemental weapons will also help you bypass thick armor a little bit, especially with people who like a set that is weak to your specialty. If you like Fire weapons good luck with that. Another reason to use one of these weapons is if you are moving through an area where you know it will be effective on the populace. In other words, clearing an area in terms of PvM can be made easier if you have an advantage with a particular elemental damage, and you don’t want to go through half your stock of pine resin. But beyond this they really aren’t that amazing. they used to be overpowered earlier on in the game’s console release, but after a while people realized that a Lightning Zweihander is not genius discovery it is just cheap and so the developers nerfed it. and then the same thing happened with the Fire Zweihander (and thus all other weapons that were too strong from these elemental builds). Still worth playing around with on the right build or the right mentality, but maybe not an essential for everyone.
The point simply being that really any build that focuses on any one offensive attribute will be better off using weapons designed to benefit from that rather than using an elemental weapon which does not benefit from offensive attributes at all.
Dark Souls → Файлы
Dark Souls — ролевой экшен с видом от третьего лица в фэнтезийном сеттинге. Действие игры разворачивается в вымышленном королевстве. Подробнее
Трейнер / Trainer (+10) [1.0] [Servick] Dark Souls
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, Год выпуска: 2012,Трейнер + 10
1)Numpad_1 — Бесконечная жизнь и стамина (убирает длинную шкалу жизни прокачную, кому нравится эта шкала на весь экран пользуйтесь ниже отдельными жизнь и энергия, специально отделил. )
Инструкция по установке трейнера
Как правильно распаковать файл?
Как правильно установить трейнер?
Способ установки у всех трейнеров схож и заключается в том, чтобы поместить все файлы в дистрибутив игры, в ту же папку, где находится исполняемый файл, который и отвечает за запуск игры. Иногда найти его не так уж и просто, но если у вас на рабочем столе есть иконка, с помощью которой можно запустить игру, то вы можете воспользоваться следующим способом:
1. Нажать правой кнопкой мыши на иконку;
2. В открывшемся контекстном меню выбрать опцию «Свойства»;
3. В открывшемся окне перейти на вкладку «Ярлык» и нажать на кнопку «Расположение файла».
После этого в «Проводнике» откроется папка, в которой и находится EXE-файл игры. Трейнер нужно скопировать в ту же папку, если в инструкции, приложенной к трейнеру, не сказано иначе.
После этого останется только запустить трейнер и ознакомиться с сочетаниями клавиш для активации его возможностей, а затем, не закрывая трейнер, запустить игру.