что такое реплей мод в майнкрафте

Мод на запись игры для Майнкрафт 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2/1.11.2 (ReplayMod)

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С давних времен игроки искали различные способы, которые позволяли записывать им свою игру. Но все они были старыми или же нерабочими. А какие-то просто были неудобными. Поэтому достаточно давно был создан этот прекрасный мод, позволяющий вести запись всего своего игрового процесса. Но очень крутой функцией является то, что мод не только записывает экран игрока, но и все вокруг. Всех мобов и каждый сломанный блок в небольшом радиусе. Также имеется возможность изменять ракурс камеры и ставить ее в абсолютно любых местах. Но только в тех чанках, которые были прогружены.

Выше уже было сказано о том, что вся суть мода заключается не в обычной записи экрана, а в записи абсолютно всего мира. Отслеживается каждое изменение и положение игрока. В будущем это можно будет использовать в своих целях. Бесконечно повторять один и тот же кадр, как пример. Но еще можно менять расположение камеры. Один и тот же момент можно будет записать с разных ракурсов. Даже от лица самого игрока. Это достаточно полезная и безумно удобная функция.

Модификация сразу же начнет производить запись всего игрового процесса. Достаточно лишь зайти в свой мир или же на любой сервер. Очень приятной вещью является то, что эта чудесная модификация, практически, не нагружает устройство. Поэтому FPS в игре будет всегда достаточно, даже на слабеньком компьютере. Это действительно огромный и важный плюс. Допустим, игрок побегал по миру и записал необходимый материал. Он начинает выходить из своего сохранения. Теперь можно приступить к редактированию видео, не выходя из самой игры. Это безумно крутая функция! Модификация сама начнет рендерить запись игрового процесса. Все движения, блоки, мобов и другие вещи. И все эти мелочи будут отображены в видео. И именно в этом редакторе появляется возможность изменять положение камеры.

Также стоит сообщить о том, что данный мод отлично работает со всеми ресурс-паками и самыми разными шейдерами. Это дает больше возможностей для различных идей, фишек и других вещей.


Что такое реплей мод в майнкрафте

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3)А : Где можно задать вопрос?
В : Здесь же,но если вопрос важный,то можете задать его на стене.

4)A : Кто авторы мода?
В : Мод создали CrushedPixel и Johni0702.

6)А : Мне кое-что не нравится в группе/у меня есть предложение,где я могу об этом сообщить?
В : Отправив сообщение мне (https://vk.com/id86123121) или написав об этом на стене группы.

7)А : Какая последняя версия мода?
В : Мы не знаем,посмотрите на сайте.Следить за этим-полная муть.

8)А : Для какой версии мод?
В : Опять же,посмотрите на сайте.Но на данный момент мод совместим с версией 1.8.X.

10)А : Могу я нанять тренера?
В : Да,я подумываю над созданием вакансии «тренер».Вы можете попросить участников или попросить меня-vk.com/id86123121(Услуга будет платной,но недорогой)

11)А : Где я могу купить поесть?
В : В магазине.

12)А : Я считаю,что моё видео должно было попасть в видео недели.
В : Мы выбираем видео тщательно,но если вы всё таки так считаете,то напишите мне- vk.com/id86123121

13)А : Если моё видео вышло плохим,то попадёт ли оно в архив?
В : Скорее всего да.В архив попадают все видео которые соответствуют правилам.
P.S Так же если ваше видео вышло отличным или даже стало «видео недели»,то оно попадёт в специальный раздел,ко всем хорошим работам.


Craft your Moment

A Minecraft Mod to record, relive and share your experience.

The official Release Trailer for the Replay Mod.

A Basic Tutorial on how to use the Replay Mod.

The Replay Mod is a Modification for the popular sandbox game Minecraft which allows you to record, replay and share your gaming experience.

It’s easy to use, but an incredibly powerful tool. Create perfect Minecraft Videos within minutes.

Coming with a built-in video creator, the Replay Mod allows everyone to make perfect clips without any external software. The simple User Interface makes it very easy to design awesome Camera Paths.

I don’t always create timelapses, but when I do, I use the Replay Mod.

It’s the greatest thing to report hackers! I don’t have to worry about lag at all!

The great thing about this Mod is that you don’t have to plan ahead.

Do you realized what you’ve done? You’ve created the most anticipated Minecraft mod of all time.

What’s the Replay Mod? How did you get into my house?!

This Mod has the potential to change the face of Minecraft based content on YouTube.

Finally a platform to make proper cinematic trailers!


Replay Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 (Record, Relive, Share Your Experience)

Author: CrushedPixel, Johni0702 ❘ 2 weeks ago ❘ 144,648 views

Replay Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 is a Modification for the popular sandbox game Minecraft which allows you to record, replay, and share your gaming experience. It’s easy to use, but an incredibly powerful tool. Create perfect Minecraft Videos within minutes. Replay Files are in a lightweight format – An average recording over 1 hour is less than 10 Megabytes large. Coming with a built-in video creator, the Replay Mod allows everyone to make perfect clips without any external software. The simple User Interface makes it very easy to design awesome Camera Paths. The Replay Mod is more than just a Minecraft Mod. It is a community. Craft your Moment the way you want it to be – and share it with the world.

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Replay Mod Wiki Page:


How to install:

Replay Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 Download Link:

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.8.0

For Minecraft 1.8.9

For Minecraft 1.9.4

For Minecraft 1.10.2

For Minecraft 1.11.0

For Minecraft 1.11.2

For Minecraft 1.12

For Minecraft 1.12.1

For Minecraft 1.12.2

For Minecraft 1.14.4

For Minecraft 1.15.2

For Minecraft 1.16.1

For Minecraft 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3, 1.16.2


Replay Mod Documentation

The Replay Mod Documentation. The most important features and their usages are explained on this website.

A Basic Tutorial on how to use the Replay Mod. It is nevertheless recommended to read this documentation for in-depth information.


1. Installation

1.1 Installing the Replay Mod

Minecraft 1.14 and above

The ReplayMod for Minecraft 1.14 and above requires Fabric to be installed.

You can find Fabric and the installation instructions here.

Minecraft 1.12.2 and below

For Minecraft 1.12.2 and below it requires Minecraft Forge to be installed.

If you don’t know how to install Forge, follow this tutorial.

After installing Forge, simply put the downloaded ReplayMod.jar file in the /mods folder of your Minecraft directory.

Note: The Replay Mod is entirely client side and can not be installed on the servers you play on.

1.2 Installing FFmpeg

To render your creations with Replay Mod you will need to have FFmpeg installed.

1.2.1 Windows

Notes for alternative launchers

For these launchers, make sure FFmpeg exists inside the corresponding folder.

1.2.2 Mac OSX

1.2.3 Linux

1.3 Settings

To access the Replay Mod Settings from the Main Menu click the «Replay Viewer» button and click the Settings button.

While playing, you can click the ‘Mods’ button in the Pause screen to reach Replay Mod Settings if you use Minecraft 1.12.2 and below, or have the mod Mod Menu installed.

When in a Replay, you can either bind a hotkey to the Replay Mod Settings in Minecraft’s Control settings or use the hotkey GUI by clicking on the hamburger button in the lower left corner.

1.4 Accounts

In previous versions of ReplayMod we used accounts to deliver videos to the Replay Center. This has since been discontinued and with that, so have the accounts.

Instead of the forum, you can join our Discord server to get support and answers.

2. Recording

Recording Replays is the core feature of the Replay Mod.

Recording a Replay is really simple: If enabled in the Replay Settings, the Mod will automatically record all of your gaming sessions.
You will be notified that the Recording started by a Chat Message. Chat Messages can be disabled in the Replay Settings.
In the upper left corner, a Recording Indicator will be displayed unless disabled in the Replay Settings while you are recording.

While Recording, you can set Event Markers using the M key.

Upon exiting your Server/Singleplayer World, you might be asked to wait a couple of seconds until saving the Replay has been finished.
Congratulations, your Replay is now accessible via the Replay Viewer!

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The Recording Indicator which is displayed while recording

3. Replaying

To watch one of your Replays, open up the Replay Viewer from the Main Menu and select the desired Replay. Then, press the «Load» button.

In the Replay Viewer, you can also rename, delete and upload your Replay Files.

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The Replay Viewer with several recorded Replays

3.1 Movement

3.1.1 Basic Controls

While in the Replay, you can freely move around using the movement keys ( WASD, Space, Shift by default). You can move through block similar to Spectator Mode.

Using the Mouse Wheel, you can modify your flying speed. Scrolling up causes you to fly faster, while scrolling down slows you down.

If you prefer the camera to be controlled similar to vanilla Creative Mode, you can change that in the Replay Settings.

3.1.2 Camera Roll

While in a Replay, you can tilt the Camera.

When holding the Ctrl key ( Cmd key on Mac) while tilting, you can tilt slower and more precisely.

Hint: Most of the Keybindings mentioned in this documentation can be changed in Minecraft’s Control Menu.

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A Screenshot taken with a tilted camera

3.1.3 Spectating Entities

You can spectate any living entitiy (including players) while in a Replay. When looking at an entity, a crosshair will be visible.

By right-clicking, you will start spectating the entity. If you want to stop spectating the entity, use your Sneak Key ( Shift ).

3.2 Controlling Time

3.2.1 Replay Speed

In the upper left corner of you screen, there is a Play/Pause button (Shortcut: P ), using which you can entirely pause the time of the Replay.
All Entities, Particles and Block Updates will be frozen until you resume. You can fly through a paused Replay as usual.

Next to the Play/Pause Button, there is a Speed Slider. Using the Speed Slider, you can control how fast the time in your Replay passes.
The minimum Speed value is 0.1 times the normal Minecraft Tick Speed, and the maximum Speed is 8 times as fast.

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The Play/Pause button, Speed Slider and Replay Timeline hightlighted

3.2.2 Jumping in Time

To the right of the Speed Slider, there is the Replay Timeline. On the Replay Timeline, you see a yellow cursor indicating your current position in the Replay.
By clicking somewhere on this Timeline, you will travel in time towards the specified point in time.
Please note that it takes longer to do larger steps in time or to jump backwards in time (see also Quick Mode).

3.3 Camera Paths

3.3.1 Introduction

While in a Replay, you can create controlled Camera Movements using the Mods’s Keyframe System.
Those Camera Paths can be rendered to a video later (see Rendering).

The Replay Mod Keyframe System is similar to many Video Editing Software’s Keyframe Systems. If you’re new to Keyframe Systems, try reading this Wikipedia article.

3.3.2 Keyframe Timeline

All of the Keyframes which define a Camera Path are placed on the Keyframe Timeline. The Keyframe Timeline is below the Replay Timeline.

Other than the Replay Timeline, the Keyframe Timeline‘s time values are not relative to the Replay’s point of time, but refer to real time.
If two Keyframes are 5 seconds apart, the Camera Path will take 5 seconds to interpolate between those Keyframes.

You can drag Keyframes on the Keyframe Timeline by left-clicking them, holding the mouse button and moving your mouse.

Hint: Made a mistake? You can use Ctrl+Z to undo your changes to the keyframe timeline. Changed you mind? Press Ctrl+Y (or Ctrl+Shift+Z ) to redo them.

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The Keyframe Timeline highlighted

3.3.3 Position Keyframes

The basic components of a Camera Path are Position Keyframes. A Position Keyframe stores a Camera Position (x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll).

On the Keyframe Timeline, a Position Keyframe will appear at the cursors’s current position.
This Keyframe is selected automatically, and the Position Keyframe Button will turn red. By clicking the Position Keyframe Button again, the selected Position Keyframe will be removed.

By adding multiple Position Keyframes on the Keyframe Timeline, you can create a simple Camera Path.
Using the Path Preview, you can preview your Camera Path.

Hint: By right-clicking a Position Keyframe on the Keyframe Timeline, you can jump to this Keyframe’s Position. Path Interpolation

By default, Camera Paths follow a smooth curve through all of the set Position Keyframes. This curve is generated using Cubic Spline Interpolation.
If you wish to disable smooth interpolation and want to make the Path follow straight lines instead, change the Path Interpolation Setting in the Replay Settings.

You can easily toggle between Linear and Cubic Interpolation using the O key.

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A Camera Path using Cubic Interpolation

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The same Camera Path using Linear Interpolation Path Preview

Using the H key, you can toggle a visual representation of your Camera Path. If enabled, you will see a Red Line in the World following the Camrea Path.

The Path Interpolation Setting is respected in this preview.

By moving the cursor on the Keyframe Timeline, you can see the Camera’s current positon and view direction on the Path Preview.

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A normal Path Preview

3.3.4 Time Keyframes

Time Keyframes can be used to precisely control time travelling during a Camera Path.

Every Time Keyframe represents a timestamp in the Replay itself.

When playing the Camera Path, the Replay’s time will interpolate between the set Time Keyframes in the Keyframes’ intervals. Two Time Keyframes with the same Timestamp will freeze the Replay time for the duration of their interval.

Hint: By right-clicking a Time Keyframe on the Keyframe Timeline, you can jump to this Keyframe’s Timestamp Value.

Note: Travelling backwards in time is not supported during Camera Paths. Do not add a Time Keyframe containing an earlier point in time after another Time Keyframe.

To play your first Camera Path, click the Play Button next to the Keyframe Timeline.
By default, the Camera Path starts from the Cursor Position on the Keyframe Timeline. By clicking while holding the Ctrl key ( Cmd key on Mac), you can however start from the beginning regardless of the Cursor Position. Synchronizing Timelines

Using the V key, you can synchronize the Keyframe Timeline with the time that passed since the last Time Keyframe‘s timestamp.

This means that pressing V moves the Keyframe Timeline‘s cursor to the position where placing a Time Keyframe would result in a Replay Speed of the Speed Slider’s current value between the newly placed and the last Time Keyframe.

If holding Shift while synchronizing, it will be synchronized as if the Speed Slider’s value was 1.0.

3.3.5 Spectator Keyframes

To sucessfully spectate an entity, you always need at least two Spectator Keyframes created while spectating the same entity.
On the Keyframe Timeline, the periods during which you are spectating an entity are marked with a blue line.

To leave a spectated entity during a camera path, simply add a normal Position Keyframe.

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A Path Preview with Spectator Keyframes

3.3.6 Editing Keyframes

You can edit any Keyframe by double-clicking it on the Keyframe Timeline. A new GUI Screen will open which allows you to modify the Keyframe’s properties.

On the lower part of the screen, you can precisely set the Keyframe’s position on the Keyframe Timeline.
Above that, you can modify Keyframe specific settings, for example its Position value.

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The Keyframe Editor for a Position Keyframe

3.3.7 Removing Keyframes

Using the DELETE key, you can remove the currently selected Keyframe.
Alternatively, while a Keyframe is selected, its connected Button turns red, and clicking it removes the Keyframe as well.

Note: If you use an Apple Computer with a built-in keyboard, you may need to press FN + DELETE instead.

3.3.8 Keyframe Repository

Using the X key, you can open the Keyframe Repository. Every Replay File has a separate Keyframe Repository which can contain several Keyframe Presets.

To save the Keyframes currently on your Timeline, click the «Save as. « button. You can change a Preset’s name, select it from the list and click the «Rename» button. To load a Keyframe Preset, select a Preset from the list and click the «Load» button. Using the «Remove» button, you can permanently delete a Keyframe Preset from the Keyframe Repository.

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The Keyframe Repository with two Path Presets

3.4 Rendering

With the Replay Mod, you can render Camera Paths to videos without using a screen recording tool like Fraps.
To get started, first set up your Camera Path as described in the previous chapters. Then, press the «Render Camera Path» button in the upper left corner.

3.4.1 Rendering Method

The Replay Mod does not only allow you to render «normal» vidoes as you see them on YouTube everyday, you can also render 360 degree videos, 3D videos and more.
To change the rendering method, use the dropdown on the upper half of the Render Settings Screen. Default Rendering

Renders the video in the specified resolution. Fastest Rendering Option.

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A frame exported using Default Rendering Stereoscopic Rendering

Renders the video as a stereoscopic (side-by-side) 3D move, usable by different 3D technologies. The image for one eye is half the width of the video.

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A frame exported using Stereoscopic Rendering Cubic Rendering

Renders the video with a 360 degree panoramic view, using Cubic Projection. This is usable by several 360 degree video players (and the Oculus Rift), for example VR Player.
While Cubic Videos can’t be used for YouTube 360° Videos, it takes less time to render them, so if your player is compatible with Cubic Projection anyway, you can use this setting.

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A frame exported using Cubic Rendering Equirectangular Rendering

Renders the video with a 360 degree panoramic view, using Equirectangular Projection. This is usable by YouTube’s new 360 degree video function, and several video players (and the Oculus Rift), for example VR Player.

Note: In order for YouTube to recognize 360 Degree Videos, you have to inject some Metadata. Follow this guide for a tutorial.

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A frame exported using Equirectangular Rendering

3.4.2 Video Settings

After you chose the Rendering Mode you want to use, you can further customize the rendered video.

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The Video Render Settings Screen Video Resolution

Below the Render Method Dropdown, you can enter the desired Video Resolution (Width * Height). You can enter any resolution there, but make sure to use reasonable values.

Common Video Resolutions for Default Rendering are:

When using Stereoscopic Rendering, please note that the entered Width value is the final video’s width. Because Stereoscopic Videos have two frames next to each other, you therefore need to double the video width, so if you want a Full HD Stereoscopic Video, you have to enter 3840 * 1080.

Videos in Equirectangular Projection always need to have an Aspect Ratio of 2:1.

Please note that you should generally use a high resolution when exporting Equirectangular Videos, as the Video will be mapped onto a spherical surface in the Viewer you’re using. To get a decent looking video, we recommend a resolution of 4320 * 2160. Video Framerate Video Encoding and Quality

Below the Render Method Dropdown, there is another Dropdown Menu for Encoding Presets.

Note: If you simply want to render an MP4 video in good quality, don’t change these settings.

There are 7 Encoding Presets you can choose from:

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A comparison between the quality of the MP4 Hight, Default and Potato Quality Presets.

3.4.3 Advanced Settings

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The Advanced Render Settings Render Nametags

If you don’t want to see Entity’s Nametags in the rendered video, simply un-tick the checkbox. Hidden Nametags also include Nametags of Armor Stands and Mobs, not only Players! Stabilize Camera

This setting is only applicable for Cubic Rendering and Equirectangular Rendering.
Because you can rotate the camera in 360 degree viewers, a tilted camera persepctive leads to a strange user experience: If the user looks around, his view might appear to be tilted because the camera looked up or down. Therefore, it is recommended to always stabilize the camera’s Pitch and Roll using the repsective checkboxes. Chroma Keying

This is an experimental setting for video producers which allows you to change the sky color to a fixed color. Using a Video Editing Software like Adobe After Effects or Sony Vegas, you can change the sky color to transparency and add your own footage as sky. Read more about Chroma Keying here.

Note: For best results, you should disable clouds before rendering, as they are transparent.

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A screenshot of a video rendered with a Red Chroma Key Setting Depth Map

This setting causes depth information to be recorded and included in video formats which support it (currently only OpenEXR).

Using a video editor which supports it (e.g. Blender), you can then for example (among many other effects) add arbitrary geometry onto your rendered video in such a way that foreground objects in the video will still occlude background geometry as if it actually was part of the world.

Note: For best results, avoid semi-transparent blocks in front of your geometry, as they cannot be accurately represented in the depth map.

Note: Anti-aliasing is not supported when exporting depth. Instead simply render and edit your video at a higher resolution and scale it down at the very end.

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«Suzanne» model added into a scene using Blender

3.4.4 Command Line Settings

Note: This is for advanced users only. If you do not know what your’re doing, leave these settings as they are.

The Replay Mod runs FFmpeg via the Command Line to encode videos.

You can customize both the executed Command and the Command Line Arguments in the Command Line Settings part of the Render Settings Screen.

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The Command Line Render Settings Custom Command

If you leave the left input field blank, ffmpeg will be used as command. If you haven’t set your PATH variable to link to your FFmpeg distribution, simply enter the full path to your FFmpeg executable (e.g. C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe or /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg ). Command Line Arguments

In the right input field, you can input custom Command Line Arguments to be used in the console.

Each of the Encoding Presets basically represents a set of Command Line Arugments which are used with the ffmpeg Command. Customizing these Command Line Arguments allows you to use a specific codec or quality setting and much more.
If you need an introduction to ffmpeg Command Line Arguments, read the FFmpeg documentation.

Before passing the given Command Line Arguments to the ffmpeg Command, the Replay Mod replaces the following placeholders with your inputs in the Render Settings Screen:

3.4.5 Rendering Performance

By clicking the Render Button in the lower right corner, you start Default Performance Rendering. Usually, this is perfectly satisfying regarding rendering speed, but you can increase it slightly using High Performance Rendering.

To use High Performance Rendering, hold down the Ctrl key ( Cmd key on Mac) while clicking the Render Button.
High Performance Rendering has the following changes to improve rendering speed:

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The Screen which is displayed while a video is being rendered

3.5 Ambient Lighting

If you have a Replay in a dark setting (for example at nighttime, or in a cave) and Brightness: Bright just isn’t bright enough for you, you can toogle Ambient Lighting using the Z key ( Y on some keyboards).

This works as a replacement for the Night Vision Potion Effect, without the side effect of a weird sky color.

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The same setting, onace with Ambient Lighting enabled, once with Ambient Lighting disabled

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While Ambient Lighting is enabled, this eye symbol is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

3.6 Quick Mode

Quick Mode is available in ReplayMod for Minecraft 1.9.4 and up.

In Quick Mode, this clock symbol is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

3.7 Player Overview

Using the B key, you can open the Player Overview. In the Player Overview, you see a list of all currently loaded Players in the Replay.

By clicking on a player’s Name or Head, you can spectate this player.

If you want to save the player visibility settings, check «Remember Hidden Players» checkbox. If checked, invisible players will stay invisible after closing the Replay (this can of course be reverted), otherwise all of the players are visible again after reloading the Replay.

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The Player Overview Screen

3.8 Thumbnails

While in a Replay, you can use the N key to create a Thumbnail of the current Replay.
A Thumbnail is a Screenshot which should give the viewer a good impression of your Replay’s content.

Thumbnails help keeping your Replay Viewer clear and structured.

If no Thumbnail is set for a Replay, the Default Thumbnail will be displayed in the Replay Viewer.

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The Default Thumbnail which is used if no Thumbnail was created

3.9 Event Markers

Long Replays easily get really clunky and difficult to handle. Therefore, Event Markers are a simple way to mark important events in your Replay.

While recording a Replay, you can press the M key anytime to set an Event Marker. This Event Marker remembers the Position where you’ve added it and will later, while watching a Replay, be displayed on the Replay Timeline.

While viewing a Replay, you can jump to an Event Marker‘s Position and Timestamp by right-clicking it on the Replay Timeline.

You can also add new Event Markers while viewing a Replay using the M key as well.

You can name Event Markers by double-clicking them. When hovering over the Event Marker, its name is displayed. This way, it’s even simpler to add structure to your Replays.

You can delete an Event Marker by clicking it once to select it and then pressing the DELETE key.

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The Replay Timeline with several Event Markers


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