castlevania symphony of the night ps1 коды
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night / Кастлевания: Симфония Ночи
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Hit the doppleganger with the Medusa Shield, and he will turn to stone. Attack him mercilessly with your weapon until he turns back to flesh, then use the shield on him again. Explore an Inverted Castle: Fiddle with the Logo: Heaven Sword Special Attack: Librarian’s Secret Stash: Music Select: The Shield Rod Trick: True Hellfire: Hint: Secret Rooms: Room 1: Outer Wall Room 2: Alchemy Lab And Necromancy Lab Room 3: Colossem and Reverse Colossem Rooms 4 and 5: Orlox’s Quarters and Akmodan’s Chamber Room 6: Clock Tower and Reverse Clock Tower Room 7: Pit to the Catacombs Cheats for Castlevania : Symphony of the NightВторой квестВы быстро датьвторой квест. Прохладный мелодиитопор лорда БроняАлукард в специальных движенийПризыв Духа ( 5 Мп ): влево, вправо, вверх, вниз и площади. на Бельмона специальные движенияWhip Uppercut : вниз, вверх- X Run: Право левую или правую кнопку влево ( держать После второго нажатия ) Слайд Переход: вниз и X, X снова немедленно после первого сальто назад : X в два раза, быстро Whip Выпад : налево, потом направо и квадратные (или наоборот) Расширенные УдачаДополнительные параметрыЛегкая Знакомые ОпытЛегкое набраться опытаЧтобы получить легкий опыт следовать эти простые шаги: битой знакомые убьет большинство зомби, которые появляются, также убедитесь, Вы ищете в направлении иззомби илилетучая мышь не будет поражать их. Большая часть о этот трюк является то, чтознакомые будут убивать зомби и он и Вы получитеопыт решения это абсолютно простой в получении уровней. Через три часа моей битой пошел с уровня 2 до уровня 60! Найти Меч Рассвет и Great SwordКак получить CrissaegrimСпециальные атаки МечSummon Скелет Воиныдоспехи топор и другие предметыОригинальный текст игры на английскомSecond QuestThere is a second quest in this game that players may over look. Do the following steps to get access to the second quest. Get the Spike Buster armor in the Catacombs by turning into a bat and using your radar to negotiate the «Dark Spiked Tunnel». Go to the «Royal Chapel», equip the Spike Buster armor and run through the hallway of spikes. After the hallway, Maria will give you a Green Ring. Use the Green Ring in the center of the Castle at the Clock Tower. You will quickly be given a second quest. Cool tunesAxe Lord ArmorAlucard’s Special MovesHellfire (15MP): up, down, down-right, right and square. Summon Spirit (5MP): left, right, up, down and square. Soul Steal (50MP): left, right, down-right, down, down-left, left, right and square. Dark Metamorphosis (10MP): left, up-left, up, up-right, right and square. Tetra Spirits (20MP): hold up for 2 seconds, then press up-right, right, down-right, down and square. Wolf Charge (10MP, must have «skill of wolf», and must also be in Wolf form): down, down-right, right and square. Sword Brothers (30MP, must be using the «Sword» familiar for this to work): down, down-right, right, up-right, hold up for 2 seconds, then press down and square. Wing Smash (8MP, must be in bat form when performing this): hold X, up, up-left, left, down-left, down, down-right, right and then release X. Belmont’s Special MovesWhip Uppercut: down, up and X Run: right right, or left left (hold after second press) Whip Twirl: hold Square, then tap any direction repeatedly Slide Jump: down and X, X again immediatly after the first one Back Flip: X twice, quickly Whip Dash: up, down, downright, right and square (Richter is invulnerable when performing this) Whip Lunge: left, then right and square(or vice versa) Enhanced LuckExtra OptionsEasy Familiar ExperienceOk, easy way, but a bit time consuming, to get experience for all your familiars. I believe you have to have it beaten once first. but I may be wrong. As you start the game, go through like you normally would. But this time, don’t but alot from the librarian. Only get the Jewel of Open, and 1 or 2 Library Cards. The proceed with the game. Once you get in the inverted castle, keep going and get AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE. Once you get 500,000 go back to the librarian, and purchase the Duplicator. Then go BACK to the inverted castle, and equip it. By this time, you should have at least ONE of the Power of Sire items. Equip that as well. Voila, you have an infinite supply now as long as you have the duplicator equipped. Now go to the room in the inverted church thing (forgot the name off hand), and enter the room with the big sword that is surrounded by spears and shields. Use the Power of Sire, then leave the room, and go back in, use it again, and so on and so forth. Within an hour I had ALL my familiars powered up to 99/99 Effortless Experience GainTo get effortless experience follow these simple steps: The bat familar will kill most of the zombies that appear, also make sure you are looking in the direction of the zombies or the bat will not hit them. The best part about this trick is that the familar will kill the zombies and both he and you will get the experience making this absolutely simple in gaining levels. In three hours my bat went from level 2 to level 60! Find Sword of Dawn and Great SwordHow to get the CrissaegrimSpecial Sword AttackSummon the Skeleton WarriorsAxe armor and other itemsTo do this cheat you must have the gravity boots.In the right-side-up castle there is a room under the librarian’s room. In this room there is a hole in the ceiling. If you gravity jump up it you push the librarians chair up.You have to keep gravity jumping under him, but you must give time between jumps. (I suggest you gravity jump after you fall back under the ceiling, before you hit the ground.) Keep doing this, though it may take a long while, you will get the axelord armor as well as dracula’s tunic, and other items too. Note: You cannot hit the ground when gravity jumping continuously. Castlevania symphony of the night ps1 кодыNote: This game is also titled Castlevania: Dracula X. Play as Richter Belmont Save a game with any of the following attributes: after the final battle in the game, into the middle section of the inverted castle, after beating the final villain, and marked as «clear». Then, start a new game and enter RICHTER as a name. Now you will play as Richter Belmont. Richter can not change forms or use armor, weapons, items, and magic. He can perform a super jump, a blade charging move, and use secondary weapons such as the throwing dagger, axe, and holy water. Start with blue armor Obtain a saved game file as described in the «Play as Richter Belmont» code. Then, start a new game and enter AXEARMOR as a name. You will now begin the game with the blue armor that transforms your character into the axe-wielding blue knight. Start with 99 luck Obtain a saved game file as described in the «Play as Richter Belmont» code. Then, start a new game and enter X-X!V»Q as a name. Note: There are two apostrophes in the name. You will now begin with luck set to 99. Start with higher intelligence Obtain a saved game file as described in the «Play as Richter Belmont» code. Then, start a new game and enter X-X!V» as a name. Note: There are two apostrophes in the name. You will now begin with increased intelligence but decreased strength. Beat the game with a rating of over 190% with Alucard. Then, start a new game with Alucard without overwriting the previous game. Go to the Librarian to display a music select option in the «Buy/Sell» window. Begin a game with Alucard as a character. Press Start to display the statistics screen, then press L1. Control opening screen When «Now Loading» appears, use the D-pad to change the opening screen. Play track two of the game disc in an audio CD player. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – CheatsPlayStationPasswordsNew Game BonusesBegin a new file with the following names:
GlitchesInvincible AlucardYou will need the Walk Armor, Sword Card, and Soul of Wolf. Go to the room where you can see a save point and do the «Sword Brothers». Then, immediately go to the save point and press Up + R2 so that you can save the game as a Wolf. Immediately save the game as the Sword Familiar starts spinning. Once you see the «Data Saved» message, hold Select + Start to reset the game, then load your saved file. If done correctly, your map will be glitched and the rooms you have previously visited will have disappeared. However, your completion will remain as it is. You must cover the rooms you have done before. The Walk Armor’s defense will increase as your completion also increases. The more rooms to cover, the stronger the Walk Armor’s defense will become. Repeat this until the Walk Armor becomes very strong. At this point the highest damage that Alucard will ever receive is 1 (except spikes), and he will be immune to all types of sickness except for stone. Alucard will not be pushed away, even if he is being attacked by enemies. Also, if Alucard gets hit while he is in Bat or Wolf form, he will remain in that form as if nothing hit him. Invincible Alucard (and invisible)Required things for this Glitch: An AxeLord Armor Wear a normal armor and equip the Library card. Activate the library card and then equip AxeLord armor while the Beam of light is still on you and then go back to a normal armor. Once the screen goes completely white, walk into another room, and if it worked well, Alucard is now Invisible and Invincible. This glitch will end if transform into anything, teleport, re-equip the AxeLord Armor, or do anything that will remake Alucard’s sprite. Keep the Alucard Sword, Alucard Shield, etc.To keep your default inventory instead of losing the gear to Death, proceed right until you reach the room just before Death for the first time. Kill the first two Wargs (Giant Wolves) and then jump over the third, but don’t kill it. Unequip all of your items, EXCEPT the Lapis Lazuli, and continue. Jump into the last Warg and if you’ve done this correctly you’ll be sent flying across the next screen, past Death and into the next room, with all of your equipment! Max Money With Librarian and Sword Familiar (PS Version)— Sword Familiar Sword Brothers spell: Enable the Sword Card familiar and press the Directional Pad Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Up-Forward, Up (hold 2 seconds), Down + Attack Make your way to the Master Librarian’s room. Stand near him, but not so you enter his menu. Cast the Sword Brothers spell. As the sword starts to spin, walk towards the Librarian and enter his menu. Sell off all but one of any single gem. Press Start to enter into Alucard’s menu while still in the Librarian’s menu. (Casting of the Sword Brothers spell allowed you so) Have Alucard equip the last gem of the chosen type. Return to the Librarian’s menu and sell him the last gem. Since the gem was removed and you sold something you didn’t Richter Warping GlitchTo activate this glitch, you have to be playing as Richter, and must be in the Inverted Castle Keep. Once you reach the Inverted Castle, advance to the left, until you reach the broken staircase. Using Richter’s uppercut move (down, up + jump), jump up through the broken staircase. At the top, where the statues are, there will be a door to the left. Advance through the door. There will be two elevator platforms in the room. When you reach the top, take the door to the right. While going through the hallway, there will be risen platforms on the floor, and coffins to fight through. When you reach the last risen platform on the floor, stand to the right of it, and push up. This will warp you back to the normal castle. Sword Brothers chapel glitchThis glitch can bring your map coverage percentage up to 215.3%, though it’s not easy to cover that much. You need the Sword familiar, at level 90 or higher, and the Soul of Bat. Go to the bottom-left corner of the first bell tower. Walk to the bottom left exit and cast the Sword Brothers spell. While the spell is being cast, transform into a bat and charge to the left. If done correctly, you should exit outside of the castle. This can also be done in the Anti-Chapel. Walk through walls1. 2 Heart Refreshes